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 Message Boards » » Anyone been to a high school reunion? Page [1] 2, Next  
All American
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My 10th will be sometime this year. I'm debating whether to go or not. I'm curious to see what people look like now, but they're all people I don't really care about. I'd like to see what the school looks like inside now, see my old classrooms and all, but I don't really want to have to make small talk with all those assholes.

Who's been to a reunion? Was it fun, disappointing, bittersweet? Share your experiences.

1/29/2008 10:50:23 AM

35780 Posts
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lookin good, Moose..

1/29/2008 10:52:45 AM

5975 Posts
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My 10 year was this past october, and i didnt go.

I thought about it, and it was a chance to see prople I dont really care about (like you mentioned), and decided I would have a better time spending the money on a vacation for me and my wife.

1/29/2008 10:59:02 AM

Thots and Prayers
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I didn't go to mine. None of my HS friends wound up doing anything with their lives, and i eventually stopped keeping in tough, so there was no reason for me to go.

[Edited on January 29, 2008 at 11:58 AM. Reason : asdf]

1/29/2008 11:58:14 AM

All American
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couple of years ago I got to thinking about going to my 10 year...until i realized it had already happened

1/29/2008 12:02:08 PM

All American
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I didn't go to my 10 year and the reason is this: I still know and see enough people from my high school to know that not much has really changed.

I suppose that by the 20 year reunion I will go because at that point, everyone will start to look really old and be settled into their lives and it will be a much more interesting experience. I will go to the 20 year reunion.

[Edited on January 29, 2008 at 1:14 PM. Reason : :]

1/29/2008 1:14:17 PM

All American
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i went to my 5 yr and 10 yr. high school was a lot of fun for me. i liked a lot of the people i graduated with, i.e. Grapehead. didn't see as many people from the baseball team as i'd like.

many of them have families, some weighed more, had less hair, etc. we found some classmates had passed away - one in a car wreck, one breast cancer, one in the war. overall however, i found that nobody changed personality-wise. not even a bit. the same cliques, the same social posturing. the same people i thought were cool then, i find cool now. there's nothing wrong with that - i think people were just trying to catch up on old times.

there are a lot of real succesful people, and a lot of self-important not so successful pseudo-intellectual types too. a handful clearly have a lot fewer brain cells from years of substance abuse, but still manage to do something productive with their lives. we also have a lot of people overseas. one dude lives minutes from my cousin's house in Sydney. i'll be catching up with some folks in the EU this year.

1/29/2008 3:38:52 PM

Mr Scrumples
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lookin good, Moose..

1/29/2008 4:20:17 PM

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i'm going to mine in hopes of fucking one of the broads i thought was hot in hs and is still single

but a lot can change in the next 5.5 years

1/29/2008 7:22:58 PM

All American
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The internet takes a lot of the mystique out of going, unfortch. I mean, I want to see what these people are doing so I can laugh at their mediocrity, but I don't want to talk to them.

1/29/2008 10:52:33 PM

All American
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facebook has taken all the mystery out of a 10 year reunion for me

i don't even attend weddings, much less reunions from people i don't even know that well

1/29/2008 10:58:19 PM

All American
554 Posts
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went to my 5-year reunion.

people were pretty uptight/insecure b/c no one had really accomplished anything yet.

my 10-year reunion's coming up in october...

guess that gives me about nine months or so to accomplish something.

1/29/2008 11:40:57 PM

All American
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Are these people with whom you would want to have a drink? Only worth it if you actually liked people at your HS. Otherwise, just hit up facebook and myspace.

1/30/2008 12:44:28 AM

All American
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yeah, i graduated with some cool peeps. airfare (for 2 if the gf wants to go) is the only thing that's chapping my ass. maybe it would be better to save up for a vacation...

1/30/2008 1:46:05 AM

All American
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Went to my 10 year. Was actually really fun to catch up with a lot of the people that I played sports with or hung out with and just didn't keep in touch.

It was just like high school in that everyone was completely segregated. There were like four tables of white people and the asian girl who showed up sat with us. I guess that's what we get for having race based superlatives (most likely to succeed white guy, most likely to succeed white girl, most likely to succeed black guy, most likely to succeed black girl.) I know...It's weird as hell.

The theory about hot chicks letting themselves go was unfounded. There were a lot of attractive girls there and no ugly white chicks. I'm guessing the ones that let themselves go all stayed at home for fear of embarrassment.

I think someone embezzled a lot of money though. It cost $50 and all they provided was a room and some fried chicken/BBQ dinner. They didn't have any form of bar so I snuck in a ton of airplane bottles in my girlfriend's purse. I was super popular as the primary provider of alcohol to the people at my table.

I probably wouldn't do it if I had to do any serious travelling. It just worked out that I only have an hour drive and I could stay at my parent's house afterwards.

[Edited on January 30, 2008 at 4:29 PM. Reason : l]

1/30/2008 4:23:46 PM


18617 Posts
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I don't plan on going. Don't really see the point, I guess.

1/30/2008 5:16:15 PM

All American
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I can just see mine being so awkward, especially for those I "keep up with" on the internet. Like, yeah I know what you're doing but I've never cared enough to talk to you about it until now where I'm in a room and have to.

However, there are quite a few people I wish I could find and haven't been able to reconnect with - so maybe that will be my chance!

1/31/2008 7:45:25 AM

All American
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1/31/2008 10:19:44 AM

All American
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I skipped my 5 year.. granted I was having my wisdom teeth out but I wouldn't have gone anyway. I don't know why I would want to go to my 10 year either. Maybe a few more years down the road and something will change and make me care what the people who I didn't care for in HS are doing now.

1/31/2008 2:48:58 PM

All American
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hahha you're gonna get a story about this. cause im so bored right now plus im probably one of the 2% of people on here who have had a 10yr. basically, dont let the 5 trick you into going to the 10. remember them as you knew them at 5 years. or at graduation, cause all but 10% of them are boring now. i promise!

the 10 year: i went to my 10th year in 06. i wasn't going to go because at the time i was like freshly single, fresh out of rehab, and doing jack shit. so i figured i wouldnt go cause i didnt have anything to show off, and thats what its all about then i remembered that i didnt care, and as the time got closer, i started wanting to go more and more, as i thought more about a few people that i lost touch with.

it was downtown at the sheraton in raleigh, we went to school about 20 miles away. i figured since it was at a hotel and had a DJ and bar and stuff, then it might be some of the fun people, and i finally decided it would be worth dealing with all the people who were there to show off. i went with a good friend of mine from HS who im still friends with, and his girlfriend. never rsvped or bought a ticket so it was like $40 at the door

i ran into maybe 3 people that i was hoping to see, that were there with the same intentions as me (to have fun and hopefully run into a few people they lost touch with).

out of everyone else, about half of them were all dressed up and constantly talking about what they do now. and asking what YOU do these days. i pretty much ignored those people because they didnt really care anyways, they just wanted to tell you about their job.

the rest of the people came with their sig others and all just sat at the tables all night. the black people didnt get up at all the whole time, which was weird. i had to go make an effort to go talk to the people at their tables that i liked in high school. and of course everyone else looked at me like i was insane for pulling up a chair and talking like it was no big deal

oh yeah, one more group... the fake tit chicks, the ugly ducklings, etc. so basically if people werent there to prove someone married them, or to brag about a job, they were there because they looked better than they did in HS.

so in total maybe 10 people were drunk. no one seemed to be having fun except for those people. the only funny part was a girl who is now married was drunk as hell flirting with a guy that she dated back in the day. i thought the husband was gonna flip out, and i honestly thought my 2 hs people were gonna fuck. it was pretty funny.

but i mainly did what i always did in high school. went around and talked to everyone for a little while, and ended up in a group with the people i liked the most. got about 5 phone numbers from the maybe 5 people that i saw that i had actually hoped i would see. didnt hook up with any old flames or anything interesting like that, but it was kinda neat to see what old dates looked like now that dating was a more serious thing.

it was ok, all the showoffs left after about an hour or 2, then it picked up a little. but overall it wasnt worth it. it was nice to see a few people... but i could have found the people on the internet and met them without paying 40 bucks for no reason. i dont even think dinner was included.

the 5 year: tons more fun. like 20 people, 2 kegs, and various other goodies. most of us were in college at the time and a lot less mature, so it turned into rager. hahha

[Edited on January 31, 2008 at 8:10 PM. Reason : .]

1/31/2008 8:07:58 PM

Duh, Winning
62504 Posts
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my 5 year was 3 years ago, and it was right after i graduated from college

it was a big drinking party

although the frats at state host better parties

and thats bad

1/31/2008 11:42:20 PM

63151 Posts
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i wonder if my hs had a 5 year

i was in IB, and we all got together for dinner once after 4 years

i think i was the only one that showed up that didnt end up at duke or was in grad school already.

fucking overacheivers

2/1/2008 11:37:21 AM

All American
45551 Posts
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i'll go to my ten year.

didn't know if there was a 5 year or not.

i only had 2-3 friends in my actual grade, everyone else was either older or younger than myself...

2/1/2008 12:01:44 PM

All American
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I missed my 10 year last year. I didn't find out about it until only weeks before, and given how busy I was in school and work at the time plus assuming that many of the people I'd be interesting in seeing again probably wouldn't go, I didn't bother to attend.

Then, I found out that a few of my old HS buddies did show, so I now I regret not making the time.

2/1/2008 1:33:23 PM

All American
2809 Posts
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I went to my 10 year and had a blast. I got to see lots of friends that I haven't talked to since graduation, and some others that I still keep in touch with. It was also nice to see how far some people have gone with their lives after graduating from a HS that's not considered to be that great. We had several doctors, layers, & engineers.

2/1/2008 4:55:48 PM

All American
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we had a 4 year, but i was still in college and didnt go(not enough time). I did hear that they had a hard time finding a place due to the age of everyone. We didnt have a 10 year, got a feeling that we will not have anymore. It could of been because most of the officers live out of state(like CA, Washington State) or are preggers. I figure there must be a handful that i graduated with that are dead now....that has to be kinda depressing, every class reunion more have died. My aunt just recently died and before that she was the only remaining one in her class(she was a 100)

2/1/2008 8:51:50 PM

All American
1999 Posts
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went to my 10 year and we had a great turnout... ended up seeing people that I hadn't seen in years, catching up, getting email addresses and real adresses. Everybody was really cool, way different than the HS days. A lot of people were still living in the same shitty town, so they were all still close friends. I regained contact with my best friend from HS that we had lost touch so that was the best part. Ended up closing the bar and moving on to another where we closed it too. Fun times and super glad I went.

2/2/2008 9:22:59 AM

All American
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Quote :
"they were there because they looked better than they did in HS. "

i hope everyone looks better than they did in high school.

2/2/2008 3:40:07 PM

All American
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I went to my 10 year last year. It was really 11 years later, but the 10th never got planned.

People kind of separated into the groups they were in during high school. I planned to meet up with some friends that I still keep in touch with and see how it went. The only reason I would go was because it was at a bar with no cover. I didn't want to pay $100 to go to a hotel. I had a pretty good time. The small group I was with turned into about a dozen people and we ended up finding another bar and hanging out some more. The most random thing about my reunion was that one girl from my class showed up with her husband, one of the guitarists for Aerosmith.

2/2/2008 6:05:21 PM

Thots and Prayers
41777 Posts
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Joe Perry or Brad Whitford?

Both of them are pushing 60.


2/3/2008 11:24:32 PM

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i've been looking forward to this for like 1.5 years

2/4/2008 2:48:03 AM

patent pending
10527 Posts
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I had an awesome time at mine.

2/4/2008 6:43:19 AM

All American
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It was Brad Whitford. I didn't recognize him until someone pointed that out. He had 2 kids with him (I'm assuming from a prior marriage). Was pretty random. He lives in Charlotte apparently.

2/4/2008 10:17:21 PM

All American
3253 Posts
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i went to my 10th in 2005. i met up with a good friend at her parents' house beforehand because we were both sketched out about going. it was in the middle of the day at a fucking picnic pavillion because the chicks that planned the whole thing had about fifteen children apiece and wanted it to be all family friendly. so there was no booze, and most of the people who showed up were dripping with babies. somebody made us wear nametags, which was totally stupid cos everybody looked pretty much the same as they did in 1995. some chicks still had the same big poofy bangs they'd been rocking when we graduated. there was a "photo table" which was a picnic table covered with crappy color copies of yearbook photos featuring - big surprise - the 2 chicks that planned the whole thing, their cheerleader friends, and the football players they all dated and are now married to. none of the really cool people i lost touch with bothered to show up, but some of them resurfaced on myspace and facebook later on, thank god. anyway, it was fucking lame.

afterward, some of us went downtown to get shitfaced together in order to make the trip home worthwhile, and some dude who never once bothered to speak to me in high school got all drunk and came over and hit on my friend and me, which was a little bit funny after the fact but really just kind of disturbing at the time.

so now our 20th is 7 years away and i think i'm gonna try to round up some decent people to commandeer the planning of that one, so we can all feel okay about showing up in the first place and then have a really kick-ass time once we're there.

that, or i'm skipping the country to get away from all the douchebags i grew up with.

2/9/2008 7:16:04 PM

All American
15758 Posts
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I just got a voice mail today about my 10 year. I'm impressed--I thought the class president wouldn't bother to plan one, but he was the one the call was from. I imagine I"ll go; it's not far distance-wise (Greensboro) and there are some good folks I lost touch with that I'd like to find out what they're doing. Not big into myspace or facebook, so I may actually get more out of it than people who heavily use those sites.

2/12/2008 5:29:55 PM

All American
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A friend of mine started a Myspace group for all the folks from our class. It really isn't active in any forums or anything, but it ended up being one of the primary means of contact for the reunion. If your class doesn't have one yet you might want to start it and tell everyone to send an invite to everyone they know.

[Edited on February 13, 2008 at 1:35 PM. Reason : l]

2/13/2008 1:35:25 PM

All American
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has anyone here been in charge of a high school reunion?

2/13/2008 5:46:53 PM

All American
1851 Posts
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We had the Enloe '97 reunion last November. I had a great time. We split it up over a weekend and had one event at a bar in downtown. The main one was held near WakeMed at a rental house place.

Almost 140 showed up for the main get together! Not bad considering our graduating class was right around 400.

2/22/2008 2:39:56 PM

All American
5016 Posts
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I am in charge of my 10 year reunion. It is in September...let me tell you it is so much fun planning this shit out and getting it organized. I mean WTF...

It is going to be very interesting to see alot of these people, most I have not seen since graduation. But luckily I keep in touch with quite a few people in my class.


2/22/2008 5:38:47 PM

All American
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whether or not i go to mine will be entirely decided by if my best high school friend goes. since it was a private school, any success i've had (good job, marriage soon) won't mean much as everyone went to college and probably is doing alright.

2/22/2008 7:02:21 PM

Zinc Saucier
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Someone made a myspace profile to organize our high school graduation. I don't recognize half the people. I wish myspace asked for your actual name like facebook.

4/8/2008 9:48:06 AM

All American
1619 Posts
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I am going to mine. It is this August but of course my High School is in you really cant not go.

4/8/2008 3:43:08 PM

All American
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i missed my 5 year, meant to go, but sat down on the couch after working on a sat and fell asleep.. didn't miss much from what I heard.

4/8/2008 8:00:44 PM

Bee Hugger
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we had our 10 year high school reunion back in 2006. I didn't go to the actual reunion, but I met up with everyone at the bars afterward. It's funny to see how all the super popular kids are now fat, bald, married, and never left Greensboro.

4/9/2008 10:57:06 AM

63151 Posts
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dont you still live in Greensboro?

4/9/2008 1:43:28 PM

Zinc Saucier
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4/10/2008 12:13:13 PM

Bee Hugger
62661 Posts
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^^ yeah

4/10/2008 2:07:36 PM

All American
6513 Posts
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i went to my 10 year.. it was very odd since i had only seen one or two of the people since graduation. it was pretty much mindless chit-chatting which eventually let to several beers.. it was kinda nice to see everyone after so long, and there werent a lot of people (i think there were 170 in my class)..

nobody that i really wanted to see showed up.. in fact the one person i was looking forward to seeing had some sort of family emergency and didnt show...

4/11/2008 4:05:20 PM

All American
2426 Posts
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i should go to mine just to laugh at all the fucking idiots with their 8 kids.

graduated with over 400 people and about 30 actually went to college.

on second thought, i grew up in fayetteville... not too many people id like to see there.

4/15/2008 12:43:09 PM

All American
7211 Posts
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Quote :
"afterward, some of us went downtown to get shitfaced together in order to make the trip home worthwhile, and some dude who never once bothered to speak to me in high school got all drunk and came over and hit on my friend and me, which was a little bit funny after the fact but really just kind of disturbing at the time."

I'm pretty sure this is the only reason I'd consider going.

4/19/2008 10:04:56 AM

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