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All American
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12/12/2006 4:47:10 PM

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If anyone else was at that Killers show last night at Phillips: one of the best of the year!

Anyone have New Years plans?

12/19/2006 12:25:53 PM

All American
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Man, I wanted to see them, but I just didn't have the foresight to plan for that.

So, here are some Atlanta questions...

1) I need to get car stereo work done. Normally, I'd do this myself but it's going to be a mess. It's on my 97 951 and there is a ton of old wiring in the car that just needs to go. I tried getting into it this weekend and after a good three solid hours I gave up. Too much crap and the dash is kind of a bitch. I'm not about to let some punk kid at Best Buy or the likes touch it, but I also don't want to go balls out on the cost. any recommendations on shops to use? Preferable near the highlands/little 5 area as I live in Inman Park.

2) I want to start playing guitar. Where can I start - good music stores (like a place I won't feel like a total jackass newbie)? I have a musical background, but it's been a decade since I played anything. I find myself itching to play at night and I don't think my neighbors would like me playing jazz at night.

12/19/2006 12:51:42 PM

All American
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i think there's a few guitar/music stores in little 5 points. not positive though, but i seem to remember noticing a few there when i drove through last week. definitely some good used record stores there.

i'll be at fox theater New Year's Eve, trying to hook up with some yuppie broads.

12/19/2006 3:39:06 PM

All American
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hah - i dated a girl who worked at the fox for a while...i hope the crowd is younger than the normal crowd there for i miss all those free, sweet seat location, opening night tickets

i'll be in vegas trying to hook up with some socal sloot, but will probably be way too hammered (and/or too engrossed in betting)

[Edited on December 19, 2006 at 4:07 PM. Reason : .]

12/19/2006 4:06:59 PM

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fiance accepted a job in ATL - moving down there in may/june next year

12/19/2006 4:08:31 PM

All American
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have you been here before? buying a place? renting? i'll try to make suggestions if you can let us know what part of town she's working in

and for the love of god, please don't tell me it's alpharetta or some other'll hardly see the city or spend hours driving to do so

12/19/2006 7:20:41 PM

All American
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There's a guitar center on the access road beside 85-north between North Druid Hills and Clairmont, they probably offer lessons. There used to be an open mic at Red Light Cafe, which is located sort of midtownish. you could probably talk to someone there. oh, and there's another local guitar store on the right on piedmont, just before you get to monroe.

yeah, its really worth the paying the premium to live in town and not have to deal with the traffic if you are working inside the perimeter.

12/19/2006 11:27:09 PM

All American
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you can also get away with living in town while working outside the perimeter up 75. I live in the highlands and work where 75 and 285 meet. it takes me 15-20min to get to work and about 30min to get home. well worth it to me to live in a cool area

12/20/2006 10:06:02 AM

All American
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yeah, I work in Vinings (Home Depot SSC) and live in the inman/highland area...well worth a bit of traffic at night

12/20/2006 10:58:55 AM

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she'll be working on windy ridge parkway - i either work from home or travel - so we want easy access to both - although the airport will win out if it is either/or

12/21/2006 9:25:59 AM

All American
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omg we can have tww lunches now!!

12/21/2006 10:12:01 AM

All American
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so windy ridge is right up there at the 285/75 can live pretty much anywhere in the city...for easy access to both there and the airport, i would recommend midtown, inman park, highlands

12/21/2006 11:20:09 AM

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i've been recommended atlantic station - any thoughts?

12/21/2006 12:30:45 PM

All American
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atlantice station is nice. are you guys considering buying a condo there or something? i'm not sure if there are rentals there... it is very convinient to 75 (especially when getting home, you get off the highway right before it starts getting congested on the connector). i actually have no idea how easy it is to get on the highway in the morning. that might be a pain.

its a cool area with tons of shops and restaurants. but i think all the traffic during the holiday season (as well as all the other events that take place there) would get old after a while. i dont know. i guess its that i probably would never consider living there.

12/21/2006 1:05:05 PM

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Atlantic Station is one of the more pricey areas of town right now b/c it's still kind of new/being developed. It is very well located though, within 10-15 minutes of just about everything Atlanta has to offer. There are places to rent still, I looked there before I moved last.

I live right across from that guitar center mentioned on the I-85 access rd., next to the big red piano. I like the druid hils area (NE side of town), good price to value IMO for living in Atlanta.

My office is moving to the Windy Hill area in June, so no more trekking out to Six Flags anymore!

12/22/2006 10:17:18 PM

All American
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I've been thinking about selling my house and getting a condo in a high rise

12/22/2006 11:08:52 PM

All American
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i've looked at the condo's at atlantic station, they started at $180K for 700 sqaure feet. if i remember correctly the rest were somewhere in the $250/sqft range. they seemed like nice places, but i personally don't want to live in a strip mall.

12/26/2006 6:08:08 PM

All American
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i'm pretty sure AS is sold out right now. a bit overpriced if you ask me - i'd rather have a place in midtown if I'm going condo

12/27/2006 10:50:12 AM

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why would you assume it's sold out - ppl bought and never are going to sell?

we are planning on heading down there at the end of january or the beginning of february to look with a broker at the different areas and to look for ourselves

we are still undecided on whether to buy or rent - renting for 6 months to get a feel for the areas though is probably the safest bet although maybe not the smartest

12/28/2006 6:04:16 PM

All American
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I looke at some of the openings at Spire today and I was totally in love until I saw the monthly condo fees

12/28/2006 10:31:45 PM

All American
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^ i work with some folks who live in the spire, and they seem to like it. i looked into the spire last summer, and at the time there were about 40 units for sale. definitely a buyer's market there. at the time it was probably the best value of the highrises in midtown. my only issue with it is that it's kind of pain for visitors, though, as you have to punch in about 398,780 codes to get to someone's floor. word up.

12/30/2006 1:45:18 PM

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heading down next weekend to begin the hunt for an apt or house - only reason we won't buy is if we don't feel we know the area(s) well enough to commit

1/28/2007 4:50:50 PM

All American
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check up on Dave and Linda while youre there. say hi to the twins.

1/28/2007 5:52:37 PM

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any last minute advice on areas - we are going to start off in the vinings on friday then look in buckhead and end up in the highlands area (apt. service through fiance's job is setting appts up for us) - then realtor (friend of the family) is taking us around on saturday - mainly in the vinings/smyrna/mableton area as of now i think

1/30/2007 9:57:08 AM

All American
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I have lived in Vinings, I work in Smyrna and live now in Mableton - so let me know if you need any info in that are based on what you see.

1/30/2007 10:41:41 AM

All American
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personally I would completely skip Buckhead, but that's just me. Vinings and Highland are good - also the Inman park area (next door to Highlands)

1/30/2007 1:08:55 PM

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after our weekend here - we really like the vinings area to buy in and if we are going to rent we decided on the Alexan (

our favorite townhouse was in this neighborhood

do you guys think that is too far away from atlanta nightlife - the place was perfect for us but the location is very questionable i think - seemed quite hispanic...

2/3/2007 9:49:06 PM

All American
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yeah, marietta is a tough commute for nightlife. cabs would be really costly, and therefore you wouldn't be able to get too crunk. which is what you gotta do in the A, keep it crunk. but if you're married/in a serious relationship, that's not too big of a deal i suppose. i gotta find one of those some day, a wife/girlfriend.

2/4/2007 11:46:08 AM

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does anyone know ^^ that area? stay far away or not so bad?

2/5/2007 11:00:59 AM

All American
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Re: Alexan
If I am correct, that area isnt too bad. I used to date a guy who lived over there. We used to go to the Willy's across the street all the time (or I could be completely wrong as to which apartment building this is)

Re: House in Marietta
I dont know that far out in Cobb county too well. I work basically where 75 and 285 intersect a little further south. But my guess though, for that area, is that it is prodominately white, suburban, and republican (which is good or bad, depending on what you want). Commute could suck though, depending on where you work. That post 285 area of 75 always seems like a bitch

[Edited on February 5, 2007 at 3:43 PM. Reason : .]

2/5/2007 3:35:35 PM

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i should have been more clear - i meant only for the house - thx for answering both though

we need easy access to windy ridge pkwy (it seemed ppl in atlanta called it the windy hill area) and to the airport - but more so we want access to a fun/great nightlife and for it to be in a decent part of town for resale value

2/5/2007 4:01:11 PM

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^^^^^^^^^^^^^ i agree

2/5/2007 4:17:06 PM

All American
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well - it definitely is accessible to the windy hill area.

airport, not so much. well, would you consider riding MARTA to the airport? If that is the case, then I would suggest moving to the other side of 75 to the Sandy Springs/Roswell area. (basically between 75 and 400, north of 285). Marta goes up 400 for a little basically you would live inbetween the Windy Hill area and the Marta station (and once you live there, you will learn the back roads ways to get to both without using the highway).

if you refuse to ride MARTA (there are those who unnecessarily do), then it doesnt really matter. you will be SOL anywhere on the north end when having to drive down to the airport during rush hour.

Nightlife - dont really know how the specific nightlife is out there. I live downtown in the Virginia Highlands, and my friends who live out there tend to come downtown to hang out. When I go up there, its usually for a party at someone's house (rather then to go to a bar/club).

Resale - In general that whole area (Sandy Springs/Roswell) is a lot like Cary. Dont know the specifics of the particular house/neighboorhood that you were looking at, but I know Sandy Springs very well (I ran a campaign out there this fall). I imagine the Cobb county area that you are looking at is very similar and I would not be too concerned about re-sale in the future.

However, overall, I would recomend renting for a couple of months before you just buy a place (heck, get a 6 month lease). Atlanta is HUGE with a lot of really cool areas, a lot of kind-of sketch areas, and a lot of areas that are just kind-of "blah". There are a million things to consider when purchasing a house, take your time and find a place AND area that really fits you and your lifestyle (rather then what you think *might* fit)

[Edited on February 5, 2007 at 4:37 PM. Reason : that's a hard word!]

2/5/2007 4:34:57 PM

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yeah i went out in the highlands on friday night to highlands tap - not a bad spot at all - the drive from our hotel in the vinings wasn't bad at all

definitely not opposed to riding marta - if anything i hope to live close to it to ride b/c i travel for work a lot so the easy access to the airport is definitely a plus

won't buy unless i am certain of what i want and have done the research first - this weekend helped out a lot on that front but it definitely was just the start

i don't think we specifically looked in the roswell/sandy springs area but we were very close to that this weekend - i'll have my realtor pull up some listings for me

thanks again for any helpful input

2/5/2007 6:06:43 PM

All American
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^ yes lawd, i was at noche friday night, right next door. i think i felt your presence!

i live in the highlands as well, right by noche and highland tap - i really enjoy it, am actually surprised i've liked atlanta as much as i have. good luck with your decision, and welcome to the A!

^^ and i agree, renting for 6 months is a great option.

2/5/2007 7:48:38 PM

All American
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i live on the St. Charles side of the Highlands, near Neighboors and Hand-n-Hand

Like you, I wasnt sure if I was going to like Atlanta that much, but I love it. I started out living in Buckhead, which was nice, but kind of blah (lived off of Lenox). LOVE where i'm living now. Funny thing though, I can walk to most of the Highland bars, but pretty much live at Manuel's which is not as walkable late at night

2/5/2007 8:37:46 PM

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heh if you were next door and there until close i'm sure you saw our group outside - the birthday kid decided to get in a fight and the cops came and arrested him - this happened somewhere inbetween 1:30-2:30am - i was obliterated though and don't remember too much

2/5/2007 9:01:38 PM

All American
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nice thanks for making an impression omar

2/5/2007 9:47:05 PM

All American
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I don't know too much about the Alexan apts you mentioned in Buckhead, but my girlfriend does own a condo in the building right next to it (the Eclipse).

Buckhead is okay of an area, but can be kind of sketch if you walk in the unpopulated areas... But what city isn't like that?

I don't know too much about the VA Highlands area. There's an area up the street from where I live called Brookwood I think. It's right at the bridge where Peachtree crosses 85/75. A couple of coworkers bought places there and love it, although I would think the highway and the nearby train tracks would be too loud.

MARTA is convenient mainly to the airport. Everywhere else it sucks. The stations don't really take you to where you would want to go.

2/5/2007 9:59:17 PM

All American
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^^^ i was long gone by closing time, ended up getting a bit crunk at front page news in midtown. hate i missed a good fight!

^^^^ i went to manny's for the first time friday at happy hour with my dad. it was his favorite bar when he was an undergrad at georgia state, so i had to take him back there for some pbr when he visited this weekend. i really dug it, but i think i have lung cancer after being there for about an hour i like that side of ponce - manny's, righteous room, and clermont. three of the most interesting bars in atlanta...

2/5/2007 10:30:01 PM

All American
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<3 front page news <3

is the one in midtown, or do you just not know it's L5P?

[Edited on February 5, 2007 at 10:46 PM. Reason : RR and Clounge too <3]

2/5/2007 10:44:39 PM

All American
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there's one in midtown too, off of crescent at 12th, near twisted taco i think. i've been meaning to check out the one in L5, though, just haven't had the chance yet. i had made my dad watch big lebowski before i went out friday, so i had about a dozen white russians at fpn. needless to say, i had one of the worst hangovers of my life saturday.

[Edited on February 5, 2007 at 10:58 PM. Reason : i mean, i felt really bad]

2/5/2007 10:57:48 PM

All American
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Ooh! I didn't know there was one near twisted taco. I've got to stop by

2/5/2007 11:01:04 PM

All American
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holy shit this bus accident is nuts - didn't know about it until I was on the road this morning - drove by it on 75N...pretty gruesome sight with the Northside Drive bridge barded up and the buss still down there with the windows blown out

3/2/2007 10:39:00 AM

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heading down the march 10th weekend to house hunt some more

3/2/2007 3:34:32 PM

All American
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word up! anyone else heading to the "get lucky festival" at park tavern saturday? or national "get over it day" at front page news in L5 friday? yes lawd. happy weekend to be in the A!

3/6/2007 8:36:13 PM

All American
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did lucky fest last year - good times indeed. not sure what the plans are since it's the weekend of the acc tourney and not actually st patty's day. one of my friends is the guy who started the whole national get over it day/rejection hotline stuff

3/7/2007 12:42:18 AM

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what are the feelings on the dunwoody/sandy springs area?

3/8/2007 11:27:36 AM

All American
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mine are fairly positive. i spent pretty much every weekend this fall up in sandy springs running a campaign. its a lot like cary

3/8/2007 11:42:05 AM

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