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All American
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The thing that fucks you on Ad Velorum is that you don't pay partial year, or at least I didn't, but then I had to pay a full year again a couple of months later when my birthday rolled around. That whole process was a total pain in the ass. Had to get the insurance binder and all that drama. Glad it's over!

5/24/2007 3:21:22 PM

22518 Posts
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are any women on tdub looking for a roommate down in atl starting in august

i know someone that needs a roommate

pm me for more info

5/25/2007 1:49:49 PM

471 Posts
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I was at that AoD concert at Andrews Upstairs, last Sat. always a good time

5/25/2007 11:38:49 PM

147487 Posts
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had a good talk with my parents today

sounds more and more like i'm going to atl after i graduate...i dont think i'll be there past 30 though

5/26/2007 3:14:52 AM

25078 Posts
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please don't come down

5/26/2007 11:09:31 AM

All American
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ATL is alright. I'm not a big city kind of guy though. I'd like a place that is a middle ground of Atlanta and Raleigh.

5/26/2007 11:26:11 AM

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CJ's Landing is having their last night open this Saturday the 2nd... they are looking for a new location but in the mean time they bought the Star Bar and some other place so I dont think they are doing too bad...

5/28/2007 10:59:12 PM

All American
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sucks all that shit in buckhead is shutting down. CJ's was always a good time ("shitty beer" and Beirut tables = fun). how i miss the freedom of grad school and being able to enjoy disco Tuesday at the star bar

5/29/2007 9:51:21 AM

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going to be in ATL at the end of July for a bachelor party.

5/29/2007 9:58:13 AM

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^^ yes it does... going to miss CJ's Landing, and the Steamhouse Lounge a ton, love sitting out on the deck there. And I am REALLY going to love all that construction noise/traffic right outside my window every morning

5/29/2007 10:53:36 AM

All American
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^^clairmont lounge and pink pony (in no particular order)

whatever you do, don't be like the douchebag bachelor party we saw on Sat night - in an irish bar with a 50 year old dude singing drinking songs with not much in the way of women around. that's fine and dandy for just going out drinking and having a good time, but is one hell of a fuckwad bachelor party

[Edited on May 29, 2007 at 11:32 AM. Reason : .]

5/29/2007 11:30:40 AM

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anyone going to the fight thingy at Wild Bills? or the beer festival the next day?

5/29/2007 4:52:54 PM

All American
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^^^^ gunzzz, don't worry son, we gonna blow it out. you know how we roll in the A!

5/30/2007 10:53:27 AM

All American
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when and where is that beer festival?

5/30/2007 11:10:44 AM

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Woodruff Park, June 9th, 2pm

5/30/2007 11:36:36 AM

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Last weekend for a majority of the fun places in Buckhead... CJ's Landing, Makos, Uranus, etc. I know that CJ's Landing is having an all day thing on Saturday, 2pm-close with something like 8-9 bands...

6/1/2007 2:53:50 PM

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oh shit... Blowfly is at the Star Bar tonight, hes so horrible, I love it

6/8/2007 3:30:15 PM

All American
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You need a Jaybee1200 Updates thread.

6/8/2007 5:16:49 PM

147487 Posts
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i'd go try to meet up with some rappers

6/8/2007 5:30:25 PM

56200 Posts
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^^ no shit

6/8/2007 8:12:46 PM

All American
22728 Posts
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Quote :
"i'd go try to meet up with some rappers"

jaybee you're neighbors w/ Ludacris...

several people have told me he lives in that tall building right behind the linens & things at the peachtree shopping center

6/9/2007 12:34:59 PM

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i'd like to meet t-rock, lil weavah and a few others...prolly luda too

6/9/2007 12:58:03 PM

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^^ oh word, I'll go drink some yoohoo and Courvoisier with him tonight... that chick that was in Almost Famous lives on the top floor here... Kate something... Hudson?

6/9/2007 5:19:48 PM

All American
6271 Posts
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ha ha. big boy (of outcast) and his wife/girl and kids were bowling in the lane right beside us tonight. seems like a pretty cool dude.

6/9/2007 11:21:02 PM

All American
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were you at 10 Pin?

6/11/2007 2:33:56 PM

All American
6271 Posts
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it was up at fun-time bowl in the mexican strip mall on buford.

6/11/2007 8:24:22 PM

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once you wade through the ghetto around it the drive in movie theatre is pretty sweet

6/12/2007 11:51:15 AM

All American
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ah yes...i've been to fun time many a nights

i highly recommend 10 Pin Alley in Atlantic Station (above Noche) if you 1) can dress well and 2) can afford it. they won't let you in with sneakers on. on friday night it's about $80 and hour to bowl (per lane, not per person). drinks can be expensive depending on what you order. they have a VIP room with 2 lanes as well (it's where the guys like Fez go...he owns it and Noche with Ashton and Danny). The women are smoking hot there (both servers and party-goers)

6/12/2007 1:08:06 PM

56200 Posts
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that sounds stupid

6/12/2007 10:34:20 PM

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been gone for 3 weeks - finally heading back

6/13/2007 2:43:08 AM

All American
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my two best girlfriends in Atlanta work at 10 Pin Alley.

I think we should all get together to celebrate OmarBadu's wedding! It would be nice to meet everyone for drinks? I'm out of town this week - but maybe Saturday June 23rd? Around that time?

Anyone interested?

6/13/2007 10:28:01 AM

All American
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yeah, really fucking stupid

look, we get it, you like dive bars and trashy shit. maybe you'll come around one day and be able to have fun at places like moes and joes AND cosmolava, maybe not...but that doesn't make it "stupid"

[Edited on June 13, 2007 at 1:21 PM. Reason : .]

6/13/2007 1:19:06 PM

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have to pick a different date - wife is singing in one of her friend's wedding in raleigh that weekend

6/13/2007 2:23:39 PM

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^^ $80 for bowling? thats stupid. unless you can get 4+ people per lane

6/13/2007 7:41:30 PM

All American
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i've been traveling for work every week since mid-january. i really really really miss my tuesday evenings at moe's and joe's. what a special place!

speaking of bowling alleys, for an entreprenuership project in b-school we tossed around the idea of developing a bowling alley/strip club, call it "Tens and Pins". or "Gutter Butter", depending on the class of patron you're shooting for. anyhow, maybe i could get people to pay $80 to bowl there too?? the only catch is how do you position the lanes so that each lane has optimal/equal line of sight to the girls. do you put girls between every two lanes? if you have a ton of space, do you have lanes that fan out from the center, then put a dancefloor there? couldn't decide. just some things to ponder.

6/14/2007 12:22:03 PM

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how about just an elevated walkway above the lanes, unless you are a really really bad bowler yo should only be using about 2 feet of height

6/14/2007 1:42:27 PM

All American
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^ fantastic!!!!

if we had thought of that, we probably would've already broken ground on the first of many 10's and Pins.

6/14/2007 2:29:36 PM

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anyone ever been to The Royal?


6/15/2007 3:53:21 PM

All American
26946 Posts
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I miss Moe's and Joe's.

Guess Omar is the only one who wants to meet up?

6/20/2007 12:55:16 AM

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Mako's isnt gone for good, its taking over either Rio Grande or Rio Bravo (cant remember which one, but I assum Grande since its vacant) but it will take 6 months to renovate everything.

6/20/2007 10:03:48 AM

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any of you fags up for a Braves game tonight?

Atkins park is doing their thing, $40 includes meal, drinks, trans to the game and back and a ticket... thinking of hitting this up, let me know

6/20/2007 1:31:54 PM

25078 Posts
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nah but is there a link for the event?

6/20/2007 2:13:46 PM

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nah but you want the link?

6/20/2007 2:45:36 PM

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can't go tonight - already have plans - but i figured might be good down the road at some point

6/20/2007 2:55:42 PM

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6/20/2007 2:57:08 PM

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didn't know they had a smyrna location - need to be there at 4:30 though and ole wifey won't be home in time otherwise i might have canceled the crap for tonight

6/20/2007 3:18:45 PM

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I called the Va-Highlands location, they said starts at 5 (food, drinks), bus leaves at 6, you can come whenever as long as you are there by 6

6/20/2007 3:34:48 PM

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yeah at least the drink is beer and not water - and it is the red sox...i'm on the fence now

6/20/2007 3:51:37 PM

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jager too... and you get to drink before at AP, during the bus ride, and after the game


6/20/2007 4:00:30 PM

All American
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I'm not going to that Braves thing tonight, but I went to the Atkins Park in Smyrna/Vinings on Saturday night. It was pretty cheap and a good time.

6/20/2007 4:02:35 PM

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