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All American
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Not being able to go outside or really go off the ropes kept them from doing anything interesting. It was a huge bummer.

9/23/2013 1:38:48 PM

Flyin Ryan
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The Wyatts strike me as they have a great gimmick and it's a good act...but then the matches start and it's just downhill.

9/23/2013 10:21:55 PM

All American
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^their intro is excellent

I really enjoy the daniel bryan storyline . it's funny as hell

but CM Punk and Heyman storyline is 10x better

9/23/2013 10:54:49 PM

All American
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Bryan is an excellent wrestler who can deliver a good promo, but needs to be framed the right way. A lot of his earlier work focused on how vicious his strikes and submissions are, but he's not set up in WWE as a killer, so that's hard.

Punk and Heyman, on the other hand, are both geniuses on the mic, and working against each other just brings out the best in them.

Also, the scooter is always gold.

9/24/2013 2:27:04 AM

Flyin Ryan
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free show, interview with George the Animal Steele

9/24/2013 7:58:16 PM

Flyin Ryan
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two contracts run out tomorrow:

-Rob Van Dam's contract with WWE runs out tomorrow. He is committed to doing the PPV Sunday. Why they put him in a title match with Alberto Del Rio after his contract was over is a good question. Maybe they thought it would make him resign.

-Hulk Hogan's contract with TNA runs out tomorrow. This is the best thing that could happen for them as his contract said he got $35000 per appearance. Hogan had creative control in his contract and the writer is his Best Buddy Forever Eric Bischoff. So they wrote off Hogan this past Thursday (for the show taped for this coming Thursday) by Dixie on the September 26th episode threatening him doing this stupid evil owner gimmick saying he's either with her or against her in regards to her point of view on A.J. Styles. For this coming Thursday Hogan told Dixie in the main event segment he was walking out and Dixie grabbed his legs and pleaded crying asking him to stay as the show went off the air. Good riddance you sack of shit.

Big E Langston was sighted. He lost in the opening match of Raw to C.M. Punk.

[Edited on September 30, 2013 at 8:36 PM. Reason : /]

9/30/2013 8:32:54 PM

All American
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Los Conquistadors > Los Matadores

9/30/2013 8:53:55 PM

Flyin Ryan
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Los Matadores screams early 1990s WWF gimmick.

The little bull manager is Mascarita Dorada.

It upsets me that Jinder Mahal gets used more than Drew McIntyre in 3MB.

9/30/2013 9:53:10 PM

Flyin Ryan
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10/1/2013 11:26:29 PM

All American
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Speaking of matador gimmicks, Tito Santana had a similar gimmick in the twilight of his career in the early '90s. Why WWE didn't get him to manage the wrestlers formerly known as Epico and Primo is a mystery to me.

10/2/2013 12:40:36 AM

Flyin Ryan
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It started out like this:

Quote :
"The inDemand feed for the WWE Battleground PPV went down just before the start of the main event. That means many people ordering the show on cable isn't getting it since the technical difficulties aren't local.

No word how extensive this is in regard to the satellite dish owners.

...The unavailability of the WWE Battleground PPV before the main event was worldwide, but it came back on. The reason for the downtime was a power outage inside the arena. This is cutting a few minutes out of the main event, so I don't know why they are still stalling with talking heads."

And it ended like this:

Quote :

Wow was this a bad finish. Bryan had Orton in the Yes lock when Big Show came out and took out ref John Cone. Show then knocked out Bryan and Brad Maddox ordered Scott Armstrong (yes, he's back) to count the fall. Suddenly, Show turned again and knocked out Armstrong. Orton started yelling at Show. Show then knocked out Orton. And then the show ended. The match was good up to that point, but again, nowhere close to several of their TV matches. It sets up Hell in a Cell so in a sense it's logical to do the finish, but not sure if this was the time to do it given the last few shows."

10/6/2013 11:07:35 PM

All American
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Am I reading that as "The finish is that Big Show knocks out everyone"??

Swerved so hard they crashed the fucking truck, mang.

10/7/2013 12:00:11 AM

Flyin Ryan
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^ Yes.

People live were chanting "Refund" after it was over.

10/7/2013 7:52:47 AM

All American
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so no RVD win & cash in, no WWE Champion, and a feed least the Rhodes got one over on the Shield

10/7/2013 8:01:26 AM

Flyin Ryan
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Natalya, Evamarie, & Jo Jo vs. Aksana, Alicia Fox, and Rosa Mendes

This. Match. Happened.

Opening: Stephanie slapped Big Show a lot and fired him.

10/7/2013 9:03:42 PM

All American
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and then HHH got KTFO by Big Show, which was what needed to happen

10/8/2013 11:17:51 AM

no u
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then a tiger appeared and ate HHH

[Edited on October 8, 2013 at 11:54 AM. Reason : then an eagle swooped in and carried the tiger away]

10/8/2013 11:53:36 AM

All American
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I wonder how exaggerated the wrestler's weights are, I know a guy that is 6'0 225 and looks huge, hard to believe guys like RVD are bigger than him

10/8/2013 12:15:27 PM

Flyin Ryan
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In the case of WWE, I don't think they announce anyone under 200 lb unless it's a guy they really want to bury or there's no way anyone could possibly believe it (Mysterio, Sin Cara).

Bryan Danielson's Wikipedia says he's billed at 5'10" and 210. He's really 5'8" and December last year in an interview he said he was up to 198.

Tangent on the whole size thing and appearances. There was a UFC card on Fox once where Demetrious Johnson and John Dodson fought for the 125-lb Flyweight title. So counting in weight cutting and getting the weight back they're both probably 135 or so in the cage. Who was assigned to be the referee for this flyweight clash? Big John McCarthy. Looked like a dad scolding two kids when he was talking to them.

[Edited on October 8, 2013 at 12:39 PM. Reason : /]

10/8/2013 12:27:58 PM

Flyin Ryan
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"Cena ends government shutdown, we don't need health care

By Jim Valley

STAMFORD - WWE and President Barack Obama are proud to announce the end of the government shutdown.

"We have found a compromise on the GOP opposition to ObamaCare," said the president. "It turns out we don't need health care any more."

"Instead of mandating the Affordable Care Act," said Speaker of the House John Boehner, "all Americans will now be immunized with the DNA of WWE Superstar John Cena."

Cena, the cornerstone of WWE programming, has uncanny healing powers. Americans immunized with C-DNA will now be incredibly healthy, driven, and all natural. People can expect to recover from torn muscles in weeks and mangled elbows in days. Everyone will be so healthy we will no longer need insurance coverage.

"With that out of the way, the U.S. government can go back to work," said Boehner.

Part owner of the WWE Stephanie McMahon showed up uninvited and said, "The only thing more powerful than Cena DNA is McMahon DNA, which can cure cancer. But we will not be giving that up to the US government, which persecuted my family in the early 90's worse than The Holocaust, 9/11, and the Battleground PPV combined."

John Cena's power has been tested. His C-DNA has made noted genius Stephen Hawking walk and talk. "I have a new lease on life. Forget black holes. I want to explore other holes. I mean video games. I want to play video games just like the Superstars."

There is still no cure for jorts."

[Edited on October 13, 2013 at 11:50 AM. Reason : .]

10/13/2013 11:49:54 AM

All American
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lol @ orton's comments towards st louis

10/14/2013 8:10:15 PM

All American
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JBL was on fire last night.

10/15/2013 6:57:34 PM

Flyin Ryan
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First, watch this from Impact a couple weeks ago, this is awesome:

Bound for Glory tomorrow night. Lineup:

Preshow on Spike at 7 p.m. Eastern

Joseph Park & Eric Young vs. The Bad Influence (Christopher Daniels & Frankie Kazarian) vs. Chavo Guerrero Jr. & Hernandez vs. Bro Mans (Robbie E & Jessie Godderz) in a gauntlet series for a title shot on PPV

Bound for Glory on PPV

ODB vs. Gail Kim vs. Brooke Tessmacher for the Knockouts title
James Storm & Gunner vs. ? for tag titles
Manik vs. Jeff Hardy vs Samoa Joe vs. Austin Aries vs. Chris Sabin in an Ultimate X match for X title
Sting vs. Magnus
Kurt Angle vs. Bobby Roode
Bully Ray vs. A.J. Styles for the TNA title in a no DQ match

10/19/2013 9:32:41 PM

Flyin Ryan
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Main match results:

Quote :
"Sting is inducting Kurt Angle into the Hall of Fame. This turned into a swerve. Sting went to induct him, made a nice speech about how all the veterans from every era respect Angle. The crowd was really hot for this chanting "You deserve this" and "Angle." It was really quite good and then Angle, teary eyed, said that he didn't deserve the honor yet, so he's going to respectfully decline. He said he hadn't lived up to his potential but vowed what he would do next would be more impressive than anything he's accomplished so far, and when he deserves it, he will accept the honor."

Quote :

Roode won clean when Angle knocked himself out doing an Angle slam off the middle rope. Very good match, going more than 20:00 easily the best thing on the show so far. Crowd not super hot, but definitely into it far more than anything else. At the beginning, Roode worked like the face and Angle as the heel which was weird, but it switched during the match as they went back and forth between crossfaces and ankle locks. Angle seemingly had the match won with the ankle lock with the leg grapevined. Roode passed out from the pain. However, when ref Brian Hebner picked up the arm to check if he was unconscious, the arm when dropping fell on the ropes, so therefore he ordered a rope break. After the match, they teased taking Angle out on a stretcher but he refused the neckbrace. He then got off the stretcher and walked to the back on his own."

Quote :
"Magnus did a promo and said Sting has nothing to lose in this match because he's already done it all while he's got everything to lose in this match.


Magnus won clean in the middle with the cloverleaf. Nobody bought it and some boos but give Sting credit becaue he's almost never done a job like this in his career. Sting shook his hand after the match and Magnus left. Taz made a point of how Magnus blew off Sting after beating him. Really not much heat to this. It told a decent story but the finish was flat, not because it was bad, but because nobody expected Sting to tap. Magnus also powered out of the scorpion deathlock twice during the match.


Styles won the title with a spiral tap clean in the middle. The only Aces and 8s guys who appeared were Bischoff and Knux. Bischoff interfered early when Styles had the calf killer on and Ray got out. Styles chased him to the back. Knux came in and choke slammed Styles but Styles kicked out. Ray got mad at Knux for not choke slamming him strong enough to keep him down. Bully clotheslined Knux out of the ring. Later Styles did a springboard 450 out of the ring and Styles crashed through a table on the floor. But Styles came back with a springboard elbow as Ray had a chair knocking the chair in Ray's face. Dixie Carter had come out and given Ray the chair. Styles did a springboard 450 and went for the pin but Carter told Earl Hebner not to count. The deal was that Hebner refused to do what he did with Bret Hart and screw Styles but it did distract him and Ray kicked out. Ray also cut up the ring undoing the canvas and the padding. Styles took a high back body drop onto the boards at one point and Ray gave him a senton but Styles kicked out. Good match, told a good story overall. "

A heel Chris Sabin won the X Division title in the Ultimate X match using Velvet Sky as a distraction. Gail Kim won the Knockouts title when their new version of Amazing Kong, Le'D Tapa (a large Polynesian woman), aided Kim. The tag team of Robbie E and Jessie Godderz, with pro bodybuilder Phil Heath as their manager, won the gauntlet and then the tag titles.

There was an added match with their newest wrestler Ethan Carter III having his in-ring debut winning a squash match. Carter in storyline is Dixie's nephew. He formerly wrestled in WWE and NXT as Derrick Bateman, one of the guys that looked good in developmental but never really got a push.

[Edited on October 21, 2013 at 12:20 AM. Reason : /]

10/21/2013 12:11:21 AM

Flyin Ryan
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Didn't watch Raw, but what did those that did think of that HHH promo at the end?

Here's one reaction:

Quote :
"Thing is @tripleh despite ur major push,u never were either. Good luck in ur future endeavours @emmrichr84: Not the one @TripleH? I disagree

— Chris Jericho (@IAmJericho) October 22, 2013"

10/23/2013 12:27:08 PM

Flyin Ryan
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the WON:

Quote :
"Undertaker vs. Lesnar is now on the books for WrestleMania, provided Undertaker feels healthy enough to work that kind of a match. Lesnar was always going to work with either Undertaker or The Rock."

10/24/2013 4:42:58 PM

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^^what was the promo?

10/24/2013 4:46:39 PM

Flyin Ryan
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10/24/2013 11:42:32 PM

Flyin Ryan
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highlight matches:

Quote :

Excellent opener. The highlight was Rhodes doing a top rope superplex on Rollins outside the ring where a couple of the guys caught him. The finish saw Reigns and Goldust sent out of the ring and Rhodes went for the Disaster kick, but Rollins got out of trouble, got punched by Goldust and Rhodes used the crossroads on Rollins for the pin."

Quote :

Paul Heyman was in a cart that raised him top of the cage and he stood on the top of the cage for the entire matcfh. So it wasn't a handicap match but a singles match. Match really wasn't much. Not much heat but there were some highlights. The crowd was into it big the last three minutes after Punk gave Ryback an elbow off the top through a table. Punk won the match clean over Ryback with the GTS. Punk then grabbed his kendo stick, stuck it in his trunks and climbed to the top of the cage. He hit Heyman with about a dozen kendo stick shots and gave him a GTS and left him laying. It felt like the blow off since Heyman was left laying."

Quote :

Cena won the title clean with the Attitude Adjustment. Good match. Most of the match was Del Rio working over the bad arm, including taking off the padding. Cena's bad arm was gigantic, and I don't mean it was swollen either. The key spot was Del Rio getting the armbar on, and pulling off the protective padding. Cena with his bad arm, picked Del Rio up from an armbar position and power bombed him. There were more fans cheering Cena than booing him. The way the match was worked allowed Cena to do a lot less than he usually does in a big match."

Quote :

For the third time in a row, they didn't have a great match. A good match. Orton used a superplex onto a chair but Bryan kicked out. Orton complained that Michaels counted slow. HHH came out and also yelled at Michaels for counting slow. Orton used an exploder suplex but Michaels was in a discussion with HHH and didn't count. Orton went for the RKO and Bryan shoved him off into Shawn Michaels, who went down. Bryan used the Busaiku knee on on Orton but Michaels was down. HHH then threw down Bryan to check on Michaels. Bryan laid out HHH with the Busaiku knee, and Michaels superkicked Bryan and Orton pinned him."

so Cena and Orton are your champs...

10/27/2013 11:02:49 PM

All American
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10/27/2013 11:14:41 PM

All American
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same things stay the same

10/27/2013 11:58:05 PM

All American
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ugh, at least its football season

Quote :
"The way the match was worked allowed Cena to do a lot less than he usually does in a big match"

Oh, so he only did two out of the five moves of doom?

[Edited on October 28, 2013 at 8:05 AM. Reason : add another note]

10/28/2013 8:04:28 AM

Flyin Ryan
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Sandow came out following a Cena opening promo. Teased cashing in the briefcase, said he wouldn't, then hit Cena in his bad arm a few times, and then cashed in. They had about a 20-minute match, and Cena pinned Sandow.

10/28/2013 8:34:57 PM

All American
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glad I'm not watching

10/28/2013 8:40:20 PM

Flyin Ryan
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^ well I'm watching football, that match was before the football game started though

it's halftime now, I tune in to see Punk submitting Ryback and now he's getting attacked by the Wyatts, it sounds like from the commentary they did the same thing to Daniel Bryan earlier

10/28/2013 10:11:19 PM

All American
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I tuned out after the cash in fail, but one of the other boards I read has pretty much hated on the entire three hour broadcast. I'm done with it until I find a free Royal Rumble stream, shit is comically bad at the moment.

10/28/2013 11:48:52 PM

All American
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Team Rhodes, the tag team CHAMPIONS who beat the Shield and the Usos last night, lost to the Real Americans.

The same Real Americans who lost to LOS MATADORES last night.

10/29/2013 2:35:25 AM

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sounds like it's turning into operation Daniel Bryan phase out. Big Show phase in.

10/29/2013 8:34:45 AM

All American
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i don't care much for the real americans, but i am slightly interested in the reigniting of the tag team division. cessaro can actually wrestle pretty well, and his little swing thing is kinda fun to watch. swagger is awful though.

these days, when i see a tag team do well, i can't help but think its only a push to create a new one-on-one storyline once the team splits up. i expect it from the the rhodes brothers, the real americans, and all three shield members (which is a god damn shame)

10/29/2013 10:03:45 PM

Flyin Ryan
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Like with Del Rio, I think I'm one of the few people that likes Swagger for what he is. He's a midcard heel, what do you expect?

Zeb is a great promo, they have great intro music, Cesaro and Swagger are good for what they do, and the Gadsden Flag will always be cool. Let them have their run, it's not like they were going to do anything with Cesaro otherwise other than him being a heel version of what they're doing with Dolph Ziggler currently - nothing. And then when they inevitably break up, he'll be the face vs. Swagger.

Plus someone needs to take Swagger's and Cesaro's entrance here and turn it into a gif so I can use it for a signature. (jump to 13:45)

[Edited on October 29, 2013 at 10:24 PM. Reason : /]

10/29/2013 10:06:07 PM

Flyin Ryan
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Survivor Series main event: Orton and Big Show for the WWE title. The in-ring promo at the end of the show to set this up was pretty bad between Show and HHH/Stephanie. Creative's really sucked for the past 3 months. After Big Show "got his job back" and setup the title match, HHH immediately booked a Shield & Orton vs. Big Show handicap match. Big Show was winning and then Kane came to the ring in a suit without his mask since he now works for Stephanie, and that allowed them to beat down Big Show.

Looks like they're going to do a Cena-del Rio rematch for the World title.

Not sure if it'll be a traditional 4-on-4 Survivor Series match or just a tag match, but the Wyatts in some form with Punk and Bryan on the other side. Punk opened the show beating Luke Harper.

They pointed to a Cesaro face turn. The best match on the show was a 6-man between Cena and the Rhodes Brothers vs. Sandow and the Real Americans. Cesaro was outside the ring with Cena, Cesaro tried to spear him, Cena moved out of the way, and Cesaro ended up hitting Zeb who was on commentary.

Dolph Ziggler actually won a match. He pinned Curtis Axel, who's in an Intercontinental title match Wednesday on Main Event vs. Big E Langston (who got pinned by Orton). No Heyman tonight as he was on a phone call talking to Cole about his injuries from Hell in a Cell in a way to write him out long-term it appeared. So Axel was by himself and it looks like Axel is losing the IC title to Big E and then going back to being a low heel on the card.

Ryback pinned Khali, which was fun to watch in the sense that Ryback was the active best worker guy in the match.

TNA's for sale. The owners have lost enough money. There's a group looking at it. It's not Viacom (CBS/Spike). Eric Bischoff and Hulk Hogan are not part of the group, which is a good thing. One of the people that could be in it at least as a minority owner is former Smashing Pumpkins band member Billy Corgan. Corgan has always been a big wrestling fan. Back when ECW was going down Paul Heyman offered Corgan 10% ownership and Corgan turned it down.

[Edited on November 4, 2013 at 11:59 PM. Reason : .]

11/4/2013 11:56:12 PM

All American
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Billy Corgan is still in SP (the only original member, as it's his band), and already owns a Chicago promotion called Resistance Pro. It'd be fun to see him own TNA, though I'm not sure it'd do any good for the survival of the company.

11/5/2013 1:01:48 AM

Flyin Ryan
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The company will survive just because the Carters are going to sell and you're getting a guaranteed income every week from Viacom to put the show on Spike.

What made the show lose tons of money was paying top dollar to Hogan, his buddies, Flair, and some WWE castoffs that did nothing for you and/or put in no effort, and then Hogan's and Bischoff's idea to broadcast live and tour the show around the country, both of which have cost them a fortune.

They're going back to all taped shows to save money and only running in Orlando. Hogan's gone, and Bischoff is no longer in charge of creative. He has a contract til February, they removed him from the role after Bound for Glory and told him to stay home for the rest of it.

[Edited on November 5, 2013 at 7:57 AM. Reason : .]

11/5/2013 7:41:49 AM

All American
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If they're going back to the just impact zone shows, it would be nice if they could still keep it live. The spoilers coming out for the taped shows months in advance kinda ruins their model for me otherwise. I don't really follow TNA anymore though so whatever.

11/5/2013 8:06:34 AM

All American
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Corporate Kane is pretty badass

11/5/2013 9:28:07 AM

Flyin Ryan
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Quote :
"If they're going back to the just impact zone shows, it would be nice if they could still keep it live."

1. There's apparently a huge cost difference between broadcasting something live and something taped.
2. The amount of fans that watch one week to the next that are hardcore enough to read spoilers is pretty small in relation to the total TV audience (in both WWE and TNA).

11/5/2013 10:29:22 AM

Flyin Ryan
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So after an opening segment where the Main Event Mafia amicably broke up (whatever), and then Kurt Angle and Bobby Roode got into it with one another (that has the potential to be a very good feud), Kazarian and Christopher Daniels come out to get Roode out of there, and sitting in the front row is former TNA tag team champion Adam "Pacman" Jones and another member of the Cincinnati Bengals (the show was in Cincy).

After the Angle-Roode segment is over, Kazarian and Daniels are jawing with the two guys, and then Daniels shoves Pacman Jones down. So they both jump the rails, chase Bad Influence into the ring, and then both football players give matching body slams to the two guys. Made the crowd real happy.

11/7/2013 9:28:52 PM

All American
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I'll say the heel pushing seems a little poor right now with del rio and orton as the main event heels, and bully ryback with his terrible performance skills, I'm wondering why guys like ziggler don't get the push, is it something he's doing backstage? or give mcintyre/cesaro/sandow more to work with

11/10/2013 12:57:08 PM

All American
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Cesaro is going face, so they can't do that.

They don't call him @HEELZiggler for nothing, but when he was getting massive cheers, there's only so much they could do.

11/10/2013 1:31:09 PM

Flyin Ryan
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Chris Hero (Kassius Ohno in NXT), a top indy guy who came into WWE at the same time with Claudio Castagnoli (Antonio Cesaro) from their tag team work as the Kings of Wrestling on places like Ring of Honor amongst others, was released by WWE Friday.

11/10/2013 10:18:56 PM

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