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 Message Boards » » I got a new computer... best way to transfer files Page [1]  
All American
1428 Posts
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i want to move my old mp3s and movies etc from my old compter to my new one... i bought a bunch of flash drives but they are only 2 gigs each... i've gone through like 30 of them (not literally but almost) and it's getting damn expensive. I have a dvd burner on my computer i've thought about using to transfer the movies, but they are expensive too... do blu-rays work? (i'd prefer to keep the HD format the my movies are in)

anyway, there has to be a better way. can i just plug up a usb cord between the two or something and move them faster?

10/6/2013 12:12:55 AM

18590 Posts
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file transfer over network overnight

10/6/2013 12:23:24 AM

All American
1428 Posts
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well i tried that... i plugged in the ethernet cord to both comps but i couldnt get the files to transfer. is there a special app i need?

10/6/2013 12:26:20 AM

4763 Posts
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homegroups? workgroups?

10/6/2013 12:46:20 AM

All American
1428 Posts
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this is my home computer.

10/6/2013 12:48:20 AM

18590 Posts
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10/6/2013 12:55:30 AM

All American
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10/6/2013 1:51:03 AM

All American
15758 Posts
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Buy a USB external hard drive (I'd recommend a WD MyBook or MyPassport), use it to transfer your files, and then set something up to run a nightly backup so if your primary HDD croaks you won't lose a thing.

[Edited on October 6, 2013 at 1:58 AM. Reason : Where can you even get a 2 GB flash drive these days? The smallest I see are usually 8 GB.]

10/6/2013 1:58:04 AM

Sup, B
53137 Posts
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hahaha. he bought 2GB drives and "ran out of them". he "plugged in the ethernet cord to both computers"

this is a troll thread, yall.

10/6/2013 2:02:47 AM

All American
42550 Posts
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He got 2 gb drives and has gone through 30 of them? What does that mean? Does he think when you use one once, it is done and can't be used again? If not, why the hell would he get 30? It doesn't make it any quicker or easier whether you use 1 or 30. And when he bought them, didnt he see the 4 gb, and 8 gb, and 16 gb, and 32 gb ones right next to the 2 gb ones? And how about the 500 gb and 1 tb external HDs on the next shelf?

Yeah, troll.

Yo, were you able to convert your VHS tapes into BluRay quality?

10/6/2013 4:22:34 AM

All American
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10/6/2013 9:47:35 AM

All American
42550 Posts
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^ Shit that's the best way to transfer your files, A. Get an external floppy drive, and then 30 just one floppy disk, and transfer back and forth. Might even give you a good workout.

10/6/2013 11:57:02 AM

All American
15446 Posts
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Don't. They're not compatible.

10/6/2013 12:18:56 PM

no u
103354 Posts
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if you put the two machines really close together it should transfer naturally through file osmosis

10/6/2013 1:32:16 PM

All American
3626 Posts
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pull hard drive from old computer, insert in new computer.

If you dont need it still in old computer, leave it. no transfers needed. If you need it, copy files as normal between drives.

Otherwise file transfer over network. If this is windows theres a million built in ways to "share" files over windows.

10/6/2013 1:33:27 PM

All American
9196 Posts
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you'll need at least five internets open

10/6/2013 1:34:18 PM

All American
11577 Posts
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^^Easiest option but yes obviously trolling.

10/6/2013 5:08:20 PM

All American
19634 Posts
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Just ZIP the drive and upload it to Napster.

10/6/2013 9:33:58 PM

Black and Proud
14179 Posts
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for a solid 15 seconds I thought A might not be trolling

10/6/2013 9:36:57 PM

All American
10505 Posts
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10/7/2013 3:36:12 PM

All American
16764 Posts
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0/10 this thread did not deliver any of the funny

10/8/2013 4:48:16 PM

All American
2354 Posts
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I use toothpaste to transfer files. So far I've not had any problems with my toothpaste.

10/8/2013 5:08:02 PM

All American
9196 Posts
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dissolve the files in headlight fluid, then boil it off when they get to the new computer

10/8/2013 7:05:17 PM

All American
16764 Posts
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was said toothpaste USB by chance?

10/9/2013 12:45:30 AM

1394 Posts
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call up tech support for you new puter and ask them do it with one of those online zombie puter softwares they use. u dont even need to hide your justin berry desktop background, it turns black. they can however see your file names and icons

10/9/2013 1:22:29 AM

New Recruit
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You have 3 viable options:

1) purchase thermaltake HDD to USB dock. $35 , remove old hdd, drop in dock, copy all the contents to your new pc, done!

2) copy the data to an external hard drive. plug the external drive into new pc and copy the data

3) purchase an external floppy disk reader $11 and 100 pack floppy disks $93 --->

There also exists a USB A to A cable designed for data transfer (Belkin) but I wouldn't recommend going that route.

10/12/2013 9:41:23 PM

The Coz
Tempus Fugitive
26267 Posts
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Nice first poast.

10/13/2013 3:55:03 PM

 Message Boards » Tech Talk » I got a new computer... best way to transfer files Page [1]  
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