djscotland Starting Lineup 98 Posts user info edit post |
Male or Female fluent in Cantonese needed for short video for website. Filming time will take approximately 30 minutes; pay will be 50 dollars in cash.
Please contact me on TWW if interested.
Scot 12/4/2008 8:24:24 PM
Chief All American 3402 Posts user info edit post |
ibtl 12/4/2008 10:29:04 PM
KeB All American 9828 Posts user info edit post |
wayne from wayne's world is fluent 12/5/2008 1:43:09 PM
Thorsten All American 1809 Posts user info edit post |
<---- is still waiting for the "fluent in german" post 12/5/2008 1:48:13 PM
theitalian All American 1134 Posts user info edit post |
<---- is still waiting for the "fluent in castilian spanish" post 12/5/2008 6:20:56 PM
benz240 All American 4476 Posts user info edit post |
<----- is still waiting for 98% of TWW to become proficient at the English fucking language 12/6/2008 12:47:24 AM
Ansonian Suspended 5959 Posts user info edit post |
^the use of your "proficient" swear words shows your apparent ignorance of the language as well  12/6/2008 1:14:34 AM
benz240 All American 4476 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "By itself, fuck is usually used as an exclamation, indicating surprise, pain, fear, disgust, disappointment, anger, or a sense of extreme elation. In this usage, there is no connection to the sexual meaning of the word implied, and is used purely for its "strength" as a vulgarity. Additionally, other uses are similarly vacuous; fuck (or variations such as "the fuck" or "fucking") could be removed and leave a sentence of identical syntactical meaning. For example, rap music often uses the word fucking as an emphatic adjective ("I'm the fucking man") for the word's rhythmic properties. Insertion of the trochaic word fucking can also be used as an exercise for diagnosing the cadence of an English-language word. This is the use of "fuck" or more specifically "fucking" as an infix. For example, the word in-fucking-credible sounds acceptable to the English ear, and is in fairly common use, while incred-fucking-ible would sound very clumsy (though, depending on the context, this might be perceived as a humorous improvisation of the word). "Absofuckinglutly" and "motherfucking" are also common uses of "fuck as an infix. While neither dysphemistic nor connected to the sexual connotations of the word, even the vacuous usages are considered offensive and gratuitous, and censored in some media. For example, "None of your fucking business!" or "Shut the fuck up!" A common insult is "Get fucked," which in a non-offensive context would translate as "get stuffed"." |
12/6/2008 9:16:32 AM
ambrosia1231 eeeeeeeeeevil 76471 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "^the use of your "proficient" swear words shows your apparent ignorance of the language as well " |
 12/6/2008 9:49:35 AM
wdprice3 BinaryBuffonary 45912 Posts user info edit post |
facepalm 12/7/2008 9:53:49 AM