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26632 Posts
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Yeah, JCE2011, why are you being such a SJW?

6/14/2016 6:07:56 AM

play so hard
60941 Posts
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Quote :
"Australia Enjoys Another Peaceful Day Under Oppressive Gun Control Regime

Due to the nation’s controversial and oppressive gun restrictions, no one has died as a result of a mass-shooting on Australian soil today, for the 7158th day in a row.

Local cinema attendant, Christina Upton can’t believe it has been a whole 19 years and 7 months since a heavily armed white Australian male decided to shoot at a crowd of unsuspecting Australian civilians for no reason.

She says the peaceful two decades that have followed are “probably” because the Australian government decided to strip her of a God-given right to own projectile weaponry capable of shooting down helicopters.

“Yeah, I mean the Yanks come across as sick people. This year there have been more mass shootings in America than calendar dates… But it wasn’t that long ago that Australia had postal workers holding their entire office hostage with AR-15s”

Ms Upton, who claims to be able to walk freely outside of her home without fear of being killed by a mass shooter, believes that God-given rights probably play a bigger role in America’s mass shootings than Americans think.

“I don’t think America should be so hard on itself about the mental state of thousands of lonely white virgins. We have those people too,”

“…Just in our country those people don’t have access to Russian-made automatic assault rifles that have been invented purely to help military personnel win wars,”

“If I was in America, I’d be terrified of working in a cinema – for fear that one of these losers would use their God-given rights to murder me in cold blood,”

Per 100,000 residents in Australia, less than 1 are expected to be killed by a firearm this year. This is heavily contrasted to the 10.5 in 100,000 who will be killed in America.

Local cop, Uncle Rick Ridgeway, says that this is because idiots have a harder time getting their hands on machine guns than criminals.

“I think America needs to realise that it’s not really the criminals you need to worry about as such. I’d be more concerned about the weirdos,”

“Criminals use guns to help their efforts in making money through crime – they have much less interest in killing you,”

6/14/2016 11:00:57 AM

50085 Posts
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God damn, Twitter is a weird place. Apparently there is an active shooter in Texas Walmart. Like 1,000 posts saying it's a Muslim Somali within seconds. And referencing a Prison Planet post.

Actual news says it's an employee holding another employee hostage.

[Edited on June 14, 2016 at 1:21 PM. Reason : And to be clear, it could be a Somalian... who knows. But unconfirmee news spreads like wildfire.]

6/14/2016 1:14:10 PM

play so hard
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Quote :
"Three Muslim Terrorists Strike Walmart In Amarillo Texas And Are Shooting And Taking Hostages"

pretty legit site reporting it's somali terrorists

[Edited on June 14, 2016 at 1:32 PM. Reason : V really? i didn't see that anywhere]

6/14/2016 1:24:44 PM

50085 Posts
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Lol I saw that linked to like 500 times.

TBF, shoebat has won a few Pulitzers..

6/14/2016 1:28:56 PM

5608 Posts
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Quote :
"^ seems like you're trying to be too politically correct with your dancing around the issue of right-wing domestic terrorist threats and the fact that this is predominantly the purview of conservative white males in America."

Interestingly enough, mass shooters tend to be registered democrats. Naturally if the shoe was on the other foot, we would never hear the end of it from the media.

6/17/2016 12:58:43 PM

All American
34517 Posts
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Breaking: Bundy militia supporter, Bill Keebler, arrested in plot to blow up a Bureau of Land Management building in the Arizona Strip.

6/23/2016 3:19:19 PM

All American
23316 Posts
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bttt. kinda

since there is no just "terrorism" thread.

Hopefully July 4th won't be some event.

7/1/2016 4:17:25 PM

All American
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[Edited on July 3, 2016 at 12:16 PM. Reason : ]

7/3/2016 12:14:39 PM

All American
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I guess we're no longer seen as the "land of the free, home of the brave" anymore...?

7/4/2016 1:32:36 AM

All American
34517 Posts
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Quote :
"Oregon standoff leader allegedly tried to escape jail with rope made of sheets

7/19/2016 12:42:23 PM

5608 Posts
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Goal: Condemn America/White people are racist

Problem: Statistics and reality disagree

SJW Bot Solution:
1- create thread (echo chamber)
2- spam anecdotal links as evidence

Did I miss anything? Or is that it

7/19/2016 12:54:33 PM

All American
28661 Posts
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Yeah, you miss a lot

7/19/2016 1:01:27 PM

5608 Posts
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All that right-wing propaganda is making white terrorists attack abortion clinics!

Kinda like...

All that left-wing propaganda is making black terrorists attack cops!

The difference is, only one side is dividing terrorists by race. Guess which one!

7/19/2016 2:20:34 PM

play so hard
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The division comes from narratives, like "hands up don't shoot". George Soros funded protesters bused in to protest "racism" when a thug gets shot. Calling hispanic George Zimmerman "white" to promote racial tension. Division comes from the liberal media, that paints every person not as an individual, with their own choices and decisions, but as a member of a race/class competing in the liberal "victim olympics". That's why Obama is the "divider in chief" as he endorses these narratives that the liberal media spins. Even with this thread, the goal isn't "how do we help black people close the wealth gap" the goal is division and painting everyone with a broad "race brush". All black people are victims and all white people are guilty, and probably racist (dependent on if they contribute to the echo-chamber or not).

^Right on cue, he proves the point in my last sentence. "If you don't agree you are racist".

7/19/2016 3:12:10 PM

5608 Posts
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Echo Chamber infiltrated! Initiate spam

7/19/2016 4:26:34 PM

All American
42570 Posts
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Does last nights mass shooting at a Florida nightclub go in here? I don't know what skin color the shooter was. Surprised no one had made a thread about it... I guess mass shootings have just become so blase!

7/25/2016 3:35:13 PM

50085 Posts
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Black I think.

So not terrorism or mental illness. I believe we should call it thug or banger.

7/25/2016 3:51:23 PM

All American
14984 Posts
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Law enforcement is now saying may be gang related.

7/25/2016 3:57:34 PM

All American
42570 Posts
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Imagine if the ethnicities were reversed... the SWAT team would have come down hard on the Arab would-be perp so fast he wouldn't have known what happened.

8/18/2016 10:22:08 AM

5608 Posts
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I'm not surprised the media has convinced you of that. Fortunately that's bullshit and has no basis in reality.

Statistics > Anecdote.

Hashtags and liberal spin may help the gullible believe in a narrative, but it doesn't make anecdote representative.


8/18/2016 1:24:11 PM

All American
34517 Posts
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Quote :
"White supremacist stabs interracial couple and then threatens to kill BLM protesters at Trump rally"

8/18/2016 2:21:04 PM

All American
10785 Posts
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^headline says that it was a trump rally but story says it was at a bar and not a rally. SAD!

[Edited on August 18, 2016 at 2:53 PM. Reason : media lies ]

8/18/2016 2:52:37 PM

play so hard
60941 Posts
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you're trying way to hard here Beatsunc

Quote :
"then told police that he planned to attack Black Lives Matter protesters at a nearby Trump rally."

8/18/2016 3:07:18 PM

5608 Posts
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It's RawStory, aka leftist clickbait garbage. It's not about "news", it's about clickbait headlines that create outrage and go viral. Only SJW-caliber individuals read and share such blatant propaganda as if it's news.

8/18/2016 3:08:20 PM

All American
10785 Posts
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dang i read it too fast and incorrectly

8/18/2016 3:23:18 PM

50085 Posts
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^^ I get all my news from Centipede Productions on youtube

8/18/2016 3:47:59 PM

148900 Posts
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Quote :
"The man chased Rowe and then tripped him as he tried to run away. Rowe fell into a car and was knocked unconscious until law enforcement officials arrived on the scene."


8/18/2016 4:08:05 PM

All American
11464 Posts
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"leftist clickbait" the old ace in the hole when you don't like what the article says

8/18/2016 5:08:02 PM

26632 Posts
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you guys are all cucks

8/18/2016 5:09:45 PM

50085 Posts
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Low energy cucks

8/18/2016 5:18:53 PM

All American
42570 Posts
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[Edited on August 18, 2016 at 5:49 PM. Reason : those are all the words i know ending in "ucks"]

8/18/2016 5:21:25 PM

5608 Posts
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Quote :
""leftist clickbait" the old ace in the hole when you don't like what the article says"

"Anecdote" the old ace in the hole when you don't like what the statistics say.

It's important to bring up media bias, if you don't take the spin and narratives with a grain of salt (from both sides) you could devolve into a SJW. Moron is a good example of what happens when your only "news" source variety is between RawStory, Thinkprogress, or HuffPost. Anecdote can become statistically representative if you live in a liberal echo chamber of hand-picked cases. Hence why the SJWs here think 2016 America is a racist hellhole.

8/18/2016 5:28:45 PM

50085 Posts
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But... no one here thinks that?

8/18/2016 6:33:05 PM

5608 Posts
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The ones who constantly bump their SJW threads with anecdotal links do.

8/18/2016 8:44:51 PM

All American
9974 Posts
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8/18/2016 9:04:29 PM

26632 Posts
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hey JCE2011, which one of these people are you?

8/22/2016 4:57:31 PM

play so hard
60941 Posts
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My money's on the fat guy in all black

8/22/2016 5:12:22 PM

All American
11464 Posts
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Those are just SJW's....something something false narrative echo chamber yada yada yada...

#WLM amirite???

[Edited on August 22, 2016 at 10:34 PM. Reason : talking about the fatherless blacks in the photo]

8/22/2016 10:32:36 PM

All American
9974 Posts
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looks like a good place to pick up a plumber or electrician.

8/22/2016 11:13:37 PM

All American
39583 Posts
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8/29/2016 3:12:57 PM

5608 Posts
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Critiquing the stupidity of the crazy left doesn't make one crazy right

8/29/2016 4:06:26 PM

26632 Posts
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why are you calling those people crazy right? they are just standing up for equal rights, you yourself have explained how white people are being forgotten

8/29/2016 4:13:16 PM

5608 Posts
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Quote :
"yourself have explained how white people are being forgotten"

Never said anything of the sort.

I think the media has tricked team #SJW. Ya'll don't realize how far in the crazy left you are on race issues. Outside of your echo-chambers, tons of people will have legitimate disagreements with your narratives. You assume they must be NeoNazi KKK white supremacists because you view yourselves in the middle... In reality you crazy tho.

8/29/2016 4:43:43 PM

26632 Posts
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you said they are far right

i'm saying they are the same as you

8/29/2016 4:44:46 PM

5608 Posts
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My point was you are so far in the crazy left but don't realize it... so your perception is skewed.

As we have seen with SJWs, they pretty much deem any dissent as "racist" by default.

8/29/2016 4:53:42 PM

All American
28661 Posts
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lol, telling others their perception is skewed and they live in a vacuum.

8/29/2016 5:05:01 PM

26632 Posts
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Those people aren't racist, they are just telling the truth like JCE2011 and HUR

8/29/2016 6:39:59 PM

5608 Posts
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No you're right dude. Anyone who has ever disagreed with your political views was probably in that picture and is probably racist.

8/30/2016 1:18:11 AM

26632 Posts
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You're racist? I thought you were just telling the truth?

8/30/2016 6:32:21 AM

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