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All American
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The two that got killed were annoying anyway. good riddance

10/26/2016 2:28:24 AM

All American
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Felt like Abraham should have been more of a badass.

I thought Glenn was a great character early on, but definitely felt like his character started to fade down the stretch.

10/26/2016 9:09:47 AM

11058 Posts
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^Yeah, I was done with Glenn. He went from being cool/badass to being soft and a peacemaker after Maggie

[Edited on October 26, 2016 at 9:46 AM. Reason : .]

10/26/2016 9:45:50 AM

All American
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10/26/2016 1:42:58 PM

Duh, Winning
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Haha, that article is awesome

I heard other character death scenes were filmed and now being leaked

It took guts to film a pregnant woman getting beaten

10/27/2016 5:01:11 PM

All American
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I found it funny that they filmed all those scenes to "throw the fans off", except there were a ton of reports of cast credits this year and everyone had multiple episodes except for Glenn and Abraham, so it really wasn't a shock haha.

10/28/2016 8:37:41 AM

All American
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this episode was one of the most (if not the most) gruesome things I've seen on a television show

10/28/2016 9:25:31 PM

Duh, Winning
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Well the Kingdom is a little over the top, and you cant bullshit a bullshitter

and it was nice how they give the saviors pigs with guts full of rotten meat

10/31/2016 12:47:56 AM

All American
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Now I'm wondering how Negan got so much power. We know he is taking resources from at least three communities if you include Alexandria, and probably more. How did he get so many followers, especially competent fighters? Up until the last episode of last season, Rick & co were constantly killing his people. Darryl took like 8 of them out with the bazooka, there was that coordinated strike where they took out all those sleeping people, the time they had Carol hostage and they were all taken out, as well as random skirmishes, etc. So how did he get to that position, and how does one "join" his group so you get the benefits of his power too?

Looks like this is going the direction of all the individual communities joining forces against Negan. They've said a few times they don't have enough people to fight Negan's group, but obviously with that many groups with a common enemy, they will.

10/31/2016 10:12:26 AM

All American
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Rather than Fear the Walking Dead, I'd love to see a prequel spin-off series from Negan's perspective.

10/31/2016 10:36:19 AM

All American
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I mean that's probably part of Negan's strategy, make every community feel isolated and scared.

Negan seems like the perfect leader for a group in this situation. He's smart, charismatic, sadistic, and strong. Based on next week's preview, looks like they might be good at indoctrinating people they want to join their ranks. Plus he clearly has a hierarchy of power, so he has guys under him that probably take some of his responsibility.

I think the biggest thing about Rick's group taking those guys out, is that they were caught off guard. They had a coordinated strike on the little station they had, and I'm guessing up until that point no group had really made a strike on the Saviors, as they probably thought all the local groups were already under their control. Then in the middle of the road, they thought they just had strength in numbers, I mean if you have them outnumbered 8-3 and you are all trained and have weapons, you probably don't consider the other group might have a RPG with them.

I think Negan sensed that Rick was strong/charismatic and that he would be a problem, so he went to extreme lengths to make him submit instead of just killing him and making him a martyr. Plus the 3 leaders we've seen so far, the only "strong" one is Ezekiel but even he seems hesitant to risk any lives fighting back.

10/31/2016 11:43:03 AM

All American
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Also, obligatory, I'm looking forward to that tiger fucking some shit up. You know it's gonna happen sooner or later.

10/31/2016 1:49:51 PM

All American
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I'm starting to get pretty sick of Carol's woe is me routine.

10/31/2016 2:08:17 PM

All American
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^ agree

on the flip though, Morgan is becoming a bit more tolerable

10/31/2016 2:16:28 PM

All American
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What was the deal with the pigs eating the walkers?

10/31/2016 8:50:18 PM

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I assume to taint the meat

10/31/2016 8:54:31 PM

All American
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This last episode was weak. Poor Directing or small budget. Awkward shot angles, dialogue, pauses. Maybe CG with Shiva ate the budget up? Its also emotional territory we have crossed before. All these characters are transitioning from stressed, to breaking, to recovery so her arc wasn't very unique or eye opening.

Its almost like the episode was shot with the 'dream world' theme in mind. It never looked real on screen. Maybe with Karol hallucinating at the beginning they were trying to suggest it might be a dream? Regardless, its probably just a lower budgeted episode.

11/1/2016 7:23:55 AM

All American
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I just thought it was more of a filler episode. Yes I wanted to see what was going on with Morgan and Carol, but it didn't need a complete episode dedicated to it. Everyone just wants to see what is happening with the aftermath of the deaths and how everyone in Alexandria is reacting to Negan's dictatorship.

11/1/2016 9:59:58 AM

All American
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^But that's what TWD does, they do full episodes on one storyline instead of constantly juggling between multiple storylines. I'm not a huge fan of it but they've been doing it for seasons now, and makes sense from a filming/budget perspective.

Every season they seem to aim to make 3-4 different storylines to jump between, and next week looks like it'll be Daryl with the Saviors. So we won't see Rick and Co for 2 weeks.

11/2/2016 8:52:48 AM

Duh, Winning
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Darryl gets to see what kind of sanctuary they hold up in,

I wonder if he has the guts to still be all tough guy there too

11/4/2016 12:17:28 PM

All American
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No comments on last night's episode?

Negan is such a forgiving guy, too bad Lucille is kind of a stickler.

11/7/2016 8:17:04 AM

All American
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I'm surprised that Negan is so trusting of Dwight. I get that the whole episode was meant to show Negan's tactics for breaking people and making them fear him, but damn. Took his wife and burned his face and clearly Dwight resents the hell out of him. He doesn't seem the least bit paranoid about him having firearms and the crossbow right there with him. I'd think Dwight would jump at an opportunity to kill him.

I'm wondering if he's done that kind of stuff to all of his top ranking men. If so, it doesn't seem like it would be that difficult to overthrow him.

11/7/2016 9:24:57 AM

All American
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seems pretty clear he'll defect at some point, though he certainly can't be trustworthy

11/7/2016 9:50:30 AM

All American
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Quote :
"I'm wondering if he's done that kind of stuff to all of his top ranking men. If so, it doesn't seem like it would be that difficult to overthrow him."

I wonder that too, wouldn't at some point enough of his people get sick of his shit or take the chance for payback.

11/7/2016 9:56:32 AM

All American
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I think Negan is just that arrogant. I mean the fact that Dwight ran, got away, loses 1 person, and then goes BACK to Negan instead of running further away...why would Negan fear him? He had his wife and had escaped, and was so weak he went back and begged for mercy to a guy he KNOWS enough to understand the punishment that would come down.

The entire episode was heavy-handed in showing that Dwight has been broken all the way down and lost hope, but now things are making him question if there isn't another way. I mean think about the Zombie on the pole, he rose up, fell back down, got back up, he never gave up. Then you had his "friend" who escaped, he basically pointed out that one doesn't have to kneel to Negan, that he'd rather die than do that and ONLY agrees to kneel to protect his friends. Now you have Daryl, who after days of torture, does what Dwight couldn't and doesn't give up. Daryl even points that out to Dwight, that he understood he had to give up because he wanted to protect his wife(at the time), but Daryl doesn't have anyone else to keep in mind(like Dwight doesn't now).

It's clear that Dwight is going to seek his revenge at some point, just wonder how long it will take and what will be the thing that causes him to finally turn. Will it take Daryl dying? Will it take his wife dying?

11/7/2016 10:27:09 AM

All American
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Why was Dwight's bike broken after the zombie falling off the bridge scene? That's quite a bit of damage just from tossing it aside.

11/7/2016 10:31:34 AM

All American
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Seemed pretty stupid of Dwight to not figure out what was going on with the walkers falling off the overpass.

11/7/2016 11:13:58 AM

All American
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^^^ that seems about right, yea if you are fucked in the head enough to go back, I suppose Negan would not have much to be concerned over. Hopefully that will be his weakness

11/7/2016 11:20:15 AM

All American
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So did the fat guard leave the door unlocked on purpose? Under orders from Negan just to see if Daryl would try to run? I'm surprised he got off that easy.

11/7/2016 11:57:30 AM

Duh, Winning
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For Darryl, its pretty much easy street

after seeing what Negan can do and how far he will go, he still has the guts to be defiant

and Negan loves the challenge of breaking someone like that

11/7/2016 12:39:00 PM

All American
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Yeah the guy left the door unlocked as a test for Daryl. The wife was in on the test too, so just further showing the mind-games Negan is playing with him.

Anyone else watching and waiting for:
Negan: "Who are you?"
Daryl: "No one. A boy has no name."

11/7/2016 1:18:06 PM

All American
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^ hahaha, when all of your tv binge watching starts bleeding together

11/7/2016 1:20:40 PM

All American
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One thing about his test though, why wouldn't Negan be paranoid of Daryl playing the long con here? I could easily see Daryl holding out for a few more days then pretending to break -- then kneeling/whatever/going through the motions until Negan trusts him enough to let him have a weapon, then killing him as soon as he gets the chance. Or even taking it longer and have him scope out the place, finding a secret entrance or something, then escaping and bringing back a very pissed of Alexandria in the middle of the night for a sneak attack or something.

11/7/2016 1:35:58 PM

All American
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^I don't think you give Negan enough credit. Just like he baited Rick, he's pretty intelligent and usually thinking well ahead of the others. I mean think about the original roadblocks he set just to corral Rick and Co. in the RV, took plenty of planning and he had everything covered, then he gets in the RV with Rick with plenty of chances for Rick to make a move and he's already ahead of him.

If Daryl did kneel, I imagine he would be given some less than desirable tasks to prove himself before he was just given a gun and freedom to do what he wants. He would most assuredly have a "keeper" or two watching him most of the time too until Negan felt comfortable with where he stood.

Like the first time he armed him would probably be while he was surrounded by a ton of Saviors and the order would be to kill an innocent person for Negan, something that would really push to see if Daryl had truly given in and even then I bet the gun wouldn't be loaded just to make sure he was willing to pull the trigger and not just turn it on Negan instantly. It's not like he would kneel, get up, hug him, and hand him a gun and let him just have free range of the whole complex.

[Edited on November 7, 2016 at 2:38 PM. Reason : .]

11/7/2016 2:36:36 PM

All American
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Yeah I know, but Daryl seems like the type of guy that would be patient enough to wait it out in that situation. Even if it were to take years. I just think Negan is so relaxed for the type of guy constantly surrounded by people that [probably] despise him but can't do anything about it.

11/7/2016 3:34:54 PM

All American
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Negan clearly has the ability to read people like a book. So he would know if Daryl was broken or not.

11/7/2016 9:56:03 PM

Duh, Winning
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This was just a filler Rick and co under foot episode

I get that Khorl is tough and all, and maybe he has a mile of guts, he was there before, he should know you can't stand up to them (yet)

And Negan was going to take all the guns anyway

11/14/2016 10:41:04 AM

All American
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Yeah little disappointed that Rick and Co didn't immediately go home and ready for his visit. He might have showed up early, but you knew he was coming for his weapons you stole. Not saying they had to hide all of them(clearly would be a mistake), but I think you could have hidden some and burned the ledger with all of the supplies.

Think I'm more surprised Father Gabriel finally did something helpful.

11/14/2016 10:53:36 AM

All American
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So clearly this group is level headed and understand what is at stake. I don't think the same could be said for all groups that the Saviors are exploiting. Karl, Rick, and a few others were about 5 seconds away from killing Negan. How come some impulsive idiot from a different camp hasn't already killed him? Obviously a failed attempt would probably result in a massacre but I feel like some dumb fuck with nothing to lose would do it.

11/14/2016 10:59:09 AM

All American
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I, took, can't believe they didn't hide a lot of guns and burn the ledger. WTF man.

11/14/2016 11:20:11 AM

All American
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Rick explained this. They hide some guns, where does that really get them? They need more than double the amount of people he's aware of to have any shot of taking on Negan. And if Negan has any suspicion about him doing that he bashes more of Rick's friends heads in with a baseball bat in front of him. Also, they're clearly showing Rick as having no ambitions to fight right now whatsoever.

And lastly...Jeffrey Dean Morgan might be the best actor that's ever been on this show

11/14/2016 4:01:16 PM

All American
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^ yeah the guy playing Neegan is doing an incredible job, almost carrying the show for me at this point.

It seems like they're setting it up for Neegan to be taken down by mutiny. It just sucks that we're probably have to wait the whole season to find out-- i really wish they would move the show along a bit faster.

11/14/2016 4:57:15 PM

All American
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Need to simmer in Negan goodness for a while.

^im not sure what you expect every episode

11/14/2016 9:51:35 PM

All American
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^^^I'm well aware of what Rick explained.

But still, they should have hidden a weapons depot buried out in the woods somewhere.

11/15/2016 8:52:45 AM

All American
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^Yes they should have BUT one thing I could think of is that Negan would EXPECT them to do that. Rick had to know they were gonna take their guns. It is plausible that Rick thought maybe that Negan had scouts watching them the whole time to see if they would do something like that so that Negan could mess with them again and kill someone. Of course it would have been a lot easier for Rick to just say something along those lines before Negan actually showed up.

That is the only reasoning I can think of for why they didn't just ambush/kill Negan's group. Negan overall outnumbers them yes, but the group that showed up to collect everything did not outnumber them. Given that Negan himself was there as well as probably some of his high ranking lieutenants -- a few well placed snipers and the element of surprise would have taken them out quickly. Hell, one person with the bazooka could have taken out half his group. If they had even gotten Negan alive, they'd have leverage. Yes they may have lost a few people but with Negan willing to kill someone just because the ledger wasn't up to date, it seems that it would be inevitable anyway. Darryl was even there, so he could have potentially escaped.

11/15/2016 9:06:20 AM

All American
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Negan has outmaneuvered Rick and co at just about every encounter since our guys killed a bunch of them in that assault. I see no reason why Rick would risk everyone's lives again thinking he can do something like hide a bunch of guns without Negan finding out

11/15/2016 9:30:43 AM

All American
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I stopped watching shortly into season 5. Finally got tired of the misery porn.

After hearing about the season premier, I got around to catching up on Netflix. I don't know what I expected with the show going forward, but damn I would like to see some actual victory and extended pleasant living every now and then. This is a show I love to hate.

11/15/2016 10:43:41 AM

Save TWW
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The suspension of disbelief is a bit tough when Rick is standing behind a gate and literally anyone could have just shot negan

11/15/2016 12:19:02 PM

All American
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do you know for a fact that Rick can win a war against the Saviors even from behind their fence? Rick doesn't think so and isn't willing to risk it right now

11/15/2016 12:48:57 PM

Save TWW
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Did he think he could beat them when he went for the weapon in the RV? The viewers have a little more evidence that it's mostly Negan they need to beat but it seems like Rick is aware of that too. Cut the head off that snake.

Besides when has Rick been pragmatic?

Also why was he willing to lie about Maggie but not michonnes rifle?

11/15/2016 1:42:03 PM

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