seedless All American 27142 Posts user info edit post |
Can you recommend a setup that I can buy out of a store today, if not what could you recommend? 12/10/2008 1:01:31 PM |
BigMan157 no u 103354 Posts user info edit post |
1. plug webcam into computer 2. aim webcam at tv 3. profit 12/10/2008 1:02:58 PM |
seedless All American 27142 Posts user info edit post |
Ha, I though about buying a high quality webcam and doing that, what is a good webcam that you could recommend? 12/10/2008 1:03:51 PM |
stopdropnrol All American 3908 Posts user info edit post |
what exactly are you trying to transfer to your desktop?if it's anything on network tv it's porbaly easier to torrent it. 12/10/2008 1:27:18 PM |
seedless All American 27142 Posts user info edit post |
We got the memo...
A long time ago...
Like college days went pirating and torrenting was normal... 12/10/2008 1:44:16 PM |
moron All American 34238 Posts user info edit post |
I vaguely recall something about the Time Warner HD8500 DVRs outputting video over the Firewire. You'd just need a Firewire card and something like iMovie/Windows Movie Maker to capture the video. 12/10/2008 7:45:10 PM |