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All American
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Thinking of getting a PS3. Anybody know if you can choose whether the audio is output through the HDMI or the SPIDF? Basically, I need video through HDMI and audio through the SPIDF.

11/28/2008 12:10:49 AM

All American
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Why would you think this wouldn't be possible?

Why would enabling audio through spdif block video output?

11/28/2008 1:01:02 AM

All American
18474 Posts
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I have my video going through HDMI and audio going through the optical out so yes

11/28/2008 7:08:57 AM

All American
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^^sometimes devices aren't so smart, I'm just checking so I don't waste money.

11/28/2008 8:05:08 PM

All American
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of course it works.

but for "HD" audio (TrueHD, bitstream, etc) you need it via HDMI.

11/28/2008 10:46:28 PM

New Recruit
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Yes you can specify the audio and video outputs. I run my PS3 to my monitor via HDMI and then I use RCA audio through my speakers.

11/30/2008 7:59:11 PM

All American
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wups i just read what i wrote. i didnt mean bitstream, i meant LPCM.

7.1 lossless audio ftw

11/30/2008 9:11:22 PM

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I run video out thru HDMI & audio out thru digital

you have to manually calibrate for rock band, but that was easy enough.

11/30/2008 9:59:45 PM

Art Vandelay
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Quote :
"of course it works.

but for "HD" audio (TrueHD, bitstream, etc) you need it via HDMI."

12/1/2008 12:06:03 PM

All American
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The catch is, if you enable SPDIF Optical out, it disables audio on the HDMI port. This may not be immediately intuitive.

My receiver doesn't have HDMI ports that decode the HDMI audio stream (this is important if you are shopping for receivers; usually they advertise HDMI, but they are just HDMI switches); so I have my PS3 output 5.1 through SPDIF. If you want better than 5.1 DTS (e.g. DTS-MA or Uncompressed PCM), you'll need to send it through HDMI; but nobody in a double-blind experiment can detect the difference anyway.

12/1/2008 1:03:32 PM

All American
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I just use component cables and and optical cable, would the picture be any better using an HDMI cable?

12/1/2008 3:54:24 PM

All American
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^ from bluejeanscable:

So, which is better, HDMI or component? The answer--unsatisfying, perhaps, but true--is that it depends. It depends upon your source and display devices, and there's no good way, in principle, to say in advance whether the digital or the analog connection will render a better picture. You may even find, say, that your DVD player looks better through its HDMI output, while your satellite or cable box looks better through its component output, on the same display. In this case, there's no real substitute for simply plugging it in and giving it a try both ways.

I still think HDMI is better.... go to monoprice and spend $7.

[Edited on December 1, 2008 at 4:29 PM. Reason : mono]

12/1/2008 4:28:38 PM

All American
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Quote :
"but nobody in a double-blind experiment can detect the difference anyway"


12/1/2008 5:35:53 PM

no u
103354 Posts
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over short runs, the difference between component and hdmi isn't noticeable

i'd use hdmi just because its less connections to deal with

12/1/2008 5:58:32 PM

All American
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PS3 Games in 1080p:

Anything that isn't either a $10 indie game on PSN or Wipeout HD is going to be 720p, so it doesn't really matter if you have an HDMI cable. (and before it becomes an issue, it's the same situation on the 360)

PS3 Movies in 1080p:

There are several layers of protection to prevent analog 1080p output from a Blu-ray movie. You'll have to go HDMI for this. HDCP runs over HDMI, but not over component; it makes sure your PS3 knows your TV is a TV, and not something that would rip the video stream.

12/1/2008 10:36:04 PM

All American
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Hahahahaha, oh this is good.

Monster Cable - M Series 8' HDMI A/V Cable
Quote :
The most awesomest cables ever! 11/24/2008
By bd251lps from kansas city

What's great about it: The price! the quality! THE SOUND!
What's not so great: best buy wouldn't let me pay extra for them to send to monster

"This is the best cable EVER! i have been an audiophile ever since i quite being all my other 'philes'. I have dedicated my time to be the best audiophile i can. So much so that i bought all the best buys around me out of these cables because i need as many as i can get! Until now i've only used mercury filled, oxygen free, silver tinned, foil braded, tekflexed cables. They have been so good to me and my ears. But now i get this cable to go from my dvd player to my tv. It makes my tv sound like its a 5.1 system with full subs and all the bose tweeters hooked up in a wall all in parallel. The best i've ever heard. They did however get better when i hung them upside down for a few hours to let the electrons flow back down into the right orientation and direction. The i squirted some pure silver induced harmonizing fluid into the connector tips. This makes the connection so sweet and keeps the electrons from escaping when you are using them.
I only play movies and cds that have had their edges trimmed to 35 degrees. This allows the laser to relax and play better. I also rub my cds with a super special finishing polish that is $100 a bottle. Unfortunately it only lasts for 30 cds. I always unplug and turn off everything in the house that i can besides the tv and my audiophile ps3 that i have modded with extra resistors and capacitors to make "open it up". It gives it much better air and ambiance than it did before. But do beware. There are some serious scams out there that do nothing. But my super super tweeter is not a scam. it plays way above the human hearing threshold, but its purpose isn't to make music its to condition the sound on the line and that is exactly what it does! no more background noise, cross talk, and definitely more depth and breadth.
I highly recommend these cables for everything! you must use as many as you can to make sure all the data gets transmitted. My cable box has three hdmi plugs so i ran all three to the tv and get over 5x the clarity than i did with just one."

Would you recommend this product to a friend?: Yes

2/13/2009 4:46:49 PM

 Message Boards » Tech Talk » PS3 Audio Output Page [1]  
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