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56200 Posts
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good food too

6/20/2007 4:05:33 PM

25078 Posts
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know what kind of bus?

6/20/2007 4:06:03 PM

56200 Posts
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hahaha, fuck if I know...bus snob? haha

6/20/2007 4:07:15 PM

25078 Posts
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i'm trying to convince - i can work with a charter bus with a bathroom - a school bus is harder - i'm trying to justify 80+beer at the park for this

6/20/2007 4:08:19 PM

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I have no idea, but for 80 which includes a ticket, food, beer, jager, I doubt it super nice

6/20/2007 4:13:05 PM

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nm - going to the pool and then out to eat - we already have tix to the july 13th game and we aren't huge baseball fans anyways - 2nd row behind the braves dugout too

6/20/2007 4:16:38 PM

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I know this is a longshot but anyone around atlanta? I can get two $40 tickets for Braves tonight for $20 total but the guy I was going with had a project come up at work and he is going to have to stay late... let me know asap?

also, anyone going to the Hawks draft party tomorrow night? I dont really care that much about them but they are giving away some shit

6/27/2007 3:06:31 PM

All American
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I really don't get why you are paying so much for tickets.

6/27/2007 3:50:12 PM

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any cheaper would be free... I'll take them if you have em

6/27/2007 4:06:34 PM

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yeah, thats what I fucking thought!

6/28/2007 2:49:31 PM

All American
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ugh my thread has gone to total crap.

6/28/2007 3:06:28 PM

25078 Posts
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the july 13th weekend my parents are coming in town - anyone know of a fun events they might want to check out - we are doing a braves game friday night

6/28/2007 3:22:36 PM

56200 Posts
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there are the standards:

Stone Mountain
World of Coke

6/28/2007 3:25:16 PM

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we used to live in ATL years ago - we are considering stone mtn because i haven't been since i was 7 - coke and ikea are out - maybe the aquarium

6/28/2007 3:28:18 PM

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Aquarium is alright, its expensive though, I wouldnt go back again

6/28/2007 3:30:25 PM

All American
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for the love of all things sacred and holy, do not take them to the laser light show

i lost a part of my soul there and will never get it back

6/28/2007 3:34:24 PM

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yeah i know it's a cheesy thing - i just need to get a glow necklace and we used to put pennies on the train tracks and watch them get squished - can you even do that still?

6/28/2007 3:38:39 PM

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haha, its a thing parents would like, especially some good old Lee Greenwood

6/28/2007 3:54:45 PM

All American
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jesus...i have the pleasure of seeing one of the bodies from the bus accident on I-85 tonight. got thrown into the northbound HOV lane

i don't understand why they don't require belts on buses...if you have to wear them on a plane, it's utter bullshit you don't need them in buses.

7/1/2007 12:38:48 AM

All American
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Quote :


7/1/2007 1:04:45 AM

All American
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so i georgia so bass ackwards that they don't have some way to check online for personalized plate availability? I remember 7 years ago in VA I was able to go to a site and check if what I wanted on my plate was available. anyone know of an online option down here?

BTW, the entire state of GA government is fucked up beyond repair. the fact that there are seperate departments for tags and licenses is a call for a modern day sherman

7/3/2007 10:40:21 AM

56200 Posts
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^ I agree... the whole license and registration thing was a nightmare... and I dont think there is an online thing for the plates, I looked for a while too... and I hate how you to explain what they mean or they wont give you one.

7/3/2007 4:05:23 PM

56200 Posts
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holy shit the traffic is fucking nuts over here right now... thank god I just have to take the elevator up a few floors to watch it haha

7/4/2007 6:45:30 PM

25078 Posts
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does your place face the right way for the fireworks down there or good view from the pool or something like that?

we have a 2min. walk down the road to view them - can't decide if it's worth it or not - fireworks just aren't as exciting anymore except for maybe thunder of louisville

7/4/2007 6:52:39 PM

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yeah, I can see both the Lennox Mall ones (really really close) and the downtown ones from my place

7/4/2007 7:55:43 PM

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that's cool - i definitely wouldn't mind being able to look out the window and see them

7/4/2007 8:44:25 PM

All American
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i live a couple blocks from lenox but decided to watch mythbusters instead.

7/4/2007 10:08:37 PM

All American
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Quote :
"yeah, I can see both the Lennox Mall ones (really really close) and the downtown ones from my place"

do you face north or south? if north i imagine you have a pretty good view of lenox. they were pretty good a couple of years ago

we skipped them this year, and stayed at my place downtown to watch them. i face south, so we could watch them from my balcony

7/4/2007 11:23:50 PM

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My place faces north, the pool (10th floor) faces east, so you can see both Lennox and downtown

7/5/2007 12:30:53 AM

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ended up being able to see them from the 2nd floor

got a seat belt ticket the other day - they are much nicer down in GA than in NC - my last one in NC was around $75 i think - the one in GA was $15.60 and i paid it online

7/7/2007 8:34:46 PM

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ugh, traveling for work is making me gain weight back after I just lost about 30lbs... just too hard to turn down the big ass free meals at nice places... I need to join some sports league or something

7/9/2007 2:40:43 PM

All American
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try running - over wehre you are there's nice neighborhoods to run through all over the west paces ferry area, and if you want to go downtown, piedmont park

7/9/2007 4:36:20 PM

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we're going to join an indoor or outdoor soccer league once things settle down a bit if you play - we played up in raleigh on an adult co-ed team and want to get back into it down here

7/9/2007 4:58:22 PM

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^^ I cant do running, it bores me to death, has to be some sort of game

^ ummm... I dont really fit for soccer, played one time in intramurals an got thrown out for setting a running pick, guess its illegal

7/9/2007 11:26:36 PM

All American
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buy a bike. people down here are generally really good about giving plent of room on the roads. there is the silver comet trail, PATH up around Stone Mountain, freedom park/highlands/inman park just to name some of the areas I regularly ride.

outside of that, just join a gym and show up at 5:30 am for pick-up basketball games.

7/10/2007 9:54:07 AM

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there sure as hell isn't a shortage of mexican food down here - what in the hell is up with all of the taco bars - taco bell must be hurtin' from all of the competition

we did go to nuevo laredo though after it was recommended and i approve

7/21/2007 9:13:34 PM

All American
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Young Frankenstein is on PBA30.

maybe this should go in the "signs you're getting old thread"

7/21/2007 10:03:43 PM

56200 Posts
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^^ no shit... people LOVE freaking Taco Mac here...

7/22/2007 11:32:12 PM

All American
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i don't know why the name of that place is taco mac. it has like, 3 or 4 mexican items. and those suck. i don't go to that place anymore, the service the last few times i went has been shitty.

7/23/2007 9:46:14 AM

25078 Posts
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i was told yesterday that there is an ncsu sports bar in atlanta - that a lot of the alumni go to for games - the people that told me didn't know which bar it was though - anyone know?

7/23/2007 10:17:23 AM

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The Shitter

7/23/2007 11:02:05 AM

All American
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The only reason you go to Taco Mac is for the draft beer.

7/23/2007 12:20:57 PM

All American
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taco mac in the highlands is a cool place...every other one is just another chain sports resturant

7/23/2007 1:05:58 PM

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I havent been to any, but every fucker I have talked to here under 50 has been like "OMG! have you been to taco mac yet:!?!?! we are going there tomorrow!!!!"

7/23/2007 1:34:12 PM

25078 Posts
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Quote :
"i was told yesterday that there is an ncsu sports bar in atlanta - that a lot of the alumni go to for games - the people that told me didn't know which bar it was though - anyone know?"

per the head of the Atlanta alumni association - Jocks n Jills Midtown location is the official location - 10miles from my place so we'll probably check it out on a game day

7/23/2007 4:16:17 PM

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I havent been to that one, but the one in Sandy Springs is pretty damn sweet. TONS of TVs.

7/23/2007 4:46:13 PM

All American
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the one in Midtown is actually probably the worst one...kind of dingy and dark (think Sammy's but worse) deck or anything...the one in brookhaven was nice, but it closed down

7/23/2007 5:37:45 PM

All American
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Quote :
"per the head of the Atlanta alumni association - Jocks n Jills Midtown location is the official location - 10miles from my place so we'll probably check it out on a game day"

i was going to say jocks and jills, but wasn't sure which one.

taco mac in the highlands is cool if you're just going to drink beer and chill. i like it because its not loud and obnoxious. the food does leave a little to be desired. the only other one i've been to is at lindberg, which sucks. you have to wait for a hostess to get you a table and its usually full of fratacular people.

while on the topic of beer, i recently found a bar in decatur called the brickstore that has quite possibly the largest beer selection in the southeast. the food's not bad either.

7/23/2007 6:54:48 PM

All American
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If you're into golf at all you should check out candler park. its a really nice municipal course down by L5P. its got 5 par 3s and 4 par 4s (i think). its a really laid back course, everyone i've met out there is really cool, and its pretty cheap - $10 for city residents and $13 for non-residents, but they never check so...
be smart about parking on street right beside the fairway. my friend got his window busted last week by a golf ball. it can get crowded on the weekend, saturday i got stuck behind a sixsome.

7/23/2007 7:08:49 PM

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^^ I have only heard good things about the Brickstore, guy I know who lives near there loves it, just so damn far from me though...

^ sweet

7/23/2007 7:46:29 PM

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