Master_Yoda All American 3626 Posts user info edit post |
Probably only evan will make sense of this but here goes.
Ive got my desktop with 2 NICs. It also has VMWare Server on it with several VMs. Ive got some setup with public IPs(bridged mode) and others Natted through the host. Host is Vista Business.
What I want to do is have one NIC on public network and one behind a router. I need to setup static routing on the host to send the Natted stuff to the router, but as bridged traffic (so getting a "public" ip from the router) and the existing bridged public ip VMs to the NIC with the direct outside connection.
Im assuming for the stuff I need behind the router Ill have to add another virtual switch in VMware, but is it even possible to just send all of its traffic to one NIC and not the other in the host? I figure some static routing on the host will be needed.
So end result, I need all the VMs to be in bridged mode, but only some going to one NIC and some to the other NIC. Reason everything isnt through the router as I hate trying to do port forwarding on a cisco router, and want 1to1 Natting done on the outside servers. My router wont do that very easily. 6/14/2009 9:21:12 AM |
ScHpEnXeL Suspended 32613 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "Reason everything isnt through the router as I hate trying to do port forwarding on a cisco router" |
if that's all you want to accomplish you're better off just doing it that way from the router.
ip nat inside source static tcp [insertLocalIP] [localPort#] [insertPublicIP] [publicPort#] extendable
is all you need to do
[Edited on June 14, 2009 at 10:37 AM. Reason : lalala]6/14/2009 10:36:45 AM |
ScHpEnXeL Suspended 32613 Posts user info edit post |
[Edited on June 14, 2009 at 10:37 AM. Reason : stupid ass tdubq] 6/14/2009 10:36:45 AM |
Master_Yoda All American 3626 Posts user info edit post |
Unless evan knows a way to get resnet to hand one device 5 IPs I also cant do that you say above. Also do it for 3 servers and about 4 ports per server and maybe more depending on. Also Id have to do it everytime I add a server or redo one.
Thats what I need done.
The main trick I need done is in VMWare to get multiple bridged networks setup. I dont know if you can do this or how. It automatically generates 1 bridged and 1 Natted network. Everything else I have to do with static routes on the host. 6/14/2009 11:57:02 AM |
ScHpEnXeL Suspended 32613 Posts user info edit post |
o..nvm. wait for evan
[Edited on June 14, 2009 at 12:04 PM. Reason : wtf is this for anyways?] 6/14/2009 12:02:04 PM |
Master_Yoda All American 3626 Posts user info edit post |
Servers of different types. The behind the router ones are mostly test servers and an AD environ, as well as VMs for programming and stuff. The public ones are my mail, file and several game servers. 6/14/2009 12:38:23 PM |
Tiberius Suspended 7607 Posts user info edit post |
VMware Server on Linux pretty much asks you how to set the virtual networks up explicitly when you configure it, I doubt it's much more cleverly concealed on a Vista host. I don't really see what the problem is here, except perhaps needless complexity
Getting ResNet to hand out multiple IPs is pretty easy, last I recall it's as simple as forging DHCP requests with unique MAC addresses.
[Edited on June 14, 2009 at 1:10 PM. Reason : .] 6/14/2009 1:10:22 PM |
Master_Yoda All American 3626 Posts user info edit post |
Tib, on a cisco router I dont think you can forge a single port to tell a dhcp server from resnet hey i have 5 MACs give me 5 IPs. I know for a fact resnet wont do static IPs. They consider how they handle it with DHCP to be static enough (which for me it is, as it only changes once a semester).
Normally for a business they do it with a modem handing it out to a switch, or a router with a pool.
Ill have to look in vmware and see how to config switches. I wasnt sure till this morning you really could with reading up and talking to ppl on it. 6/14/2009 1:38:17 PM |
smoothcrim Universal Magnetic! 18969 Posts user info edit post |
in the vmx file for vmware server, you can configure it to be on whichever nic you want in whatever mode you want. 6/14/2009 2:41:11 PM |
Master_Yoda All American 3626 Posts user info edit post |
Read up on Vmware's site. I think I can do this. Now to mess in Vmware and get it to make more adapters and bridge them. I saw lots of notes about redirecting and NATing stuff but not a lot on multiple bridges. Ill try it tonight and see if it works and report back. 6/14/2009 7:12:33 PM |
Master_Yoda All American 3626 Posts user info edit post |
ok next problem. anyone heard of being locked out of the virtual network application? 6/15/2009 9:42:03 AM |
Master_Yoda All American 3626 Posts user info edit post |
^ Still havnt figured that one out. I ended up flipping to Workstation and got it working now I can do something Ive been planning for about 4 months.
Thanks ScHpEnXeL and Tiberius 6/15/2009 5:33:37 PM |