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Burn it all down.
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3/19/2020 10:50:35 AM

2001 Posts
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everyone should be

3/19/2020 11:37:38 AM

All American
16807 Posts
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not terribly w/ local govt job. wife is a different story, works with marine shipping/offshore oil rig industry

3/19/2020 2:59:37 PM

All American
14628 Posts
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I'm in healthcare, probably the most secure field out there right now

3/19/2020 3:03:57 PM

All American
7586 Posts
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Just a heads up for TWWers looking for a job...I am hiring. See post below to learn a little about my company and PM me if interested.

3/19/2020 3:22:41 PM

All American
19598 Posts
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I'm in AV/IT and Distance Education for the UNC system. My job has likely never been safer. Hell I'm hoping for a raise if things keep going so well when this is all said and done.

My wife also works for the system. She is a lab person working in clinics so with those shutdown she can't work. Thankfully they are getting paid leave for this until the least the end of the month. If it stretches beyond that we will see, but as state employees I don't think we have much to worry about.

3/19/2020 3:32:56 PM

Sink the Flagship
9817 Posts
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seeing as my company had layoffs and a realignment going on prior to this, yeah it's definitely crossed my mind. I think at a minimum our bonuses are toast

3/19/2020 3:58:27 PM

All American
52661 Posts
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Not really. My company is a subcontractor to the prime fulfilling a contract for US military training.

Wife is an nurse.

3/19/2020 7:50:06 PM

2001 Posts
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I'm afraid theres a chance of people who work in "safe" indusries having their paychecks dry up eventually and government if relief runs short. How long can a hospital make payroll with no money coming in?

[Edited on March 19, 2020 at 7:54 PM. Reason : i don't know but it seems like even the government may get stingy eventually. ]

3/19/2020 7:53:17 PM

Thots and Prayers
41777 Posts
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so far i'm not worried about me.. yet.

My wife's practice may fold, however, with the lack of elective surgeries. already taking a 15% paycut, and although she's not working as much right now, once the surge of COVID19 patients hits, it's gonna be rough if it's anything like New York is currently.

3/23/2020 12:21:48 PM

Eyes up here ^^
5918 Posts
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Me? Not so much, though with a lightened workload my team may be downsized. Will probably depend on how long this goes on.

3/23/2020 12:39:55 PM

1331 Posts
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Should be safe unless our company is shuttered by the corporation that owns it

3/23/2020 1:50:54 PM

Bobby Light
All American
2650 Posts
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I'm geting laid off in June, but this was established before Covid. (didnt want to move to St. Louis with the company) I'll be set for a while with a nice severance package, but I was hoping to have something lined up immediately. I'm very worried this is going to prolong my search quite a bit. Who knows.

If anyone's looking for a Digital Communications/Marketing manager with 13+ years experience in a global role in big pharma/biotech, holla. </plug>

[Edited on April 4, 2020 at 11:24 AM. Reason : .]

4/4/2020 11:23:38 AM

A Tanzarian
drip drip boom
10992 Posts
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I'm planning to re-enter the workforce later this year. Haven't decided how this affects my prospects.

4/4/2020 2:44:54 PM

play so hard
60912 Posts
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^^ Bayer?

4/4/2020 3:21:27 PM

?? ????? ??
14957 Posts
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My organization (non-profit religious institution) is not laying anyone off, nor are we taking away any wages. Even our custodians are getting paid for the hours they would have worked even though they can't get into the building to do their jobs.

4/4/2020 4:36:50 PM

All American
33763 Posts
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SO is an accountant for hospitality management co

They've laid off most of the hotel staff, 10% of the corporate staff, CEO is taking no salary, and they've cut everyone's pay by 10%.

My company (small tech co) has frozen hiring

4/4/2020 4:40:02 PM

All American
10504 Posts
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No, I work in healthcare IT, so we're pretty secure.

Even with the COVID-19 stuff happening, there's still a lot of revenue coming into the health system.

But I do feel bad for those in the restaurant/brewery industry.

4/4/2020 6:27:14 PM

All American
15409 Posts
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I have a offer and accepted a few weeks ago. Passed back ground check and cleared to start on 4/20. VERY nervous to put in my two week notice on Monday next week. The company i'm moving to is a fortune top 500 company so I think there offer is sincere and they won't retract. If they do I'm fucked.

[Edited on April 4, 2020 at 7:22 PM. Reason : s]

4/4/2020 7:21:44 PM

Bobby Light
All American
2650 Posts
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Synapse, yes.

4/5/2020 10:52:44 AM

Save TWW
4184 Posts
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we had a guy that was supposed to start on my team last week. After 2 months of getting his visa transferred to my company he said he didn't feel comfortable switching companies. I totally understand his feelings, but it sucked to hear.

My company has not stopped hiring, but we are being thoughtful about the offers we do make. We are a medium-largish cloud software company.

4/5/2020 11:27:56 AM

All American
1183 Posts
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I’m not worried as I have a local government job doing projects that City Council reviews monthly.

4/5/2020 9:28:24 PM

?? ? ??
540 Posts
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For a few weeks I have been. I'm a therapist, office I work for shut down about two and a half weeks ago. The transition to telehealth was slow because of insurances transitioning to telehealth and developing new practice policies. Now patients and appointments are slowly picking back up.

4/5/2020 10:10:29 PM

All American
42526 Posts
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No because education jobs ain't going anywhere for centuries.

4/6/2020 4:43:22 AM

play so hard
60912 Posts
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What's gonna happen in centuries to make them go away?

4/6/2020 9:12:36 AM

All American
42526 Posts
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^ i think within a century (could even be less time, as the acceleration of societal changes accelerates) most traditional teaching jobs (and the traditional education paradigm) would be gone as we know them today. (in HE)

with MOOCS around and now even online nano-degrees from many universities, a majority of people would be self-educating some decades from today. as for k-12, that's more secure as far as jobs go, but even that will change in some fundamental way that most of us can't imagine today.

4/7/2020 8:57:05 AM

All American
22025 Posts
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Under anything other than a large financial collapse, I was feeling very confident with my position. A lot of responsibility for my company as a senior consultant in the data center industry, which just seemed to be growing so substantially every year.

But right now? It's hard to say since everything has changed. My firm has a whole has had tons of projects get pulled or go on hold. However, so far, my data center division has stayed fairly busy. Not sure how long that will stay true as the economy falters, but the majority of our clients are still pushing ahead with the projects that were in the current pipeline, even if they aren't putting out many new RFPs at the moment.

4/7/2020 10:52:43 AM

2001 Posts
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Quote :
"No because education jobs ain't going anywhere for centuries.


yeah education jobs will exist but there will be a lot less of them 10 years from now. Everything except the top notch institutions will be consolidated into hybrid online programs where the faculty to student ratio can allow a lot more students. Get ready!

4/7/2020 1:52:43 PM

All American
33763 Posts
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my SO’S sister that works retail was just furloughed

4/7/2020 10:50:09 PM

All American
6883 Posts
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Galloway agrees with the idea this is going to change higher education a lot faster than 100 years.

4/8/2020 9:20:36 AM

All American
42526 Posts
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^ awesome read, thanks!

4/8/2020 2:46:00 PM

All American
22933 Posts
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I work in IT for a fairly large telecom. Employment in this area can be wishy washy. I wouldn't call any IT job "secure."

4/8/2020 6:49:17 PM

All American
19598 Posts
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^^^That's a cool read. Thanks. As somebody on the IT/Distance Ed side of Higher Ed at UNC this has been a very busy, but very interesting, time for my team. I haven't heard anything yet to say we are going online only for the Fall, but I'm already planning personally to be able to pull the trigger at a moments notice and go back to blended or online only for part of or the whole Fall semester (due to virus, hurricanes or whatever). I've also been assisting with online recruiting and interviews with prospective students as we are in the midst of recruiting season.

I personally feel like my team and professional school is in a great position from all of this. It hasn't been without its challenges, but I'd be completely fine if they opened it up to online more than they do now.

4/9/2020 11:55:05 AM

2001 Posts
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Several universities have already announced online strictly for summer. Still waiting on my college. I'm basically a summer overflow instructor of additional sections added after registration so I have a feeling my summer work will be left out.

4/9/2020 4:02:06 PM

4362 Posts
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I feel pretty comfortable for now. luckily I was able to start working from home.

4/10/2020 1:01:17 PM

play so hard
60912 Posts
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^^ on interesting, what courses do you teach horosho?

4/10/2020 1:02:40 PM

All American
22025 Posts
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Our Level 7 (Corporate) and Level 6 (Studio/Office Leaders) just took 30% and 25% pay cuts across the board.

Level 5 (Associate - Me) and Level 4 employees just took 20% and 15% pay cuts respectively.

However, I got a separate email from the CEO, along with 22 other people saying we were exempt from this pay cut due to our current client work-load for the next 4 weeks, to be evaluated monthly. Sucks across the board, selfishly happy that I am lucky enough for my dedicated clients to still be very busy, but again we'll see how long things go before they start cutting back as well...

4/10/2020 2:50:16 PM

All American
11770 Posts
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haven't worked in 4+ weeks, so since I'm daily/hourly I'm screwed.

4/10/2020 4:40:47 PM

2001 Posts
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Depending on the needs, I teach Geography(earth science), Chemistry, or Biology.

4/10/2020 8:01:49 PM

All American
52661 Posts
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I'm as busy as ever. Basically, unless you have a cough, fever, sore throat, or close contact with a confirmed case, we're working.

They just expanded that to if you have close contact with someone else who meets any of the above conditions, but on a case-by-case basis. That said, apparently not much meets that case-by-case threshold:

Wife has a symptomatic patient cough right in her face, and she's wearing no mask or any other PPE because the hospital threatens disciplinary action if you do so on any patient who isn't tested positive or officially suspected, pending test results. Oh well, come to work.

Wife has a sore throat after the above. Oh well, come to work.

Wife is working the COVID-19 unit of the hospital every shift lately. Oh well, come to work. Let us know if there's anything that further elevates the risk. hahaha. "Make sure you strictly abide by the 6' distancing"--"Well, sir, that's not really possible when you're demonstrating something to a student, reaching into the cockpit." "Do you have a laser pointer?" "No, but I have one on order." "Here, I have one you can use."

I get it, there's a judgment (driven from high levels of gov't) to accept some risk, as they feel like they can't tolerate our shutting down. It's just funny to me to write those expanded guidelines with such flexibility, if seemingly nothing short of a confirmed case in a family member is cause to isolate someone. Why not just make that the guideline?

At any rate, I think it's not a good idea from a risk mitigation perspective (if they lose a couple of higher-risk people temporarily, that's insurance against losing a large impact if the get a confirmed case that exposes/sickens lots of people at work. Furthermore, the guy who sits right behind me has a wife who had a liver transplant. Another guy across the room has a wife with cancer. Another guy whose desk is near mine is 63 years old.) We're literally sharing headsets with boom microphones up against our lips (although we clean them with alcohol wipes before each use.)

...and I'd be lying if I said it wouldn't be nice to have a little time off work.

...but having this job, with this pay, come recession, come pandemic, or whatever else, is an incredibly good place to be and I am very, very thankful for it. Having been unemployed for 5 months back in 2014-2015, and having been not scheduled or paid for a couple of months at a time a couple of times over the last few years when I was a part-timer, I know how much that sucks.

4/10/2020 8:19:06 PM

All American
52661 Posts
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Wife's hospital actually just LOOSENED their guidelines. Even if they have a confirmed positive case by another household member, and even if they have a cough, they're still working. Basically a fever over a certain level is the only thing that means they don't go to work.

4/10/2020 8:21:40 PM

play so hard
60912 Posts
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Quote :
"Depending on the needs, I teach Geography(earth science), Chemistry, or Biology."

Cool. Ever dabble in teaching meteorology? Sounds like a natural fit.

4/10/2020 9:36:40 PM

All American
52661 Posts
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get this...apparently my wife's hospital is wants people at work even if they test positive for coronavirus, as long as they don't have a fever of 100 degrees or more. They just have to wear an N95 mask everywhere.

[Edited on April 12, 2020 at 1:26 AM. Reason : ]

4/12/2020 1:26:40 AM

All American
14134 Posts
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Seems like it’s an actual crisis

4/12/2020 5:44:06 PM

All American
19598 Posts
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So did the Easter miracle happen? Are we opening up the economy tomorrow and all going back to work?

4/12/2020 6:14:50 PM

Sprots Talk Mod
27362 Posts
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Quote :
"get this...apparently my wife's hospital is wants people at work even if they test positive for coronavirus, as long as they don't have a fever of 100 degrees or more. They just have to wear an N95 mask everywhere."

I agree with the hospital on this one. If they started sending home every healthcare worker who tests positive but isn't seriously ill, we'd soon run out of doctors/nurses/technicians. People working in covid units should just assume that they will test positive at some point. They aren't really increasing risk for anyone by continuing to do their jobs while positive, as the risk factor from just being in a hospital is already way higher than for the normal person.

Now, your bosses should tell you to go home. I don't really know what you do, but you said you work for a subcontractor to the military. There's no way that's really "essential". Hope none of your coworkers/their families have to pay with their lives for your boss's greed.

4/12/2020 6:51:33 PM

All American
52661 Posts
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I get what you're saying, and agree to a point...

If you're working a COVID unit all day, erry day...yeah, you'd prob test positive at some point...and while there'd be some danger incurred getting to and from your floor, you wouldn't have to worry too much about infecting people at work--they all either have it, or are exposed constantly anyway. My wife, though, is a float nurse. She might work the COVID unit today, and then something else the next in my view, it doesn't make sense for any personnel except for those working exclusively in COVID units.

As for me...yeah, I think they should keep me away due to my uniquely high risk...what they stand to lose if I bring it in to work is so far in excess of what they'd lose by me not being there. That said, I do get that it would be difficult to send me home to get paid for hanging around the house for a month or whatever when everyone else stays working.

...and I do get the essentialness of keeping us working, and it's not my company choosing to work. That is driven by decisions at very high levels in DoD. In fact, I think the company would get paid anyway if the gov't chose to shut the operation down, and conversely, is on the hook to fulfill the contract if the gov't doesn't want to shut down. The policy guidelines are government driven--the only piece my company has in the deal is the implementation of the grey areas (and they actually specifically asked about my case, given the unique risks. Military wants me there.)

4/13/2020 1:50:02 AM

All American
15409 Posts
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tl;dr , uncle sam gonna get his

4/13/2020 6:48:37 AM

All American
33763 Posts
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Person I went to high school with who was temporary laid off just found it their job is permanently gone. There’s going to be a lot of people like this. Businesses are already adapting to new more efficient workflows and this is a good opportunity to trim fat.

4/20/2020 10:26:55 PM

All American
52661 Posts
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Yep, that’s the silver lining in any recession...unless you’re the fat.

4/21/2020 4:56:24 AM

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