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submitted by roguewolf on Monday, February 12 2001 at 5:32 PM

"TO PARTY!!"..right?
   I, as a Student Senator, NEED to know what we the 1636 members of The Wolf Web and the university as a whole believe if the Nuisance Party Ordinance should go. Currently we are in the process of trying to get it repealed but we only have ~1500 names on the petition. Are we the students okay with it?
   As a student gov't official representing all..ALL..of you guys I cannot fight for something you do not belive in fighting for. I cannot attack it, as only it seems 3% of the students care. Either get out here with me and bitch and raise hell!...or stop complaining in all. You can sign the online petition here.

posted by Joe on Monday, February 12 2001 at 7:03 PM

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the rock has signed it!

2/12/2001 7:08:33 PM

All American
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edit comment has myself...

2/12/2001 7:55:26 PM

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i signed that bitch and made some t shirts too -fuck tha police!

2/12/2001 8:15:51 PM

All American
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cool, oh by the by...Joe, i'm not a Senator anymore..Exec Staff i can do more work like this! long story really..

2/12/2001 9:04:26 PM

All American
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signed it as well....GO TEAM

2/12/2001 9:31:35 PM

New Recruit
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I signed it last semester. There have been people who have been diligently trying to get this thing repealed now for a while and people who have taken petitions down to the City Council. It's something that the City Council is going to be very reluctant to repeal, despite student voices. The author of the nuisance ordinance, Benson Kirkman, now has office hours on campus. He'd be a great person to go talk to about it sometime - but this guy is a politician and the students need someone who acknowledges that politics must be used to approach people in these positions to get things done. Consider that.

2/12/2001 9:36:17 PM

All American
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do you have to be registered to vote in raliegh to sign it?

cause i'm registered in cary wake co.

[Edited by hyperman51 on 2/12/2001 at 11:21:32 PM. Reason: ?]

2/12/2001 11:19:40 PM

All American
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you have to be registered in the City of Raleigh

2/12/2001 11:48:28 PM

All American
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i signed it last semester and sent a forward out to all my friends, i suggust ya'll do the same. we need as many names as possible.

2/13/2001 12:01:45 AM

All American
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well damn i would have signed it

2/13/2001 12:23:57 AM

All American
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i signed it too

2/13/2001 4:48:48 PM

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rogue what happeneD?

2/13/2001 4:58:35 PM

All American
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what happened??

2/13/2001 6:04:25 PM

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a the meeting? wasnt it today

2/13/2001 6:41:21 PM

All American
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um, what meeting?..kirkman comes, please dont tell me i missed something.

2/13/2001 7:08:25 PM

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my blow

2/13/2001 8:53:49 PM

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What's the name of that song, btw........"you gotta fight...."

2/14/2001 1:32:19 AM

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has anyone even READ the nuicance ordinance? it refers to disturbing parties. If you're being disturbing, noisy, etc., you're violating someone ELSES right to have fun, or be happy, because they can no longer enjoy whatever it was they're doing, because now they have 12 frat kiddies hanging from the trees in their front yard. how about growing up, and being responsible when you're plastered/stoned/trippin' etc. so people like police and other citizens dont have to clean up your disgraceful mess. Thats why we have police, to stop irresponsible kids from making a mess others have to clean up. read the great gatsby.
a question: how would you feel if 5-6 years from now, you just got home from a grueling day of work(which no one hates LESS as they get older, im sure) and you feel like relaxing. but there's a party going on next door and some drunken kids wander over and piss on the plants in your front yard that your wife just spent 2 days preparing, and then yell "WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!" and strip their clothes off and prance around on your lawn...remember, your irritability level will be higher after a strenuous day of work. A very random scenario, but it helps to generalize.
just my $.02 on responsability.
P.S. - this does not, in any way, imply that i'm straight edge. im sure you can gather that from my picture folder. but irresponsible actions at parties are whats responsible for this ordinance...if everyone would've acted responsibly it never would've hit the law books.

2/14/2001 10:30:39 AM

All American
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Nobody has the right to complain about a party if it is a well-known and documented fact that parties occur there on a frequent basis. (Read: Brent Road, the Abbey, whatever) Kirkman was a dumbass for buying that house and expecting it to be surrounded by "quiet, responsible students." Who is he kidding? Nobody moves to Brent Road looking for a quiet environment. Partying is about as much of college life as studying or walking to class. I think the nuisance party ord. is evidence of that. No matter what measures are put in place, parties are STILL going to happen regardless.

I agree that irresponsible behavior is a problem at such gatherings, but should they punish the whole for the actions of a few?

2/14/2001 10:38:30 AM

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should areas of Raleigh/Durham just be roped off then, for use by college students who want to be noisy and obnoxious? or is it humanly impossible to have a social gathering where stuff doesn't get broken/torn down and people dont start fights because some drunk kid was eyeing someone else's girlfriend? of course i know not all parties are like that, but why should ANY parties be like that? Brent Road is interestingly centralized in Raleigh, so why should other people be expected to locate their homes far away from it if they work within the city? i dont synonimize "party" with "fucking stuff up", rather having an incredible time. I think everyone should do the same, so that ordinances like these arent needed. (this mainly applies to the few that go to parties looking for trouble.

2/14/2001 10:50:18 AM

New Recruit
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It has been arranged through Student Government for Benson Kirkman to come to campus each week to talk with students about the Nuisance Ordinance, Homecoming, Parking tickets, Coker Towers or any other issue dealing with the city you may have. He is on campus Monday's 1:30PM to 3PM. Contact the SG Office 515.2797 for an appointment.


2/19/2001 2:01:29 PM

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