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All American
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Trivial, I know...

But why do you people find it necessary to scream out "RED" in the middle of the Star Spangled Banner and, even worse, scream "Home of the WOLFPACK" at the very end.

I hate this, and my dad, a wolfpack alumnus, and drill sergeant in Vietnam, wasn't thrilled about it either.

In his words, I'm all about supporting the Pack, but that is a little disrespectful.

Any ideas as to when this started? It's recent (within the last 5 years).

I hate it.

12/22/2008 4:38:41 PM

Forgetful Jones
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Its been longer than 5 years (people were doing it when I was in school in the late 90s / early 00s)

I think people do it more on the RED than the Home of the WOLFPACK

the RED doesn't seem as bad, since its not changing the lyrics

12/22/2008 4:39:44 PM

All American
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Quote :
"drill sergeant in Vietnam"

oh really

12/22/2008 4:41:08 PM

Slave Famous
Become Wrath
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they do this at every sporting event where part of the anthem coincides with part of the home team's logo

and no offense but your dad sounds like kind of a pussy for a Nam vet

Don't ever take him to an orioles game

12/22/2008 4:44:58 PM

All American
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Duke students do a big "O" at "Oh say does that...."

wooptie fucking do. Its not disrespecting shit. Get your panties out of your ass

12/22/2008 4:47:24 PM

All American
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I agree, it is totally disrespectful. I hold my hand over my heart and listen to the song every time. The Star Spangled Banner is a time for both schools to appreciate their country and pay respect, not to insert yelled words to intimidate the opponent, or whatever purpose it serves.

Save the chanting for gametime - there's plenty of time for it.

12/22/2008 4:48:24 PM

All American
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Quit your bitching, if you don't like it, don't participate. It's not done out of disrespect.

12/22/2008 4:49:03 PM

All American
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Not a big deal. It's only a song. I don't think we are disrespecting the USA when we do that.

Besides, Maryland's (and I guess Duke's) OOOHHHHHHH is much more queer.

[Edited on December 22, 2008 at 4:51 PM. Reason : Duke sucks]

12/22/2008 4:50:24 PM

All American
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Quote :
"oh really"


Quote :
"and no offense but your dad sounds like kind of a pussy for a Nam vet"

wow, he said it was kind of disrespectful when we say home of the Wolfpack and that makes him a pussy, eh?

Sorry, interweb tuff guy. I'm sure you lived in a fucking hole for 2 years and saw your buddies faces blown off in combat, fighting a war you weren't sure why you were fighting, other than your love for your country.

Yeah, tuff guy. My Dad's a pussy and you are tuff.

12/22/2008 4:50:30 PM

All American
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This became a hot topic a couple years ago when a dumbass ECU fan wrote a letter to the News&Disturber about how this was disrespectful to our armed forces. Sendek didn't man up and wrote a letter to the students asking us not to do it any more. I lost a lot of respect for Sendek because he just caved. If you don't like it stay the fuck out of our arena (They do it at Canes games as well).

12/22/2008 4:52:33 PM

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haha, my dad was a drill sergeant in Nam too... and he would hate it, and I dont like it either.

12/22/2008 4:53:56 PM

the Dr is in
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Quote :
" its been longer than 5 years (people were doing it when I was in school in the late 90s / early 00s)


and now I'm at CU, and every time they do the national anthem, i'm always a little sad... I miss the "red" and "WOLFPACK" it's a good tradition.

this is no more disrespectful to our armed forces than it is to any citizen of the U.S. And I, as a citizen, do not find it disrespectful.

[Edited on December 22, 2008 at 4:56 PM. Reason : brackets]

12/22/2008 4:56:23 PM

All American
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I love it, keep it coming. Combining pride in your nation with pride in your school ftw. Haters keep hatin!

But for real, maybe it hasnt been HERE that long, but other sports teams have been doing this for a long time. I remember the Braves doing this at baseball games when I was a kid.

12/22/2008 4:56:50 PM

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i just think its something that shouldnt be used for cheering for a specific team, its "above" the game... it would be like cheering during the opening prayer

12/22/2008 4:57:22 PM

Slave Famous
Become Wrath
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mock and deride, pantho

mock and deride

its really the last bastion of the internet thats still sacred

12/22/2008 4:57:59 PM

All American
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If youre going to bitch about this, you better call the Canes fans out too...they have a MUCH louder "RED" yell than we do.

12/22/2008 4:58:36 PM

All American
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Quote :
"wooptie fucking do. Its not disrespecting shit. Get your panties out of your ass"

12/22/2008 4:58:39 PM

All American
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I think it's much more disrespectful that the only time we pay homage to our country is before sporting events.

12/22/2008 4:59:31 PM

All American
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I really like yelling "RAMPARTS!"

12/22/2008 5:00:58 PM

56200 Posts
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^^ ? grow up in a military family, it happens everyday

12/22/2008 5:01:42 PM

All American
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Quote :
"I think it's much more disrespectful that the only time we pay homage to our country is before sporting events."

They often times have military folks honored at halftime. What do you suggest?

12/22/2008 5:03:39 PM

All American
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^^ That has no bearing on this conversation. The general public usually only deals with the flag and the anthem at sporting events.

12/22/2008 5:03:40 PM

All American
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Quote :
"That has no bearing on this conversation. The general public usually only deals with the flag and the anthem at sporting events."

Which is exactly why the general public has no problem with disrespecting it.

Look, I take a lot of pride in the country and have lost family members numerous wars.

I'm not at all saying I'm better b/c I sing it how it's supposed to be sang, or anything like that.

I'm simply saying that the general public should think about why we honor it before a game. I'll give you a hint. It's not so we can throw in our own lyrics. It's so we can honor the flag and the great country we live in.

I'll stop coming to the games if you get the fuck out of the country. K?

[Edited on December 22, 2008 at 5:09 PM. Reason : asdf]

12/22/2008 5:07:54 PM

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^^ but you can't discount a decent sized portion of the general public when mentioning the general public

[Edited on December 22, 2008 at 5:13 PM. Reason : d]

12/22/2008 5:09:14 PM

All American
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Trivial, I know...

But why do you people find it necessary to act like it makes you a better person/more American to not yell during the anthem?

I love this tradition, and my uncle and grandfather, both wolfpack alumni, and veterans, participate at every sporting event they attend.

In his words, I'm all about supporting the Pack, and this isn't disrespectful at all.

Any ideas as to when this started? It's not recent at all (more than 10 years).

I love it.

12/22/2008 5:09:35 PM

All American
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You know I think it should be blasted on loud speakers on every street in America at random times and anyone who doesn't come out side and show proper respect should be jailed. You fucksticks really don't get the whole freedom thing do you? Isn't that what America is supposed to be about.

[Edited on December 22, 2008 at 5:11 PM. Reason : adfa]

12/22/2008 5:09:57 PM

All American
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Parks and Recreation.

That is all.

12/22/2008 5:10:28 PM

All American
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My dad was drafted into Vietnam. He doesn't give a shit if I yell "red" or "Wolfpack" or "Fuck the USA" or whatever I want.

12/22/2008 5:11:05 PM

Slave Famous
Become Wrath
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Its an obligation that most tolerate, not one they look forward to

I try to sync up my trips to the john or the concession stand whenever the anthem starts playing

Unless your family is deep rooted in the military, this doesn't even warrant a passing thought

12/22/2008 5:11:05 PM

All American
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Quote :
"Get your panties out of your ass"


I've always thought the national anthem at every sporting event was stupid anyways unless it's in the Olympics or an actual competition between countries of some kind

even still, I don't think saying "red" and "wolfpack" is disrespect anyways

12/22/2008 5:11:28 PM

All American
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The RED part = original

Home of the WOLFPACK = lame

Just my opinion

12/22/2008 5:12:01 PM

Brass Monkey
All American
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You all have the freedom to think it's disrespectful, and I have the freedom to yell RED and WOLFPACK during the national anthem. Trying to stop me from yelling such b/c you think it's disrespectful goes against what this country is all about.

Liberty is the freedom to act or believe without being stopped by unnecessary force (provided you aren't doing anything illegal or that endangers others).

12/22/2008 5:12:09 PM

All American
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Quote :
"Parks and Recreation.

That is all."

u mad?

12/22/2008 5:12:27 PM

All American
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Quote :
"The RED part = original

Home of the WOLFPACK = lame

Just my opinion"

I completely agree. And again, I wasn't bashing those who do this. I don't like it, but I was simply wondering when it originated.

12/22/2008 5:14:47 PM

56200 Posts
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Quote :
"You know I think it should be blasted on loud speakers on every street in America at random times and anyone who doesn't come out side and show proper respect should be jailed. You fucksticks really don't get the whole freedom thing do you? Isn't that what America is supposed to be about."

dumbass, people always use this stupid argument. No one said anything about FORCING people to do it, just said they should. I think smoking is dumb, I hate it, I think people shouldnt do it, but I am not about forcing someone to quit

12/22/2008 5:15:46 PM

All American
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No, I love America more!

12/22/2008 5:16:03 PM

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its what, a minute and a half? you cant be quiet a minute and a half if only to be nice to people who are into it? if I was in fucking Saudi Arabia and they had some Muslim thing that I was totally clueless about I would shut up for a minute and a half out of respect for the people there were into it... its not that hard

12/22/2008 5:17:55 PM

All American
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wow, you would think this is shit chat the way a few ignorant fucks can't have a legitimate conversation without trolling.

12/22/2008 5:19:15 PM

All American
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I'll take "Red" and "Wolfpack" over the version that little beaner chick sang during the Cowboy's MNF game this season.

12/22/2008 5:19:30 PM

All American
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Why can't you yell along to be nice to the people who are into it?

and LOL at Panthro calling out others as "trolling"

[Edited on December 22, 2008 at 5:20 PM. Reason : ]

12/22/2008 5:19:33 PM

Slave Famous
Become Wrath
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its every game tho

If it was at just the season opener or on monday night games or in the playoffs, yeah, I could see the reasoning

but having it 40-80 times a year ?

Thats from the Department of Redundancy Department

12/22/2008 5:19:39 PM

All American
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the 'red' doesn't bother me...'home of the wolfpack' does, but not cause it offends me, it just annoys me for me some reason (I mean seriously, any school can just say their mascot there, it's not creative or clever)

12/22/2008 5:21:06 PM

All American
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^i kind of agree with that. Home of the Braves for atlanta works but the wolfpack isnt that creative, but I still do it anyways.

12/22/2008 5:22:02 PM

All American
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The difference is you feel it is necessary to start a thread about how this is a disrespectful tradition and you think people shouldn't do it. I suggest don't go to a game if you don't like it. Then you suggest I should leave the country because I like to exercise my personal liberty during the anthem? You really don't get it do you.

12/22/2008 5:22:45 PM

All American
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Damn Slave, I just realized that some MLB vets have heard this song over 2,000 times. Julio Franco is coming up on 10,000

12/22/2008 5:22:55 PM

All American
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if you do it tonight, kittens will die.

12/22/2008 5:23:01 PM

All American
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Hell yeah i hate kittens I usually don't do it simply because I don't think it is that clever but I really resented the university getting involved because of one dumbass ECU fan letter to the N&O. That actually started me doing it.

[Edited on December 22, 2008 at 5:25 PM. Reason : asdf]

12/22/2008 5:23:51 PM

All American
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Quote :
"You really don't get it do you."



Seriously Adder, it's you who really doesn't get it.

12/22/2008 5:24:05 PM

56200 Posts
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my mom still cries every time she hears the anthem

12/22/2008 5:28:11 PM

All American
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My patriotism is bigger than yours.

12/22/2008 5:30:15 PM

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