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All American
17732 Posts
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^^ sorry douche when I originally read your ramblings it was on my cell where didn't see find print. Either way you are not going to convince me there is some special conspiracy to hold the black man down or that in the modern day self responsibility is a silly thing conservatives drone about and there is always someone else to blame like you imply

7/26/2015 2:20:39 PM

play so hard
60908 Posts
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Huh? I just asked if you found a source for that graphic.

You dumb, DUR.

[Edited on July 26, 2015 at 2:37 PM. Reason : GG for babbling like a crazy person tho]

7/26/2015 2:36:24 PM

#1 Sir Purr Fan
31378 Posts
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Dental's article was pretty interesting in the beginning. I always wondered why black Dominicans were so adamant that they weren't black.

7/26/2015 2:39:13 PM

All American
17732 Posts
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Perhaps they didn't want to be identified by " hood" culture

7/26/2015 2:42:38 PM

#1 Sir Purr Fan
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No, it's more interesting than that. And I feel kinda stupid for assuming it was all self-hate.

7/26/2015 2:46:21 PM

All American
9974 Posts
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The shade of someone's skin has a serious affect on how they perceive themselves and others. I live in a neighborhood that is mostly Caribbean and each island has a very distinct identity. I think areas with many different ethnic groups allows people to be very specific with their identity. Being Dominican doesn't mean the same thing in NYC as it does in NC.

Also people are pretty awful to each other.

7/26/2015 3:30:16 PM

All American
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Quote :
"She grew up during the height of Rafael Trujillo’s dictatorship. Trujillo ruled the Dominican Republic for 30 years and his mania knew very few boundaries. He was a virulent racist and rapist"

It's amazing to me that a mere 30 years under a policy shifted the entire culture of the country. Makes me wonder about to what extent our culture is defined by specific legal policies.

7/26/2015 3:34:20 PM

All American
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Found on reddit:

Apparently during WWII, white american soldiers were pretty good about exporting racism to at least a few places where they were stationed.

7/26/2015 4:06:21 PM

#1 Sir Purr Fan
31378 Posts
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^^This was my favorite part:

Quote :
"People were given to spontaneously praising Trujillo in public so others could hear them."

LOL, I can't imagine being at the supermarket all, "Man, that Obama sure is one heck of a president! I love that man!"

7/26/2015 4:21:58 PM

5608 Posts
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Quote :
"Blacks graduate high school at almost the same rate as whites and Asians."

No it isn't, it is 69%. If you look hard enough you can find a different number, but an unbiased google search will give you 69%, much lower (though getting better).

Quote :
"show some evidence that poor people remain poor because they choose it."

$11,490 annually is how much it takes to be above the "poverty" line. Minimum wage, you don't even have to work full-time to make that. Excluding mental/physical illness, it is YOUR FAULT if you are in poverty. The poverty numbers change based on the # of dependents, but again, if you get pregnant and have children you aren't ready for, that is YOUR FAULT and not the racist governments.

My point ITT is that poverty, specifically, is the fault of the individual in 2015. Even if racism in the past caused the current state of poverty you are born into. Like a high school diploma, working a minimum wage job to support yourself is not a white privilege.

7/26/2015 7:22:46 PM

All American
11892 Posts
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I don't have to show my ID when I vote...oh...wait!

7/26/2015 7:27:16 PM

All American
14984 Posts
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I'm with you in large part, but I will say that even today there are a lot of people who literally have no chance. When you are raised by someone who has never held down a job, your dad is in prison, no one cares if you go to school, and the only people you ever see who have any money are gang members you're not likely to make a good run of things.

It's tough to get out of those situations, not impossible, but difficult, especially when you're way more likely to be locked up for something that a white kid in the subarbs might not be (like simple possession of pot). That's why things like big brothers/big sisters and the like are so important, that's why we need to end the war on drugs.

If you're born in Baltimore to a single mom on welfare who was herself raised by a single mom who lived on the dole that way of life may be all you're really exposed to in person.

7/26/2015 9:55:22 PM

#1 Sir Purr Fan
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False. Black people are just inherently lazy. Their ancestors had it really easy in Africa with the warm climate, and they passed on all their laid-back, lazy genes back in the day.

I hate to admit it, but it's science.

Also, all the black professionals you know are only there due to affirmative action. And the ones who seem to be working around the clock to stock shelves, run the registers, move and deliver everything, care for children and the elderly, cook and serve know, basically do everything that keeps daily life together...they're all robots. The government just makes black people board night buses in various uniforms at 5 AM to keep up the illusion that they actually work.

7/26/2015 10:28:39 PM

All American
3288 Posts
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Quote :
"No it isn't, it is 69%. If you look hard enough you can find a different number, but an unbiased google search will give you 69%, much lower (though getting better)."

Yes, 69% for those graduating from a physical high school. The chart I posted references both high school graduates in the traditional four year plan and those who obtain a GED, which is the equivalent of high school graduation. There is no difference to an employer between graduating high school in the traditional sense and those who obtain a GED.

So my point still stands. Blacks finish high school (whether traditional or GED) at a rate very close to whites (in the same criteria). So why are they not accumulating wealth as fast (or at all)?

Quote :
"$11,490 annually is how much it takes to be above the "poverty" line. Minimum wage, you don't even have to work full-time to make that. Excluding mental/physical illness, it is YOUR FAULT if you are in poverty. The poverty numbers change based on the # of dependents, but again, if you get pregnant and have children you aren't ready for, that is YOUR FAULT and not the racist governments."

You're talking about wages. Im talking about wealth. Why are blacks not building wealth as fast as whites? Yeah I can make $15K per year and be out of poverty but how do I build any wealth with this? When all of my paychecks go to food, housing, and other needs. You should also look up the difference in average pay between blacks and whites since you want to start talking about wages. Then come to a conclusion as to why this is, seeing as I pointed out that the high school education rates between the two are very similar.

Ill help you out. Notice it has gotten wider.

A great article from Freakonomics on this:

Maybe you will take it seriously since it isn't tied to any political agenda.

Quote :
"My point ITT is that poverty, specifically, is the fault of the individual in 2015. Even if racism in the past caused the current state of poverty you are born into. Like a high school diploma, working a minimum wage job to support yourself is not a white privilege."

Your point only works if all races are treated equal. And the overwhelming evidence shows this is not the case. Whether it be employment, legal system, housing, etc. Not sure why you keep disregarding this.

[Edited on July 26, 2015 at 11:02 PM. Reason : a]

7/26/2015 10:39:04 PM

All American
3288 Posts
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To add on to my post above. If you think that blacks are dumb, lazy, and criminals then just admit to it so we can move on. I can stop wasting my time convincing you that inequality exists. You will hold on to your prejudice regardless of how many facts and stats I throw at you.

Oh, and a really good video that points out the inequality between black and white:

[Edited on July 26, 2015 at 11:17 PM. Reason : a]

7/26/2015 11:13:52 PM

#1 Sir Purr Fan
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Dude, they definitely think they're lazy and dumb. That's what they've been on about this whole time.

They repeatedly pointed out that people have agency, discrimination is against the law, and then asked WHY outcomes for Africans Americans are still generally worse than those for other groups.

You and a thousand other people have answered their question, and they've ignored you.

But Latin Americans face even more hardship, and they find ways to be WHY can't African Americans do the same?!?!

And then you all answered that, and they ignored you.

They're not really asking why--the "why" question isn't actually a question. It's a statement: black people or black culture are inferior.

7/26/2015 11:37:39 PM

All American
33757 Posts
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damn... you're right.

Here I was thinking there was some communications issue, but it's just plan ol' early 20th century racism.

[Edited on July 27, 2015 at 12:14 AM. Reason : ]

7/27/2015 12:13:42 AM

All American
17732 Posts
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Thank god you all finally figured it out

Just Kidding

7/27/2015 1:06:49 AM

5608 Posts
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Quote :
Yes, 69% for those graduating from a physical high school. The chart I posted references both high school graduates in the traditional four year plan and those who obtain a GED, which is the equivalent of high school graduation. There is no difference to an employer between graduating high school in the traditional sense and those who obtain a GED. "

...Except that the GED is generally considered worthless in comparison. (As an employer, do I want someone that struggled with high school or graduated with the majority of students?)

Quote :
You're talking about wages. Im talking about wealth. "

In the context of POVERTY, wage is wealth (because you have no wealth to begin with).

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"Your point only works if all races are treated equal. And the overwhelming evidence shows this is not the case. Whether it be employment, legal system, housing, etc. Not sure why you keep disregarding this. "

My point is in the context of poverty. None of those factors prevent anyone of any race from working 30 hours a week minimum wage to escape poverty. The actual problems of systematic racism/wealth disparity are relevant AFTER.

My original point ITT was that able-bodied and able-minded people in poverty are poor because they are lazy and choose to be so... (I didn't think this was a big deal... but because some of these poor people are black, the bleeding heart liberals loose their shit).

7/27/2015 1:14:10 AM

All American
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But but but JCS the grandparents of the poor blacks still stuck in the ghetto were denied houses in 1946........

7/27/2015 1:27:22 AM

50084 Posts
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Quote :
"My point is in the context of poverty. None of those factors prevent anyone of any race from working 30 hours a week minimum wage to escape poverty. The actual problems of systematic racism/wealth disparity are relevant AFTER."

Um I'm not sure you understand what poverty is. Census roughly defines poverty level for a family of four as $29,000. Let's say that both work eligible parents (again, this is highly unlikely given the incarceration rates) each work 30 hours a week at minimum wage in Baltimore. That wage is $7.50. 60 hours a week at that rate is $450 a week. If they NEVER took a day off the yearly combined salary is $23,500.

[Edited on July 27, 2015 at 12:12 PM. Reason : X]

7/27/2015 12:12:00 PM

All American
14181 Posts
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in his defense...

Quote :
"The poverty numbers change based on the # of dependents, but again, if you get pregnant and have children you aren't ready for, that is YOUR FAULT and not the racist governments."

also any chart for median household income needs to take in to account the effect of single parent households or it's pretty useless

7/27/2015 12:32:05 PM

All American
17732 Posts
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How does the PC liberal camp feel about requiring birth control for women on welfare and food stamps?

I can be understanding of the struggles and cycle of poverty but my empathy is inversely proportional to the dn/dt, rate of change, of them having children over time.

7/27/2015 12:42:22 PM

play so hard
60908 Posts
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Quote :
"How does the PC liberal camp feel about requiring birth control for women on welfare and food stamps? "

Why not take that argument to its logical conclusion of forced sterilization?

7/27/2015 12:51:16 PM

5608 Posts
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Quote :
"How does the PC liberal camp feel about requiring birth control for women on welfare and food stamps?"

Quote :
"Why not take that argument to its logical conclusion of forced sterilization?"

Forced? Because welfare is forced on someone, right?

^^ I'd much rather prefer that than abortions. It makes perfect sense, if you can't provide for yourself, how are you supposed to provide for your kids? It is part of the "cycle" of poverty, maybe the government should implement that, since people will be angry and blame them for the problems regardless.

7/27/2015 1:19:15 PM

All American
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^^ No one is forcing any woman to accept welfare and/or food stamps. Plus if you are on the government dole you obviously are not capable unassisted of supporting your family at its given size. You are more than welcome to have 10+ kids and not be on government assistance. Unless you are on Al Sharpton's payroll, I don't see how you can think it to be acceptable to have the tax-payer subsidize low income families brooding litters of children. Plus this is a major cause for the "cycle of poverty" with stronger correlation than the supposed conspiracy against black people that many of you go on about.

In Colorado they actually had a pilot program of giving free IUD's out to under-privileged women including teens funded by a trust from a deceased women back in 2008 (could be off a year or two). Over the next few years there was a statistical positive correlation of the this program and a reduction in not only high school drops outs, new recipients of foodstamps/welfare, BUT ABORTION RATES! Funding ran out for
this program during the past fiscal year. You'd think democrats and right-wingers alike would be eager to renew the program.

YET, the republicans in Colorado shelved the proposed program due to it encouraging immoral behavior and using tax payer money to sponsor sex before marriage.

[Edited on July 27, 2015 at 2:32 PM. Reason : a]

[Edited on July 27, 2015 at 2:32 PM. Reason : d]

[Edited on July 27, 2015 at 2:33 PM. Reason : a]

7/27/2015 2:31:55 PM

All American
33757 Posts
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[Edited on July 27, 2015 at 3:00 PM. Reason : ]

7/27/2015 2:56:20 PM

All American
3288 Posts
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Quote :
"...Except that the GED is generally considered worthless in comparison. (As an employer, do I want someone that struggled with high school or graduated with the majority of students?)"

Find me a relevant study that proves this instead of a random website (seriously, that copies and pastes information. The info on the page didnt even cite the time period of the studies it quoted. What you would do is not indicative of the hiring population as a whole. Show me the unemployment rates of those with GEDs compared to standard high school graduates.

And you did agree that the rates of graduation in the traditional sense are closing between blacks and whites. Yet the wealth gap is rising. Please explain why you think that is.

Quote :
"In the context of POVERTY, wage is wealth (because you have no wealth to begin with)."

Nope, try again. Wealth is not wage in any context. Wealth is the difference between assets and liabilities. I can make a million dollars but if I owe a million dollars then I am not wealthy.

Quote :
"My point is in the context of poverty. None of those factors prevent anyone of any race from working 30 hours a week minimum wage to escape poverty. The actual problems of systematic racism/wealth disparity are relevant AFTER."

You think someone can get out of poverty by working minimum wage 30 hours a week? I dont think anyone can even survive at that rate let alone escape. Please, tell me how this is possible. You cant build wealth at poverty levels. And you need wealth to escape poverty (e.g., saving money for the deposit on an apartment in a nicer neighborhood).

And you failed to even say a word about the difference in wages between blacks and whites. Because that seems to play a very big part in the wealth disparity and a big driver as to why blacks arent catching up.

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"Forced? Because welfare is forced on someone, right?"

If it is necessary for their well-being (eat, have a place to live, continue working) you could call it forced.

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"How does the PC liberal camp feel about requiring birth control for women on welfare and food stamps? "

Im all for this assuming it is provided free of charge. Many cant afford health insurance so they cant afford birth control.

[Edited on July 27, 2015 at 3:13 PM. Reason : a]

7/27/2015 3:10:16 PM

All American
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Yes 100% free.

So on an application can an employer tell if you are a high school graduate versus have a GED. If so I could definitely see candidate discrimination between the two even if in theory the degrees are equivalent and even if one is not supposed to knowingly discern between the two.

I don't assert that it is right or wrong but it would be naive to think it would not matter.

[Edited on July 27, 2015 at 3:18 PM. Reason : a]

7/27/2015 3:16:12 PM

All American
51889 Posts
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this motherfucker over here telling us what's naive

7/27/2015 3:24:37 PM

All American
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^^ Glad we agree on something. Thanks to the ACA this could become a reality soon.

Regarding job apps, many that I have seen make no discernment between high school and GED. For example, most fast food job applications simply show "High School Diploma / GED" as one question and the only response needed is "Yes" or "No." Nothing on the app requires one to specify which was earned.

7/27/2015 3:29:02 PM

All American
33757 Posts
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Quote :
"Thank god you all finally figured it out

Just Kidding

You're modern day phrenologists.

7/27/2015 3:40:30 PM

5608 Posts
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Quote :
"Find me a relevant study that proves this instead of a random website (seriously,"

I literally just Googled “ged vs high school diploma” and used the first thing that came up. That is the luxury of arguing for common sense ideas… it isn’t hard to find neutral sources that support my points. If you think a GED is the same as a regular High School Diploma that is fine it doesn’t really change anything I’m saying.

Quote :
" And you did agree that the rates of graduation in the traditional sense are closing between blacks and whites. Yet the wealth gap is rising. Please explain why you think that is. "

Not sure, middle class struggling, the rich get richer? Systematic racism? Idk. My point was poverty, wealth gap applies to AFTER getting out of poverty.

Quote :
" And you failed to even say a word about the difference in wages between blacks and whites. Because that seems to play a very big part in the wealth disparity and a big driver as to why blacks arent catching up. "

Remember, context = poverty. That doesn’t really apply at a minimum wage level job. When I made $6.50 at Wendys, that was the same as my black/hispanic coworkers $6.50 (minimum wage at the time… sorry, anecdote).

Quote :
" You think someone can get out of poverty by working minimum wage 30 hours a week?"

I don’t think, I have PROVEN it.

$7.25 * 30 * 52 = $11,310
$11,310 > $10,400

Regardless, this is doing the bare minimum… 30 hours a week is nothing.

Quote :
" Nope, try again. Wealth is not wage in any context. Wealth is the difference between assets and liabilities. I can make a million dollars but if I owe a million dollars then I am not wealthy. "

Irrelevant semantics… My argument stands that someone with NO WEALTH can escape poverty with minimum wage, not even working 40 hours a week.

Quote :
" I dont think anyone can even survive at that rate let alone escape. Please, tell me how this is possible. You cant build wealth at poverty levels. "

You shouldn’t be able to, minimum wage is not meant to be a salary for adults. Working less than 40 hours a week isn’t supposed to make you wealthy. If you want to work 2 jobs to actually be wealthy you can, or if you want to work hard and possibly get raises/promotions you can, I’m not even arguing that though, I’m just talking about the context of poverty.

Quote :
" If it is necessary for their well-being (eat, have a place to live, continue working) you could call it forced."

Forced into free welfare by circumstances that they brought on themselves by the choices they make and continue to make. Infallible victims, evil government and society!

[Edited on July 27, 2015 at 5:15 PM. Reason : .]

7/27/2015 5:14:49 PM

All American
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So you're argument to this point has been that if someone breaks through the government-defined poverty wage then they are no longer in poverty. OK, I agree with you. If someone makes $11,771 then are no longer in poverty. Congratulations on proving that point. What's the relevance of that to the discussion on inequality in America and the growing wealth divide between black and white?

7/27/2015 5:26:43 PM

5608 Posts
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Quote :
"So you're argument to this point has been that if someone breaks through the government-defined poverty wage then they are no longer in poverty. "

That is a very small part of it, I broke it down for you since you seemed to have difficulty understanding "context of poverty".

Quote :
"OK, I agree with you. If someone makes $11,771 then are no longer in poverty. Congratulations on proving that point. "

Thank you. Congratulations on acknowledging basic math and facts rather than giving in to your liberal urge and calling me a racist.

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"What's the relevance of that to the discussion on inequality in America and the growing wealth divide between black and white?"

? I've been arguing the same point since page 2 ITT, if you want to change the subject fine. I was replying to your post:

Quote :
"show some evidence that poor people remain poor because they choose it. Anything. Stories, stats, studies, etc. Im interested to see what you are using to support your idea that poor people just don't try."

7/28/2015 10:07:58 AM

All American
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^ so you took that to mean the actual poverty wage threshold? OK I guess I should have clarified my statements then. Just because you make $11,771 doesnt mean you aren't poor. You cant build wealth and you cant take advantage of many of the opportunities that those with wealth have. So you could be right in saying that remaining below the government-defined poverty line (based on wages) is a choice. What I am saying is that remaining poor (as in: living paycheck to paycheck, worrying about how to get food or get to work, stressing over paying rent each month) is not a choice. No one wants that life.

So going back to my original point, why are blacks disproportionately struggling to get out of being poor? Why are they unable to build wealth at the same rates as whites? And that's where the history of black oppression and the current environment of inequality and bias comes into play. And you are suggesting these are not issues anymore?

[Edited on July 28, 2015 at 1:25 PM. Reason : a]

7/28/2015 1:22:34 PM

All American
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I haven't been following this discussion, but here's yet another cyclical factor. Both housing prices are rising steadily, and rent. If you have a group of people who never had wealth to begin with, and continue to be deprived of wealth, they're going to be pushed farther behind in terms of housing. This is going to lead to poorer education choices, worse jobs, worse neighborhoods, and even bigger feeling of disenfranchisement and unrest.

A non-racial factor is "millennials". We have less resource than our parents, and are going to be increasingly less able to purchase homes than they were.

This means that as our parents die out, banks seize their properties, or they are sold to people with wealth to clear debts, white American's biggest stores of wealth will start to pool into smaller amounts of people, growing inequality for everyone. I guess one way to make things fair for blacks is to make whites poor too, but that doesn't seem like the best way to handle this...

7/28/2015 1:59:18 PM

26632 Posts
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the federal poverty level is a poor metric to use in the context of your discussion, living wage* would be much better

(*I think in NC that's around $10/hr for 2080 hours per year)

7/28/2015 2:00:22 PM

All American
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Quote :
" Facebook, like most of its Silicon Valley peers, is working to diversify its overwhelmingly white and male workforce. To do that, the company developed an internal training program to help hiring managers combat unconscious bias -- and on Tuesday, Facebook published the training course publicly.

Facebook "worked with leading researchers to develop a training course," which is now available at, Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg wrote in a press release."

7/28/2015 2:47:25 PM

5608 Posts
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Quote :
"So going back to my original point, why are blacks disproportionately struggling to get out of being poor?"

Because they are disproportionately not graduating high school, disproportionately giving birth young and unmarried, disproportionately committing crime.

These are all choices that continue the cycle of poverty (started by racism).

Quote :
"And you are suggesting these are not issues anymore? "

Not at all, I just think there are other factors included

7/28/2015 3:06:30 PM

All American
17732 Posts
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Quote :
"A non-racial factor is "millennials". We have less resource than our parents, and are going to be increasingly less able to purchase homes than they were.

What is this data based on, is a hypothesis to explain lower home ownership of Millennials or is it based on real wages of millenials versus parents.

I think there are Externalities that economist don't factor when analyzing lower home ownership rates with Millennials. Frankly i've noticed more people my age aren't content with a nice house in the suburb with the fence and garage. They would rather live in the city, where property is more expensive, and thus end up renting...

7/28/2015 3:54:18 PM

All American
27962 Posts
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I hear you, but your personal anecdotes don't always mean that much on a national scale.

7/28/2015 3:56:15 PM

5608 Posts
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Quote :
" If you have a group of people who never had wealth to begin with, and continue to be deprived of wealth, they're going to be pushed farther behind in terms of housing. This is going to lead to poorer education choices, worse jobs, worse neighborhoods, and even bigger feeling of disenfranchisement and unrest.

True, I would categorize that simply as "the rich get richer and the poor get poorer" so though the initial poorness was caused by racism, I don't think it is inherently racist when you see a wealth gap increase. The middle class weakening doesn't help either, if most black people fall under poor-middle class and the gap increases it can look like whites are getting richer. You can find racism anywhere if you look hard enough, many of these problems are just poor and rich rather than present day racism.

7/28/2015 4:15:26 PM

All American
38980 Posts
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you don't really have to look that hard to find racism

why are you insistant on racism not being a factor despite loads and loads of evidence?

7/28/2015 6:59:40 PM

All American
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White kids treated differently than blacks... Nothing we didn't know, just more evidence.

^ Because it means he would have to change his own behaviour, or he would have to support rules asking people to change theirs.

7/28/2015 7:14:06 PM

5608 Posts
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Quote :
"why are you insistant on racism not being a factor despite loads and loads of evidence?"

Why are you insistent on not reading my posts

Quote :

White kids treated differently than blacks... Nothing we didn't know, just more evidence."

First of all, HuffingtonPost, lol. They made their own "white guilt" section of their site. Nothing like some race-war click bait to up the web traffic, huh?

Secondly, if you actually read the article you would see they offer 3 other potential reasons for the discrepancies before playing the race card, all having to do with the wealth of the school, all being far more likely than a bunch of racist teachers.

Reminds me of the page 7 gem from NCSUHippie
Quote :
"Can you please tell me what magical school doesn't perpetuate the systemic racism?

So you've never had a racist teacher?

What dream world do you live in?

Quote :
^ Because it means he would have to change his own behaviour, or he would have to support rules asking people to change theirs."

What behavior are you suggesting I need to change? Instead of using my brain I need to read 10 Huffington Post White Guilt articles a day like you? What rules are you talking about? You keep referencing this vague solution that starts with white people reading white guilt articles and having breakthroughs.

I've stated racism exists in the majority of my posts ITT, but ya'll are so bothered that I also think people are responsible for their own choices and actions, whether or not the liberals have deemed them infallible victimized minorities or not.

[Edited on July 28, 2015 at 8:41 PM. Reason : .]

7/28/2015 8:41:43 PM

All American
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Quote :
"Nothing like some race-war click bait"

pretty big fan of that phrase, aren't you?

talking about the root causes of poverty isn't the same as inciting a race-war.

there's value in having a discussion about the former. the latter is not a thing that exists or will ever exist, no matter how many times you say it.

[Edited on July 28, 2015 at 9:02 PM. Reason : .]

7/28/2015 9:01:41 PM

5608 Posts
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Quote :
"pretty big fan of that phrase, aren't you?"

That one was just for you. My favorite phrase is "white-guilt, feel-good, huffingtonpost liberal echo-chamber" currently.

7/28/2015 9:55:32 PM

All American
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while just now watching someone speak on poverty, they stated that the number of homeless American schoolchildren is 1.3 million. I'd never heard that, so I googled that number to confirm:

one would have to think that would have a significant impact on ones education, no?

7/28/2015 10:15:26 PM

5608 Posts
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If only the racist government stopped forcing poor people to have children at age 15.

7/28/2015 10:41:04 PM

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