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 Message Boards » » JavaScript is love. JavaScript is life. Page [1]  
All American
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I was inspired by the preview page in this article, showing how Douglas Adams may have wrote a function to list all of the primes less than or equal to a given number:

Below is the code, but I also put it into a JSFiddle:

//Here I am, brain the size of a planet, and they ask me to write JavaScript...
function kevinTheNumberMentioner(_){
/* mostly harmless --> */ with(l) {

//Sorry about all this, my babel fish has a headache today...
for (ll=!+[]+!![];ll<_+(+!![]);ll++) {
while (ll%++lll);
//I've got this terrible pain in all the semicolons down my right-hand side.


//You're really not going to like this...
return [!+[]+!+[]+!+[]+!+[]]+[!+[]+!+[]];
Here are some unusual things about this code...

Line 2: The underscore is a perfectly good variable name, not a special character at all.
Line 3: Usually, automatic semicolon insertion isn't used this early in a code-block.
Line 4: with-blocks are deprecated and make code more difficult to follow.
Line 7: Numerically, objects (including arrays) convert to NaN; however, they are also truthy (convert to true as booleans), while NaN is falsy. Numerically, false converts to 0 and true converts to 1. The prefix operator + converts to numbers, ! converts to boolean and yields the opposite, and the binary operator + performs numeric conversion if it wouldn't convert to NaN (for addition) and string conversion otherwise (for concatenation). This line sets a loop-counter to 2 and tests whether it is less than or equal to the argument of the function, incrementing by 1 at each iteration.
Line 8: From the information in Line 7, this sets an inner variable to 1.
Line 9: Keep incrementing that inner variable until the loop counter is divisible by it.
Line 11: If the inner variable equals the loop counter, append it to the array declared in line 3.
Line 13: Remember, this is still in a with-block.
Line 18: This function is ultimately interested in the answer to the ultimate question of life, the universe, and everything.

Below is the same code, cleaned up a bit:
function primeAlert(n) {
'use strict';
var arr = [], m, p;
for (m = 2; m <= n; m++) {
p = 1;
while (m % ++p);
if (m === p) arr.push(m);
return '42';
It's still annoying and horribly inefficient (it doesn't even stop iterating at sqrt(m)) and unsafe (it doesn't even check whether its argument is a number), but at least it's more readable.

This is a slight bit more efficient and much safer, converting its argument to a number as well as possible first (another measure of safety could be throwing an error on non-numeric arguments; also I used n !== n instead of n.isNaN() and Math.pow(2, 53) instead of Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER for compatibility with older versions of JavaScript):
function primeAlert(n) {
'use strict';
var arr, m, p, r;
n = Math.floor(+n);
if (n !== n || n < 2 || n >= Math.pow(2, 53)) return [];
arr = [];
for (m = 2; m < n; m++) {
p = 1;
r = Math.sqrt(m);
while (m % ++p && p <= r);
if (p > r) arr.push(m);
return arr;

11/30/2014 2:29:09 AM

All American
15416 Posts
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i see this as code snippet a professor would put up for us to laugh about then the class would move to efficient code writing and never show that shit again.

11/30/2014 7:42:14 AM

All American
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the fuck is wrong with you, op

11/30/2014 12:44:42 PM

All American
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[Edited on November 30, 2014 at 8:22 PM. Reason : *]

11/30/2014 8:21:10 PM

All American
7132 Posts
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Something cool from JavaScript land, as a way to make amends for it's short comings.

12/3/2014 12:14:43 PM

All American
44690 Posts
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^ Mike Bostock is a fucking dataviz wizard

12/17/2014 8:03:43 PM

All American
9196 Posts
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hax teh planet:
all you need is XSS or social engineering

12/18/2014 7:28:23 AM

All American
9196 Posts
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I think I learned why undefined will never be a reserved word; much like making typeof null return 'null' it would cause existing code to break, particularly jQuery:

12/29/2014 3:40:03 AM

 Message Boards » Tech Talk » JavaScript is love. JavaScript is life. Page [1]  
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