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 Stories » Hurricane Relief Collection on the Brickyard!!

Hurricane Relief Collection on the Brickyard!!

submitted by ldywhoknows on Wednesday, September 7 2005 at 12:12 AM

If your sympathy has gone out the the victims of hurricane Katrina, but you haven't gotten around to donating, here is your chance.

Alpha Phi Omega Community Service Fraternity will be collecting donations on the brickyard from 12pm-4pm Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday of this week.

We'll be taking monetary donations (we've raised about $350 so far) that will go straight to the Red Cross.

Please come by and give us anything you can spare... even pocket change helps.

If you'd like to donate materials (which will go straight to Louisiana on a truck this week), I'll personally collect anything you have to offer. They are in need of: diapers, baby formula/food, feminine products, and toiletries. If you'd like to donate money towards the purchase of these items, you can do that as well and I will purchase the items myself when I make a run to Walmart. PM ldywhoknows to set up a pick-up or drop-off time.

posted by Maugan on Wednesday, September 7 2005 at 7:38 AM

All American
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Walmart is a good idea, but a stop by a Dollar Store might help the money go further.

In 1999 with Floyd, students organized and filled a truck. The Campaign was called something like the 30,000 campaign. One dollar, one item for every student, staff, faculty member. Can we do it again? I 'd like to offer it up as a challenge. Everyone stop by and donate one dollar, one item to this group on the brickyard.

Also, how big is the truck? Is it big enough to make a stop in Mississippi too? Biloxi area is not getting on the news as much as New Orleans, but has a real need as well. Entire communities are flattened and destroyed.

Maybe we can get enough to fill two trucks. Help out y'all.

9/7/2005 8:37:35 AM

All American
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You all got mentioned in today's News and Observer.

Way to go. everybody donating?

9/8/2005 4:33:33 PM

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