Lionheart I'm Eggscellent 12776 Posts user info edit post |
To start it off Cowherd just had C. Ponder on and complimented him that he doesn't make mistakes in the red zone .
[Edited on May 20, 2011 at 11:18 AM. Reason : bah fucked up an official thread title ] 5/20/2011 11:17:29 AM |
dweedle All American 77386 Posts user info edit post |
been watching Dan Patrick on directv lately, used to watch Cowherd but sometimes he's just completely off and is unbearable
i wish i could work in the DP Show studio 5/20/2011 11:23:25 AM |
GenghisJohn bonafide 10253 Posts user info edit post |
I'm in love with DP on the 101 5/20/2011 11:51:19 AM |
CHunter2 All American 579 Posts user info edit post |
5/20/2011 11:55:19 AM |
ncsuapex SpaceForRent 37776 Posts user info edit post |
DP is boring as hell on the radio. Only his interviews and guest make it remotely listenable. Same with Rome except he's not boring. Just fucking repetitive as fuck. Cowherd is an annoying little prick. Even if he's on to something I agree with him on I can't stand to listen to his reasoning. 5/20/2011 12:01:03 PM |
wlb420 All American 9053 Posts user info edit post |
DP is has me rolling sometimes. Cowherd is an asshat, he's purposely contrarian in a douchey way just to stir the pot. Rome is like listening to the same few catch phrases on a loop, mixed with about an hour of dead air a show.
some of the funniest dp moments are when he is making fun of rome, cowherd and espn. the ongoing clayton pony tail saga is great
mike & mike is insufferably boring and cheesy
Locally, dg is a good show for actual insight and NC college recruiting news. mike & mark makes me feel dumber every time i listen. Adam & joe is ok, but they're just so damn smug and overly sarcastic sometimes.
I used to like packman, but ever since zarzour took over, no go 5/20/2011 2:34:52 PM |
TreeTwista10 minisoldr 148763 Posts user info edit post |
Jim Celania > * 5/20/2011 2:35:39 PM |
hey now Indianapolis Jones 14979 Posts user info edit post |
I listen to this guy every night.
5/20/2011 3:15:14 PM |
ndmetcal All American 9012 Posts user info edit post |
petros & money is the best sports radio show 5/20/2011 3:17:52 PM |
V0LC0M All American 21263 Posts user info edit post |
Dan Patrick runs circles around Colin Cowfuck. God I hate that assbag. 5/20/2011 3:18:10 PM |
wlb420 All American 9053 Posts user info edit post |
^^Its pretty good, but that voice... 5/20/2011 3:24:45 PM |
TreeTwista10 minisoldr 148763 Posts user info edit post |
yeah dunno if its Petros or Money, but he's got that Arnie Spaniar voice
WHATS SHAKIN 5/20/2011 3:28:55 PM |
Lionheart I'm Eggscellent 12776 Posts user info edit post |
I like listening to cowherd because hes a complete prick, I don't put a huge amount of stock in the content
David Glen speaks more words with less content than anyone else I can think of and it drives me crazy. The commentary is awful and and it just drags and every 30 seconds he has to mention how he knows something or someone or about the ACC sports journal. 5/20/2011 3:39:52 PM |
Ernie All American 45943 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "David Glen speaks more words with less content than anyone else I can think of and it drives me crazy. The commentary is awful and and it just drags and every 30 seconds he has to mention how he knows something or someone or about the ACC sports journal." |
Yep, I liked him a lot five or six years ago when he was an occasional guest on 850. His show, however, is rubbish.5/20/2011 3:41:26 PM |
BobbyDigital Thots and Prayers 41777 Posts user info edit post |
talkin loud aint sayin nothin 5/20/2011 3:47:05 PM |
Ribs All American 10713 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "petros & money is the best sports radio show" |
petros is fucking hillarious5/20/2011 4:15:03 PM |
wilso All American 14657 Posts user info edit post |
i pretty much just listen to whatever's on 99.9
mike & mike are just okay
i don't catch colin cowherd that often, but he's bearable
i can't stand david glenn
i'm not crazy on adam gold, but joe ovies is pretty funny on twitter. their show is probably my favorite out of that line-up. 5/20/2011 5:46:10 PM |
tommy wiseau All American 2624 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "THE LOVELY
5/20/2011 6:19:30 PM |
prb185 All American 1590 Posts user info edit post |
Ovies is okay...but his twitter act of always trying to be the funniest guy in the room gets dated pretty quick to me.
I love listening to Paul Finebaum on XM. Its just him for four hours so all the brainless radio banter that a two-man staff have about their wives/weekend/whatever isn't there. The callers alone are entertainment enough. 5/20/2011 6:29:01 PM |
thegoodlife3 All American 39429 Posts user info edit post |
I haven't listened regularly in a couple of weeks, but every time I have turned 99.9 on over the past two weeks, Joe Ovies hasn't been on
any regular listener know why this is?
THANKS 5/27/2011 4:56:43 PM |
ndmetcal All American 9012 Posts user info edit post |
the only local guy worth a damn was Bomani and they got rid of him
glenn, gold, ovies, and the marks are trash
ibtbomanihate 5/27/2011 4:59:25 PM |
thegoodlife3 All American 39429 Posts user info edit post |
pretty sure he left on his own
and you are wrong about Gold and Ovies
the more I think about it, while talking all things ACC, Glenn is great. but his show turns into lame dad radio whenever he ventures out of his comfort zone
[Edited on May 27, 2011 at 5:20 PM. Reason : clarification ] 5/27/2011 5:09:19 PM |
TreeTwista10 minisoldr 148763 Posts user info edit post |
whens the last time Muhsin Muhammad has been on Bustin' Loose?
seems like its Frank and ______
can't decide if Moose is just really busy doing football camp stuff in the offseason, or if he's doing a bunch of stuff that pays better than WFNZ 5/27/2011 5:10:45 PM |
tommy wiseau All American 2624 Posts user info edit post |
I don't think Bomani left on his own. he's talked about being fired before. 5/27/2011 5:21:49 PM |
thegoodlife3 All American 39429 Posts user info edit post |
I just assumed that since he now has a national show on XM that he left on his own
[Edited on May 27, 2011 at 5:41 PM. Reason : that and the fact that he still is a guest on 99.9 all the time] 5/27/2011 5:41:17 PM |
Ribs All American 10713 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "whens the last time Muhsin Muhammad has been on Bustin' Loose?
seems like its Frank and ______
can't decide if Moose is just really busy doing football camp stuff in the offseason, or if he's doing a bunch of stuff that pays better than WFNZ" |
Yeah he hasn't been on in a while. That show is just flat out terrible though so it wouldn't really matter. Frank is a poor excuse for a radio personality and Moose can't really talk about anything other than football.
Where's the FM national sports radio lineup for Charlotte? You would think this would be a big enough market to warrant it. We deserve better than this shit on 610
Also, does anyone know the # to Petros' secret textoso line?
[Edited on May 27, 2011 at 7:33 PM. Reason : .]5/27/2011 7:32:41 PM |
wilso All American 14657 Posts user info edit post |
Not sure why Ovies hasn't been on, but he'll be back this week 5/28/2011 1:23:12 PM |
TreeTwista10 minisoldr 148763 Posts user info edit post |
i'd have a hard time imagining Freddie Coleman ever getting mad or raising his voice 5/28/2011 1:24:21 PM |
Lionheart I'm Eggscellent 12776 Posts user info edit post |
I think the whole thing with bomani was he just didn't fit in with the plans for when they did all the switching around wasn't anything in particular just a business decision to let him go
I listen to him on the XM station and its still good though I don't like all the time given to the regular callers every day 5/28/2011 3:42:03 PM |
Ribs All American 10713 Posts user info edit post |
Petros is giving out the secret textoso line # at 8pm if any of you listen to the show.
[Edited on July 8, 2011 at 7:33 PM. Reason : .] 7/8/2011 7:32:38 PM |
Lionheart I'm Eggscellent 12776 Posts user info edit post |
Glenn had a psychotherapist on today as I was driving to pick up my lunch, I came real close to driving off an overpass to end it all but thought better of it and changed the channel. 7/21/2011 2:19:19 PM |
Ribs All American 10713 Posts user info edit post |
Charlotte deserves so much better than fucking Frank Garcia on the radio. It's a disgrace. Let someone who is actually good at sports radio takeover. 7/21/2011 2:26:06 PM |
specialkay All American 1036 Posts user info edit post |
I have yet to listen to a local sports radio show that I enjoy. there is not enough local content to support shows like this, and when there is (Carolina scandal) they bash it into the ground to the point I dont care about it anymore. I cant listen to 4 hours a day 5 days a week of the same content. There is only so much you can say about it. 7/21/2011 2:37:39 PM |
Jeepin4x4 #Pack9 35780 Posts user info edit post |
^^i'd say you could listen to 730am but there lack of local coverage is atrocious. Bill Rosinski from 8-10am and then a 3-6pm show hosted by a Nascar writer and a nobody.] 7/21/2011 2:39:54 PM |
Lionheart I'm Eggscellent 12776 Posts user info edit post |
^^I would disagree, there are certainly lulls like this time of year but even nationally they always struggle in late June and early July but with three major schools, the panthers, the bobcats, the hurricanes there should be no shortage of topics. Its not like Mississippi and Alabama don't get by talking 1~2 college sports mostly year round.
I would argue they actually spend too much time on bullshit no one cares about. A lot of them spent two hours earlier in the week talking women's soccer even though there was marvin austin tweets and things to discuss. I also think they do to much on hockey. I know we have a local team with a vocal fanbase but despite what people would have you believe the hockey audience is very small even though they seem to be fairly hardcore. 7/21/2011 2:47:11 PM |
thegoodlife3 All American 39429 Posts user info edit post |
any evidence to back up your claim about the hockey audience being a very small one? 7/21/2011 2:52:48 PM |
Lionheart I'm Eggscellent 12776 Posts user info edit post |
its 100 Degrees out 7/21/2011 2:53:39 PM |
Jeepin4x4 #Pack9 35780 Posts user info edit post |
Welp that didn't last long. Charlotte Fox Sports Radio 730 dropping their lineup and moving to ESPN radio starting Monday. They need to find another afternoon drive show ASAP.
Upon further reading 610 and 730 are swapping affiliations with 610 becoming fox sports radio. But national syndication will only be on weeknights and weekends.
730 adds all espn programming except 4-6p which will now be hosted by a revolving cast including Bill Rosinski.
The move is made apparently to bring in more national coverage and not the west coast bias apparent on the fox network. No word on how the espn partnership will effect the Atlanta Braves radio network.
[Edited on August 3, 2011 at 6:22 PM. Reason : Add] 8/3/2011 6:15:56 PM |
TreeTwista10 minisoldr 148763 Posts user info edit post |
fyi, Mark Packer is hosting some Saturday show from 12-3 on college football on Sirius/XM 91
haven't tuned in yet, but in case anybody was wondering what he was doing 8/3/2011 6:20:11 PM |
hershculez All American 8483 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "its 100 Degrees out" |
haha8/3/2011 6:31:43 PM |
DROD900 All American 24672 Posts user info edit post |
[Edited on August 15, 2011 at 5:56 PM. Reason : asdf] 8/15/2011 5:55:15 PM |
BJCaudill21 Not an alcoholic 8015 Posts user info edit post |
99.9 is completely worthless until Adam & Joe come on. They don't know much, but they're decently funny and cover local stuff. I don't really like either of them by themselves, but together they do a pretty good job.
I listen to 620 most of the morning/day for Dan Patrick, Jim Rome, and SVP, so it's nice to get the local guys in there 8/15/2011 6:02:02 PM |
kevmcd86 All American 5832 Posts user info edit post |
i end up listening to David Glenn Show pretty much everyday...but man he's annoying me. He screams into the microphone and uses the phrase "or otherwise" so much I cannot bear listening anymore. 8/16/2011 8:38:56 AM |
TreeTwista10 minisoldr 148763 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "Bustin Loose with Frank Garcia" |
Looks like Moose is officially out8/16/2011 12:02:52 PM |
DROD900 All American 24672 Posts user info edit post |
^^I'm the same way, I can listen to him for 15-20 minutes without any problems, but shortly after I start to notice how he always sounds like he has too much spit in his mouth when he talks. I also find myself yelling "GET TO IT ALREADY!!" at the radio. Dude literally spends 5 minutes going in circles to complete a thought that would take a normal person 30 seconds. 8/16/2011 12:39:08 PM |
hey now Indianapolis Jones 14979 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "Dude literally spends 5 minutes going in circles to complete a thought that would take a normal person 30 seconds." |
That's him in a nutshell.8/16/2011 12:40:04 PM |
ndmetcal All American 9012 Posts user info edit post |
Mario Williams getting some jungle karma 8/16/2011 12:41:02 PM |
TreeTwista10 minisoldr 148763 Posts user info edit post |
for some reason they replay Glenn's show in Charlotte starting at 7pm, so I guess on a 4 or 7 hour delay or something
so I get to hear him ramble on about things that other shows already discussed, with newer and more recent information than Glenn 8/16/2011 12:41:41 PM |
marko Tom Joad 72837 Posts user info edit post |
Is Mark Packer ever coming back in any radio form?
I'll be honest tho, I probably wouldn't switch back from Adam and Joe even if Primetime came back in it's original form.
[Edited on August 18, 2011 at 6:46 PM. Reason : +] 8/18/2011 6:39:53 PM |
dweedle All American 77386 Posts user info edit post |
as a hawk, gonna hang out at bragaw 8/18/2011 6:46:08 PM |