MrGreen All American 2281 Posts user info edit post |
More like shut the fuck up 7/14/2023 6:24:15 PM
The Coz Tempus Fugitive 26609 Posts user info edit post |
Is he related to Billy Sticks? 7/14/2023 6:47:34 PM
beatsunc All American 10770 Posts user info edit post |
And if I die in Raleigh, at least I die freeeee 7/15/2023 12:01:30 PM
MrGreen All American 2281 Posts user info edit post |
deadheads can absolutely kill a scene
fuck deadheads and fuck you 7/20/2023 12:33:50 PM
Bullet All American 28575 Posts user info edit post |
He and his band are extremely talented musicans 7/20/2023 12:42:40 PM
TerdFerguson All American 6603 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "deadheads can absolutely kill a scene" |
100% this. God damn smelly wooks screaming “play Cumberland Blues” at a random bluegrass show like it’s some old folk song that every band should know. The entire genre is being overrun by these people.
Billy Strings ruined Bluegrass. And that’s coming from someone that thinks Billy Strings is actually a pretty solid artist. 7/20/2023 1:54:44 PM
thegoodlife3 All American 39477 Posts user info edit post |
did he ruin it or did his fans?
slightly big difference 7/20/2023 2:07:25 PM
TerdFerguson All American 6603 Posts user info edit post |
He’s the one that covered Dead songs. Covering those songs and not expecting to be inundated by wooks is like leaving your porch light on all night and not expecting the entire porch to be covered in moths in the morning. 7/20/2023 2:17:42 PM
Bullet All American 28575 Posts user info edit post |
^^^I mean, I guess you could say that Jerry Garcia ruined bluegrass then
[Edited on July 20, 2023 at 2:17 PM. Reason : ] 7/20/2023 2:17:46 PM
TerdFerguson All American 6603 Posts user info edit post |
If the shoe fits. God damn Californians trying to appropriate muh culture. 7/20/2023 2:20:44 PM
Bullet All American 28575 Posts user info edit post |
Well, I'm gonna allow it 7/20/2023 2:35:32 PM
synapse play so hard 60941 Posts user info edit post |
lol wtf is happening here
are the deadheads showing up to Del McCoury shows and screaming for him to play Terrapin Station?
[Edited on July 20, 2023 at 4:15 PM. Reason : "ruined" lol]
[Edited on July 20, 2023 at 4:16 PM. Reason : IBMA thinks otherwise but I could see how your self-importance could supersede them ] 7/20/2023 4:12:35 PM
TerdFerguson All American 6603 Posts user info edit post |
Del Mccoury gets a haircut every few weeks and wears a jacket on stage. Only the bravest deadheads go to his shows because Del reminds them of their fathers too much. Imagine getting spun at a show and feeling the fatherly disappointment vibes emanating from the lead singer. Total buzzkill.
[Edited on July 20, 2023 at 4:43 PM. Reason : IBMA just a bunch of Californians trying to commodify authentic Americana. They can suck a dick.] 7/20/2023 4:40:21 PM
synapse play so hard 60941 Posts user info edit post |
[Edited on July 20, 2023 at 4:45 PM. Reason : when's your next set?] 7/20/2023 4:45:24 PM
BubbleBobble BLACK HITLER 114591 Posts user info edit post |
fuck billytalent  7/20/2023 4:47:43 PM
MrGreen All American 2281 Posts user info edit post |
Terd is on a fucking roll
i love it 7/20/2023 5:37:21 PM
BubbleBobble BLACK HITLER 114591 Posts user info edit post |
on a soft, buttered roll?
a tootsie roll? 
ok sorry I was just trying to fit in  7/20/2023 5:42:45 PM
TerdFerguson All American 6603 Posts user info edit post |
Ok, I thought more about it and I may have been suffering from some bad causality. It’s not the Dead covers, or dissonant jams, or decent song writing that attracts the wooks to Billy. It’s the fact that the availability of good LSD SKYROCKETS when his tour is in town. It’s really only Billy’s fault depending on how you view his embrace of drug culture. Jam culture is complicated though with all of those elements playing off each other. So it’s like a chicken or egg first kinda thing.
[Edited on July 20, 2023 at 6:36 PM. Reason : ^def soft. Def buttered.] 7/20/2023 6:34:20 PM
thegoodlife3 All American 39477 Posts user info edit post |
pretty hilarious that you envoked, “get a haircut, hippie” in an earnest way 7/20/2023 8:02:20 PM
TerdFerguson All American 6603 Posts user info edit post |
You’re free to offer your analysis of the Billy Strings experience, these are just my observations. Like I said I think he’s talented and I’m actually a fan. 7/20/2023 8:19:43 PM
thegoodlife3 All American 39477 Posts user info edit post |
not even a fan, just find your way of gatekeeping humorous 7/20/2023 9:17:38 PM
synapse play so hard 60941 Posts user info edit post |
There is nothing earnest ITT 7/21/2023 12:01:07 AM
justinh524 Sprots Talk Mod 28432 Posts user info edit post |
Yeah i enjoy what songs i have heard of him, but i don't think I'd ever in a million years go to one of his shows. No desire to deal with that crowd. 7/21/2023 1:01:07 AM
MrGreen All American 2281 Posts user info edit post |
his fans are objectively terrible 7/21/2023 10:12:59 AM
Bullet All American 28575 Posts user info edit post |
eh, they're not all bad (but yes, some are).
I don't think I'd heard the term "wook" before.
[Edited on July 21, 2023 at 10:51 AM. Reason : so i guess a liberal hippie is a "woke wook"] 7/21/2023 10:48:50 AM
justinh524 Sprots Talk Mod 28432 Posts user info edit post |
Smh how have you not heard the term wook before 7/21/2023 10:57:02 AM
Bullet All American 28575 Posts user info edit post |
I'm not sure. 7/21/2023 10:58:09 AM
synapse play so hard 60941 Posts user info edit post |
What's so bad about his fans? 7/21/2023 12:56:27 PM
justinh524 Sprots Talk Mod 28432 Posts user info edit post |
Buncha fuckin wooks 7/21/2023 1:02:27 PM
Nighthawk All American 19640 Posts user info edit post |
His IBMA show in 2015 didn't have a lot of wooks that I saw, but that was almost 8 years ago. Maybe they hadn't attached themselves to him back then. He had a really good set though and I enjoyed it quite a bit. Haven't seen him live since though. 7/21/2023 8:18:41 PM
MrGreen All American 2281 Posts user info edit post |
full blown infestation 7/23/2023 6:18:39 PM
synapse play so hard 60941 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "He’s the one that covered Dead songs. Covering those songs and not expecting to be inundated by wooks is like leaving your porch light on all night and not expecting the entire porch to be covered in moths in the morning." | 7/24/2023 2:58:01 PM
Bullet All American 28575 Posts user info edit post |
I heard him cover Black Sabbath (Plant Caravan) last summer and Alice in Chains (Nutshell) this summer
[Edited on July 24, 2023 at 3:20 PM. Reason : ] 7/24/2023 3:15:40 PM
Jeepin4x4 #Pack9 35780 Posts user info edit post |
rate the wookness
Marcus King Band fans vs Billy Strings fans 7/24/2023 3:40:47 PM
MrGreen All American 2281 Posts user info edit post |
the link to the setlists just confirms this is billy’s own fault
there’s no coming back 7/24/2023 5:52:08 PM
MrGreen All American 2281 Posts user info edit post |
I hope Cory Wong pays attention to this cautionary tale 7/24/2023 5:57:40 PM
synapse play so hard 60941 Posts user info edit post |
^^ Show your math armpit lover. He covers bluegrass bands. I mean I get that this is all a joke but at least make it convincible. 7/25/2023 12:09:03 AM
TreeTwista10 minisoldr 148822 Posts user info edit post |
Bobby Badfingers > Billy Strings 7/25/2023 12:19:03 AM
MrGreen All American 2281 Posts user info edit post |
synapse being intentionally dumb itt
[Edited on July 25, 2023 at 12:45 PM. Reason : i love armpits] 7/25/2023 12:45:13 PM
TerdFerguson All American 6603 Posts user info edit post |
The poor guy flew all the way to Europe trying to run from the wooks, but somehow they, the same people that bum multiple cigarettes in line before the show opens, always have the cash for a flight and concert tickets.
Billy is now having to address the front row culture in his Insta comments:
I think the lesson for artists is simple. Don’t mention, cover, or pay homage to anything related to mainstream Jam culture, or these wooks will find you and haunt you for the rest of your career. 11/17/2023 6:10:29 AM
Snewf All American 63521 Posts user info edit post |
I've reached the age where I get like a cocktail table with service if I'm gonna see a show. Fuck "rubbing elbows" with people. 11/17/2023 9:50:17 AM
Nighthawk All American 19640 Posts user info edit post |
^I went to the Polyphia show at the Ritz a few weeks ago and paid for the VIP front row balcony seats upgrade to avoid the sold out crowd below. It was really nice as I could leave to go to the bathroom and come back to have my seat waiting for me. I hit the merch tables after the first artist, go to the bar during the show, etc. and was able to get out right after the last encore song. I parked near the front of the Ritz so I was able to beat the entire crowd getting to their cars and was home back in Chapel Hill thirty minutes after my last photo walking out. It was great. 11/18/2023 5:39:42 AM
TerdFerguson All American 6603 Posts user info edit post |
I’m a year late to this, and I damn sure don’t read Insta comments, but holy shit:
Quote : | "Billy Strings was frank in sharing his feelings about other acts leaning on the GD repertoire. “[J]ust too many pigs on the teet,” Strings wrote. “There are sooo many bands trying to suckle off the dead. I’ll leave that to them.”
The guitarist also took aim at fans who yell for him to cover the Dead at his own shows. “[I]t chaps my ass when I hear people hollering requests for dead songs at my shows,” noted Billy. “I want them to scream dust in a baggie not fucking Althea.. I just wanted to see how many people would stick around for the music that I write and the bluegrass that I love to play. That’s my world,” added Strings." |
Billy was right there with me the entire time:
Quote : | "God damn smelly wooks screaming “play Cumberland Blues” at a random bluegrass show like it’s some old folk song that every band should know. The entire genre is being overrun by these people." |
Fuck off Wooks. Dead&Co is in Vegas all summer. Make sure you hydrate out there. 6/10/2024 8:00:00 PM
justinh524 Sprots Talk Mod 28432 Posts user info edit post |
Too many pigs on the Harris Teeter? What is a teet? 6/10/2024 10:23:14 PM
FroshKiller All American 51922 Posts user info edit post |
"Teat" misspelled. 6/11/2024 7:29:12 AM
justinh524 Sprots Talk Mod 28432 Posts user info edit post |
Yes i know. People who misspell that and wean/weaning drive me insane. If you saw ween i just assume you are referring to seminal american rock band, even if that makes no sense in context. 6/11/2024 9:42:34 AM
synapse play so hard 60941 Posts user info edit post |
[Edited on June 16, 2024 at 11:33 PM. Reason : ] 6/16/2024 11:28:10 PM
Bullet All American 28575 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "The current IBMA Bluegrass Music Awards Entertainer of the Year, Billy Strings, is once again nominated for the honor at this fall's ceremony, which will be held in Raleigh." |
He's not scheduled to perform, would he show-up to accept the award? Will all his wooks show-up to support him? 7/18/2024 9:25:29 AM
Bullet All American 28575 Posts user info edit post |
Wihtin a half-hour all the Wooks bought all the pre-sale tickets for three nights in April at Koka. 1/9/2025 10:58:58 AM
NeuseRvrRat hello Mr. NSA! 35386 Posts user info edit post |
Dude, consider it a bullet dodged. I went to a Billy Strings show and left at intermission because of the folks around me. The wooks can have it. 1/9/2025 12:35:54 PM