LaserSoup All American 5503 Posts user info edit comment |
They're going to raise tuition no matter what. Stay home and have a brew. 11/17/2005 12:07:27 PM |
Perlith All American 7620 Posts user info edit comment |
Who is organizing this? Where can I find additional information? 11/17/2005 1:05:40 PM |
Chesty Chuck New Recruit 19 Posts user info edit comment |
I don't think you guys understand what it costs to run a university, especially if you want to run a university that people respect.
Your school needs $325 if it wants to remain viable as a somewhat good academic insitution. There's not one of you who can't get $325 together (mow some lawns or have a bake sale), and your degree will be worth more afterwards anyway. 11/17/2005 1:27:27 PM |
DJILLY Starting Lineup 93 Posts user info edit comment |
The state of NC has one of the lowest average tuition costs in the nation. You should consider yourself fortunate that you pay so little for so much. Go ahead and do the research - maybe you'll see why I pointed this out.. 11/17/2005 2:44:25 PM |
lornrinay Veteran 136 Posts user info edit comment |
Quote : | "There's not one of you who can't get $325 together (mow some lawns or have a bake sale)" |
That really disgusts me. Saying that everyone that goes to this university can afford $325 more in tuition a year is an over-generalization--I work three jobs (~50 hrs/wk) as it is, and I'm barely making my tuition payments. Add being a full-time student into the schedule and no, I do not have time to "mow some lawns." Not everyone at this university has a silver spoon in their mouths from mommy and daddy, thank you.
The problem is that people like me (and there are many) can't ever go to forums like this, not because of apathy, but because we're working, which is exactly why I can't go. If I didn't have to work, I'd be right there protesting, but unfortunatly, I'm gonna have to find some time to "hold a bake sale," so that the Chancellor can have a new $3.5 million mansion.
[Edited on November 17, 2005 at 3:14 PM. Reason : whoops]11/17/2005 3:09:02 PM |
NCstate08 Veteran 182 Posts user info edit comment |
Student Government is heading this campaing.... 11/17/2005 3:32:09 PM |
loudRyan All American 594 Posts user info edit comment |
I don't have a silver spoon in my mouth and I still think school is cheap, especially when you consider the payoff after graduation. 11/17/2005 4:17:05 PM |
dbhawley All American 3339 Posts user info edit comment |
maybe if we didnt give our chancellor a 16% pay raise we woudnt need to raise the tuition. he's already making over $300K which in my opinion is enough. 11/17/2005 7:47:06 PM |
ambrosia1231 eeeeeeeeeevil 76471 Posts user info edit comment |
i'm quite aware how cheap my tuition is. the problem i have with increases is the fiscal mismanagement. instead of giving the chancellor a new house, pay raise, or athletic coaches raises, how about upping the pay for some of the low-wage workers? i know damn well senorita maria cleaning up dorm bathrooms isn't getting paid the value of her work. or how about taking some part of these increases every year and giving them to the arts, instead of making them beg for what they manage to get. or making finding someone better than connex to take care of the buses.
NCSUs money would go a lot further if they didn't pay people for idleness, as well. anyone else ever notice how often the tunnel site is utterly deserted? 11/17/2005 11:22:39 PM |
jataylor All American 6652 Posts user info edit comment |
Quote : | "maybe if we didnt give our chancellor a 16% pay raise we woudnt need to raise the tuition" |
dingdingding we have a winner fuck oblinger11/17/2005 11:30:24 PM |
bobwuzhere Veteran 138 Posts user info edit comment |
^ I agree, why dont we give some money to the people that do real work like proffessors. or maybe use it to build a new parking deck or something useful instead of a golf course. damn beuracrats. 11/17/2005 11:51:51 PM |
Firebreather Veteran 179 Posts user info edit comment |
its rumored to be around half a mile long............ 11/18/2005 3:42:58 AM |
lahyde All American 3327 Posts user info edit comment |
^It's not...that was the goal, and they fell short by a longshot
Chancellor Oblinger's salary isn't paid for by tuition, so stop complaining as if it was---you don't pay for it (it's paid for through fees in the state that are reapportioned)
Golf course is being subsidized by over half from private donors---in fact very little is coming from the taxpayers
Professors are already getting an increase this year, and another next year if the tuition increase passes
Just be thankful they didn't try to do a three year increase at once again, like they tried 2 years ago 11/18/2005 8:29:40 AM |
roguewolf All American 9069 Posts user info edit comment |
if anything students should attend to show the board they still care about their own money and the school's insisting on raising tutition each year.
b/c once you stop caring they'll try to pull some 3-year shit like lahyde was talking about.
And if i was still a student i would be there protesting. the school has done shit with all the money they have seen in the past 6 years to "keep competitive" with other universities. its horrible fiscal practices is what keeps NCSU down, not its funding.
Quote : | "I don't have a silver spoon in my mouth and I still think school is cheap, especially when you consider the payoff after graduation. " |
Someone's awful sure of themself.11/18/2005 9:28:30 AM |
jackleg All American 170962 Posts user info edit comment |
Quote : | "Not everyone at this university has a silver spoon in their mouths from mommy and daddy, thank you." |
ha ha ha what an asshole
i paid every dime of mine, granted it was 1100 bucks my first semester, and a little over double that before i stopped going. no clue what it is now
if you are THAT fucking poor, you will get financial aid. LIKE MOST PEOPLE, i was in the wonderful position of having to list my parents income on the FAFSA, when they didnt pay for any of my college. then they said my expected personal contribution from having my job was enough that i didnt need any free aid. it sucked.. but they gave me loans...
when i turned 24 and got to stop listing my parents jobs, financial aid started throwing money at me... so if youre THAT fucking hard up, drop out of school until you are 24. im assuming that you are in the same boat as MOST PEOPLE, because if you were really THAT POOR, they would be THROWING MONEY AT YOU already...
to conclude, shut the fuck up, you sound like a bitch. there is no need for you to be working 50 hours a week, plus going to school full time. unless, of course, you just love bitching.11/18/2005 9:35:07 AM |
philihp All American 8349 Posts user info edit comment |
i'm for the tuition increase. 11/18/2005 10:54:12 AM |
lornrinay Veteran 136 Posts user info edit comment |
^^ you completely missed my point.
Quote : | "LIKE MOST PEOPLE, i was in the wonderful position of having to list my parents income on the FAFSA, when they didnt pay for any of my college. then they said my expected personal contribution from having my job was enough that i didnt need any free aid. it sucked.. but they gave me loans... " |
My case exactly. So yes, I do have loans. Not all loans allow you to wait until graduation to make payments, so with loan payments + rent + car insurance + health insurance + food + etc, etc, there is need for me to be working all the time and going to school full-time. If you don't like it, that's great. My point was that it's not as easy for everyone to pay for the increase.11/18/2005 12:45:18 PM |
jackleg All American 170962 Posts user info edit comment |
i didnt miss your point
my point is that most everyone else does that exact same thing
and all my loans would have waited till graduation, i know i made payments whenever i could during school
so if you didnt qualify for a stafford loan, you must have a silver spoon in your mouth!!!1
11/18/2005 1:08:11 PM |
Perlith All American 7620 Posts user info edit comment |
Quote : | "I work three jobs (~50 hrs/wk)" |
You should talk to the financial aid office and discuss some options. If you haven't yet, sit down and figure out what it would cost per month to become independent .... also figure out how much additional you can get in financial aid if you are independent.
Back to topic: The proposed increases in 2003 I opposed because I believed the half the items they were allocating the money towards really didn't need it. Nobody has anything yet about what these increases are for. Can somebody link me to some legit information?
[Edited on November 18, 2005 at 1:18 PM. Reason : .]11/18/2005 1:15:58 PM |
ldywhoknows All American 1385 Posts user info edit comment |
What if you're not 24 and are on your own? How does financial aid work? My parents are cutting me off after this year and I'll be applying for financial aid on my own, but I'm only 22... 11/18/2005 2:46:54 PM |
apkaufma All American 12079 Posts user info edit comment |
$415.90 increase, lotta good this did 11/19/2005 5:02:51 PM |
bcvaugha All American 2587 Posts user info edit comment |
don't go on spring break and ride the bus :-) If you can't afford it I feel sorry for you, but if you're complaining and went to Cancun or somewhere I wish you'd not. 11/20/2005 4:19:01 PM |
twoozles All American 20735 Posts user info edit comment |
HOW THE FUCK did that increase go from $325 to $400+??? 11/20/2005 7:00:34 PM |
Drovkin All American 8438 Posts user info edit comment |
I like how they said they were so impressed by the student reponse...
and then turn around and unanimously vote for the increase 11/21/2005 9:30:25 AM |
Perlith All American 7620 Posts user info edit comment |
In 15 minutes ... let me try to shed some light on this ... all through Google no less.
Quote : | "HOW THE FUCK did that increase go from $325 to $400+???" |
Because some people don't know the difference between tuition and fees, nor bother to take 2 seconds to google it and look it up
Quote : | " tuition increase of $325 for all students for 2006-07, while the fee review committee has recommended increases totaling $90.60. The combined tuition and fee increase of $415.60" |
Quote : | "Fee increases include $25 for athletics operations, $21.60 for student center operations, $16 for the transit operation fee, $15 for athletics debt service, $13 for student health service and $7 for recreational sports. Fees for student publications, student handbook and student self-service registration will decrease by a total of $7." | In the left frame, do a search for "tuition"
Quote : | "Pennsylvania State Univ 10,856 Rutgers Univ 8,564 Univ of Illinois-Urbana 7,944 Univ of California-Davis 6,936 Univ of CA-San Diego 6,224 Purdue Univ 6,092 Texas A&M Univ 5,955 Univ of Wisconsin 5,866 Virginia Tech 5,838 Iowa State Univ 5,426 NC State Univ 4,282 Georgia Tech 4,278 Univ of Georgia 4,272" |
Quote : | " the tuition increase is proposed to be allocated 41% to holding need-based financial aid harmless, 10% to holding the Graduate Student Support Plan harmless, 22% to increasing faculty and staff salaries, 22% to educational quality and accessibility, and 5% to creation of additional financial aid;" |
One supporting senator, WTF???!!! No wonder the increase went through so easily.
I don't agree with any of the financial aid/graduate student plans, which is 55% of the increases. Same reasons I opposed the 04-05 increases. If I enrolled next year, I would be paying roughly $330 extra for other people to be able to "afford" to go to school (55% of ~$600 from 04-05 increases and 06-07 increases).
[Edited on November 21, 2005 at 6:15 PM. Reason : somebody get this s___ published in the Technician, wake people up]11/21/2005 6:08:44 PM |
marko Tom Joad 72833 Posts user info edit comment |
etc etc 11/25/2005 1:22:06 PM |
cgmk1 Veteran 460 Posts user info edit comment |
increase tuition so that you have have to work longer hours and lower your gpa to raise money for financial aid to bring in people with higher gpas. oh well. 11/27/2005 12:51:03 PM |
JennMc All American 3989 Posts user info edit comment |
My student loan payments were only $130 a month. Not that big of a deal when I was working. 11/27/2005 7:53:02 PM |
darascott New Recruit 4 Posts user info edit comment |
I don't think that just because our tuition is lower than some other schools, it is not a valid reason for raising tuition. Many community colleges cost a fraction of what we pay, and Duke keeps increasing their tuition every year so that I think this past year it broke over $50,000. The point is that this is a state supported school and people should look at the merits of raising tuition rather than simply raising. If our next door neighbor Georgia can manage to give every student with a B average a free ride, why do we need a roughly 20% increase in tuition when the economy grows 3-4% a year? State schools are chartered to give the residents of it's community access to higher education at affordable costs. We are not a private school, we are public and with the mission came certain rights. It is an investment in tomorrow's youth. The state spends thousands of dollars each year on each one of us. I know many people see student loans as the be all and end all, but I would like to remind each and everyone of you, that paying the loans off in your 20s prevents you from saving. You may not realize it, but the peak time to save for retirement is between age 22 and 28. For example if you invest $1,000 yr. between those years, it is the same as investing $1,000 between there and when you retire. And that works out to between $500,000-$1 million extra in your nest egg depending on your investment strategy. I'm not saying college is not worth it. Education remains one of the best ways to escape poverty, but maybe we should focus not on charging students more, but putting what we do have to better use. 12/1/2005 5:38:38 PM |
vonjordan3 AIR 43669 Posts user info edit comment |
When I started at state in was $1,375.....thats it.....sad how much it has gone up...I feel bad for our kids 1/6/2006 4:47:20 PM |