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 Stories » Raise Up or Pay Up

Raise Up or Pay Up

submitted by Kay_Yow on Sunday, February 17 2002 at 4:26 AM

We’ve seen the power that students can have over their future. The last time the students rallied, we saved the university from the worst of the budget cuts. But this time the challenge is greater…the spirit of our university is being tested.

On Tuesday, February 19 at 6pm in Witherspoon Cinema, student leaders and WKNC will partner up for a Tuition Town Hall. Unlike previous town hall meetings, this one is all about the students. There will be a student-led information session about the proposed tuition increase. Then students will have the chance to ask questions and share their stories about how a $400 tuition increase will affect their lives. Then on February 22, thirteen people will decide the fate of over 29,000--our Tuition Town Hall will provide critical information to make those thirteen trustees stand up and listen.

The student-led town hall will also be hosted and broadcast live by Wortham Boyle and Andrew Payne on WKNC 88.1FM beginning at 6 p.m. For more information about the Town Hall meeting or other tuition issues, visit

Admission to the event is free, but missing it could cost you $400!!!

posted by JAllen1127 on Monday, February 18 2002 at 1:09 AM

All American
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i'm sure to be there tomorrow nite!!!

and kudos to those who have made it possible to educate the masses

2/18/2002 11:38:22 AM

All American
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it is good and all, but NC tuition is cheaper then about any other state, and even with the increases, it still is. It is a fact of life, tuition is going to go up every year, the years of no increase are dead and gone, sadly.

Tuition now is double why it was in 92

[Edited on February 18, 2002 at 4:56 PM. Reason : .]

2/18/2002 4:55:40 PM

All American
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Find me this in some those other state's constitution:

Quote :
"The General Assembly shall provide that the benefits of The University of North Carolina and other public institutions of higher education, as far as practicable, be extended to the people of the State free of expense. - Article IX, Section IX of the NC Constitution"

2/18/2002 5:31:24 PM

All American
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"as far as practicable" being the key words. Grow up and quit your bitching. Rate increases ( and budget cuts) are a part of life, and we all should take our fair share without being crying little assholes about it. You should be grateful that your state (in particular, your tax payers) pick up as much of the bill as they do. I wish the state would realize how ungrateful and disrespectful you bitchy little protestors are and raise tuition $1400. That would save some hard-working tax payers from having to give money to you brats with your hands out. How about getting a job and working for the $400 instead of trying to get others to pay for it?

2/18/2002 6:18:39 PM

All American
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No my friend, the key word is "benefits." That includes fees, housing, meal plans, etc...which total more than $11k per year--and that's not practicable.

Quote :
"Grow up and quit your bitching."

I'm older than you.

Quote :
"Rate increases ( and budget cuts) are a part of life, and we all should take our fair share"

Fair share by ass...tuition went up by 25.2 percent last year alone. That's not a fair share. The state is diverging its funding of higher education....with budget cuts, it's down to less than 10 percent of overall appropriations. Instead, they just give $78 million to private colleges and universities.

Quote :
"You should be grateful that your state (in particular, your tax payers) pick up as much of the bill as they do."

You mean people like me? I've paid taxes in this state since I was 15 and my parents have for a lot longer. The way to solve the state's budget woes is to invest in higher education. Graduates of the universities make up to 3 times more than someone without a college degree. That means that in the long run they pay more taxes....which ultimately bolsters the economy. And guess what--80 percent of UNC system graduates remain in the state of North Carolina! That means more money for the state.::GASP::

The problem with our General Assembly is that they lack the longterm vision necessary to get our schools up to par.

Quote :
"How about getting a job and working for the $400 instead of trying to get others to pay for it?"

51 percent of UNC system students work more than 30 hours a week. Another 26 percent work between 15-30 hours per week. Despite bullshit rhethoric, our students are not lazy. Think of it this tuition has gone up, students work more which means they take fewer hours of classes. Hence, graduation rates have decreased substantially--and folks take longer to graduate. How do you feel about subsidizing education for 5 or 6 years?

Also, it's important to note (since clearly, you know nothing about tuition), that this $400 will go on top of a 4.8 percent (around $112) increase from the Board of Governors. And...don't be surprised if the General Assembly turns to tuition again next year to address its lack of commitment to Higher Education. Based on precedence, a $700 tuition increase could be forthcoming for the students of NC State.

[Edited on February 18, 2002 at 6:50 PM. Reason : dammit]

2/18/2002 6:50:07 PM

All American
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do you hear that? thats the sound of a sellout's ego deflating....

2/18/2002 9:49:56 PM

All American
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only 2/3 of the increase is for the actual funding. 1/3 of the increase goes to pay the increase in tuition of those that cannot afford it on financial grounds.

2/18/2002 10:39:06 PM

All American
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^^ that's partly true...anywhere from 30-40 percent could go to need-based financial aid. it's what they like to call "hold harmless." however, let's say that you're in the true middle class...which a lot of us're not held harmless from anything.

2/19/2002 7:44:13 AM

All American
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2/19/2002 9:19:37 AM

All American
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No see your not getting it.
they need an extra 266 from every student for what they want to do. But some students dont pay tuition. so we pay an extra 133 to pay for their increase.

2/19/2002 11:17:07 AM

All American
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who doesn't pay tuition?

2/19/2002 11:39:06 AM

All American
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Quote :
"No see your not getting it.
they need an extra 266 from every student for what they want to do. But some students dont pay tuition. so we pay an extra 133 to pay for their increase"

See that is what you get for reading our dumbass newspapers. Faulty information. If you want to know the truth there a number of publications out, by people who have done the work and not just reported on the work that others have done.

Think about what you are saying. Even people on financial aid have to pay tuition. Sorry but it is true. It would be a ridiculous claim to make that they take more money from people who have it to give to the people that don't. It is supported for by the state.

Ya'll need to get the FUCK OFF KayYows back! I am sick-in-fucking-tired of hearing this bullshit that you think you know. IF YOU WANT TO PAY 400 EXTRA DOLLARS....BY ALL MEANS....PUT IT IN AN ENVELOPE AND PUT THE CHANCELLORS NAME ON IT. BUT SOME PEOPLE CAN'T AFFORD THAT.

If you people are so fucking smart prove that the state can not fund schools better. Prove that the tuition has to be rasied. Prove something damn it because you are wasting your time posting foolish nonsense. I know for a fact that the state can do a better job of funding schools. I worked with the Appropriations committee in the General Assembly and investigated where all the money is going. These are public records too! Go and get them...look for yourself! 800.00 for a stop sign plus installation. 14 million dollars sitting in a savings account just incase one year they will want to make some more roads...BULLSHIT.

Get the hell off kayYows back. Thank God there are people like her. She is the only one doing anything. She is trying to save you 400 dollars damn it. That is a new computer. That is a years worth of books. Give me a fucking break if you think that you can not benefir from 400 extra dollars.

2/20/2002 11:44:24 AM

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