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 Stories » Missing Student: Vitor Franchito

Missing Student: Vitor Franchito

submitted by Isaac on Monday, February 13 2006 at 9:36 PM

Hello, everyone
I am writing to you today to ask for your help. As you may have seen in the
newspaper over the weekend, Vitor Franchito has been missing for over a
week. Vitor is my friend and co-national. He is also an undergraduate
international student at NCSU in Electrical and Computer Engineering. And
the co-founder of the "Brasileirinho"--a Brazilian student association on
NCSU campus. He has been missing for over a week now. His friends and
family are very worried. He left walking and without his cellular phone,
backpack or computer. His fiancée thinks he may be out of Raleigh at this
point. If you could forward this email and flyer to your friends and family
in the US, it would be appreciated. You may also print and post the flyer
around. The more people who know about this, the better chances we have to
find him soon. Vitor is very beloved and we would like to be able to find
him healthy soon.
Thank you for your help,

The Poster will be posted in Chit Chat, or you can find it in my Photo Gallery

posted by Maugan on Monday, February 13 2006 at 10:19 PM

supple anteater
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Theres more information available here too.

2/13/2006 10:39:41 PM

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and here

2/14/2006 12:32:35 AM

All American
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puts a lot of shit in perspective.

2/14/2006 2:24:23 AM

All American
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A number of the Brazilian Steakhouse co-workers of mine knew this guy, I really hope he is found.

2/14/2006 7:43:19 AM

All American
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I was just informed that this guy lives directly across from my apartment. weird. i've talked to him and stuff.

2/15/2006 2:28:20 AM

supple anteater
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I've been told by Huasillo(who is having trouble posting) that
"Today there is a small group meeting at Herrelson building, in the brickyard, around 3-3:30pm, And NBC will be interviewing Vitor's father at 2:50pm, at the NCSU book store, on Talley. "

2/15/2006 2:53:03 PM

All American
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Good day,

I'm staff in Civil Engineering. I read the most recent comments about the concern of the media loosing interest in the story, I called WRAL TV and they are running a story this evening on the 6 o'clock news (app. 6:10 PM). The young lady at the news desk I spoke with stated fairly strongly that they are very concerned about this incident, and are not going to give up until there is some information found, she assured me there would be at least bi-weekly mention.

For more information, or to ask when future stories will be aired call (919) 821-8555, and ask for the news desk.

Steve Wade

2/15/2006 4:51:02 PM

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Do we have any information from the train stations or buses? do we know if he made a ticket purchase on them recently? anywhere in the area?
I can gather a group of volunteers, let me know how we can help. our condolences are with his family and friends right now, we hope he is found soon.

2/15/2006 6:43:28 PM

All American
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Has the Raleigh Police Department organized any walking searches of the surrounding areas of where he was last seen, on WRAL it stated that he didn't take his car, this would indicate that he walked to where he is now, perhaps we (students, staff, and faculty) could work together to search the undeveloped Centennial, lake Raleigh, and Dix Hill areas of Raleigh. He was last seen on western, then at the Wachovia retrieving $200 in cash, not really enough to get far by public transport.

2/16/2006 9:37:38 AM

Starting Lineup
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He was last seen on this places, but he returned home (computer activity...the circle K receipt was also found in his apt). What we still don't know is if he left right after the computer activity finished (2h45 am) or if he slept and then left in the morning (I gave some flyers to Wolfline, but so far I haven't seen them on the buses). Special forces searched the West grove area with dogs. Campus police searched Raleigh Lake. Raleigh police searched Crabtree and Jonhson (A group of friends and myself helped on Johnson search). I guess police will stop searching for him soon, or at least will slow it down. We will certainly need your help to keep searching for him. Txs for your support.

2/16/2006 9:44:48 AM

All American
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There is a thread for this ... please keep comments/updates there so all information is consolidated in one place. Thnx.

2/16/2006 12:10:27 PM

Starting Lineup
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This is Ricardo Franchito, Vitor's father. We need your help to find Vitor, the more we spread the information, the more we post his picture, the better are the chances of someone finding him and help he to come back. Please help us to get any information about him, please help us to have him back.

2/16/2006 8:10:23 PM

supple anteater
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I found this flier in your photo gallery... was vitor wearing a beard most recently or clean shaven... knowing that would make it a little easier to keep an eye out the face.

2/16/2006 8:37:55 PM

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He had started growing a beard and his hair was longer. From what I understand, the picture at the top of the flyer was taken very close to the time he disappeared.

[Edited on February 16, 2006 at 9:06 PM. Reason : ]

2/16/2006 9:03:07 PM

New Recruit
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He is ALive!!!! Found today!!!

2/19/2006 1:22:43 PM

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where was he!!??

2/19/2006 3:23:16 PM

All American
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The airport according to an e-mail i got.

2/19/2006 5:10:21 PM

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2/19/2006 10:00:15 PM

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