1985 All American 2175 Posts user info edit post |
As an example, suppose that I set up an application where I can specify the product(s) that I want to buy along with the maximum that i want to pay. The application watches prices on amazon and when the price falls below a certain amount, it sends me a text and adds it to my cart. I can do everything except add the item to my cart, as the ' add to cart' doesn't take me to any item specific URL. Any thoughts?
Thanks! 9/7/2009 1:01:26 PM |
qntmfred retired 40818 Posts user info edit post |
playing the price arbitrage game, eh?
[Edited on September 7, 2009 at 1:07 PM. Reason : use firefox livehttpheaders extension to see what the add to cart button is doing] 9/7/2009 1:05:45 PM |
evan All American 27701 Posts user info edit post |
<form method="post" id="handleBuy" name="handleBuy" action="http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/handle-buy-box/ref=dp_start-bbf_1_glance" style="margin: 0pt;">
<input type="hidden" id="session-id" name="session-id" value="sessionid" /> <input type="hidden" id="ASIN" name="ASIN" value="B001EWEXNI" />
<input type="hidden" id="isMerchantExclusive" name="isMerchantExclusive" value="0" /> <input type="hidden" id="merchantID" name="merchantID" value="ATVPDKIKX0DER" /> <input type="hidden" id="nodeID" name="nodeID" value="172282" /> <input type="hidden" id="offerListingID" name="offerListingID" value="YqTOyv6XReZKd3XO5WPcYD54FgAPlgEFzvslORo7WEfVYjUPbZVDqjZKQpNwe9MA6gerT3IODF2APluT0hgusgLYFpNiQjq%2B" /> <input type="hidden" id="sellingCustomerID" name="sellingCustomerID" value="A2R2RITDJNW1Q6" /> <input type="hidden" id="sourceCustomerOrgListID" name="sourceCustomerOrgListID" value="" /> <input type="hidden" id="sourceCustomerOrgListItemID" name="sourceCustomerOrgListItemID" value="" /> <input type="hidden" id="qid" name="qid" value="" /> <input type="hidden" id="sr" name="sr" value="" /> <input type="hidden" id="storeID" name="storeID" value="electronics" /> <input type="hidden" id="tagActionCode" name="tagActionCode" value="" /> <input type="hidden" id="viewID" name="viewID" value="glance" /> <input type="image" title="" alt="Add to Shopping Cart" border="0" class="dpSprite s_bbAdd2Cart " id="" value="" name="submit.add-to-cart" src="http://g-ecx.images-amazon.com/images/G/01/x-locale/common/transparent-pixel._V42752373_.gif" /> <select name="quantity" id="quantity"><option value="1" selected>1</option><option value="2">2</option><option value="3">3</option><option value="4">4</option><option value="5">5</option></select></div><input type="hidden" name="maap_bb_qty_limit" value="5" />
9/7/2009 1:08:59 PM |
1985 All American 2175 Posts user info edit post |
Thanks for the input. BTW, do you guys know if this is against amazon TOS? I guess I can just look that up... 9/7/2009 1:12:16 PM |
evan All American 27701 Posts user info edit post |
i'd imagine that it is 9/7/2009 1:13:45 PM |
smoothcrim Universal Magnetic! 18969 Posts user info edit post |
I don't see why it would be. This would only get more customers buying things from their site. It's not like they lose money, they evaluate every price they set. 9/8/2009 2:51:40 AM |
evan All American 27701 Posts user info edit post |
you don't see any of their targeted product placement
or upselling ("suggestions")
or anything else they use to sell you more crap 9/8/2009 3:05:06 AM |
Perlith All American 7620 Posts user info edit post |
Are you looking to use this for personal use, or, as a business idea? It looks like Amazon offers an API which will do this for business purposes and restricted by licensing agreements. 9/8/2009 7:04:01 AM |
quagmire02 All American 44225 Posts user info edit post |
amazon already has something similar to this where you automatically re-order certain consumables at an interval that you set, as long as the price doesn't go above your maximum
okay, it's not really all that similar 9/8/2009 7:58:29 AM |
smoothcrim Universal Magnetic! 18969 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "you don't see any of their targeted product placement
or upselling ("suggestions")
or anything else they use to sell you more crap" |
You are still selling more than they would have sold in the first place. I'm sure any respectable business owner with some concept of price discrimination would rather see 1 sale of X at price 0.9*Px than 0 sales at Px but hey I can spam you with a lot of other Y's and Z's at Py and Pz too! This is retail, they're probably making a profit at the 0.4P mark on everything.9/8/2009 9:09:54 AM |
Nitrocloud Arranging the blocks 3072 Posts user info edit post |
Well, in similar spirit:
9/8/2009 9:29:40 AM |
1985 All American 2175 Posts user info edit post |
I think the API only gives you the price data, I don't think it has any capabilities to purchase the products, and especially not from the market sellers.
I think EVAN is right though, they wouldn't want this, because then they can't sell you any of their other crap. 9/8/2009 10:51:03 AM |