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 Message Boards » » The BubbleBobble shit has to stop. Page 1 2 [3] 4 5 6 7, Prev Next  
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i don't care that much. just wanted to point out the hypocrisy

4/17/2011 12:14:24 AM

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It's hardly hypocritical, seeing as how I've never been suspended...

4/17/2011 12:15:57 AM

All American
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I just read this thread. I loled. Oldbluechair won the fuck out of this thread.

Suspend BB for the egg hunt, though

4/17/2011 2:30:22 AM

All American
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...and not just bubblebobble. All the stupid repetitive bullshit like posting pictures and .gifs across multiple threads for no reason annoys me.

4/17/2011 6:04:29 PM

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4/17/2011 8:19:28 PM

All American
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Come on, dude, what compels you to post things completely mindlessly?

I don't know about anyone else, but I'm not out to get you or anyone else. There's nothing wrong with posting a funny .gif, or embedded video, or whatever. Everyone is all for that, dude...but when you do it and it's not even remotely related to the thread, that's annoying. When you do it across a broad swath of threads, all also unrelated, that's REALLY annoying. When you bump a shitload of pointless threads that nobody cares about, that's annoying. When you create multiple threads for no other purpose than padding and inane jackoffery, that's REALLY annoying.

I don't know why I'm explaining all that. You've heard it dozens of times before. Maybe you (and I mean the collective "you"...there are several of you people who do this shit--but you are kind of the face of it) have gotten marginally better over time, but you're going to irritate people as long as you do it at all.

I think that everyone would be cool with a single "Bubblebobble & Friends' Thread For Posting Stupid Bullshit". You could post like it's your job in there, and it would be fine. The problem is that I don't think any of you would be satisfied with that. I don't know if have little-brother syndrome and enjoy irritating people, or if you crave the attention it brings (even if it's negative), or if you have some desire for internet-glory by creating a meme, or if you have some other reason that compels you to be public and widespread with that shit.

4/17/2011 10:26:32 PM

All American
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"Bubblebobble & Friends"

This is an awesome name for a kids show

4/18/2011 12:25:56 AM

All American
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Sorry, my post sounds a little more "dick" than I intended. I'm not trying to be an asshole; I'll just be goddamned if I can figure out why someone would post the way you (bubblebobble and your ilk) do.

4/18/2011 12:38:38 AM

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Quote :
"I don't know about anyone else, but I'm not out to get you or anyone else. There's nothing wrong with posting a funny .gif, or embedded video, or whatever. Everyone is all for that, dude...but when you do it and it's not even remotely related to the thread, that's annoying. When you do it across a broad swath of threads, all also unrelated, that's REALLY annoying. When you bump a shitload of pointless threads that nobody cares about, that's annoying. When you create multiple threads for no other purpose than padding and inane jackoffery, that's REALLY annoying."

idk I mean I don't really post gifs in random threads anymore except every so often, and if I think it's going to be funny. and that doesn't happen on here often (that people would think it was funny) so I pretty much refrain from doing that - and I don't go on rampages anymore of posting the same one, unless it's in EUPHALO

I also don't really bump a lot of worthless threads anymore, and you're not the only mod to say I shouldn't do that so I'm going to not bump my really old ones anymore. then again I guess it depends on what you consider stupid.. a lot of people (not me) make and bump stupid threads, but they're able to get away with it because their reputation doesn't precede them

I can think twice before creating a thread these days, and I'm not trying to annoy everybody. I just feel like this thread wasn't particularly necessary, unless you wanted to complain about my antics in EUPHALO or something... I dunno, whatever bro

my bad

4/18/2011 9:41:04 AM

All American
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Quote :
"but they're able to get away with it because their reputation doesn't precede them they usually do it when the topic is now relevant (when it wasn't before) and they don't do it all the fucking time"

I'm AstralAdent and i approved this message.

4/18/2011 12:04:14 PM

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^you have absolutely nothing relevant to contribute to this thread so quit trying to fuel the fire, kthx

4/18/2011 2:30:00 PM

All American
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I really wish you'd stop acting like everyone is picking on you when you bring this shit on yourself by acting like a fucking dumbass.

To top it off, you won't even take responsibility for it. You provide excuse after fucking excuse as to why what you're doing isn't wrong when there's multiple people ITT pointing out what you're doing wrong and exactly why it's fucking annoying.

Just like a fucking child, bro. Grow up.

4/18/2011 2:30:47 PM

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quit cussing every other word and maybe I'd take you seriously bro

4/18/2011 2:34:07 PM

All American
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I also find it highly ironic that when AstralAdvent points out exactly what you're doing, it's "not relevant to the thread."



You are never going to learn. I'll be glad when they finally take ANOTHER name away from you.

[Edited on April 18, 2011 at 2:46 PM. Reason : .]

4/18/2011 2:39:02 PM

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is it really that bad

am I murdering your family

raping your kids

I mean seriously here - you can't simply ignore my threads?

is that so fucking hard? (yeah I'm gonna break out the cuss words so you can understand me a little better)


this is ridiculous, dude. don't you have anything better to do than get mad about some shit on a message board, on the internet? have you ever been to other websites? I'm not sitting here trolling. I'm not starting a damn fight with anyone. and yet I still have to see this dumb shit that you post and sit here and take your shit when you call me a "waste of life" and a "child" and all this crap, while I'm sitting here leaving you the fuck alone and not even acknowledging you at all

do you really expect me to take you seriously when you cuss me out and attack every single thing I do?

Quote :
"I really wish you'd stop acting like everyone is picking on you"

so when did I say or even imply that everyone was picking on me?

that's right, I didn't.

Quote :
"To top it off, you won't even take responsibility for it."

I take plenty of responsibility for crap I've done in the past. but I mean, that's in the past, and you're still bringing it up like it's a current issue, when all I've done is bump my own threads, and EUPHALO. and I hardly even bump any of my own old threads anymore because all you and merbig can do is yell about it.. and what the hell is there for me to take responsibility for? I'm required to take responsibility for how I behave on the internet because some random jackass that isn't a moderator (but is apparently a god damn TWW hall monitor) calls me out? no thanks

Quote :
"You provide excuse after fucking excuse as to why what you're doing isn't wrong"

no I fucking don't provide excuse after excuse. I'm not looking to be excused for anything I've ever done in the past (i.e. EUPHALO antics outside of the EUPHALO thread) - I'll be the first to take responsibility for all that under ReceiveDeath that I did. but I'm not "providing excuses" - I'm simply stating my case and my side of the story. it seems to me like you're just sitting here accusing me of shit that's no longer relevant because you don't like me.. and it's fine that you don't like me, I just wish you'd shut the hell up about it since it's barely affecting you and is hardly an issue anymore. and it'd also be nice if the personal hostile attacks would stop, but clearly you're not capable of being civil about anything..

go ahead and pick out the parts you want to respond to and bitch about, and ignore the rest (like you always do)

this is a fucking waste of my time, and this is becoming an even shittier message board because of hostile users like you, not because I have fun every so often and bump some threads. god forbid I have fun on a message board.. I guess the "just generally screw around!" portion on the message boards list description needs to be changed, because I sure as hell am not able to screw around anymore

and what do you ever do that makes this site better?

the last 1000 posts you've made are bitching someone out or calling them a moron. way to be a quality contributor to TWW, which you're accusing me of not being.

oh and " "

that's about as fucking childish a response as there is

Quote :
"You are never going to learn. I'll be glad when they finally take ANOTHER name away from you."

no. I've learned plenty. I've learned that you're a shitty person for telling someone they're a waste of life and making hostile attacks of that sort, and you're pretty much a non-quality TWW user who barely has anything good to say to anyone. you know, unless you're "holla'ing" atcha girl or something. I have absolutely nothing to learn from you and your bullshit that you spout. if a moderator wants to contact me directly and point out that I'm doing something wrong, then that's fine. but I don't have to sit here and listen to you like you're my schoolteacher

maybe you're the one that needs to grow up and realize that we're all different, and that we all take a different approach to things. and if I want to act stupid, so what? what is it seriously affecting? again, I don't troll users, and people pretty much know to generally not take me seriously. I haven't been sitting here posting gifs all over the place like theduke seems to be saying I have been, but you're sure quick enough to jump on me about not taking responsibility for stuff. why should I take responsibility for stuff I'm not even doing?

I will keep my padding to EUPHALO (which I have been doing for the past 6 months or more), but I'm not going to cease responding to other threads in any manner I see fit just because you and merbig are cry-babying about it. if you're going to make a thread calling me out for how invalid my posts are, why don't you call out the other users who do the same thing, and make threads about them? why don't you go patrol the halls like a good boy and call out every single troll in the soap box and chit chat. why don't you call out everyone that is having a good time and providing responses that aren't at all relevant to the thread? because I see a whole lot of that, and yet nobody else seems to get called out for it

so it's whatever

you probably won't even read this, but I don't care.. I at least got to state my opinion, and since I don't really feel that bumping an old thread, or creating a thread just for fun is a wrongdoing, I'm just going to have to simply disagree with you and let you keep thinking what you're thinking, because obviously you're too strong-headed to accept that you're not always correct in your assessments

there aren't really too many people jumping to your side on this anymore, so that alone should tell you something..


4/18/2011 3:24:47 PM

All American
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Wall of words: 1

valid contrary points made: 0

4/18/2011 3:48:46 PM

114050 Posts
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your shit is no more valid than mine


I'll let the mods tell me what I can and can't do, and quit wasting my time on this lame thread

4/18/2011 3:50:15 PM

All American
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If you'll recall, this thread was made to point out your idiocy to the mods, not for me to tell you what to do. Also, if you'll recall, you've had 2 moderators and quite a few others address your idiocy in this very thread. How many times have you been suspended or warned for your behavior? In 11 years on this site, I've been suspended once for 2 days by CrazyJ because I would never let him slide on his ownership duties. I may not be a moderator but I'm respected by them and I think that says a quite enough about the subject. Call me a "hall monitor" if you want - at least people know I'm not a fuckup and that I don't put up with bullshit like yours.

So seriously, by all means, keep fucking up. I want you to. Your reaction to the thread and your pathetic fingers-in-ears "I can't hear you lalalalalala" childish ways only better serve my purpose, which is having you sit your ass down in TWW time out until you learn to stop fucking shit up for everyone else.

The thing you don't get is everyone knows this is the only thing you've got going for you - that's how you've managed to stay around for so long. People feel sorry for you. Don't you think it's time you started to repay what tiny bit of faith the ever-dwindling support clique you've got has in you by not going out of your way to act like such a major fuck-up all the time? If that hits a little too close to home, then maybe you need to examine your life and stop fucking up everyone else's TWW experience.

[Edited on April 18, 2011 at 4:21 PM. Reason : how many times have you "quit" this thread now? 3? 4?]

4/18/2011 4:20:50 PM

8379 Posts
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this is the worst thread

4/18/2011 4:50:21 PM

114050 Posts
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Quote :
"Your reaction to the thread and your pathetic fingers-in-ears "I can't hear you lalalalalala" childish ways only better serve my purpose"

when did I do that?

I addressed every single point you made

you, on the other hand, didn't listen to a word I said and continued your attacks

that is all.

4/18/2011 5:06:03 PM

All American
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Quote :
"a lot of people (not me) make and bump stupid threads, but they're able to get away with it because their reputation doesn't precede them"

I will agree that there is some truth in this statement.

That doesn't absolve you; it simply means that we need to reign in a few other people.

4/18/2011 6:32:59 PM

All American
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^fuck that. i have a history of terrible posting habits and i have been doing way better in past months, other than my recent spamming of LIKE A ROCK, but that shit is so god damn catchy.

how long has bubblebobble been padding? yeah exactly.

Someone find the last interesting bubblebobble thread. You can't because there aren't any (the thinking thread doesn't count because he only started it because the other one was getting locked). There are plenty of good RD threads but i seriously challenge you to find one good BB thread

I'm AstralAdvent and i approved this message.

[Edited on April 18, 2011 at 9:18 PM. Reason : OOOOOOOOOOOOOhhhh like a rock]

4/18/2011 9:12:54 PM

All American
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Dork fight

4/18/2011 11:05:56 PM

All American
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A dork fight would be much more interesting. Can you imagine? Two whales, penii unsheathed, battling viciously and heroically for the right to pad.

4/19/2011 4:16:33 PM

All American
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Quote :
"I'll just be goddamned if I can figure out why someone would post the way you (bubblebobble and your ilk) do."

have you ever considered that there are forms of expression that you are incapable of understanding?

you've based all your analysis of this phenomenon on the assumption that this type of expression is beneath you

what if it's actually above you? what if it's the next level and you've be relegated to that old shit that's comfortable and tired?

there isn't nearly the consensus against BubbleBubble that some in this thread would like us to believe

in short, fuck the haters

threads are art

4/19/2011 4:37:45 PM

114050 Posts
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^well-said bruh

our threads are limitless art

4/19/2011 4:44:07 PM

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4/19/2011 4:50:54 PM

All American
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and one more thing, if you triflin' motherfuckers decide to suspend BubbleBubble for these imagined transgressions you'd better just suspend me too

because i speak his fucking language and i will continue to speak it after he's gone

4/19/2011 4:51:43 PM

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4/19/2011 5:07:18 PM

114050 Posts
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^^I love u.

4/19/2011 5:30:02 PM

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^^^ stfu.

4/19/2011 6:46:11 PM

114050 Posts
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lol merbig is just mad cause he's an insignificant user

4/19/2011 6:54:41 PM

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I wasn't aware that I was mad...

But I'd rather be an insignificant user anyway. It means I have a life...

Being a significant user on an internet forum in the fashion you are is not a good thing...

4/19/2011 6:58:44 PM

114050 Posts
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so tuff

4/19/2011 7:01:56 PM

All American
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4/19/2011 8:13:56 PM

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do I look mad

4/19/2011 8:14:58 PM

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4/19/2011 9:02:35 PM

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I mean really, who's the mad one here

you went out of your way to pick apart my posts and whine about them

but somehow I'm the mad one

whatever bro

4/19/2011 9:51:36 PM

All American
6575 Posts
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so bro,

at the end of the day, when the egg hunt is over and you dont win...

is there a chance you'll go back and be like

"man, what a waste of my life."

"i stayed up all night for this shit and i got nothin out of it."

or will everything be OK

because you still have pad?

4/20/2011 12:07:20 PM

All American
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merbig just dropped some n00b shit in here

the classic post count insult


4/20/2011 12:18:13 PM

All American
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I agree with this thread.

4/20/2011 12:57:43 PM

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but I didn't stay up all night for it bro

4/20/2011 2:47:28 PM

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^x5. You said you would leave this thread like 3 or 4 times already, yet here you are. In a few threads you posted mean spirited comments without provocation.

^^^ I know you're just trying to add fuel to the fire because you're a well known troll. I never said anything about post count. He could have 5,000 posts and I would have still said what I did.

4/20/2011 7:13:32 PM

114050 Posts
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saying that I'm mad because I came back to post in a thread doesn't make any sense

4/20/2011 7:49:10 PM

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I didn't say you were made because you came back to post. I'm saying you got mad which led you to say that you weren't going to post here again. Then you calmed down and came back.

4/20/2011 8:02:33 PM

16786 Posts
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Bubblebobble doesn't do anything wrong. He is like the biggest pep rally fan of the site. Banning him is like banning your school mascot. I'm a BB supporter and if you ban him, I'll never post on this site again, either. I have bigger and better things to do anyway, so you better believe I'm not BSing.

4/21/2011 3:07:32 PM

balls deep
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4/21/2011 3:13:56 PM

All American
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somebody break out the banhammer, then

looks like we can clear out all the cancer in one fell swoop

4/21/2011 3:17:25 PM

16786 Posts
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Kiljadn, please post example links
from your "My Topics" section
to illustrate how your threads are so much better.

4/21/2011 3:22:33 PM

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last comment on page 3

[Edited on April 21, 2011 at 3:30 PM. Reason : .]

4/21/2011 3:26:03 PM

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