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11725 Posts
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Id say 1/5 actually know what it is

2/27/2014 12:47:28 PM

8379 Posts
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just say something mildly funny and people will respond most of the time

Quote :
"That's the style I go with on my profile. I'd rather be honest and off-the-wall like I really am than just try to play the game, fuck it."

might as well be yourself. they gonna find out eventually!

[Edited on February 27, 2014 at 12:49 PM. Reason : .]

2/27/2014 12:47:55 PM

Eyes up here ^^
5918 Posts
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That's the style I go with on my profile. I'd rather be honest and off-the-wall like I really am than just try to play the numbers game, fuck it. Tends to weed out those women I just wouldn't ever connect with.

2/27/2014 12:49:08 PM

11725 Posts
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Yea I'm pretty much a blunt asshole on mine

I'm so good at dating.

2/27/2014 12:51:51 PM

8379 Posts
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when i'm feeling lazy i just say something like "hi, the internet said i'd like you". probably 75% response rate

2/27/2014 12:51:57 PM

Eyes up here ^^
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^^ Hey, some guys eat that shit up.

I rarely ever send out a message, I know it'll likely get lost in the mix, and I'm pretty particular. I pretty much fail at the internet as a whole, especially internet dating.
When I do send out a message though, I never use that one line shit...I'll send something longer and more personal. Definitely doing it wrong.

2/27/2014 1:07:01 PM

11725 Posts
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yea don't send words

i hate when guys send me a novel to read. nope

2/27/2014 1:12:45 PM

All American
10165 Posts
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^^, ^
I always send long messages, and it frequently works. that's how I met my current gf

it just depends what sort of woman you're messaging....I've seen ddk's profile (just via stalking), and I wouldn't send her a long message. but if the chick seems artsy and literary and serious, a long message might be a good strategy.

2/27/2014 1:16:59 PM

Eyes up here ^^
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Message to DDK:

Quote :
"'Angry Bwn?'"

2/27/2014 1:19:02 PM

If it feels good
1189 Posts
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I just want more than one sentence... and not something demanding. Something like, "Hey, I see you like ______! So do I. I have been doing a lot of ______ and I think it's very cool. How did you get into that?

Basically... tell me you looked at more than just my photos, relate to me, ask me a question to continue the conversation.

Do not start off calling me gorgeous, beautiful, doll, baby, etc. I will not respond.

Also, I don't care if you guys see my profile. I don't hide stuff. My user name is MorganLark.

2/27/2014 1:19:17 PM

11725 Posts
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lol my profile is so ......... yea.........

2/27/2014 1:19:45 PM

All American
14984 Posts
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I deleted my OKC account a while back. I'm a little upset that it never tried to match me with DDK.

2/27/2014 1:22:57 PM

All American
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The most important thing is seriously just to be yourself. Don't overthink stuff just act like you normally would. In the end you are trying to find someone you really like. May as well start off being yourself and weed out the people who aren't really going to gel well with you anyways.

So unless you are a dude hoping to stumble across as many girls who will bone you on a first date as possible, the numbers game really just ends with you out a lot of money on dates with girls who were never gonna like you in the first place.

2/27/2014 1:24:35 PM

11725 Posts
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I got matched with some smoking hot dude last night

but he's kind of stupid so it killed it for me

sad times

2/27/2014 1:24:36 PM

Eyes up here ^^
5918 Posts
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Hahaha I just had to check my username...had no idea what I put in there.


On second glance that might seem way more sexual then I intended...

2/27/2014 1:24:57 PM

Gottfather FTL
12586 Posts
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Quote :
"Anyone want to look at my profile and tell me if I'm too crazy for OKC? "

Your profile seemed pretty good. I think my main recommendation would be to nix that first paragraph. Saying you're busy in the first sentence probably makes some guys (consciously or subconsciously) assume you aren't readily available with your time and it might be more trouble that it's worth to contact you.

I also wouldn't say that you're just seeing what's out there. I think that is probably true for the vast majority of the people on the site, but actually (the written form of) verbalizing it makes it stand out as if you're not serious about it.

Maybe just kill the first sentence and then lead with the second paragraph:

Quote :
"I'm an old school hippie at heart, with the only big difference being that I enjoy a daily shower. I'm trying to find people outside of my regular group of friends, and I'm not really into looking for dates at bars."

Hope that helps a bit, happy hunting.

2/27/2014 1:32:15 PM

All American
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here are two of the best i received during my online dating experience...

"pretty princess

i love your eyes, smile and hair.Damn i love everything about you. You are the sunshine and id love to be your guy.Can we talk? "


"Dom looking for loving and sexy sub for long term relationship"

[Edited on February 27, 2014 at 1:54 PM. Reason : and the quintesential "wanna know how big my dick is?"]

2/27/2014 1:54:00 PM

All American
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[Edited on February 27, 2014 at 1:57 PM. Reason : double post aggggh]

2/27/2014 1:57:29 PM

All American
7323 Posts
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Quote :
"Saying you're busy in the first sentence probably makes some guys (consciously or subconsciously) assume you aren't readily available with your time and it might be more trouble that it's worth to contact you."

2/27/2014 1:58:32 PM

All American
33197 Posts
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^^I forgot what my profile said, but honestly it probably wasn't too far off from the stereotype you laid out there :-/

oh well, I never thought I would get much out of OKC, and that if I ever really wanted to try the internet thing, I would subscribe to one of the pay services. Didn't come down to that though.

[Edited on February 27, 2014 at 2:00 PM. Reason : well, the one you had laid out... ]

2/27/2014 2:00:05 PM

All American
27208 Posts
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Quote :
"and the quintesential "wanna know how big my dick is?""

You gotta wonder how often that works. I mean, it has to work sometime, right? Like 1 in a 1000 maybe? Why else would guys continue to use that strategy? But then again I guess the type that would send that in a message isn't exactly James Bond when it comes to ladies.

2/27/2014 2:00:59 PM

All American
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^^pretty much every profile i clicked on said the same crap:

- is sarcastic, laid back, and loyal
- likes to take care of themselves physically and wants a partner who does the same
- is very into sports
- loves the beach but goes to the mountains a couple of times a year
- loves a night out on the town, but doesn't mind a night in in front of the tv

over and over and over

i wanted to read just one that said "i'm pretty lazy. i like to lay on the couch, drinking beer and watching tv. if you'll have sex with me i'll give you my number"

which, come to think of it, is EXACTLY what my man's online profile should have said

2/27/2014 2:04:40 PM

All American
7323 Posts
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Quote :
"- loves the beach but goes to the mountains a couple of times a year
- loves a night out on the town, but doesn't mind a night in in front of the tv"

i think the main issue with these types of statements is that it says that "i like the beach, but if you're a mountains person, i can be too". as opposed to just saying you rather be at the beach over the mountains anyday and would like to find someone who did also.

gives off that vibe you'll cater your interests to gain their favor.

[Edited on February 27, 2014 at 2:10 PM. Reason : .]

2/27/2014 2:09:29 PM

All American
49373 Posts
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This was my award winning profile at the end of my internet dating experience...I changed it from what I thought was a fun and amusing to profile to this...

Quote :
"" I exclusively date men who wear Ed Hardy and Affliction..."

My subscription ends in a week and since singled out MY COUSIN as my ideal match for the day I will not be renewing.

My initial profile was meant to be mildly entertaining. Apparently it wasn't because I didn't exactly get the results I had hoped. So here you go's some honesty for you!
Since it's what you all apparently REALLY want to know - I'm 5'10...I weigh 150 pounds...and they are 36D.

I'm not "slender" because I have hips and boobs...and I'm not "athletic and toned" because I don't go to the gym. I do actual manual labor in real life so picking up heavy things and putting them down for fun is out of the question in the few hours a week I actually have to myself. That just leaves "about average" because internet women have a very loose definition of "curvy".

I work. A LOT. I have goals that require money. Since I'm not looking for a man to pay my way, I have no other choice. Chances are good I will put work ahead of a date, but if you're patient, your time will come.

When I'm not working, I'm with my family. My mom is dying and she's the most important thing in my world right now. I'm going to spend every minute I can with her as long as I can. I don't usually tell people this first thing, but it's just the way things are now. It's not an added element of's just my life. It shouldn't scare you away from me either. You'd be very lucky to get to meet her.

I'm not going to sleep with you just because you send me a message and I reply. I'm also not going to sleep with you just because I give you my number.

I really could not care any less about most sports.

I look like a homeless person the vast majority of the time. I only dress up when I have a good reason. That being said...I have a closet full of nice clothes that never get worn...You should give me a reason to wear them. That should thrill all of you looking for a girl who likes to dress up for a night out but can also just kick back on the couch and watch TV.

I go to church every Sunday...and I'm very sincere in my beliefs, but I do not brow beat people who don't have the same religious views as me. I find that I'm often not awarded the same courtesy.

I'm a conservative.

I'm not particularly loyal because I'm not a German Shepherd.

I'm equally indifferent to the mountains and the beach. I can have a great time or terrible time at either.

I like to go places and do things just like every single other person in the world....ever.

I'm loud. I have a strong Southern accent. Neither of these things makes me less intelligent. That being said...I'm pretty smart.

When it all comes down to it, I'm looking for something serious. I haven't had a real boyfriend in over a decade...but I've had a real good time. I'm not looking for a booty call or friends with benefits. I want kids. I want to be really, really happy and have a wonderful family of my own. None of that means I'm ready to get married today. I want to have a good time with someone. If I make some friends along the way, even better.

If you can't carry on a casual conversation with me within a few emails then we're both wasting our time. I like to chat...I don't like to be interviewed.

Don't misunderstand this profile. It's meant to be taken mostly in jest...while being completely honest at the same time...well, except for the Ed Hardy/Affliction thing. I mean really...give me a little credit! My first approach didn't work at all so I just want to see if anybody actually reads these things or if you just make your decision based on pictures alone.

As I've always said, "I really just want a man who doesn't lie to me, cheat on me, or beat me. Is that really too much to ask?" It also doesn't hurt if he's tall and smoking hot "

2/27/2014 2:16:35 PM

All American
2303 Posts
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that is so beautiful, it almost brought a tear to my eye.

2/27/2014 2:32:56 PM

All American
18474 Posts
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I mean I would have sent you a msg

2/27/2014 2:46:52 PM

All American
10165 Posts
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splendid, madame that's exactly the sort of profile I joined okcupid in hopes of finding.

2/27/2014 2:52:33 PM

35771 Posts
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how long has it been now?

man i haven't been on Match or OKC in a long time.

2/27/2014 2:53:02 PM

All American
27962 Posts
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Different strokes for different folks, i suppose.

2/27/2014 2:53:51 PM

All American
14180 Posts
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what does it mean 'to be an old school hippie at heart'?

2/27/2014 3:10:37 PM

Eyes up here ^^
5918 Posts
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2/27/2014 3:12:06 PM

All American
27962 Posts
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into free-love, drugs and sticking it to the man?

2/27/2014 3:17:49 PM

If it feels good
1189 Posts
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^ this. Except I also shower, use soap, and wear non-hemp attire.

...and also I am really into harmony. I like being able to do some primitive skills stuff if I need to. I like the idea of a planned community. I want to be a very caring and trustworthy person and it bugs me that there are people out there who don't.

[Edited on February 27, 2014 at 3:20 PM. Reason : make sense now?]

2/27/2014 3:18:55 PM

All American
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I think it means you ride your bike to work and compost your trash.

2/27/2014 3:23:16 PM

All American
27962 Posts
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(a lot of dudes (and gals) may find it hard to trust someone who's into free love )

2/27/2014 3:23:29 PM

All American
49373 Posts
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Quote :
how long has it been now? "

pretty close to a year

2/27/2014 3:39:19 PM

All American
14180 Posts
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[Edited on February 27, 2014 at 4:09 PM. Reason : lol, look who's talking]

2/27/2014 3:51:42 PM

All American
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^it might be possible to associate with those values and be a lot of things, but SHE identifies with that description and chances are a good match for her would too, or would at least understand the association of that title and those values, and respect them.

You are a really weirdly critical person.

NCSUhippie - I really like your profile, and I think it does justice to who you are and what you're looking for without over-sharing or being cliche. I like the links are convenient and helpful, and the gifs are a good way to be quirky and fun without being annoying. overall, A++++++ would do business again

[Edited on February 27, 2014 at 4:04 PM. Reason : .]

2/27/2014 3:59:21 PM

All American
3552 Posts
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i reopened my account a few days ago so i may have some stories soon. i just got this message

Quote :
"Hey hey Laurel, how's it going? I see we're both into activities, but I wondering what you do for work?"

i feel like my response should be

3/3/2014 2:32:14 AM

113903 Posts
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I'm totes into activities

that means ahm the man for you

3/3/2014 5:11:53 AM

All American
2303 Posts
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^^that is awesome. who says that???

3/3/2014 2:23:05 PM

35771 Posts
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i fucking love activities

3/3/2014 2:43:02 PM

All American
27962 Posts
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i love fucking activities

3/3/2014 2:50:39 PM

All American
3552 Posts
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also, i find that a lot of guys ask in their very first message what my job is. i feel like if i was messaging random guys and opening with "so what do you do for work?" that i would come off as a gold digger.

why do guys find this acceptable? i won't even respond to a guy who asks that as the first question, even if he seems interesting.

3/3/2014 8:30:56 PM

All American
19599 Posts
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^I think i'm bad at sending messages then I read things like this.

3/3/2014 8:31:51 PM

All American
3552 Posts
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^well maybe i should have been more clear lol. if it is the one and only question a guy asks, and it is his first message (like activity dude) it just seems kind of odd.

3/3/2014 8:38:27 PM

All American
19599 Posts
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I completely agree. Definitely not a question I'm gonna ask in the first message.

3/3/2014 8:44:56 PM

All American
4898 Posts
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One of the things I feel like I'd have trouble with is finding what messages would be worth responding to... a handful of my friends have said that they'll only respond to people who bring up something from their profile and want to discuss a mutual interest in, but I'm gonna be really disinclined to talk about a book I've recently read and use that to figure out if I want to date you or not

3/3/2014 10:43:37 PM

All American
12762 Posts
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I'd always "bring up something from their profile and want to discuss a mutual interest"
Sometimes I'd ask about job if their profile was really sparse or if they were in a related field or just something I found interesting.
Some people are passionate about their jobs and really enjoy being asked/talking about them.

3/4/2014 9:09:25 AM

If it feels good
1189 Posts
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I don't mind getting asked about my job. Maybe it's because I don't care about money, and I know I don't have a high-paying job, etc. I just love what I do, and I like when people ask me about it sometimes. I will also ask about their job if it seems to be something they are really into (like a social worker, or firefighter, or something that is demanding).

Also, I think we should respond to messages with memes more. Like I got this one:
Quote :
"Such a beautiful smile. Very captivating."

And I want to reply with...

3/4/2014 10:22:51 AM

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