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4/19/2005 3:57:08 PM

All American
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no fucking shit we won't have power.

4/19/2005 3:57:26 PM

All American
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Quote :
"one thing you need to worry about is actually having power. with all the pandamonium going all around you, you best believe someone is going to wreck into the power lines and loose power on the grid. stock up on flashlights, batteries, and shotguns + ammo.

access to the roof of UT would allow for fun filled days of sniping if someone had a rifle and also allow for an ideal area to lob malitov cocktails far from the building."

nah, these people have already written off guys as useless due to the fact that ammunition is not unlimited. In fact, lets write to the US Military suggesting they adopt the same concept.

4/19/2005 4:02:56 PM

yovo yovo bonsoir
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^The US military has supply lines. We don't. We'll have whatever's on hand when the zombies attack, which ain't likely to be a stockpile of guns and ammo.

Look, I'm not saying that guns are useless, just that they aren't a priority and they aren't good enough to keep you alive in and of themselves.

^^Yeah, I had planned on losing power very quickly. We'd have to fill up every possible vessel with water as a first priority (along with defense) as well, because that's gonna go fast too.

[Edited on April 19, 2005 at 4:04 PM. Reason : ]

4/19/2005 4:03:19 PM

All American
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nobody is saying guns are useless. i'm just saying, they might be hard to find in a pinch, because we aren't going to have much time to hole up somewhere before the zombies get out of control.

4/19/2005 4:04:14 PM

All American
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we could also collect rainwater and recycle urine as necessary.

4/19/2005 4:04:49 PM

All American
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^^Yes the amount of fortifications you guys are planning on having is doing to take hours, if not days, to prepare. And if you wont have time to prepare, how do you plan on surviving for 2-3 months without food? I guarantee UT doesnt keep around enough non-perishable food to keep you alive that long.

First logical thing would be to get inside and lock the doors, right? So now you're stuck with any humans and zombies that are already in the building. You also have other panicked residents who will be trying to get out to contend with. Sweeping the building for zombies, while dealing with trapped residents alone is going to take hours. Next is organizing everyone else who was not privvy to this plan and start working.

If you want to compare plans fairly, set a fixed amount of time for preparation. Beginning with discovery of invasion, to full local infestation. We all live in a fairly populated area with plenty of lines of communication so lets assume we discover of said invasion almost immediately. I say we use the Dawn of the Dead remake type of zombie as they're a cross of Shambler and Sprinter. They move fairly slowly until they see a target which then they move at full speed equal to what the body was capable beforehand, are unintelligent, and easily distracted.

\/ Ive actually thought of that. Any prolonged seige or time spent traveling would need some kind of portable water filtration. Brita pitchers with extra replacement filters would work perfectly

[Edited on April 19, 2005 at 4:19 PM. Reason : ]

[Edited on April 19, 2005 at 4:20 PM. Reason : ]

4/19/2005 4:14:41 PM

Doc Rambo IV
All American
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you'll need britta filters so you can keep drinking your own piss

4/19/2005 4:18:36 PM

All American
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I bet there's plenty of beer stocked up in UT. Make sure to get it all. We don't want anyone to get drunk, but beer keeps much longer than water and might work as a substitute in a pinch.

4/19/2005 4:39:18 PM

All American
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you guys are so dead

4/19/2005 4:49:48 PM

All American
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^^It also dehydrates you. Stay away from it.

4/19/2005 4:51:57 PM

All American
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Nobody has addressed the possible mosquito problem.

4/19/2005 4:53:13 PM

All American
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If the mosquito thing is true, then we're fucked and we might as well not even try

4/19/2005 5:00:06 PM

All American
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i don't think a mosquito would be attracted to dead flesh

don't they use body heat to find hosts

4/19/2005 5:02:20 PM

no u
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you could always poor the beer through a filter

dunno if that would do anything though

4/19/2005 5:05:35 PM

yovo yovo bonsoir
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Sigh...more naysaying from the fatalists.

Quote :
"First logical thing would be to get inside and lock the doors, right? So now you're stuck with any humans and zombies that are already in the building."

If the building is already heavily compromised with zombies we may be forced to look elsewhere. Generally, though, zombies don't like to hang around indoors like that; they'll zombify everyone else and then move outside.

The problem of residents has already been discussed, and we will have to treat them rather harshly. We can largely ignore them at first, and put those who still have a head on their shoulders to good use working on the fortifications/zombie defense/filling things with water. After we've secured the building, we can remove the excess population through whatever means is deemed most feasible.

I do not consider the possibility of having to exterminate the indigenous population of UT to be categorically barbaric, considering the circumstances.

Quote :
"And if you wont have time to prepare, how do you plan on surviving for 2-3 months without food? I guarantee UT doesnt keep around enough non-perishable food to keep you alive that long."

We will have to eat some rather unsavory things, I'm sure, but with proper preparation we can drag out the food supplies for quite a while. The refrigerators will maintain a low temperature for a few days as long as we are careful to keep the doors closed as much as possible. Obviously we'd have to consume the most time-sensitive food first, and we'd have to reconcile ourselves to eating things that had gotten a little bit past their prime. Meat could conceivably be smoked -- that apparatus can be set up on the roof or top floor. I'm not saying it's likely, just that it's possible.

Quote :
"We all live in a fairly populated area with plenty of lines of communication so lets assume we discover of said invasion almost immediately."

Overly optimistic. If we plan for the worst then anything else will be that much easier. Obviously if we have more warning we'll be able to collect more supplies, move out the UT population, etc. with much greater ease. But we shouldn't assume ease. We should assume every possible problem.

Quote :
"you'll need britta filters so you can keep drinking your own piss"

Hopefully extreme and unecessary. We don't live in a rainforest, but rainwater here is fairly reliable -- if we ration our water wisely it should take us quite a while to drain every single container in all of UT. By then, with any luck, it'll have rained. If not, we start treating piss.

4/19/2005 5:20:32 PM

New Recruit
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I would do whatever that expert on page one would said, that dude knows his shit.

4/19/2005 6:12:04 PM

yovo yovo bonsoir
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HudaT1230's in the group, no question.

And oh yes, I will BTTT as long as I have breath in me.

4/19/2005 9:01:38 PM

no u
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and when you don't have breath in you

i'm gonna shot you in the head

just in case

4/19/2005 9:02:30 PM

yovo yovo bonsoir
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Hey, I'd do the same to you. I take it as a compliment.

4/19/2005 9:03:53 PM

Absolut V
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^ I'd be her

4/19/2005 9:14:41 PM

yovo yovo bonsoir
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If you looked like her I'd call dibs

as it stands, no

4/19/2005 9:26:51 PM

All American
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what about roving bands of human looters? on motorcycles?

4/19/2005 9:32:55 PM

All American
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^ they will probably be a bigger threat than the zombies

4/19/2005 9:39:37 PM

Easy Mac
All American
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I would not worry about the looters. People with that mind set will more than likely be dead or get killed early on. We need to find a way to keep people trying to get in the barricade out so they do not let the zombies in. As for water empty the trash cans put new liners in them and fill them with water. Also hopefully in the internet search someone is able to find a way to purify the water. I have looked into the mosquito threat. WE should be ok they are only attracted to heat and the co2 we exhale.

4/19/2005 9:52:16 PM

yovo yovo bonsoir
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We can deal with other living humans after the zombies are taken care off -- the solid wall of the undead should keep us safe from looters while it's there.

Afterwords survivors will be few and far enough in between that we should be able to round up guns from armories and places before they come across us.

4/19/2005 10:52:04 PM

Easy Mac
All American
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The new movie coming out this summer will deal with that issue^

June 24th Land of the Dead

[Edited on April 19, 2005 at 11:06 PM. Reason : ]

4/19/2005 10:53:11 PM

All American
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Well the thing I was thinking more about with the mosquitos is if they bite a person who has already been bitten by a zombie, but hasn't been fully transformed (their blood is infected, but they are still alive). Hopefully the attack would not occur during the summer months when mosquitos are at large.

4/19/2005 11:01:39 PM

yovo yovo bonsoir
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The latency period between initial infection and outright zombification isn't terribly long. The odds of a mosquito hitting somebody during that period is pretty low as is...then we're assuming that whatever zombifies humans doesn't fuck us all up, and that they successfully manage to bite one of us.

4/19/2005 11:07:39 PM

Easy Mac
All American
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The mosquito issue is something we will have to cross when we come to it. EVERYONE will be suspect that is the reason we need at least 2 people on watch. The slightest sign of sickness or anything out of the ordinary will result in close monitor of the individual. A health log is something we might want to consider keeping initially (monitor blood pressure, heart rates, body temp, etc. I think we should also keep a written log of day to day activities and observations of the zombies. This will enable us to track changes in there behavior and could be vital down the road. And in the our unlikely demise it could help another group that might be using our safe house.

4/19/2005 11:14:51 PM

22518 Posts
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i thought a lot about this last night

i havent read the entire thread, so i may repeat some stuff

i think that the key is to last a week

get to the safehouse and secure it and nothing enters or leaves for a week. that should be long enough for the panic to subside enough to travel to get essentials. all the looters and people that fled should be zombies. i think that the week would be dependent on how fast the zombification occurs and how fast it travels amongst people

during that week use to get everything together, get people prepared, train, compare compiled information, so that everyone knows the rules and how to deal with potential situations once you leave your safehouse

i wouldnt know what to do after that, but i think that lasting at least that long is doing better than about 95% of the rest of the population

4/19/2005 11:21:15 PM

All American
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UT would be great then b/c all of the windows can't be opened. Just try to limit roof access. Anyone who is bitten by a mosquito would eventually show some symptoms of infection to begin with as the pregnant woman in recent Dawn of the Dead before they actually become a zombie.

I've seen that some apt complexes have wooden stairwells and breezeways, e.g. University House. If you cut away the first floor stairwell with a chainsaw (should have one of these in the apt's maintenance facility) then you have the apts and supplies in the 2nd and 3rd floors. There is around 8 apt of food for about 24-32 people for about 2 weeks/person. So split up people into several groups. You'll also have to make sure they couldn't find a way to climb up the porch and balcony areas, but I doubt they'd be smart enough to figure that out. They couldn't jump up and grab the bottom rung of those fire escapes in the movie.

I think I've made the last male spot.

Another thing to consider is that the woman and her man in Dawn of Dead kept ignoring the warning signs. We all know about the warning signs and take heed before anything else happened!

[Edited on April 19, 2005 at 11:27 PM. Reason : .]

4/19/2005 11:25:43 PM

All American
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if 28 Days Later is to believed, it is quite possible to escape a city and get through the countryside

therefore i am not going to be staying in Raleigh

4/19/2005 11:35:58 PM

22518 Posts
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yea, but you are going to have to wait out the initial panic or you wont get anywhere

4/19/2005 11:45:02 PM

All American
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oh yea... shit. i forgot he woke up a month later.

4/19/2005 11:45:57 PM

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4/19/2005 11:46:41 PM

yovo yovo bonsoir
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Aficionado -- read the rest of the thread and see why your post is...uh...yeah, not so much.

Wilso -- it's possible but not desirable. That group suffered a 25% casualty rate, and I can practically garauntee better.

Remember that it took them several days to cover a fairly short distance, during which time you're largely defenseless. Plus, I think they understated the number of zombies -- realistically they should've encountered quite a few more.

[Edited on April 19, 2005 at 11:48 PM. Reason : also the 28 days thing they mentioned, heh]

4/19/2005 11:48:22 PM

All American
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I'm going to go ahead and veto BikeHelmtGuy.

4/19/2005 11:50:17 PM

All American
63306 Posts
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son of a bitch

I'm a dead man

I heard a loud crash in my house (I'm alone) and went to investigate without arming myself
I was literally naked

I'm gonna end up being one of those naked zombies

4/19/2005 11:50:17 PM

All American
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^^I can use a sword as well. But that's ok, I can live with my plan. There is like a 60-40 female to male ratio at UH. In the apt I'm at, most of the 2nd and 3rd floors are female (including cheerleaders and dance team girls). They'll be thanking me from rescuing them from the horde b/c I have a plan. I'll have a harem while you guys at UT have a saugage fest from what I'm seeing!

[Edited on April 20, 2005 at 12:12 AM. Reason : .]

4/20/2005 12:10:16 AM

All American
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right... like UT is lacking in girls.

4/20/2005 12:10:54 AM

All American
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^There will be too many pyscho idiot girls there that will leave or just go fucking crazy. Most of the thread assumes that current residents will be leaving. UT also has a better chance of having infection within due to the number of people there. The apt bldgs are more contained and in more compartmants.

[Edited on April 20, 2005 at 12:17 AM. Reason : .]

4/20/2005 12:14:23 AM

All American
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4/20/2005 12:14:51 AM

All American
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^You'll have to slap all the hysterical UT girls that remain behind into senseless submission.

4/20/2005 12:19:49 AM

All American
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that might be your approach, but i've got charm.

4/20/2005 12:20:37 AM

All American
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^It's kind of hard to charm people (male or female) who are screaming about the end of the world and can't think. Movies prove this over and over... you have to slap them!

I remain pretty calm in serious situations. I've dealt with dead/dying people in an accident situation before.

[Edited on April 20, 2005 at 12:25 AM. Reason : .]

4/20/2005 12:24:07 AM

yovo yovo bonsoir
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Look, if you haven't read the thread, don't comment on the plan. We've got the male/female ratio covered. We had it covered on, like, the third page. There will be no sausagefest.

4/20/2005 1:17:45 AM

All American
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Oh shit... I read "There will be no sausagefest." and I had this picture in my head of the new pope coming out to greet people and saying "There will be no sausagefest."

Yeah, I read the thread.

4/20/2005 1:22:47 AM

Duh, Winning
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just make sure this guy goes to chapel hill

4/20/2005 2:57:04 AM

All American
11796 Posts
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set em up

4/20/2005 5:09:48 AM

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