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All American
6003 Posts
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I didnt do it last year and I was pissed so this year it is on. I am going to start riding again. I did a biggest loser of 90 Days last year and went from 278 to 237. I did nothing after that from July until now. I am going to do the same thing as before. Cycle every day and stop eating fast food. January 3rd I will begin so I can eat what ever for Bowl games. I will take pics and actually post them. It is going to be embarrassing but hell it may be the motivation I need.

Currently- Weight - 265 lbs

Goal Weight - 225 lbs

Cycling Events to do -
Tour De Roundo - 100 miles
24 Hours of Bootyy (ATL or CLT) - 100 miles
After the Bridge Run Ride (Charleston) - 73 Miles

12/29/2010 9:36:52 PM

All American
42526 Posts
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Interesting read!

12/30/2010 4:09:11 AM

All American
3791 Posts
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^ Can't really feel sorry for her. Sounds like she made a bad decision by marrying him in the first place. Yeah, he sucks, but she knew what she was getting herself into.

It's a bit surprising though. Most guys I know prefer women with more curves/junk in the trunk.

12/30/2010 7:21:26 AM

All American
42526 Posts
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Oh you don't have to feel sorry for her at all:

Quote :
"And yet, after three years of life with my husband, I’ve never been happier. [...]

Some might find his behaviour draconian, but would I prefer a husband who lets me gorge on food and gloss over my true weight?

No, because in two months time I’m turning 40 and I now weigh less than I did at 30.

This New Year, I don’t have to worry about a ­bonkers crash diet, an impractical detox or shuffling about in front of a DVD to ­whittle off the pounds, because I pay ­attention to my weight all year round.

I’m slim, I’m healthy and, while it pains me to admit it, it’s all thanks to my husband."

12/30/2010 7:53:58 AM

All American
16417 Posts
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rail thin is not the way to live!!!!

insecurity (that woman) is way worse than weight gain.

12/30/2010 7:58:06 AM

All American
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If he was working to get/keep in shape and she was just sittin on the couch eating bon-bons just gettin her fatty on, I wouldn't be opposed to this. However, he's got his fatty on, but has demands for her. I think if its gonna be like that, both have to stay in shape.

12/30/2010 8:21:52 AM

All American
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^^ She isn't rail thin... she looks very healthy.

^ Agreed. But that's not what they agreed to. As long as the agreement was without coercion... that's their business. She does complain, yet she has never been happier, she says.

I do wonder, though, how this became 'news' in the public domain...? Did one of their friends or relatives call the newspaper and tell them about the story, and then the paper contacted the couple to ask if they she would like to do an interview with the paper? The interview shows him in a very very negative light... was he OK with that? More importantly, is/was she OK with ridiculing her husband in such a public way even though she says she has never been happier?


12/30/2010 8:27:16 AM

All American
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^yep, definitely weird.

ok, so to keep myself honest, last night I did both my morning and evening workouts. I was only going to do the morning part, but I figured if I didn't do both then I would be cheating myself. let me tell ya, I was fucking smoked by the time I got home. I ate, showered, and was asleep before the head hit the pillow. But, knowing that I was holding myself accountable made me get it done.

This morning I woke up feeling like a million bucks, did my P90X yoga and a 2 mile run on the treadmill. At the office now and feeling good about sticking with it and not pussing out.

**reason I didn't do yesterday morning's routine in the am was due to a physical I had in the am**

[/tww blog]

12/30/2010 9:17:31 AM

All American
1171 Posts
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My fitness goals this year:

1) Run a 35 minute 10k (5:40ish mile pace). I haven't been in shape to do this in 5 years. Current 10k time is 37:45. Maybe go for sub-1:20 half marathon if I can get my volume of running up.
2) Climbing: do a 5.11 trad lead in Yosemite Valley. Physically this is a much easier goal but mentally much more difficult than the running.
3) Summit Black Kaweah in a day. Big mountain in a remote part of Sierra Nevada Range. 15k+ elevation gain to get to it and back over 35+ miles. Done it once but would like to do it again.

Otherwise, I'm in pretty good shape & happy where I am. Been trying to follow a paleo-diet and would like to be a bit more religious with it.

[Edited on December 30, 2010 at 3:30 PM. Reason : x]

12/30/2010 3:28:50 PM

All American
15537 Posts
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Quote :

I second this....if you want to get strong do this.

12/30/2010 3:39:07 PM

All American
4790 Posts
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^buy the book?? because that's what it says to do....

12/30/2010 3:43:45 PM

All American
15537 Posts
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The program; the site has everything you need.

12/30/2010 9:08:13 PM

1394 Posts
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hmm, I do this after I broken arm heal. I need to get sexy for new business venture and to find new gf. I bike like madman (15 miles a day on MTB on sandy trails) but I still fat as hell because I love to eat. As I remember, I never completely non-fat even when I race at NCSU. I can shed Lbs pretty fast if I want to though because I tough and already aerobically strong. Wat u guys think? I just gonna get trolled if I do this?

12/31/2010 12:26:48 AM

All American
4445 Posts
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i was 197 today. Don't plan on losing any weight, i need to add muscle and dump body fat. Plan on putting on 10lbs of muscle, hoping to maintain same weight. Will proceed to look totally awesome

12/31/2010 4:51:56 AM

All American
10504 Posts
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woke up and worked out this morning. Feeling good, but will definitely take a nap a bit later on today so that I can be awake for tonight's festivities.

12/31/2010 8:14:10 AM

All American
18332 Posts
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Earlier this week, I printed off some calendar templates and proceeded to plan out all my workouts for the next three months. It's taped up on my desk, right above my monitor, as a reminder not to slack off. Having a physical checkbox to tick off ought to be a lot more motivating than keeping it all in my head, and planning far out in advance should help me make sure I'm ready for all the long races without overtraining.

12/31/2010 2:03:07 PM

37709 Posts
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Quote :
"what im getting at is that when i make it a contest (even if im just challenging myself) working out loses its luster for me.
when i go to the gym b/c i enjoy it i tend to have MUCH MUCH better results than when i go in with an agenda. "

I agree. My 'goals' aren't really challenge points for me, but just points I assume I will hit if I keep up with working out. I sit around in an office/lab all day and don't have any physical events planned, so I don't have any urgent requirements to get ready for other than simple personal aesthetics. I just work out to work out.

To that point, last night was spent on a circuit in my garage between bench press, curl bar curls, and assorted curl bar exercises (bent over rows, ammo-can style lifts). Then played Dance Central for about two hours with my girlfriend...while drinking beer

12/31/2010 3:30:28 PM

37776 Posts
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I've got an appointment Monday to see my 3rd PT for my still busted shoulder. I got an second opinion and the new ortho diagnosed it which my first ortho missed it. So I've been told this PT knows how to treat it. I hope to finally get this thing fixed. Does that count?

12/31/2010 7:29:10 PM

All American
1670 Posts
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My goals:

1) Get down to 115lbs
2) Don't drink alcohol everyday

I'm hoping one will lead to the other

12/31/2010 8:14:24 PM

11725 Posts
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i was doing super well and then exams hit and i used it as an excuse to not find time to go to the gym and to eat junk food and caffeine and then get wasted for the week after they were done

but i'm totally going to be good again now i swear

goal for the year: get back to high school weight. bye bye college pounds.

my brother did low carb this past semester and dropped 30 pounds so.... I'm gonna give that a try. and keep the drinking to ONCE a week (hopefully). Gonna start with running 12-15 miles a week and the bump up the workout as I get in better shape.

happy new year

12/31/2010 11:58:24 PM

Duke is puke
20897 Posts
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hope everyone starts the new year off right.

1/1/2011 10:44:55 AM

wear sumthin tight
60155 Posts
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Time to do work.

1/1/2011 11:15:55 AM

All American
1450 Posts
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Bout to head out on the bike, to start the year off right

1/1/2011 1:44:02 PM

All American
3791 Posts
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So, no pics yet, but since today is officially the first day of the challenge, I'll check in with stats for a baseline reference.

Baseline Goal
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 130.2 lbs
Official Goal: Qualify for the Boston Marathon (26.2 mile run in under 3 hours, 40 minutes)

Today's Workout: 6-mile run in 47 minutes followed by an hour of standup paddleboarding
Today's Diet: Really bad ... slept through breakfast and had fried pickles and scrambled eggs for lunch

1/1/2011 3:22:31 PM

I'm Randy
4693 Posts
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I would like to participate, I need motivation to get fitter. I plan to workout by running, and doing some basic calisthenics type stuff at home. I may end up getting a gym membership if my initial goals aren't being achieved in the home.

Height: 6'3"
Weight: 193 lbs

Build muscle mass in chest, and arms.
Get definition in my abs back.

I wont be torn up if I dont lose weight, but I hope to transform some weight from fat to muscle. I may shoot to be around 185, but ultimately success will be defined based on my physical transformation.

1/1/2011 6:45:21 PM

wear sumthin tight
60155 Posts
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Initial 2011 pic update:

starting weight: 196.2 lbs., ??% bf (cheap scale says 27%)
goal range: 180 - 185 lbs., 10 - 12% bf

-Lose more weight, was up to 228 at one point
-want to run consistently at or below an 8:00/mi. pace
-sports will include sprint triathlons, adventure races, competitive basketball and volleyball
-want to increase vertical
-want to get stronger
-want to be an all around better athlete
-I have enough clothes, I just want them to fit right

Help me stay focused TWW

[Edited on January 2, 2011 at 4:11 PM. Reason : thumbnail]

1/2/2011 4:10:30 PM

All American
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I've gained a few pounds over the past month, typical holiday reasons like visiting family, too many treats, too much alcohol. Also I stopped riding my bike to work cause of the cold. I need to come up with a plan. solitary pursuits like running, lifting, or workout videos always feel like a chore. But I LOVE games, dancing, and exercise classes. Racket sports are my favorite, but I tried basketball and had a blast even though I sucked.

also for Christmas I got a lot of bike gear so hopefully I can ride in the cold now. I love biking but the roads here are extremely bike-unfriendly (every road is like Capital Blvd). There are some group rides around Charleston, but unfortunately they're all a long drive away.

I'm gonna think about some specific goals for the new year.

1/2/2011 11:29:24 PM

All American
9609 Posts
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I want to get my 10 mile time down to 65 minutes in 2011. right now I am at a consistent 73 minutes.

1/3/2011 12:08:30 AM

35382 Posts
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If you have cable on the free on demand channels is exercise tv. There's over 100 work out videos/classes on there. I noticed it last night (we have u-verse).

1/3/2011 8:53:34 AM

All American
3895 Posts
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Quote :
"sports will include sprint triathlons, adventure races"

MeatStick turned me on to the Rugged Maniac races. Its a quick 5K adventure race. Not sure if it's what you are looking for, but it looks like a lot of fun. I am signed up for the Jacksonville race, but they have several that are closer to Raleigh.

^There are some really good yoga programs on there that run from 15 minutes to 1 hr. So even if you are having a crazy busy day, it's an easy way to get some sort of exercise in.

Good luck to everyone this year.

1/3/2011 1:22:26 PM

wear sumthin tight
60155 Posts
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yah, so far I've ran the Gauntlet, in Boone (4.3 miles)

and the Run at the Rock, in Burlington (7.1 miles)

I'm not winning any of these, but they are fun

I really wish I would have started entering competitions a lot earlier than the last couple of years, I used to be decently fast, granted, I only weighed 160 lbs then.

1/3/2011 1:35:04 PM

19447 Posts
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^ I haven't heard of either of those but they sound like a lot of fun. I love mud runs. There is going to be a mud run with 5-person teams in Raleigh in September: I am looking forward to it. I had a blast at the Marine Corps Mud Run last September despite not actually running the course (team had a non-runner). So this time I want to actually be able to run it.

Warrior Dash is coming to N.C. in August too. I did it last year but didn't run that one either because I wasn't fully recovered from my accident yet.

If you like that kind of thing you should check out the Hash House Harriers. There are two groups in the area. It's not the same as a mud run but seems to attract a similar type of person.

I haven't actually done a normal race yet. I really want to do a skirt chaser 5K but either they aren't doing any in the area this year or dates haven't been set yet or something.

1/3/2011 2:02:28 PM

wear sumthin tight
60155 Posts
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there's one in Uwharrie in May (6 miles)

and one in Boone probably around September (4.3 miles with a HUGE hill)

I literally had to walk up it and stop every 20 feet to rest last year

1/3/2011 2:32:49 PM

19447 Posts
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Back to strength training, I have considered doing the Starting Strength program before, as well as some others, but basically have been hung up on getting back on a scripted program because I couldn't pick one. For a while I wanted to do the New Rules of Lifting for Women program, but I feel like that changes a little too much. I've also heard Stronglifts 5x5 recommended. I don't think it's incredibly different from Starting Strength.

I want to do SS but will have to get over my weird fear of power cleans. (I did just realize there's a version that doesn't call for them, but I want to do them and am just letting my crazy get in the way.) I can't explain exactly why I am scared of them. It's not a form thing, more just that I have never done them before and am anxious about starting. Also nobody else ever seems to do explosive lifts like that and I envision myself failing a lift and making a bunch of noise and then crying in a corner because I made myself look like a noob.

But I will suck it up and put on my big girl panties and do it anyway. I am thinking that I will finish the Insanity program this month and then start SS when I switch gyms. So I have a month to get over my power clean phobia.

1/3/2011 3:50:16 PM

All American
8284 Posts
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Are you ALMOST done with LFF or already done?

Cuz I could be nice and learn ya a thing or two about power cleans

1/3/2011 4:07:37 PM

19447 Posts
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I am not done. I haven't actually told them I am leaving yet or figured out where I am going to switch to, but the drive has sadly kept me from going more often and I want to switch somewhere closer to where I live now, because as much as I like LFF it doesn't do me much good if I don't actually go. Will probably end up at Gold's because it's the closest to me I think. I'll have access for ~5 more weeks I believe.

Soo if you want to teach me power cleans that would be awesome

1/3/2011 4:14:32 PM

11149 Posts
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^^^ when I took my first weight lifting class in high school I was terrified of power cleans. I even made my high school boyfriend show me how to do them in a private gym before trying it in public. However, I was hang cleaning 140lbs a few months later. Just start with low weight and get your form down. Cleaning has a lot to do with your form.

1/3/2011 4:55:16 PM

All American
7117 Posts
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yeah, my new years resolution was to get in shape and add muscle

I like these short adventure races that are being mentioned. If there is one in may, I would be game. I'll be checking up on that.

I doubt I'll post pictures, but I think I may do this beach body challenge. I'm familiar with a lot of exercises, but have never really made a set of planned work outs. Any suggestions for workout routines of all types? I may do some youtube searching.

1/3/2011 5:56:21 PM

23634 Posts
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Adding a goal

1) Century Ride (Tour de Cure in June - did the 64 miler last year)
2) Olympic Triathlon (already signed up for it in July)
3) Would like to do a half marathon.... Not sure if that'll fit into my triathlon schedule
4) Run 500 miles in the year... not as impressive as Wadhead1 but ambitious for me nonetheless

1/3/2011 8:14:57 PM

All American
3877 Posts
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Help? I have asthma and an annoying amount of mucus production in my throat when I do some kind of prolonged cardio. I'm usually fine playing tennis/football or w/e as long as it's a start and stop kind of exercise. Running makes me build up a bunch of mucus, which sucks when you're getting out of breath. It's prevented me from running inside/on treadmills because I need to spit often. I haven't been super dedicated to running since high school, and even then I don't recall the congestion getting better. I was a lot more disciplined with taking my medications consistently, but I still remember coughing and coughing til my throat was raw/bleeding and then the gag reflex kicking in. Anyone else experience the same kind of thing? I'm not talking about a little phlegm, I'm saying you feel mucus all up and around in your throat, clogging you airways, snatching your people up...

What can I do? Is it from the mucus in my lungs (see pic below)? It's annoying as hell. I don't really have time to do enough start/stop cardio to build up the burn I want/need.

1/3/2011 9:22:28 PM

All American
3791 Posts
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^^ The 500-mile goal is pretty cool.

1/3/2011 10:21:46 PM

hates 4 lokos
4694 Posts
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I just went to the gym and am really glad to be able to work out. In the past month when I was working out about 15 min into it, I would break out into red hive and get little blisters near my wrist, ankles and calf. Also the itching was terrible and felt like I was on fire

But tonight I was on the eliptical for an hour and was fine! WOOT

1/3/2011 10:57:29 PM

All American
12710 Posts
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I was asked not to put up bikini pictures this time so instead I am entering with this:

I managed to only gain 5 lbs after almost a month of no exercise and eating like crap (woo holidays and traveling)... Today I went to Zumba and did lots of ab exercises after, though. And made a healthy dinner

I'm just happy that I actually want to work out again... I was pretty burnt out

[Edited on January 3, 2011 at 11:22 PM. Reason : Oh and I guess I should mention... totally wearing Spanx for that dress]

1/3/2011 11:21:36 PM

Duke is puke
20897 Posts
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I don't know what Spanx is, but you look great. Get back on the wagon and keep it up.

1/3/2011 11:33:56 PM

Zinc Saucier
18944 Posts
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Ran 4-5 miles on the treadmill the last four days.

1/3/2011 11:38:05 PM

All American
12710 Posts
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^2 Pretty much a modern day girdle and thanks!!

1/3/2011 11:58:32 PM

23634 Posts
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Sam you are looking hawt

1/4/2011 12:12:05 AM

All American
16417 Posts
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162 and change. I still feel like my body is catching up with itself. I weighed under 130 last november (hell 125 in september 09, shocking really) . I feel I can make it to 170 easily enough but my bone structure is so small I might not push for anything further. Its getting to be a lot of extra weight at this point. Are you feeling the same way shadowrunner? You may not be as ectomorph dominate as me. I've never met anyone with a smaller.....wrist.

Diet has been hardly any fast food. Been cooking healthy at home with the gf primarily. If i don't swim or play ball I don't need to eat but ~3,000 calories. Primarily rice, beans, chicken, bagels, and whole milk. Thanks for the beans tip porcha.

Oh but I took up coffee. Is it bad for me? I don't use much sugar due to my pre diabetic scare last summer (was during a month long smoothie binge....strawberrys and yogurt just seemed so right).

GL to everyone.

[Edited on January 4, 2011 at 8:44 AM. Reason : ..]

1/4/2011 8:42:48 AM

35382 Posts
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Samwise16 you look BANGIN!!!!

keep it up

i'm down to 147 today. funny how on my week off BC, i lose weight even during my girl time. i swear this birth control is making me fat.

my goal this year is to really watch more carefull what i eat and try to make better decisions when it comes to food. i've been keeping a food journal (just for now) so i can look at what i've eaten.

[Edited on January 4, 2011 at 8:58 AM. Reason : edit]

1/4/2011 8:52:45 AM

19447 Posts
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Anyone use Fitness 19? The Twongo deal today is for the Cary location, for $23:
* First Voucher for 1 Month Membership, Fitness Evaluation/Meal Plan, and One Personal Training Session
* 1 month membership begins at time of first visit
* Purchase up to Four additional vouchers at Deal Price for Personal Training Sessions
* Cannot be combined with other offers or discounts
* No cash value
* Valid Cary Location Only
* Membership only $12.95/mo. after the first month

As long as the gym has a squat rack and actual Olympic barbells I think I would be satisfied. I would think those were a given except that my first gym had neither. I would really love a rowing machine but may not get that outside of LFF. But I can deal without all the shiny stuff for $13/month. Unless it really sucks.

1/4/2011 9:59:38 AM

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