Wyloch All American 4245 Posts user info edit post |
So we're being forced to switch to Office 2007 (from 2003) at work, and I do a ton of VBA stuff in Excel.
Is VBA in Office 2007 still good old VB, or is it the new overly complicated .NET language instead? 7/16/2008 9:42:30 AM |
OmarBadu zidik 25074 Posts user info edit post |
this is why god made google - i'm convinced 7/16/2008 10:18:55 AM |
Wyloch All American 4245 Posts user info edit post |
Could not find the answer. I'm a moron. So if you know plz put it out there. 7/16/2008 10:19:44 AM |
OmarBadu zidik 25074 Posts user info edit post |
what did you search?
the first link is http://www.eggheadcafe.com/software/aspnet/31542363/office-2007-vs-office-200.aspx
Quote : | "For your second question "Also, I would assume any code in VBA for Office 2003 would not work in Office 2007--correct?": In most cases, the old features of Office will still be supported in new version, which is called backward compatibility. So the vba written for Office 2003 should still work in Office 2007.
If you have any other concern or need anything else, please feel free to let me know.
Regards, Jialiang Ge (jialge@online.microsoft.com, remove 'online.') Microsoft Online Community Support" | ]]7/16/2008 10:37:51 AM |
LimpyNuts All American 16859 Posts user info edit post |
.Net programmability support isn't even installed unless you choose to customize during the install.
Good old VBA with some improvements (like it will automatically update the references in your code, unlike in previous versions where your code wouldn't work after an update unless you manually updated the references) 7/16/2008 8:51:16 PM |