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All American
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Quote :
"I don't know about the book, but in the show, the GR hasn't offered any explanation outside of "who the fuck knows" which is pretty much most people's explanation."

The book fleshes it out more, but even in the show they allude to having religious influences and basically believing it was a rapture-like disappearance with the rest of them being taken soon. Basically the GR offers an existence for the deeply hurt that isn't the "get back to normal" existence that most humans want.

8/21/2014 4:18:56 PM

play so hard
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The rest of the GR being taken soon?

If they're being taken soon why do they kill themselves to be martyrs? They jump right over the taking and go right to heaven?

8/21/2014 4:27:00 PM

All American
27279 Posts
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So why do they smoke?

8/21/2014 5:41:19 PM

All American
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They don't speak & everyone else hates them. I'm surprised they aren't doing harder drugs

Is GR supposed to be a national or even international cult and this is just a local chapter of it? Or are these handful of people in this town the start of the GR idea/movement?

[Edited on August 21, 2014 at 10:04 PM. Reason : .]

8/21/2014 10:03:38 PM

play so hard
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Quote :
"Is GR supposed to be a national or even international cult and this is just a local chapter of it?"

The show makes it clear this is at least a national movement, probably international.

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"So why do they smoke?"

Quote :
"We smoke to proclaim our faith."

There are signs of that everywhere. I still don't 100% understand....but to them the world ended with the taking. Life is over. Fuck it? There's obviously a connection between chain smoking and seeming eager to kill themselves. Life is already over.

8/21/2014 10:26:43 PM

play so hard
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I imagine the book is a more straightforward with everything, but because this is the Lost guy, he's hiding all sorts of key points to generate confusion and conversation. Fuck him.

8/21/2014 10:28:01 PM

All American
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To be fair, it's not all that clear in the book either... just perhaps a bit more than the show. Patti said in the scene with Garvey that it would all be over soon. Perhaps me describing it as them being taken is incorrect, but it's clear they believe the end of the world is coming for everyone which is part of the reason for the chain smoking--it will end before they get killed by the smoking.

8/22/2014 8:07:35 AM

All American
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Quote :
"She's not asking for fucking child support. She would still probably get half the marital assets. I doubt she would get any/a lot of alimony, but she could probably get some spousal support if she was unemployed when she first left the house (caretaker/housewife)."

Yeah sorry, in my previous comment I was referring to alimony.

8/22/2014 8:30:22 AM

All American
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Well holy shit, no wonder Lori left Kevin. What a cocksucker...

(also explains the money part quite a bit)

8/25/2014 10:43:21 AM

Sink the Flagship
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Good episode, finally got some background information and sort of explanations.

Ironic how Lori was all on Kevin's ass about smoking...

So I guess she flipped shit and went to the GR because her unborn baby left - even though it appeared to me (non-verbally) as if she was going to abort it anyway.

8/25/2014 4:08:05 PM

All American
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So question: On the show the unborn (very very young) fetus disappears. Is the show pretty much telling us that the fetus is a person, i.e. abortion is murder?

8/25/2014 4:25:11 PM

Ohhh Farts
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I really liked this episode, the slow burn was great. I also really liked all the weird and random stuff/people that seemed to know something was going to happen before hand, like the car of ladies pulling up to him on the side of the road (while he was wearing white and smoking)

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"(also explains the money part quite a bit)"

did it? I might have missed something

Quote :
"So question: On the show the unborn (very very young) fetus disappears. Is the show pretty much telling us that the fetus is a person, i.e. abortion is murder?"

it is very much implied that it disappears, but the show also made a very intentional choice not to explicitly show the screen to show with certainty that it had disappeared, and Lori made some subtle facial expressions, but nothing extreme

8/25/2014 8:22:22 PM

All American
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man I hope that his tongue was nearly through his cheek when he typed that post

8/26/2014 12:13:34 AM

All American
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Quote :

did it? I might have missed something


Eh...TKE is reaching. It just shows obvious stuff, like, "hey...these people actually had money before they joined the GR...they probably used it to help buy the GR houses."

Bottom line is that the GR are living like 50 people to a house and have ridiculously low expenses (with the exception of purchasing people replicas!!). It's not that difficult to afford their lifestyle and purchase a couple houses to live in. Let's put the "how can the GR afford stuff" to rest.

I also seriously doubt this show is trying to take some stance on abortion. The fetus disappearing is just a storyline...and a damn good one at that.

Quote :
"Well holy shit, no wonder Lori left Kevin. What a cocksucker...

Is this in relation to the cheating?? Because I think it's been apparent from the beginning that everyone knew Kevin had cheated on Lori. There were a couple flashbacks to some sex scenes (although not very detailed) that insinuated as much. And then he even admitted to Nora that he cheated on his wife a few episodes back.

If it's in relation to him just being a dickbag to Lori in the kitchen that, they definitely had some issues, but I don't think it has anything to do with her joining the GR and abandoning her family. I think the GR motto is something along the lines of "never forgetting" the departed. She had a couple lines to Patti (as her patient) and her son about, "Don't try and forget, that doesn't work". So it's as if she's really going hardcore on that belief system. At the same time, she's also forgetting (or trying to forget) her previous family. So that's an interesting paradox if you look at it that way.

Can't wait to see how this season closes out.

8/26/2014 7:05:29 AM

Ohhh Farts
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Quote :
"man I hope that his tongue was nearly through his cheek when he typed that"

Are you referring to me talking about the possibility that the fetus did not disappear? I'm not the only one that thinks it is a distinct possibility, lots of reviews I've seen online also mentioned it, here is my favorite I've seen so far:

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"we cut back to the exam room, where Laurie, having heard the screams outside, turns back to look at the monitor again, now with a very curious look on her face. Has it, in fact, disappeared? Or is she merely contemplating whether to keep it, given how perilous things are with Kevin? You can certainly interpret it as the latter — and that, in the wake of discovering exactly what has happened outside that exam room, Laurie decides against bringing a child into this strange and terrifying new world — and I would guess that the show is never going to offer any clarity beyond the expression on Amy Brenneman's face as we cut to black. I read that face as one reacting to the fetus' sudden absence — a circumstance so bizarre and unexpected that it could take her a very long time to truly process it."

8/26/2014 8:26:30 AM

All American
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Quote :
"Are you referring to me talking about the possibility that the fetus did not disappear?"


TKE's abortion leap

8/26/2014 11:21:03 AM

Ohhh Farts
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Ahh, ok

8/26/2014 11:39:36 AM

All American
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So Tommy isn't actually Kevin's biological son, right? I thought I saw that somewhere. I guess that long haired guy was his actual dad.

And I'm pretty sure the baby disappeared. That + Kevin cheating + the disappearance would prob be enough to drive her crazy enough to join the GR and disown her family.

8/26/2014 1:46:43 PM

All American
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that was revealed a few weeks ago

and Patti basically calling the disappearing as Lori is in a low point had to have a major effect on her joining the GR

8/26/2014 2:03:16 PM

All American
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Do some of you just watch the show on mute or something?

8/26/2014 4:02:45 PM

Ohhh Farts
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It does seem like that sometimes, but I can understand some confusion on some issues, this show definitely does not like to spoon feed you much (but that was not the case with the real father thing, that that was pretty well explained)

8/26/2014 4:17:47 PM

All American
43426 Posts
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Quote :
"So question: On the show the unborn (very very young) fetus disappears. Is the show pretty much telling us that the fetus is a person, i.e. abortion is murder?"

You're right I was reaching. Poorly worded. Looking back at it now, I suppose I was more wondering if someone in the media might make a stink about it.

As to money and whatnot, it wasn't clear/obvious (to me at least) that Lori was the bread winner. And by breadwinner she was probably making like 10 times whatever Kevin was making as some beat cop, lol.

Being a was just everything really. The cheating was already known, but he was being a real cock to his wife. Cursing her out over a deer, lying about smoking just for the sake of lying, etc etc. I'm not married so I can't judge as much but that seemed like some pretty harsh shit to me.

8/26/2014 4:25:29 PM

All American
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Sorry that my memory isn't as good as yours. I figured the part where I said "Tommy isn't actually Kevin's biological son, right?" made it clear that I was pretty sure he wasn't his son, but wasn't 100% sure. It's not like Kevin literally said the words "He's not your father" to Tommy in the last episode

[Edited on August 26, 2014 at 4:30 PM. Reason : ]

8/26/2014 4:30:16 PM

All American
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It was clearly stated in one of the first episodes. I want to say the first, but might have been the 2nd or 3rd. I don't think you have to have a great memory. They're both major characters and they flat out stated that "he took care of Tommy even though he wasn't his son" type things. You should try to remember things like that about major characters. I would imagine watching TV shows might be difficult if you can't.

8/26/2014 5:00:04 PM

Save TWW
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I think the phrase stepdad or stepson hard been used at least once or twice

Also when that light went off, even though I knew what was coming: chills. Great ep, real payoff

8/26/2014 8:33:52 PM

All American
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much like the gambling scene, watching the stage become set and waiting for the people to disappear (especially the light go off) was very intense for me. and the scenes for laurie and nora during that...whew. right in the gut.

[Edited on August 28, 2014 at 8:22 AM. Reason : ]

8/28/2014 8:21:46 AM

play so hard
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Quote :
"Justin Theroux Discusses His Big, Floppy Dick"

Quote :
"On last night's episode of Conan, Conan O'Brien got right to the meat of The Leftovers/Justin Theroux's career and asked about the actor's much-discussed bulge.

"There's a scene where you're jogging, and [women on my staff] say your package is quite apparent…and I guess it's a thing that women are talking about…Was there enhancement going on there? Did you put a clock down there?" asked Conan.

Nope. Not a clock. A cock. A cock so big that, according to Theroux, the scene that caught everybody's eye eventually led him to attempt obscuring his wild, inverted inflatable air dancer of a penis with multiple sets of underwear.

"I'm trying to figure out what the classy way to answer this question," said Theroux, with one leg crossed tightly over the other (probably to keep the biggest cock on earth from rolling out and spilling into the audience). "I didn't know that that was a thing until...there's two jogging scenes in the show. There's one in the pilot episode and there's one we did much later...When I went to get my wardrobe for the second jogging scene way later, there was my jogging pants and there was two pairs of underwear in the dressing room...And they were like, 'They want you to wear them both.'"

What excellent problem to have. I'd say, "God bless him," but it looks like God already has "

9/4/2014 2:58:25 PM

Sink the Flagship
9818 Posts
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finale tonight

9/7/2014 9:49:31 PM

Sink the Flagship
9818 Posts
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wow. I've gotta process all of this for a bit before I comment on specifics. great episode.

9/7/2014 10:55:10 PM

Status Name
11321 Posts
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Nothing Else Matters

9/7/2014 11:25:55 PM

All American
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^yep noticed that too.

So did Tommy just leave the baby on the porch? I thought maybe he went to the house or something and maybe was just inside when Nora walked up but I feel like if you were moving bags or whatever into the house you would put a baby inside first instead of leaving it unattended outside?

9/8/2014 11:28:28 AM

patent pending
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So, I am guessing Garvey's last wish was to have his family back together...

9/8/2014 2:44:40 PM

Sink the Flagship
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the whole scene with him getting taken to the mental hospital with his dad and then homegirl showing up and "WAKE THE FUCK UP!" was awesome.

Also loved the "I fucked up" look on Laurie's face pretty much the whole episode and when he pulls Jill out of the fire he just holds her and they both glare at Laurie

9/8/2014 3:12:15 PM

Ohhh Farts
12552 Posts
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The music for this show is really good

9/8/2014 6:01:01 PM

All American
1527 Posts
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wtf happened to wayne. i think they forgot a scene or two.


v yeah, i just read that. i guess i wasn't paying attention.

[Edited on September 8, 2014 at 7:11 PM. Reason : .]

9/8/2014 6:45:20 PM

Ohhh Farts
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You hear the news radio talking about him while Kevin and the priest are driving

9/8/2014 7:01:40 PM

All American
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9/8/2014 9:01:13 PM

Save TWW
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i'll admit i didnt immediately call dream sequence so i was getting angry about the non-sensical involuntary commitment, ahah.

great ep

More pointing towards Wayne's "powers" being part of the supernatural happenings in this universe, but glad the show seems to have no desire to ever tell us.

9/8/2014 9:51:56 PM

play so hard
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Quote :
"More pointing towards Wayne's "powers" being part of the supernatural happenings in this universe"

Indeed. Kevin asks for his family back, and the result is he gets an altered family back...his daughter who had joined the GR, Nora (who had been all like fuck this, I'm out) as the mom replacement...and a baby as the gravy.

But Nora doesn't appear to be happily healed in the end, so you can either blame the GR for her relapse or say Wayne didn't really heal her...who knows.

And I'm not sure how to process the closing scene with the son and the mom...perhaps someone can help me there. Not gonna search AV Club.

I'm leaning towards "Wayne's real people."

Quote :
"wtf happened to wayne."

They hinted at it earlier...heavily. The feds were after him, and also he predicted his own death.

And holy fuck, that dream sequence had me fooled for most of it. Nice work.

9/9/2014 12:41:59 AM

All American
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he had no idea that his daughter had joined the GR

9/9/2014 12:52:10 AM

play so hard
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I don't know why that would matter.

She wasn't really a member of the "family" for the entire season anyway...completely detached.

9/9/2014 1:05:20 AM

All American
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I think my wife almost vomited at the "dream" sequence. She hates that woman.

I'm really glad Nora didn't end up leaving (at least I'm pretty sure she's staying one can leave a cute black baby like that), she is starting to become one of my favorite characters.

The pitchfork-mob-town-against-GR thing was awesome. I told my wife that Kevin and the preacher were going to return to a town on fire and I was partially correct. You have to admit that it was a pretty brilliant plan.

I really wish I didn't have to wait until the next season to see what Lori and her son are going to do. Would have liked a little hint there.

All in all...pretty solid finale.

9/9/2014 6:32:21 AM

All American
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I thought that was a very very solid finale.

9/9/2014 8:33:43 AM

play so hard
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Oh also I totally thought Nora was gonna off herself, what with her penchant for getting shot + getting confronted with her loss.

9/9/2014 9:34:42 AM

Ohhh Farts
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Yeah, I definitely thought she was gonna blow her brains out at first, but I'm also very glad she didn't, she's one of the best parts of he show, and she would definitely be missed next season

[Edited on September 9, 2014 at 9:37 AM. Reason : $$$]

9/9/2014 9:35:47 AM

All American
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I thought the mannequins were horrible looking, btw. I thought I remembered the one the dude had at the conference looked a lot more realistic. These were extremely creepy looking.

I felt horrible for the old couple with the down syndrome kid. That was really fucked up.

9/9/2014 9:45:45 AM

All American
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Yeah I couldn't believe the GR did that. I don't blame the townsfolk for going all medieval on them.

9/9/2014 10:28:52 AM

All American
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Quote :
"Yeah I couldn't believe the GR did that."

Did you not see that coming from the previous episodes?? Laying out the clothes, stealing family portraits, the delivery to the church (I think one of the delivery men said something about these people being fucked up)...then add to the fact that the GR are completely heartless.

I wasn't surprised at all at what happened. Didn't make it any less awesome though.

Was also wondering if anyone thought that the Asian chick might have "departed" in the bathroom?? I'm 98% sure she just left the baby and ran away...but there was a little part of me that thought she might have just vanished in mid-air...seeing that she was "special" and all. Just curious if that thought crossed anyone else's mind.

[Edited on September 9, 2014 at 10:32 AM. Reason : .]

9/9/2014 10:31:14 AM

Ohhh Farts
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Nope. She had just figured out that she wasn't special, just one of many just like her, and therefore the baby wasnt special either, that's why she ran off

[Edited on September 9, 2014 at 10:45 AM. Reason : $$$]

9/9/2014 10:42:29 AM

All American
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^^No no, I totally saw that coming. I just can't believe they continue to do increasingly cruel activities. That's all

^Yeah I think she just bailed. Fucked up.

9/9/2014 10:59:02 AM

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