One of the more underrated movies of the 80's. The amazing Gung Ho got me thinking about it.
9/6/2012 11:09:46 PM
I LOVE that movie!! A classic... Sue Perman, the diner, this:
9/6/2012 11:10:58 PM
LOL. I lose my shit every time they drop his ass. ]
9/6/2012 11:12:53 PM
holy shit Mr. Miyagi gets raped?
9/6/2012 11:13:00 PM
^^ HAHA me too!belongs on my list of movies that couldnt be made today]]
9/6/2012 11:14:58 PM
i thought this thread was about George Zimmerman
9/6/2012 11:17:05 PM
and the theme song, um hello early childhood memory. used to sing along to this shit every day
9/6/2012 11:17:52 PM