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All American
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lol, this looks awful

Another link:

4/17/2015 7:14:08 PM

Burn it all down.
18402 Posts
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This will be awful.

4/17/2015 7:38:14 PM

All American
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I guess I'm one of the few that thinks it looks promising.

4/17/2015 7:55:07 PM

All American
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Looks mediocre, just like Man of Steel. I'll hope for more but I expect Cap 3 to be a far better movie so it's good for BvS that they moved the date.

I'll watch it at least, I think Affleck looks fine as Batman, maybe he will actually get to direct when he gets his own Batman movie.

4/17/2015 8:29:23 PM

Burn it all down.
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The thing that worries me the most is Man of Steel, from the trailer, looked fantastic. This trailer doesn't even look good.

4/17/2015 8:52:35 PM

All American
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The problem is, the trailer is probably pretty forced. The movie doesn't even come out until 2016. A lot of the special effects and cgi effects are not even finished.

It is odd that they would release such a lengthy trailer this far out

4/18/2015 7:53:50 AM

All American
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Yeah that is strange. Maybe it had something to do with the release of the Star Wars trailer? But if that's the case it was even more of a mistake.

4/18/2015 12:38:59 PM

All American
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I just think that as a teaser trailer, it was not very moving. Actually, only the tail-end of it, which was already shown, had anything to write home about. Everything else looked like fan-made quality.

4/18/2015 1:25:53 PM

Burn it all down.
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I mean, take a look at the Man of Steel first teaser, that thing seriously got my psyched.

And it was released over a year before the release of the movie too.

4/18/2015 4:24:54 PM

Bill Bixby
All American
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Wait ...what? Are you all not pleased with this trailer?? This (from a casual fan of DC) looks VERY promising.

4/18/2015 9:11:43 PM

All American
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The trailer actually made me think this has good potential. Although Batman looks like he roided up, the subtle insight has me intrigued.

But I seem to be in the minority here on TWW, where I actually enjoyed Man of Steel and couldn't get enough of it.

Can't wait to see more of this. Looking forward to good DC history/story line


4/18/2015 10:41:01 PM

All American
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I like DC better than Marvel so I'm looking forward to it!

I like the dark tone of this one. I know some people like superhero movies to be very light and fun, but I like the dark tone of this one.

4/19/2015 8:09:22 AM

All American
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I really wish they made a Man of steel 2. Give this superman another solo story with Lex. Now this feels like they are shoehorning in batman and the rest of the justice league. It's like they are trying to match the avengers and they don't have to do that.

4/19/2015 8:47:11 AM

hey now
Indianapolis Jones
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Yeah I don't get the hate.

4/19/2015 9:15:45 AM

All American
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I don't know much about comic books outside of what I've seen in the movies. I thought Man of Steel was decent, and while the trailer for this isn't great I think the actual footage from the end of the trailer looked solid - kind of hard to tell much about the movie other than its tone.

4/19/2015 12:49:13 PM

All American
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i see nothing wrong with that trailer, and to me it looks like batman is the bad guy to me.

4/19/2015 5:48:36 PM

Eyes up here ^^
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Is there really anything in this trailer to make a judgement on? Just some voiceover work and a could teaser flashes of the title characters.

4/20/2015 8:46:25 AM

All American
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4/20/2015 10:29:52 AM

Burn it all down.
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4/20/2015 6:28:33 PM

All American
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First pic of Suicide Squad Joker (Jared Leto)


4/24/2015 9:33:08 PM

All American
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they're making a live action DKR and y'all aren't excited?


4/24/2015 11:37:37 PM

All American
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^^ it looks like something straight out of the comic books.

People expecting Nolan's real-life take on the comics are going to be disappointed with the new justice league take it seems.

[Edited on April 25, 2015 at 5:34 AM. Reason : h]

4/25/2015 5:33:50 AM

439 Posts
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motherfucker look like Buck Cherry

4/25/2015 6:56:39 AM

All American
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one good thing about it is that it doesn't scream Jared Leto.

[Edited on April 25, 2015 at 7:45 AM. Reason : ahem, Lex Luther]

4/25/2015 7:44:50 AM

All American
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4/25/2015 2:14:32 PM

Ohhh Farts
12525 Posts
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\/ thank you

[Edited on April 25, 2015 at 3:21 PM. Reason : $$$]

4/25/2015 3:15:23 PM

Burn it all down.
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4/25/2015 3:21:08 PM

Ohhh Farts
12525 Posts
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edit post not gonna lie, i quite like that trailer

7/11/2015 3:50:08 PM

Burn it all down.
18402 Posts
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Zack Synder always makes great trailers though

7/11/2015 4:00:58 PM

All American
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That's awesome! I'm only worried about it having too many characters, though. Wonder woman looked out of place in that trailer. and I heard Aqua man and doomsday were in it, too.

7/11/2015 4:21:07 PM

Ohhh Farts
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^^very true

7/11/2015 5:23:33 PM

All American
27048 Posts
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Different movie, but relevant

Leto sounds like he's trying to do his best Ledger impression...and he looks really fucking awful.

Video will probably get pulled soon.

7/11/2015 7:42:23 PM

All American
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It appears I was correct in my opinion that batman will be a dick

7/11/2015 8:27:30 PM

13089 Posts
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I can't support a batman that has a tramp stamp

[Edited on July 11, 2015 at 9:03 PM. Reason : huge picture]

7/11/2015 9:03:28 PM

All American
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In their rush to catch up with Marvel they seem to have stuffed 3 movies worth of story into this one movie. I mean hell there is even a Batman origin story in there! Have we not seen the Waynes get shot enough already?

7/11/2015 11:09:22 PM

Zinc Saucier
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The Batman origin story is probably a brief flashback. And by 'brief' I mean like 30 seconds. But I agree with you, the movie is WAY overstuffed with things going on. And everything with Lex in that trailer was cringey as fuck. "Devils come from the sky" And Batman's on a battlefield? WTF?

And the way Superman floats there when he finds that family on the roof is just absurd. "I know you're scared but I gotta float here in the sun and look epic for a second". Ugh

7/12/2015 9:13:56 AM

All American
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I actually really love the direction that they are going with this. It seems like they are taking a realistic look at what happens when super heroes go through and demolish an entire City with one of their Trademark CGI fest battles that we see at least three times per film. So, it'll be nice to examine what the actual cost are to fighting off evil, such as does the Hero become evil and demented along the way? This is an aspect of superhero movies that Marvel just basically ignores, which albeit is not that much of a cop-out in the Grand scheme of Comic book movies, but it puts an even more realistic touch to the super hero world that the DC movies have been pushing as of late.

I am also super excited for a dark and mean-as-fuck batman, and I think that Affleck is just perfectly cast for this role. Christian Bale pulled off the altruistic, stick-to-the-rules Bruce Wayne/Batman well and it was perfect for that realistic touch on the Comics, but everything that I've seen and heard about Ben's Version seems to really fit in with the fact that they are expanding now into a larger, superhero universe where super natural powers exist.

[Edited on July 12, 2015 at 11:41 AM. Reason : d]

7/12/2015 11:26:10 AM

All American
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My favorite part from the trailer is Affleck running into the cloud of vaporized concrete...and in the next shot, while it's still settling, he and the little girl are fucking spotless.

[Edited on July 12, 2015 at 7:06 PM. Reason : ]

7/12/2015 7:06:19 PM

All American
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maybe the shot w/ the little girl was during a different thing, maybe even before the run-into-the-dust scene

7/12/2015 7:08:35 PM

All American
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He's wearing the same clothes and it's clearly the same sequence, so it'd have to be before...but the presumption is he's running towards Wayne Financial just after it fell and that's where he's with the girl.

Of course, that all hinges on it being the wreckage of Wayne Financial that he's running towards.

It'd be a funny and god awful continuity error, though, if he really does wind up not being dirty at all after running into that.

7/12/2015 7:25:44 PM

All American
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Quote :
"This is an aspect of superhero movies that Marvel just basically ignores"

Not entirely true! Although not a movie, the events in the Daredevil series on Netflix is entirely a result of the destruction in New York after the first Avengers film.

7/13/2015 10:53:18 AM

Eyes up here ^^
5918 Posts
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And I believe that Civil War will also tackle issues like those.

Which is why this movie has a wonky March release date so it can be ahead of Civil War.

7/13/2015 10:57:43 AM

All American
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^^ Also Agents of Shield has a great tie-in dealing with the fallout of Winter Soldier.

It also has minor tie-ins with Thor 2 and Age of Ultron, but those were pretty lame in comparison.

7/13/2015 11:00:14 PM

Eyes up here ^^
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12/3/2015 7:57:32 AM

5864 Posts
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Very much Doomsday. He will continue to evolve and look more bad-ass each time he dies.

with that said, he looks like every monster from every movie from the past 5-10 years.

12/3/2015 8:13:31 AM

no u
103354 Posts
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still don't like luthor

12/3/2015 8:19:07 AM

Zinc Saucier
18948 Posts
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That was a bad trailer all around. Killed what little hype I had for this movie.

12/3/2015 10:22:50 AM

All American
12512 Posts
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Civil war and starwars trailers so close to this one offers immediate comparisons.

This one seems more campy. Doesnt really have an emotional core.

I would rank them

Civil War

12/3/2015 10:58:10 AM

All American
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This one definitely gives too much away, although I thought that the WonderWoman intro is pretty damn cool. It sucks that they couldn't build in more suspense.

[Edited on December 3, 2015 at 12:10 PM. Reason : k]

12/3/2015 12:01:31 PM

All American
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Trailer should have ended immediately after the roar. People still would have figured out doomsday was in it, but at least there would be a bit of mystery left

12/3/2015 12:13:14 PM

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