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 Message Boards » » Does anyone in here ride motorcycles anymore? Page [1] 2 3 4 5 ... 69, Next  
All American
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Its that time of year again when the weather warms up and we should be planning rides again. My beu planned out this awesome ride using google maps. Its about an hour and a half long and contains a ton of of turns without the bullshit cars...

We normally can get a few people out and ride with us :-) Mostly Hondas and Yamahas Suzukis are welcome tho... NO BUELLS too slow

1/31/2008 10:20:27 AM

soup du hier
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1/31/2008 10:21:15 AM

Type R PowR
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still cold

1/31/2008 10:22:59 AM

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date? time?

Quote :
"still cold"


1/31/2008 10:44:22 AM

Type R PowR
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nigga please.

ill go swimmin in this here weather.

1/31/2008 10:47:10 AM

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maybe in lake jordan that stays a toasty nuclear 75 degrees year round

1/31/2008 10:47:51 AM

Type R PowR
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i wonder if these lakes are low enough to go muddin in.

i need to jack up the civic, throw in a 4wheel drive tranny. and get my roll on.

1/31/2008 10:49:00 AM

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or buy a subaru

1/31/2008 10:52:49 AM

Type R PowR
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1/31/2008 11:01:09 AM

soup du hier
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omg... fuggin crv awd swap

1/31/2008 11:24:50 AM

All American
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Quote :
"i wonder if these lakes are low enough to go muddin in.

i need to jack up the civic, throw in a 4wheel drive tranny. and get my roll on."

Yes, they are. There are some spots at the north end of Falls where you can get on the lake pretty easily. Legality is highly questionable (ok, probably illegal) though.

While you're out there drive through someone's yard, drink their beer, and kick their dog.

1/31/2008 11:25:44 AM

All American
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I'm going home to get my motorcycle from Charlotte this weekend... Its a kawasaki though, I noticed you left that off your list. Only a 500 though, so probably not much faster than the buells (or slower ). I'm down for riding sometime though.

1/31/2008 11:37:24 AM

soup du hier
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I don't know how lake norman was built but usually no one owns the land under the water.

On smith mountain lake i have some friends that own that land but only because they owned it before it was flooded.

1/31/2008 11:48:50 AM

Universal Magnetic!
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I ride atleast once a week but you dont call me to ride no more

1/31/2008 11:54:15 AM

All American
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i never replaced mine from when it got stolen...didn't have enough time in VA, nothing but straight roads in FL (and i could steal my roommate's GSX-R 750 whenever i wanted), too cold and waaaay too many po-lice with nothing to do here on the island in WA

hopefully get another one back in NC, although i may not initially if i'm going to be deploying really quickly.

and Buells are plenty fast to keep up with you.

1/31/2008 2:02:47 PM

All American
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My Buell sucked balls... Asked anyone who attempted to ride with me on that thing LOL...

Yeah I have only been on a "ride" ride once this year :-( I was in CO when it was uncanningly warm and its been cold since.

I ride to school :-)

I am thinking of getting a new exhaust for the R6... Theres the blue flame with dual exhaust hole things and theres the growler which looks like the new moto gp style reacing exhaust like Valentino Rocci's

Well hopefully when it warms up more I can get a few of you out with me to ride in my hellacious group

Quote :
"I'm going home to get my motorcycle from Charlotte this weekend... Its a kawasaki though, I noticed you left that off your list. Only a 500 though, so probably not much faster than the buells (or slower ). I'm down for riding sometime though."

Fine! Kawi s can come too... I wont discriminate

[Edited on January 31, 2008 at 2:16 PM. Reason : It's gonna be an awesome spring and summer... ]

1/31/2008 2:14:16 PM

All American
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ohh, well you had a Blast. that's a COMPLETELY different animal from, say, a 1200 Firebolt.

1/31/2008 2:17:23 PM

All American
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ha ha if you want to call it a blast... it was more of a pooper

My R6 is a blast! LOL

I dunno if I would trust a brand that makes a shitty 500... It spent more time in Igor's garage than on the streets doing wheelies

1/31/2008 2:23:08 PM

All American
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well, I guess that rules out Suzuki and Kawasaki, too (hell, Kaw made a 250)

600s are only considered small-displacement motorcycles in America

1/31/2008 2:30:38 PM

All American
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yeah, i'm just waiting for my new one to be ready... it's having multiple missles installed that are triggered to go off any time a cage comes within 50ft.

Quote :
"There are some spots at the north end of Falls where you can get on the lake pretty easily. Legality is highly questionable (ok, probably illegal) though."

yeah, i know of people who have been caught by wildlife and the tickets weren't pretty. assuming you're not riding across private property to access, i can't say i really understand why though. it's a public recreation area. a truck riding around in the mud can't be doing any more harm than a nasty two stroke oil burning/leaking outboard. not to mention the host of other marine related chemicals, human waste, etc. in the mid-late 90's, there was a local group lobbying to have a designated orv/ohv area made out there, but it never happened (obviously).

as far as i know, the surrounding land (and i assume the land under it also) is still owned by the group of corp engineers that designed and built it in the late 70's/early 80's. it was designated to never be developed, and access/control of the land was granted to nc parks and recreation. or it originally was anyway, that might have changed by now.

[Edited on January 31, 2008 at 2:42 PM. Reason : .]

1/31/2008 2:40:10 PM

All American
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Quote :
"well, I guess that rules out Suzuki and Kawasaki, too (hell, Kaw made a 250)

600s are only considered small-displacement motorcycles in America"

I have never owned anything less than a 600 in a kawi or a suzuki... But I can place a bet that their smaller engine bikes are a lot better than a buell... A blast is like what, half a harley engine or some shit anyways... like I said blasts are half assed... I never had to put that much maintenance on both my SV and my R6 as I did on my buell... Prolly crashing the buell didn't help either but still

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"it's having multiple missles installed that are triggered to go off any time a cage comes within 50ft."

Damn right... Hell Raiser! Can I get one of those too

[Edited on January 31, 2008 at 3:22 PM. Reason : adsf]

1/31/2008 3:21:27 PM

All American
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Quote :
"yeah, i know of people who have been caught by wildlife and the tickets weren't pretty. assuming you're not riding across private property to access, i can't say i really understand why though. it's a public recreation area. a truck riding around in the mud can't be doing any more harm than a nasty two stroke oil burning/leaking outboard."

The only real argument I have heard is that trucks can kill the mussel beds. I really don't know how well mussels would be surviving at this point anyway though. I mean, take a look at this pic and tell me if you think the mussels up near the woods are still alive:

My experience with wildlife officers is that they tend to try really hard to find something, anything, to write you up for.

[Edited on January 31, 2008 at 3:41 PM. Reason : l]

1/31/2008 3:40:40 PM

All American
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what are those?

1/31/2008 6:11:56 PM

Scuba Steve
All American
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Quote :
"Its that time of year again when the weather warms up"


1/31/2008 6:22:31 PM

All American
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Quote :
"The only real argument I have heard is that trucks can kill the mussel beds. I really don't know how well mussels would be surviving at this point anyway though. I mean, take a look at this pic and tell me if you think the mussels up near the woods are still alive"

i dont know if the mussels are alive or not, but looking at the shadow it seems someone giving the m a big ole' finger!

1/31/2008 7:24:00 PM

421 Posts
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I have riden every day its been anywhere close to 60*

Got to get em in when you can

1/31/2008 7:26:50 PM

All American
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me, on the other hand, all i've been doing is going to showroom floorz and sittin on um

1/31/2008 7:39:08 PM

All American
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Quote :
" But I can place a bet that their smaller engine bikes are a lot better than a buell... A blast is like what, half a harley engine or some shit anyways... like I said blasts are half assed"

the Blast is not at all representative of the Buell line...they make some pretty sweet bikes, although the maintainance is much more than the big 4 Japanese bikes, from what I hear (although it can't be half as bad as Ducati)

1/31/2008 7:41:49 PM

All American
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I'm hoping to get back on my bike again soon... pulled it out for the first time a few days ago.... but I've got to charge the battery up before she'll start.
I'll probably end up having to sell it before I really learn to enjoy it again, though.
Glad to see things are going well for you... however, speed night riding on roads unbeknownst to me is no longer in my repertoire. Hope you all have fun.

1/31/2008 8:16:05 PM

All American
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three fiddy and a 12 pack for the sv

1/31/2008 8:17:51 PM

All American
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yeah, it took me 4 wrecks to finally learn that you can only reasonably ride so hard on public roads

i mean, yeah...hauling ass is all well and good and I'll never stop hustling around on a sportbike, but dragging knees and GSX-R footpegs at 100+ mph around 35 mph curves is just not a good practice. I mean, you can definitely do it, but that doesn't make it a good idea.

1/31/2008 8:19:28 PM

All American
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Yeah. I mean, honestly- I went riding w/ Jillene & Troy & some other dude late one night... and it was great that the roads were clear, but I hadn't had the SV long and had really shitty tires on it. Every stop we came to the back end was sliding out ... and even at that I wasn't keeping up to them like I should have been able to. ... Then we got to the road with the little concrete median in the middle that I didn't know was there on this skinny little lane. Just about busted myself wide open on that one. After that, I just gave up trying to keep up riding blind. It wasn't worth dying over.
I haven't been down yet, but I've had my fair share of close calls, and I can feel the inevitable looming. However, the SV now has some good tires, so maybe I won't end up sideways so much

1/31/2008 8:30:45 PM

All American
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Quote :
"we came to the back end was sliding out "

that's the fun part!!

i do, however, hate riding at night

1/31/2008 8:41:06 PM

All American
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haha... not when it's in the middle of avent ferry trying to turn onto Crest in rush hour... and it goes a little too far

Honestly, I think it will be a lot better now with the new tires. My brakes are a lot better than they were then, too-- although things started getting stiff again just before the burnout contest (last time I actually rode), so it would probably help to clean it all out again. I wish I could smack the dumbfuck that owned the SV before I did

Haha- I'll just do a lot of fiddy riding... Over New Years in A-ville I almost mastered doing wheelies on that little monster ... a few more days practice and I'd be golden

[Edited on January 31, 2008 at 8:52 PM. Reason : ]

1/31/2008 8:49:55 PM

All American
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it's not the tires it's the rider.

i've owned some of the shittiest most ragged, most shittily setup bikes known to man. running at one point 4 plugs in a rear tire and i've never had a problem keeping up with ppl on public roads.

i never pay for a set of tires i take whatever, dunslops, sport touring, track take offs, and they all will hold well for street riding as long as you properly warm them up and ride within your own abilities. if your braking traction you either aren't takin lines right or asking for too much too soon from a set of tires.

people always blame the bikes and that's not the case. a guy i ride with has a 90 katana has been riding for 20 years and can out ride some of the most seasoned track riders.. on his katana.

1/31/2008 8:55:39 PM

All American
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ok. yes, that's totally plausible. I actually intended to say that in my earlier post. Maybe I don't know how to handle the SV yet. It's a whole different game than the Rebel-- and after 2 years, those old habits stick. Honestly, I really didn't get that much seat time with the SV before it wasn't rideable again.

However, I do think that the tires and/or fouled up brakes & lines did have something to do with it, even if slight. Many people who ride a lot more than I ever have and have much more experience and knowledge overall said there was something up with stopping the SV.

[Edited on January 31, 2008 at 9:05 PM. Reason : ok- now I'm going to study for my test]

1/31/2008 9:03:46 PM

All American
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im not hatin' just making a statement that many ppl hate on their bikes when many times it's them. same with ppl who say 'i cant wheelie my bike'. or some crap like that

yeah working brakes are nice.

1/31/2008 9:15:22 PM

All American
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although you shouldn't generally be braking and turning at the same time on a motorcycle

1/31/2008 9:26:51 PM

All American
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^ Yes... this I know.

1/31/2008 9:57:25 PM

P Nis
All American
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unless you want to learn trail braking, but that would take a lot of one on one hands on time

[Edited on January 31, 2008 at 10:00 PM. Reason : 1]

1/31/2008 9:59:45 PM

All American
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what do you mean by trail breaking?

1/31/2008 10:28:17 PM

P Nis
All American
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Its the fine art of braking in a turn but unless you plan on giving up on street riding, forget I ever mentioned it

1/31/2008 11:16:52 PM

All American
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Staying on the brakes as you turn. You can brake and turn, but as you use more of your traction for turning, you have to let off the brakes to give up the braking traction to turning. Think of it like a 10 dollar bill, you only have so much traction to use for braking (or accelerating) and turning. Use more than your 10 bucks and you're going down. It just lets you brake later, not really much advantage on the street...

[Edited on January 31, 2008 at 11:20 PM. Reason : ^ beat me to it.]

1/31/2008 11:19:47 PM

All American
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and even on a track, i think it's of MUCH greater utility in a car than on a bike.

2/1/2008 1:02:03 AM

All American
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ah, I see. Thanks guys.

2/1/2008 10:11:55 AM

All American
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Ha ha I remember that night... The state fiar was in town and fireworkd kinda stopped us on Reedy Creek... Twas a nice ride :-)

I ran on my bald pilot powers for a long time and really never had problems keeping up... I prolly shouldn't have taken my bike to the extreme that I did, but when every other sport biker has a hot head, I have to match it or better LOL! Wow that sounded bad... like I am tryin to ride out of my limits... Well I guess to get better I need to ride just a tiny bit out of my limits Its my absolute goal to have the boys try to stay up with me!

2/1/2008 11:11:54 AM

All American
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^ ...been there, done that....still paying for it...

2/1/2008 11:49:12 AM

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Quote :
"i've owned some of the shittiest most ragged, most shittily setup bikes known to man."

fixed it for ya

2/1/2008 4:04:08 PM

All American
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2/1/2008 6:35:56 PM

All American
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nope, sold it last year

2/1/2008 9:02:05 PM

 Message Boards » The Garage » Does anyone in here ride motorcycles anymore? Page [1] 2 3 4 5 ... 69, Next  
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