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All American
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Quote :
"Tell that to Cambridge Analytica..."

that’s something entirely different than one twitter user

[Edited on June 29, 2022 at 8:52 PM. Reason : .]

6/29/2022 8:51:25 PM

Burn it all down.
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So much for arguing in good faith.

You are grossly under estimating social media and how Russian bot farms amplified certain voices

6/29/2022 8:59:58 PM

All American
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I mean believe whatever you want. Social media absolutely has algorithms that affect user behavior/mental health, let alone voting patterns. If you don't want to think that Bernie Bros sitting out 2016 tipped the election to Trump, that's perfectly fine-- just don't be surprised when people like me will be happy to remind them that 'protest' votes in a fucked up two party system can lead to disastrous consequences.

6/29/2022 9:00:59 PM

All American
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provide the data

6/29/2022 9:04:45 PM

Burn it all down.
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I've provided you multiple links across different threads and you won't even consider THE POSSIBILITY you are wrong. You're not arguing in good faith.

6/29/2022 9:06:58 PM

All American
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^^It's already been posted, in several threads, over many years. You just don't like/believe in the data because that would mean you'd have to admit you were wrong about something for once in your life.

[Edited on June 29, 2022 at 9:08 PM. Reason : ^ beat me to it]

6/29/2022 9:08:02 PM

All American
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you’ve provided no data to support your theory of one twitter user swinging an election

without data, this is you:

[Edited on June 29, 2022 at 9:31 PM. Reason : .]

6/29/2022 9:13:27 PM

Burn it all down.
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It's not one twitter. It's multiple bernie surrogates like Joy Gray, Susan Sarandon, etc and those voices being further amplified by bot farms.

6/29/2022 9:18:55 PM

Save TWW
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I tried to look back over the last couple days of posts and the only link I saw from you was about young voters, but that only tied in Bernie in one brief sentence in relation to southern young black voters, but i suspect you aren't blaming young black voters in the South for the loss.

I prob missed it, but would you be willing to point me to the other links you posted?

I posted these the other day but they have a slightly different perspective

[Edited on June 29, 2022 at 9:55 PM. Reason : I admit I skimmed your link, so maybe I missed it there]

6/29/2022 9:51:19 PM

All American
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Quote :
"you’ve provided no data to support your theory of one twitter user swinging an election

without data, this is you:

I never said one Twitter user, but nice straw man.

and my personal favorite:

[Edited on June 29, 2022 at 10:02 PM. Reason : .]

6/29/2022 10:01:02 PM

Burn it all down.
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I'm done posting the same links and answering questions when you two aren't even arguing in good faith.

TGL won't acknowledge the possibility he's wrong and keeps saying shit like 'oh, so you think JUST ONE twitter user can sway the election' when it's never been JUST ONE.

You clearly haven't read the links I've posting and keep sharing the opinion piece with not a whole lot of data to back it up and the WAPO article is ONLY about Sanders-Trump voters, when my main point is Bernie voters who either sat out or voted third party (you know, like his surrogates ACTIVELY ENCOURAGED HIS BASE TO DO), or voted Trump. It was the combination which was WELL above the margin of Trump's victory.

Mueller Report and other independent reports clearly show CA/the Internet Research Agency (or whatever it was called) was actively manipulating social media and amplifying these voices.

[Edited on June 29, 2022 at 10:06 PM. Reason : : ^ Pretty much]

6/29/2022 10:02:44 PM

All American
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Quote :
" when my main point is Bernie voters who either sat out or voted third party (you know, like his surrogates ACTIVELY ENCOURAGED HIS BASE TO DO), or voted Trump."

who do you think has more influence over his base?

6/29/2022 10:19:39 PM

Save TWW
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Do I "keep" posting them or did I post them twice, bc I assumed you didn't look at them the first time since you only responded to the part I quoted.

^^^first article claims "proof" but just give a different reading of he data from what I posted. I'll say it's disputed to call a middle ground.

2nd article just talks to some voters that sat out, don't think anyone is claiming zero Bernie voters changed/sat out. Even some Clinton voters did that

3rd is just a 'opinion' piece about why Bernie is/was wrong, and they conclude in that by saying Clinton lost bc she was wildly unlikable.

[Edited on June 29, 2022 at 10:21 PM. Reason : ^good question ]

6/29/2022 10:20:55 PM

All American
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You can read through all 90+ pages if you want to revisit how wrong Bernie Bros were about basically everything. Their refusal to every admit they are wrong is why we can't have nice things.

6/29/2022 10:24:26 PM

Save TWW
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Aren't democrats in control of 3 of 4 levels of govt?

Know what I genuinely don't get this desire to continuously relitigate 2016. It happened. It's done. What do we now and next? If Bernie voters were to blame, hope they came/come back around or figure a way to replace them. If Clinton was to blame, find her mistakes and correct them. Who cares.

The Supreme Court made like 6 consecutive fucked up decisions, how do we recover from that?

[Edited on June 29, 2022 at 10:31 PM. Reason : E]

6/29/2022 10:26:33 PM

All American
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What's so difficult about saying "I was was wrong. I should have voted for Clinton instead of third party or sitting home in protest?"

6/29/2022 11:12:51 PM

Save TWW
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Who are you talking to?

6/29/2022 11:25:24 PM

All American
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Anyone who fucked up and voted third party or sat home in 2016 since it helped Trump get elected?

6/29/2022 11:27:28 PM

Save TWW
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Do you think there are people like that here on tww? Other than like TheDuke but I don't think that's what you're going for here.

I don't know how Dave voted but he said he lives in a blue state, so regardless I don't think he fits your second statement

6/29/2022 11:29:47 PM

Burn it all down.
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Lol Dave has only said he lives in a blue state when he mentions he voted third party. You know damn well who he voted for. You know there are plenty of other folks like him.

6/29/2022 11:34:19 PM

All American
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Hillary would have probably made a great president. She would literally have been the most policy wonk president of the past 50 years

She’s dedicated her life to public service actually trying to help people, and lost mainly because of her shitty husband. Honestly kinda feel bad for her at this point, in retrospect

6/29/2022 11:36:54 PM

All American
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^^^It was a rhetorical question not directed at a specific TWWer...

The point I've been trying to make is that a lot of people are incredibly pissed about SCOTUS making all these 6-3 decisions that are REALLY setting back the human rights clock. It's pretty easy to look back in hindsight and say "yeah, I was afraid this would happen" because that's exactly what a lot of us were predicting when he got elected. It stings even more knowing there are people out there who still don't realize the gravity of their errors and want to blame Biden for it happening. By the same token, all of this testimony about Trump knowing/planning/encouraging the J6 coup attempt certainly isn't helping people seem less culpable.

How the fuck can we fix the system if people won't even be honest with themselves?. Seriously, read through that thread and you'll see a ton of ridiculous posts about the DNC rigging things against Bernie .These people are dangerously delusional and part of the "burn it down if I don't get my way crowd"

[Edited on June 29, 2022 at 11:41 PM. Reason : .]

6/29/2022 11:36:59 PM

Save TWW
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If it's rhetorical thats fair, you had just posted a tww thread so I made the connection. I don't think anyone posts here (anymore anyway, not sure about dtr or horosho) that meets your criteria. I think even Dave said that Hilarys loss indeed fucked us? But I don't know regardless its not me so I'll move along I guess.

[Edited on June 29, 2022 at 11:42 PM. Reason : That new paragraph is another can of worms that im not interested in relitigating]

6/29/2022 11:41:22 PM

1331 Posts
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I voted for Gloria la Riva 2x and have no reason to regret it

[Edited on June 29, 2022 at 11:45 PM. Reason : .]

6/29/2022 11:44:44 PM

All American
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Well for your sake, I hope you never have a female friend/partner/wife/daughter that will die or be be punished for having an abortion. I certainly wouldn't want that on my conscious-- just like I wouldn't want J6 on my conscious for voting for Trump in 2020 given how he literally attempted a coup. I guess you were just thinking about yourself and not hundreds of millions of people you don't know since it probably won't affect you.

6/29/2022 11:54:23 PM

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My partner had an abortion in one of the most restrictive states and shares the same view as I do. She’s also a badass organizer and inspires me all the time.

6/30/2022 12:02:41 AM

All American
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Quote :
"She’s dedicated her life to public service actually trying to help people, and lost mainly because of her shitty husband."

I'm not sure that she really lost "because of her shitty husband". My impression is that Hillary has always been hated considerably more than Bill.

6/30/2022 8:33:52 AM

All American
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Quote :
"The U.S. Supreme Court on Thursday dealt a major blow to the Environmental Protection Agency's power to regulate carbon emissions that cause climate change. The decision by the conservative court majority sets the stage for further limitations on the regulatory power of other agencies as well.

By a vote of 6 to 3, the court said that any time an agency does something big and new – in this case addressing climate change – the regulation is presumptively invalid, unless Congress has specifically authorized regulating in this sphere."

6/30/2022 10:32:00 AM

All American
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how dare anyone even have the audacity to suggest that we should expand the court to put an end to these insane right wing decisions

6/30/2022 10:33:39 AM

All American
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we’re gonna have to vote extra hard to get out of this one

[Edited on June 30, 2022 at 12:44 PM. Reason : .]

6/30/2022 12:34:27 PM

Burn it all down.
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Keep knocking voting and then wonder why people don't show up.

6/30/2022 12:45:29 PM

All American
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cant wait to see how he sarcastically responds to the 22 and 24 election results.

6/30/2022 2:19:45 PM

All American
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in no way have I been knocking voting. I’ve never missed an election of any kind since I turned 18.

Im knocking the notion that the best way to fight fascism is to get out and vote

todays announcement is essentially them saying “we’re going to make sure your votes don’t count”

which is exactly why we need those in power and with a majority to do everything in their power to make sure that doesn’t happen. things like expanding the court and abolishing the filibuster, both things that routinely get eyerolls from you

6/30/2022 2:26:41 PM

All American
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Quote :
"My partner had an abortion in one of the most restrictive states and shares the same view as I do"

But did she die?

6/30/2022 2:28:44 PM

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Mocking someone who actually had a traumatic abortion bc they don’t agree with your political strategy, incredible

6/30/2022 3:23:55 PM

Save TWW
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Quote :
"In his dissent, Thomas claims that COVID vaccines were developed with the use of "aborted children.""


6/30/2022 3:33:17 PM

All American
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^^ it's just a reference from the Hangover to lighten to mood, but it's cool she didn't die or get arrested and that your voting choices actually didn't impact her as much. You know since she was able to go through with said procedure as opposed being able to in dozens of states, or having to travel hundreds of miles to get one now. Kudos to you and voting for some no-name candidate twice.

6/30/2022 3:36:41 PM

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I’ll be sure to let her know a smarmy white dude on the internet thinks she’s making bad choices in defense of her own bodily autonomy.

6/30/2022 3:40:32 PM

Burn it all down.
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I fucking hate Thomas, but that's not what he said.

Quote :
"Petitioners are 16 healthcare workers who served New York communities throughout the COVID–19 pandemic. They object on religious grounds to all available COVID–19 because they were developed using cell lines derived from aborted children."

He's literally just stating their case.

6/30/2022 3:46:25 PM

Burn it all down.
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^^ That's rich considering you're a smarty (white?) dude who literally advocated for Ukraine just rolling over because they're a lost cause.

6/30/2022 4:32:36 PM

All American
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^^^ also, way to use your partner's traumatic experience as a lame prop to score internet points, all while sharing something deeply personal/private that's nobody's business but hers to a public forum.

Nothing wrong with getting an abortion, but damn, did you even ask her if she was OK with you sharing her story with strangers?

[Edited on June 30, 2022 at 4:37 PM. Reason : .]

6/30/2022 4:37:12 PM

All American
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Come on guys, for the most part, we want the same things. There's no reason to be jerks.

6/30/2022 4:48:04 PM

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Yeah actually she shared it in front of thousands of people just the other day, out at a protest, actually doing something. I'm trying to help you understand that yes, this is a deeply personal issue to a lot of people and some people affected by this issue choose other routes to defend their rights than voting for useless Democrats (who, again, won in our state twice).

[Edited on June 30, 2022 at 4:53 PM. Reason : .]

6/30/2022 4:51:53 PM

All American
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Quote :
"I fucking hate Thomas, but that's not what he said"

he pretty clearly didn’t use the term “allege” while describing what the petitioners said

“They object on religious grounds to all available COVID–19 because they were developed using cell lines derived from aborted children” is much different than, “They object on religious grounds to all available COVID–19 because they allege they were developed using cell lines derived from aborted children”

pretty big difference

[Edited on June 30, 2022 at 6:10 PM. Reason : .]

6/30/2022 6:05:37 PM

Burn it all down.
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I mean, it's also not wrong there, mRNA vaccines did use fetal stem cell lines in the early research stages.

I think it's an entirely bullshit excuse and there shouldn't be a religious carveout for public health workers.

6/30/2022 6:13:43 PM

All American
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keep carrying water for a dude who pretty clearly is fine with a theocracy and is married to someone who really, really wanted a coup

[Edited on June 30, 2022 at 6:23 PM. Reason : .]

6/30/2022 6:20:58 PM

Burn it all down.
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Cause that's what I said.

Thomas is a piece of shit.
There shouldn't be religious exemptions for public health employees on vaccines.

That said, fetal lines were used in the early stages of mRNA vaccines.

6/30/2022 6:29:51 PM

All American
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you’re right on the development

I’m just beyond tired of that shitbag being in favor of a theocracy

6/30/2022 6:41:54 PM

Burn it all down.
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So you're putting words in my mouth saying I'm holding water for the shit bag because....

6/30/2022 7:42:40 PM

All American
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…because you put words in my mouth insinuating that I was knocking voting

6/30/2022 8:02:10 PM

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