Cop Rock was a short-lived television series on ABC in 1990. It was an attempt to combine musical theater with the police drama. For example, one scene in a courtroom had the jury break into song, proclaiming "He's Guilty" in Gospel style. Another episode had a lineup of Hispanic suspects proclaim in song "We're the local color with the coppertone skin / And you treat us like we're guilty of some terrible sin. The show was a failure with both the critics and the public. Due to the combination of its bizarre nature and its high-powered production talent, it became infamous as one of the biggest television failures of the 1990s
2/9/2008 1:46:35 AM
I've made this thread before./message_topic.aspx?topic=500747]
2/9/2008 1:50:16 AM
dont make me hurt you
2/9/2008 1:50:51 AM
I endorse this thread.
2/9/2008 1:50:53 AM
how did this show not succeed?
2/9/2008 2:03:01 AM
Ahhh shit, I thought this'd be about First State Force, by the dude from Iced Earth after the date of the Giulliani.....
2/9/2008 3:21:08 AM
bttt for parody thread so people know whats going on
2/9/2008 10:17:33 AM