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 Message Boards » » The narcissism of the "me" generation strikes back Page [1] 2, Next  
All American
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Baby Boomers are THE worst generation of the modern era, and they put that well enough on display last night.

ITT we track mortality rates until we make it to the promised land

11/9/2016 7:26:19 AM

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This is true. They were handed everything and then project that onto our generation (which is a generation of savers).

But if you think that is what cost Clinton the election you are missing the forest for the trees.

11/9/2016 8:01:16 AM

All American
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Maybe when Paul Ryan gets rid of Medicare they will die off a little faster.

11/9/2016 8:07:39 AM

All American
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^^Boomers turning out en mass is absolutely one of the factors that handed the election to Trump.

It's clear to me these people can't be reasoned with, in fact, trying to reason with them just causes them to double down on their hate and ignorance. so we can only sit and wait for them to peacefully leave this earth to a better place. Then we will finally be able to go about the business of building the world our hearts know is possible.

11/9/2016 8:16:39 AM

All American
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Around the time the wall was the focus of debate I talked to my dad about it. 64ish.

At the end, he basically ended the discussion and said, 'Well I sure wont vote for that damn woman.'

Another friend muttered recently, 'Cant elect that bitch'

I think there is a general woman hatorade going on here too. Among the other reasons not to like Hillary.

Anyone else think so?

Lots of reasons though. These were the two that stuck out over the past 6 months at the real anger I was exposed to.

11/9/2016 8:37:03 AM

All American
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For an immediate family member (woman), it was the mexicans, the "thugs", "losing religious rights" (she honestly thought that if Hilary was elected, they'd limit what preachers could say in church. And jesus needs to be in schools), and the supreme court (abortion). And she thinks Hilary is the worst human being on the face of the earth.

11/9/2016 9:25:49 AM

All American
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This one drops in March, should be a good. The more people we can get to realize (including Boomers themselves) the massive yoke that is old, jaded white people, the quicker we can make America great again.

11/9/2016 1:26:11 PM

Jimmies: Unrustled
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These generational witch hunts are not helpful.

11/9/2016 1:39:37 PM

All American
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Says the old, jaded white guy

11/9/2016 1:42:41 PM

All American
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Generational witch hunts, Van Jones calling Trump's election a "whitelash," ABC trying to hammer home the idea of the uneducated white male vote.

I personally don't know of anyone who refrained from voting for Hillary because she is a woman, and I hope that doesn't get overblown. I think that mattered for only an extremely small minority in this country.

But nothing is going to change in this country. The left isn't going to let this go and try to heal the country. They are going to continue to push the agenda that Trump's total base is comprised of mostly bigots and racists. And that isn't going to get us anywhere in this country.

[Edited on November 9, 2016 at 1:54 PM. Reason : sdfas]

11/9/2016 1:53:46 PM

Jimmies: Unrustled
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Quote :
"Says the old, jaded white guy"

I'm in my 20s...

11/9/2016 2:05:25 PM

All American
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[Edited on November 9, 2016 at 2:10 PM. Reason : deleting post, nothing constructive will come from this]

11/9/2016 2:09:13 PM

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Be upset. Be angry. Blame whoever or whatever you want. Then do better. Groom better people. Demand better candidates. Demand more transparency and accountability from the people who you want to lead.

The right long ago made their decision. Well, eight years ago. Be better than them and give Trump a chance while calling out any egregious behavior. Then vote him out in four years.

If you can't stand when they are like that why not be better than that?

[Edited on November 9, 2016 at 2:14 PM. Reason : X]

11/9/2016 2:13:39 PM

All American
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^^^sorry dude, you always hit me as a ~50 year old. I'll stop assuming now I guess

11/9/2016 2:16:54 PM

All American
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Quote :
Age: 28
Sex: M
Hometown: Apex
Class: Alumnus
Major: Political Science

11/9/2016 2:33:57 PM

All American
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Yeah my age has been 24 for the past 8 years, so that doesn't tell anyone anything.

11/9/2016 2:36:33 PM

Jimmies: Unrustled
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Quote :
"^^^sorry dude, you always hit me as a ~50 year old. I'll stop assuming now I guess"

I'm going to take that as a compliment.

11/9/2016 2:50:11 PM

5608 Posts
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Quote :
"I think there is a general woman hatorade going on here too."


11/9/2016 5:18:41 PM

All American
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Quote :
**stamps feet**

Why isn't culture still paying attention to us????? "

Is there any doubt that the circumstances that incubated man-baby Trump are pretty widespread amongst boomer?

8/9/2017 5:58:35 PM

All American
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Friendly reminder that sexual assault and ignoring assault after you've witnessed it (lack of empathy) is a red-flag for anti-social personality disorder. Thus far the vast majority (all???) of allegations have been Boomers.

The average Boomer is a sociopath. Period.

11/21/2017 9:39:41 AM

Jimmies: Unrustled
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Quote :
"The average Boomer is a sociopath. Period."

About 4% of the population is sociopathic, so your blanket statement is just wrong. Boomers are obviously older, and therefore more likely to have engaged in deviant behaviors and to have those behaviors surfaced.

11/21/2017 12:00:01 PM

All American
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^^Come on you're smarter than to make a statement like that.

The average "boomer" is sitting at an assisted living community, or living close by to their children, or FL, just riding out their meager retirement until they die.

I'm surprised that you're seeing these stories regarding high profile "boomers" and applying that to every other "boomer" in the country.

[Edited on November 21, 2017 at 12:18 PM. Reason : y]

11/21/2017 12:17:43 PM

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they all participated in fucking over future generations

11/21/2017 12:18:40 PM

All American
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Ever buy any plastic you didn't recycle?

11/21/2017 12:20:30 PM

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ever been part of a government that excluded most plastic polymers from federal regulation, or part of the industries that made the use of plastics ubiquitous?

11/21/2017 12:29:50 PM

Jimmies: Unrustled
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Quote :
"they all participated in fucking over future generations"

Did they? Some of them actively tried to make things better. Many of them actually succeeded.

Generational warfare is a cancerous and pointless thing. Whoever decided it was a good idea to group people into generations and then start making broad generalizations about those people made a mistake.

11/21/2017 12:32:56 PM

All American
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They're just butthurt because they blame boomers for Trump.

11/21/2017 12:38:36 PM

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^^ they all got old and happily supported the rise of big money democrats

11/21/2017 12:44:04 PM

All American
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Quote :
"About 4% of the population is sociopathic, so your blanket statement is just wrong."

Let me modify it then, the average White Boomer displays anti-social behaviors which we can trace directly to overall social, political, and economic trends ascribed to the Boomer generation.

I just call them all sociopaths because its easier to type out and I like the knee-jerk defensiveness that blanket statements cause in people.

Quote :
"surprised that you're seeing these stories regarding high profile "boomers" and applying that to every other "boomer" in the country."

It's more than just "high-profile" Boomers, its been going on in workplaces and public for decades. High profile people are just the ones that make the news. It's cultural. It's deeper than just Boomers being sociopaths (as sexual assault has been occurring in this country since the founding). However, Boomers took it to a new level with the sick shit (masterbating in plants, drugging people, etc) as well as the total "look the other way" response from witnesses (total lack of empathy) which seems to be endemic to this generation.

^^^you cant talk about cultural trends without breaking people into groups. It really doesn't matter if they aren't ALL sociopaths, so long as enough of them are that they move cultural trends in an anti-social direction.

[Edited on November 21, 2017 at 1:04 PM. Reason : By 2030, yall will be agreeing with me, guaranteed!!!]

11/21/2017 1:03:21 PM

All American
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MEDIAN retirement savings for Boomers headed into retirement is $17k

IF you want to skew that with the wealth inequality in this country to paint a rosier picture, the AVERAGE Boomer has 160K, hardly enough unless they plan to work until they're 80 (or they could die at 75 I suppose).

Yes I realize this doesn't account for boomers over 61, but it paints the picture I think. The overall trend suggests they've done a shit job saving for retirement while simultaneously living through the most prosperous era in American history.

Which is why it boggles the mind how derelict Boomer's have been in addressing Social Security. Well conveniently for Boomers, the CBO now projects SS will have to reduce benefits around 2030:
By 2030, the average Boomer will be 75+, it won't be their problem.

What do you bet that between now and 2030 the Boomer voting block will INSIST that we kick the SS can down the road. Basically the status quo for the last 30yrs that they've been the most significant voting block in this country.

From the DSM:

Quote :
"Antisocial Personality Disorder
DSM-5 Criteria -Revised April 2012
The essential features of a personality disorder are impairments in personality (self and interpersonal) functioning and the presence of pathological personality traits. To diagnose antisocial personality disorder, the following criteria must be met:


Disinhibition, characterized by:
a.Irresponsibility: Disregard for –and failure to honor –financial and other obligations or commitments; lack of respect for –and lack of follow through on –agreements and promises.

b.Impulsivity: Acting on the spur of the moment in response to immediate stimuli; acting on a momentary basis without a plan or consideration of outcomes; difficulty establishing and following plans.

c.Risk taking: Engagement in dangerous, risky, and potentially self-damaging activities, unnecessarily
and without regard for consequences; boredom proneness and thoughtless initiation of activities to counter boredom; lack of concern for one' limitations and denial ofthe reality of personal


11/22/2017 12:22:35 PM

Jimmies: Unrustled
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Wow, it's almost like older generations were hit hard by a bad economy too! Weird.

Or an alternate take: suddenly the left is willing to buy into the narrative (which is the correct one, btw) that personal responsibility is a thing and sometimes people are poor because they consistently made bad decisions.

11/22/2017 3:18:12 PM

All American
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Boomers have had the most prosperous economy in the USA ever, and that includes the recession. Class mobility was probably the greatest it's ever been. There's no excuse for a generation to have a median retirement savings of 17k given the tailwinds they've lived through.

The left has always accepted personal responsibility as an important ideal, I think. Except that the left has recognized that there are responsibilities to ones community that should be included in that ideal. Boomers took the totally independent, self-made man hacking his life out of the wilderness, I am an island, Fuck you cause I got mine to absurdity. All the while they leaned heavily on the institutions that their parents and grandparents had built. It's really another manifestation of their sociopathy. They either didn't recognize it, are delusional, or just don't care about the generations that come after them as they've systematically tried to dismantle or underfund the very programs' shoulders that they stand on.

11/22/2017 5:10:01 PM

All American
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Surprise! The GOP tax bill is just another manifestation of Boomer sociopathy.

11/30/2017 7:02:35 AM

All American
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Quote :
"I like the knee-jerk defensiveness that blanket statements cause in people.

Isn't this kind of the definition of trolling?

11/30/2017 8:19:22 AM

Pupils DiL8t
All American
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How the baby boomers — not millennials — screwed America

12/20/2017 12:38:36 PM

All American
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^I draw 95% of my inspiration ITT from this guys book.

The stuff about boomers being feeling driven (rather than science based) and Gibney's attempts to link it to clinical sociopathy are kinda forgettable, but when he starts reviewing fiscal and socio-economic's just an avalanche of damning info that's impossible to ignore.

12/21/2017 6:41:58 AM

All American
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The fact that that generation has also so convinced themselves that the problem is with younger generations and our being lazy. It is quite remarkable. Same generation that protest and spit on troops coming back from Vietnam that now lectures others on respecting the troops. Same generation that hasn't funded health care for troops that now lectures us on our responsibilities for the 18-24 year old people that serve our country.

I'm watching as this debt accumulates and the people 50-70 years of age have no significant savings. In the next 10 years people our age will not only have to pay down this debt but will then also be expected to support this group as well. There is a total lack of fiscal responsibility. They believe Social Security will be there for them but it won't and that will fall on us.

I guess the only hope is some of the events younger generations have lived through like 9/11, the Recession, etc. shift some mentality. But unless those generations get out and vote some of these people from office they will simply continue to spend too much and tax too little, under-fund infrastructure and education, overspend on military for non-existent threats or threats we've actually created and then still find a way to blame us when it hits the fan. The battle isn't Republican vs. Democrats, because at the end of the day they both have the same core problem with leadership, accountability, and world understanding. It is about old vs. young, and the young needs to get more involved and motivated.

I also believe that the baby boomer generation is far more swayed by things like fake news, media, and social media. Younger generations have grown up around technology and process it better. I think that plays a big role as well as younger people do a better job of siphoning through information than older. Just a theory, but I think it is a huge impact as 50-70 year old people hop on Facebook and treat it the same way they did their nightly news of the 70s. A single stream of info that is reliable.

12/21/2017 9:07:22 AM

All American
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^^I think psychology factors in heavily here, considering their parents fought in WW2 and grew up in WW1, not to mention they experienced the depression. I think that likely factored very heavily into how they raised their children to include sheltering them from a ton of shit.

12/21/2017 10:25:51 AM

All American
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^^agree 100%

^I think there may be something to it, and Gibney spends multiple chapters on this and related subjects, it's just way less convincing than the hard data he produces. Then I realized that I don't actually care why Boomers are the way they are. I just want them to recognize our country's recent mistakes and stop actively digging the hole we're in.

12/21/2017 11:41:42 AM

All American
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Lol, feel you there. Psychological data is harder to gather and has a wider range of error than concrete scientific data. It's easier to design a physics test in most cases than a psychological test.

Unfortunately, I would not expect them to change their views, opinions, beliefs or even recognize that they fucked things up.

12/21/2017 11:53:24 AM

yovo yovo bonsoir
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There's nothing to be gained by blaming the Baby Boomers. For one thing, it doesn't really add much to the conversation to say "the people who were around before now are responsible for how things are now." No shit.

Young people don't vote and old people do. That's been true for a while. The Greatest Generation voted more than the Boomers, until they all died. Now the Boomers are going to vote more than Gen X or the Millennials, until they all die. Then we'll all vote more than the iGen crowd, who will say the same shit about us that we say about our parents and grandparents, except probably they'll say it with emojis.

The age-based voting data, by itself, doesn't tell us much. For one thing, if history is our guide, our generation will grow more conservative over time. When our kids want to make eating meat a criminal offense and give voting rights to their operating system, we'll be the backwards curmudgeons voting for carnivorous, carbon-based lifeforms. (Or at least, I will)

For another, young people are browner than old people. Minorities make up a larger percentage of the young, because Catholic Hispanics and inner city blacks who have been denied access to sex ed and birth control are the only people having children, except maybe Mormons, but all of their young voters are off on mission trips pestering Catholic Hispanics in Mexico and rural blacks in Africa. My suspicion is that racial disparities explain a lot of the difference there.

Every generation alive today is guilty of the same central flaw which has led to our decline: they live in petty fear rather than hope and ambition.

12/21/2017 9:18:37 PM

All American
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posted without comment


6/18/2018 3:54:53 PM

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Generational lines are pretty arbitrary most of the time and class is a more important thing to focus on.

However, due to the prevalence of leaded paint and gasoline before 1970, the boomer phenomenon is very real.

6/18/2018 4:51:09 PM

All American
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I've left it out of every post ITT, mostly because it opens these arguments to criticism and I really wanted this to be an ageist thread, but a vast majority of Boomer critiques that I've come across are pretty much exclusively targeting white people that had "Leave it to Beaver"esque childhoods. People of color (who were IN NO WAY advantaged in the 1950s and 1960s, duh) and often poor-ass rural whites are excluded from the criticism, because their childhoods and lifestyles were significantly different from what we normally associate with the average boomer.

For instance, Gibney in his discussions of how universally shitty baby boomer presidents have been, goes out of his way to exclude Obama, even though technically he might be a boomer (barely, I think, given his age). He was black, his mom seemed like she was pretty broke most of the time, he spent part of his childhood in Indonesia, etc. Not exactly the prototypical Boomer childhood.

(thats not to wash away criticisms of Obama, only that his failures don't fit neatly into the sociopathic tendencies of white baby boomers.)

(also I 100% agree that paint chips and huffing leaded gasoline could be a significant contributing factor in the trends described ITT)

6/18/2018 5:59:27 PM

All American
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What will our grandchildren blame our flaws on? Cell phone radiation?

6/19/2018 11:56:42 AM

All American
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Quote :
Millennials Need to Start Voting Before the Gerontocracy Kills Us All"

10/16/2018 7:33:40 PM

All American
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Boomers, while being more confident in their ability to distinguish fact from opinion, were in fact significantly worse at distinguishing between fact and opinion than younger people

Quote :
"But the real correlation with poor performance is exposure to television news, which has fallen off among young people but remains very high among older people. "

[Edited on October 24, 2018 at 7:34 AM. Reason : Quote]

10/24/2018 7:33:22 AM

All American
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Quote :
Trump on Coming Debt Crisis: ‘I Won’t Be Here’ When It Blows Up"

This is the boomer mentality regarding the national debt, climate change, and social security/Medicare solvency. Trumpism is just Boomerism distilled into one of its most extreme forms.

12/5/2018 8:13:51 PM

All American
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there are many, many all-time great Americans who are Baby Boomers...

but collectively, they could fuck up an anvil.

12/6/2018 12:49:00 AM

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Boomers generational epitaph should read “We bought into Q.”

12/6/2018 9:07:16 AM

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