Student Support Needed for Tuition Payment Plan
submitted by Nrallen on Monday, November 26 2001 at 12:27 PM
This Wednesday, the Student Senate will consider Resolution 57, which would call for the implementation of a tuition payment plan. Right now, students have to pay their tuition in a lump sum at the Cashier's Office. Under the payment plan, students would be able to extend their payments over a six month period. Currently, 14 of the 16 schools in the UNC system have a tuition payment plan.
The Cashier's Office and the Office of Financial Aid were trying to implement this program for the Spring semester, but ran into some road blocks with the upper levels of the administration. We need to show student support for the creation of a tuition payment plan, so that it can be in place in time for the 2002-2003 academic year.
Read the resolution that is pending before the Senate:
Find your senator and tell him/her to support Resolution 57:
Would your group/organization like to become a signatory on Resolution 57 (which would basically show your support for the bill)? Or if you want me to talk to you about it or visit your organization? Contact me at or drop me a WW email
posted by scud on Monday, November 26 2001 at 9:18 PM