baonest All American 47902 Posts user info edit comment |
how about the duke phD student fund?
or NCSU student killed/robbed fund?
3/16/2008 10:48:25 PM |
dannyp45 All American 1053 Posts user info edit comment |
Quote : | "based on the wishes of her family" |
I can't understand that if her family wants to do it...why are they asking us?3/16/2008 11:45:38 PM |
TGD All American 8912 Posts user info edit comment |
^ assuming that wasn't , her family is going to set the parameters on the scholarship, e.g. if it'll be a Study Abroad thing since she liked studying abroad, a "servant leader" award, etc
and baonest I'm not sure what to tell you, I wasn't a friend of the other 2 so I haven't really felt the urge to publicize donations to their respective funds (assuming they have them). if the friends of those respective individuals end up taking donations let me know and I'll send some $$$ their way as well 3/17/2008 12:44:10 AM |
392 Suspended 2488 Posts user info edit comment |
^^^ duh,
you have to be rich and/or popular (and white?) to make national news and have a memorial fund
for every rich, popular (and white?) murder victim that gets lots of news and funds
there are probably a half dozen poor, unknown (minorities?) that get one mention and nothing
which is why I won't be donating one fucking penny to eve's fund
I'll give extra to anti-drug-war causes, (Media Awareness Project, Drug Policy Alliance, DRCNet, Libertarians, etc.)
because they are the only ones actually trying to eliminate gangs and terrorists (by bankrupting them)
now go ahead and tell me that the fact that this kid could "earn" a grand in one day had nothing to do with it
rather than regarding addicts as full citizens that simply happen to have an unfortunate health issue
rather than having affordable and clean (pure) amphetamine, cocaine, and heroin at pharmacies
rather than giving a third to a half of police budgets back to them to fight real crimes
you drug bigots would rather create a black market whereby gangs and terrorists get nearly all their revenue
and contribute to tragedies everywhere from 9/11 to eve carson
and no, I'm not trolling
3/17/2008 6:58:20 AM |
rssutto2 Veteran 406 Posts user info edit comment |
there's a lot of class 'round these parts. 3/17/2008 11:19:36 AM |
FitchNCSU All American 3283 Posts user info edit comment |
Quote : | "there's a lot of class 'round these parts." |
That and compassion.3/17/2008 2:50:12 PM |
roddy All American 25834 Posts user info edit comment |
you forgot a couple words, let me add them...
pretty female
3/17/2008 6:18:50 PM |
darkone (\/) (;,,,;) (\/) 11611 Posts user info edit comment |
WEAR RED! 3/17/2008 7:19:19 PM |
moonman All American 8685 Posts user info edit comment |
Seriously, 392, just shut up.
I barely visit this site anymore, but it seems like every time I log on, I read something you've written that reminds me how much I can hate someone on the Internet. 3/17/2008 7:31:34 PM |
skokiaan All American 26447 Posts user info edit comment |
392 is nuts. I'll donate simply because she was so bangable when she was alive and recently dead. 3/17/2008 9:16:45 PM |
urge311 All American 3026 Posts user info edit comment |
i feel bad for the girl, her family, friends, and classmates too, but i'm not giving a penny of my money. it sickens me that this is so publicized yet there is nothing about the Duke student who was killed earlier this year. why didn't we wear Duke blue one day also? 3/18/2008 8:35:32 AM |
baonest All American 47902 Posts user info edit comment |
indeed. and she was no more important that he was. phD with research. 3/18/2008 1:25:55 PM |
ENDContra All American 5160 Posts user info edit comment |
^^Yeah, Mahato was pretty much forgotten until they found out his murder was connected to this; otherwise, it was pretty much just another murder as far as the media was concerned.
Oh, and if you wore blue today, you are a turncoat, plain and simple, regardless of the reason. Have fun cheering on your Holes in the tourney, traitor. 3/18/2008 10:18:23 PM |