NSFW Veteran 366 Posts user info edit post |
Tower... Just got my new i7-2600 and the case temp is around 20 degrees F and i was wondering if/ how long i should wait before turning it on and running it to 120-140... I'm just apprehensive cause all the lubricants are going to be thick and the hot parts are going to have a huge temp swing...
Thanks. 1/13/2011 12:05:04 PM |
Prospero All American 11662 Posts user info edit post |
Probably til it reaches a temperature above dew point. I dunno 2 hours maybe?
I'm sure it will be fine so long as there isn't condensation on any of the parts, so once it's over the dew point you should be fine.
If your ambient temperature is 70'F and the humidity is around 50%, you need to wait til it reaches above 50'F to be safe.
[Edited on January 13, 2011 at 12:11 PM. Reason : .] 1/13/2011 12:09:41 PM |
NSFW Veteran 366 Posts user info edit post |
Good call, Thank you.
This time of year my Dew point temp hovers around 38-43 so i agree waiting till the temp is at least 50-55 should be good.
(yes... i really do know this. I occasionally place data loggers in my house HOBOware FTW!) 1/13/2011 1:17:43 PM |
LoneSnark All American 12317 Posts user info edit post |
Depends. If the room is 20 degrees F, then turning on your 20 degree F machine would be fine. 1/17/2011 5:16:45 PM |
wdprice3 BinaryBuffonary 45912 Posts user info edit post |
wait. you have HOBO data loggers in your house? 1/17/2011 8:08:24 PM |