Førte All American 23525 Posts user info edit post |
best season = 5 acc wins with Super Bowl winning quarterback Russell Wilson
[Edited on February 2, 2014 at 9:46 PM. Reason : add another note] 2/2/2014 9:45:26 PM
TreeTwista10 minisoldr 148893 Posts user info edit post |
ror 2/2/2014 10:00:43 PM
tower All American 12280 Posts user info edit post |
This is the legacy of my time at NC State. After I graduated, the Super Bowl quarterback I rooted for was not let back on the team. Unbelievable. 2/2/2014 10:04:47 PM
ndmetcal All American 9012 Posts user info edit post |
The good news is we discovered the cure for NC State shit 2/2/2014 10:06:46 PM
tower All American 12280 Posts user info edit post |
Transferring? 2/2/2014 10:12:09 PM
aaronburro Sup, B 53292 Posts user info edit post |
2/2/2014 10:14:59 PM
BrickTop All American 4508 Posts user info edit post |
aw geez not this shit again 2/2/2014 10:29:21 PM
skokiaan All American 26447 Posts user info edit post |
TOB is the textbook case of how to make decisions if you are a loser.
Was always too afraid to win big 2/2/2014 10:29:52 PM
TreeTwista10 minisoldr 148893 Posts user info edit post |
i used to jokingly say if NC State won a national title, fans would find a way to blame Gottfried or Doeren or Lowe or O'Brien or whoever, after WINNING IT ALL
glad to see my jokes were correct
smh 2/2/2014 10:31:02 PM
zsl All American 979 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "aw geez not this shit again" |
2/2/2014 11:37:55 PM
cptinsano All American 11995 Posts user info edit post |
Damn we should fire this TOB fella 2/2/2014 11:44:41 PM
dtownral Suspended 26632 Posts user info edit post |
Holy Shit, State won a national title?! I must have missed it, regardless though... AWESOME!!! 2/2/2014 11:47:56 PM
TreeTwista10 minisoldr 148893 Posts user info edit post |
State didn't win, but a few of our "fans" reactions are the same as if we would have 2/2/2014 11:50:00 PM
Wyld Stallyn Suspended 1087 Posts user info edit post |
let's hang a banner next to the one for making the PapaJohns.com Bowl.
those people are the same sort of people who show up to work on team spirit days wearing their old Gator Bowl Champs tshirts alongside all their friends with their National Champs shit. 2/3/2014 9:01:23 PM
GingaNinja All American 7177 Posts user info edit post |
Why is a Tennessee hick telling us what to do? 2/3/2014 9:04:48 PM
Wyld Stallyn Suspended 1087 Posts user info edit post |
do you even read like 5% of my posts or are you just retarded?
I'm the guy that used to defend herb sendek even after he'd lose by 30 and score only 40 points against Wake Forest.
[Edited on February 3, 2014 at 9:13 PM. Reason : c] 2/3/2014 9:08:35 PM
GingaNinja All American 7177 Posts user info edit post |
You're Jaybee 2/3/2014 10:11:54 PM
TreeTwista10 minisoldr 148893 Posts user info edit post |
lots of wyld stallyns running around in OMAHA! OMAHA! 2/3/2014 10:18:44 PM
GingaNinja All American 7177 Posts user info edit post |

2/3/2014 10:56:25 PM
GingaNinja All American 7177 Posts user info edit post |
You had no idea what you were doing  10/24/2015 12:39:04 PM
rwoody Save TWW 38144 Posts user info edit post |
double post 10/24/2015 4:43:59 PM
The E Man Suspended 15268 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "9. Gio Bernard's punt return beats NC State, 2012
Just one week after Renfree put a dagger through North Carolina's heart, Bernard managed to lift the Tar Heels' spirits with an electric return to beat another rival. UNC appeared on the verge of a six-year losing streak to NC State after the Wolfpack turned a 25-7 first-quarter deficit into a 35-25 lead entering the fourth. Casey Barth's field goal with 1:24 pulled the Tar Heels even, however, and after a stellar defensive stand, NC State lined up to punt. The problem for the Wolfpack was the man standing at the other end of the field. Bernard, who had already returned a punt for a touchdown in Week 1, hauled in the kick at the UNC 27 and proceeded to dart 73 yards for the score. The Heels tacked on a two-point conversion and upended their rival for the first time since 2006." |
[Edited on March 7, 2016 at 10:35 PM. Reason : http://espn.go.com/blog/acc/post/_/id/91317/accs-most-iconic-plays-of-the-past-decade-nos-6-10] 3/7/2016 10:35:07 PM
Jaybee1200 Suspended 56200 Posts user info edit post |
lol, does anyone even remember stuff like that? 3/7/2016 10:53:46 PM
GrimReap3r All American 2732 Posts user info edit post |
I was sitting on the 20 yard line about 5 rows off the field near the endzone he ran it into.
I was sitting next to my (unc grad) wife and in-laws (both unc grads). I wanted to fucking throw up. That was by far the biggest let down for me and NCSU sports in person. 3/7/2016 11:01:56 PM
TreeTwista10 minisoldr 148893 Posts user info edit post |
total Doerenesque playcall by the special teams coach 3/7/2016 11:21:31 PM
GingaNinja All American 7177 Posts user info edit post |
That wound is still fresh 3/7/2016 11:32:16 PM
The E Man Suspended 15268 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | " "The summer before my senior year of college, I'm playing minor-league baseball. I called my football coach at NC State and said, ‘Hey coach, I'd like to come back for my senior year.' He told me I wasn't coming back. He said, ‘Listen son, you're never going to play in the National Football League. You're too small. There's no chance. You've got no shot. Give it up.' Of course, I'm on this side of the phone saying, ‘So you're telling me I'm not coming back to NC State? I won't see the field?' He said, ‘No son, you won't see the field.' Now this was everything I had worked for. And now it was completely gone. If I wanted to follow my dream I had to leave NC State. I had no idea if I would get a second chance somewhere else." |
Suggesting this is how it went down used to be known as trolling now its just history.
#legacy 5/15/2016 6:38:04 PM
Sandman All American 1215 Posts user info edit post |
I still hate this guy
[Edited on May 15, 2016 at 8:10 PM. Reason : V lol] 5/15/2016 8:06:24 PM
cptinsano All American 11995 Posts user info edit post |
That dumb southern hick. 5/15/2016 8:09:32 PM
rwoody Save TWW 38144 Posts user info edit post |
typical of e man to not post in the ongoing discussion in the RW thread 5/15/2016 8:18:35 PM
HaLo All American 14327 Posts user info edit post |
https://www.espn.com/college-football/story/_/id/34882716/fifteen-years-later-giving-business-lives-on 11/2/2022 9:44:59 AM
Kickstand All American 11786 Posts user info edit post |
That and the "Mexi-Cam" will live on in Wolfpack lore forever. I wish we had clear photo evidence of the Mexi-Cam.
https://www.espn.com/college-football/news/story?id=2198038 11/2/2022 2:20:06 PM
Bullet All American 28651 Posts user info edit post |
^I don't think I'd even heard about that 11/2/2022 3:00:13 PM
justinh524 Sprots Talk Mod 28583 Posts user info edit post |
LMAO i remember the mexi-cam and even as a drunk kid i still knew it was bad 11/2/2022 3:24:19 PM
justinh524 Sprots Talk Mod 28583 Posts user info edit post |
Also how bad do you have to be to get fired from being retired 11/4/2022 1:06:41 AM