Sidio47 New Recruit 19 Posts user info edit comment |
Monday 27th---------------------> Get ready to Get wet and wild IRC Style! Mud & Water games -------------> Enjoy everything from water balloons to mud volleyball, mud tug of war, mud football, slip n slides, and sprinklers. Behind Lee 3-7pm
Tuesday 28th--------------------> We're going to have an obstacle course, jousting, and carnival games possibly with prizes. Campus Carinval------------------> Attendees will receive coupons to get free cotton candy, sno cones, popcorn, drinks, and other carinval type food. Tucker Beach 2-6pm
Wednesday 29th----------------> A true southern style barbeque picnic with a live bluegrass band. Carolina Picnic and Bluegrass-----> Fixings include BBQ Pork, rolls, beans, slaw, tea, and lemonade. Quad Courtyard 4-8pm
Thursday------------------------> We will be inviting all the student body candidates to come and give their platforms. IRC Meeting----------------------> Everyone is welcome to attend. Turlington Basement 7pm
Friday---------------------------> Kick back and enjoy some dancing, karaoke, and mocktails on the house! BAR Night-----------------------> Come hang out in the BAR and enjoy the virgin drinks. Bragaw BAR 9pm-1am
Saturday-----------------------> Be there in your bed wear! Pajama Formal------------------> Come out to dance, socialize, watch DVD's, and scarf some midnight munchies. Talley 10pm-1am 3/18/2006 10:49:58 PM