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 Stories » Don't give up on our Traditions

Don't give up on our Traditions

submitted by sparky on Thursday, August 23 2001 at 3:53 PM

First it was Delta Sig Lawn Party, then Camp-Out, then Pig Stock, and now Brent Road. Our beloved school traditions are being extinguished by the Administration and City Council and it’s sad. Tradition is so precious. Traditions promote school spirit, unity and identity. I truly feel sorry for the freshmen and sophomores. They don’t know what it’s like to party on Brent Road with 6,000 fellow students. They’ve never camped outside of Reynolds so they can chant “GO TO HELL CAROLINA!!” at the next basketball game. I think back and say to myself, “Man those were there days.” Those are the days that I will tell my children about. Those are the days that make college memorable.

I never thought I’d say this but I am jealous of those Tar Heels and Pirates. On October 31st UNC and ECU will have the support of local law enforcement as thousands of students in costume take to the street to celebrate Halloween. No scare tactics are used. No letters to parents are sent. No threats are made to local residents. Instead, roads are blocked off by law enforcement and students enjoy an annual tradition. Indeed RPD will be in full force on Brent Road Saturday night but they will not be there to “promote a safe environment.” They will be there to bust our balls and I’m sick of it. So I urge all to participate in an act of civil disobedience this Saturday on Brent Road and support in fighting to keep our traditions alive.

posted by Joe on Thursday, August 23 2001 at 4:39 PM

All American
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8/23/2001 4:43:04 PM

All American
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[Edited on August 23, 2001 at 5:08 PM. Reason : none]

8/23/2001 5:07:30 PM

All American
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What about "The Hill" at Carter Finley? I hope everyone realizes that the "Administration"(Chancellor) has also seen fit to get rid of the hill. They/she has decided to transform our wonderful tradition-filled stadium into a Dean-dome lookalike. Granted, there are many pro's, but the Hill is TRADITION also! I guess sporting events at Carter-Finley just weren't bringing in enough money... So let's just raise prices, and add more concrete seats to maximize our money-making.

Any other comments?

8/23/2001 5:07:40 PM

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Yeah i think its obvious that the administration places a much higher emphasis on money and image than the students. The examples are numerous. I think its messed up that this is a university, a place for students, and they treat us like crap. Well its gonna bite them in the ass when we're all alums. We already have one of the lowest, if not the lowest, alumni contributions of anyone in the acc.

8/23/2001 5:32:28 PM

The Boss
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i don't know how civil i'll be, but I'll definetly be disobedient

8/23/2001 5:37:29 PM

All American
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better football stadium = better recruiting ability = better football team = happy students....

don't think that the CFS renovations are solely for the money... they aren't morons at what they do... they jsut seem like it at times...

but ont he real topic... i will prolly go out there sober, then go to a friend's apt. and get fucked up...

8/23/2001 6:01:53 PM

All American
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hell yea Sparky!!!

fight for your right toooooo Paaarty!

8/23/2001 6:03:45 PM

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wohoo jared!!!

8/23/2001 6:33:36 PM

All American
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will be out there <--

8/23/2001 6:44:29 PM

All American
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KICK ASS, JARED. Spirited thoughts!

8/23/2001 7:02:34 PM

All American
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great post, and o so true... I get a bad vibe from everyone about brent road though.. Im all for it.. but seems like the spirirts really gone.. those that new it have left/or few in number... and now were surronded by those who dont really know what its about.... Kinda hard to keep something alive when a lot of the people that love it leave every year.

8/23/2001 7:48:22 PM

All American
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Of course the University focuses on money. It should be called North Carolina State University, Inc., dont you think?
I do want to make a point about something, which is the Chapel Hill Halloween thing. Im not sure about ECUs location, but Chapel Hill shuts down a business street...NOT a residential street. Now, I realize getting them to shut down Hillsborough Street for us is probably not going to happen, but still...I doubt the Chapel Hill police would shut down a residential street for a party. You have to realize that even though it is mostly students on Brent Rd, there are a lot of families and older people there too. Im willing to bet that all of the businesses on Franklin Street support the blocking off of it. What you need to do is plan to "move" the tradition to Hillsborough Street next year. Go out and get the support of every business that is open at night. GIVE UP on underage drinking at this thing. If you can get the businesses to support it, you might can make it happen. But you will never get the City to agree to let Brent Road continue as it is. You might hate what I am saying, but it is true. Thank you and have a nice day.

8/23/2001 8:00:30 PM

Garage Mod
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true...brent road is residential but the point was that both UNC and ECU have support from local law enforcement instead of being theatened like here

[Edited on August 23, 2001 at 8:09 PM. Reason : sp]

8/23/2001 8:09:05 PM

Starting Lineup
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I'm really soory for you having so much trouble keeping such a great tradition alive.
It's so natural have a few big parties all together during a semster, milestones in your college time.
It's really sad and I'm really disappointed that the USA isn't as free as everybody said. Scaring freshmen and students with letters and police reminds me of any otger system than democracy. And sending letters to parents and landlords is really the's really not the buisness of the University!!!
But: don't let them do such things...............protest!!!! Don't let them take all your traditions like brentroad, pickstock etc. away.............fight (of course in a peaceful way), demonstrate, let it run through the media (this time from your point!).......

I really don't understand their "stay at home and have fun"......what did they want you to do there??? Having a children's birthday party??
Don't let them scare you!!!

8/24/2001 10:31:14 AM

All American
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Man I agree with your statements. However Carloina and ECU's traditions are really parties but national holiday celebrations. Maybe Brent Road could have its own national day, and Brent Roads all over America would have parties. That would be pretty funny if some radom families got together once a year at some road for no reason Law enforcement is all over it because of the underage drinking and because neighbors are pissed. It should be moved, I agree, if it will continue. If not it will die I actually went last year before I came here and know I don't know if I want to risk anything again. Luckally my friend lived in the neighborhood and if I was in any danger, we were gonna get the hell out of there!

8/24/2001 11:17:29 AM

All American
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if they blocked off hillsborough be there

when duke lost in the NCAA a few years ago...didnt chapel hill block of franklin street?

8/24/2001 11:42:06 AM

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Traditions must Stand..
It is not human (wolf) nature to sit down and let someone control or push us down...
The Wolfpack must band together and make a stand....
Make a stand for our freedom and rights...

DONT LET NCSU BECOME PCU (Politically Correct University)!!!!

[Edited on August 24, 2001 at 5:47 PM. Reason : Forgot something]

8/24/2001 5:45:55 PM

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