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 Message Boards » » Official White American Terrorism Thread Page 1 ... 4 5 6 7 [8] 9 10 11 12 ... 19, Prev Next  
All American
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Quote :
"Also on Wednesday, a federal judge in Portland unsealed a criminal complaint that said the armed group had explosives and night-vision goggles and that they were prepared to fight at the refuge or in the nearby town of Burns.

Someone told authorities about the equipment on Jan. 2, the day the group took over Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, according to the document.

Bundy and the seven others are charged with felony counts of "conspiracy to impede officers of the United States from their official duties through the use of force, intimidation, or threats."

The criminal complaint says the refuge's 16 employees have been prevented from reporting to work because of threats of violence.

Federal law officials and Harney County Sheriff Dave Ward held a news conference on Wednesday in which they called on the rest of the occupiers to go home. There is a huge law enforcement presence in the region, and the FBI has now set up checkpoints outside the refuge.

[Edited on January 28, 2016 at 10:32 AM. Reason : ]

1/28/2016 10:30:03 AM

balls deep
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Damn, I hadn't heard about explosives. If that complaint were true, then I would understand the "wait them out " approach even less.

Armed protesters is a relatively weak threat for groups like be quite surprised if any of those low brow dimwits actually would engage in a shootout with police, or anyone else. They were there to harass people to the legal extent they were able to.

So back to the explosives, if that complaint is true. That would be considered a much stronger threat to me, because I cannot think of a possible other use for even dynamite in this context (armed protestors) other than as a weapon. So you have a group armed with explosives capable of causing mass casualties.

If the explosives complaint is true, I think a SWAT team should have been sent into there

1/28/2016 10:49:27 AM

no u
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safer to keep them confined and sieged then to send all your men in to get exploded

1/28/2016 10:50:48 AM

balls deep
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For weeks?

1/28/2016 10:52:10 AM

(\/) (;,,,;) (\/)
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^ Yep. It's not like they're going anywhere when you have them surrounded. Folks' attitudes change when they get hungry.

1/28/2016 12:03:14 PM

balls deep
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Confined and sieged?

Well, it would appear as if they were free to come and go as they pleased. Even the townsfolk reported these protesters approaching them in town and starting arguments. Others reported them parking their vehicles outside of residences and just watching.

They also received parcel, and would bring in supplies.

I'm of the opinion that no hunger occurred, and no attitudes changed.

Now the police treated them with kid gloves the entire time, and I could understand their reasoning at the time for doing so, being 'well, if they want to act like children...let them. But no one needs to die for these assholes'. Like I said, with a relatively weak threat like legally possessing firearms, I can see letting that slide. But if what the complaint states is true, I don't understanding taking that same approach.

1/28/2016 12:11:01 PM

All American
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Quote :
"One employee with the U.S. Bureau of Land Management, a prime target of the protesters, said Ritzheimer, an anti-Muslim activist who led an armed protest at a mosque last May, and another man accosted her in a grocery store for wearing a BLM shirt.

“When she turned around, the second individual shouted ‘you're BLM, you're BLM,’ at her,” FBI Special Agent Katherine Armstrong wrote in the affidavit.

“That person further stated to [the BLM employee] that they know what car she drives and would follow her home. He also stated he was going to burn [her] house down.”
Then activists began targeting her, she said. A vehicle matching one she saw Ritzheimer and the other man driving began to appear parked in front of her home and in front of her workplace, she said.

A week later, a white truck with a Confederate flag sticker in the rear window tailgated her and flashed its lights, the affidavit says.

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"“There are no laws in this United States now! This is a free-for-all Armageddon!” a heavyset man holding a rifle yelled into a camera transmitting from the refuge. He urged others to join those at the protest site, adding that if “they stop you from getting here, kill them!”"
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"“I want to go to my wife,” a man could be heard saying Wednesday afternoon, complaining that his credit card was maxed out and he was driving a rental car. “Sorry, guys.”

“No hard feelings,” another man responded."

[Edited on January 28, 2016 at 12:59 PM. Reason : ]

1/28/2016 12:53:38 PM

All American
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just a bunch of dumbasses with no real tactical training or even moderately competent operations planning.

they're playing stupid games, and winning stupid prizes.

1/28/2016 7:47:12 PM

All American
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Video of the shooting.

Not sure what the guy who jumped in front of the truck was trying to do?

[Edited on January 29, 2016 at 12:22 AM. Reason : Jh]

1/29/2016 12:15:11 AM

Ohhh Farts
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Quote :
"Bundy is claiming the 1 guy killed had his hands up. If there's video of this, this could get interesting. Would be interesting if after all this time trying to keep things calm, they still end up killing an unarmed person.

Nope, false narrative, clearly reaching for something, twice

1/29/2016 7:21:55 AM

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they will just use a screenshot of him with his hands up before he reached (twice) for the gun in his pocket

1/29/2016 8:55:28 AM

All American
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pretty sure he had a gun on him

but if he went all Gran Torino on them then the feds would have looked as if they used excessive force, but with his history it was pretty much going to end this way for him no matter what

1/29/2016 10:22:57 PM

All American
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2/3/2016 8:29:03 PM

play so hard
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2/5/2016 8:59:09 AM

All American
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In case anyone was wondering what was going on with these guys:

Quote :
"She later reported that federal agents were trying to coax the protesters out of hiding, but added, "We're not leaving without our weapons."

Nevada state Assembly member Michele Fiore, a Republican supportive of the protesters, identified herself over the broadcast as she talked with the occupiers via telephone. She said she was in Portland waiting for an FBI escort to Malheur, roughly 300 miles (480 km) to the southeast, in order to help broker a peaceful resolution to the standoff.

4 left

2/11/2016 12:10:27 AM

All American
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Cliven, the older guy, has finally been arrested.

2/11/2016 9:23:48 AM

All American
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1 left
Quote :
"On Thursday morning, three of the four people surrendered without much incident, but on a telephone call from inside the refuge broadcast to more than 31,000 listeners on YouTube, a man identified as David Fry insisted that he would not come out “unless my grievances are heard.”

An increasingly agitated Fry was heard shouting at the people speaking to him, mentioned having suicidal thoughts and insisted that he was standing up to the federal government and demanded unspecified protections.

“I don’t want to be put behind bars,” he said at one point. “I don’t want to take that risk….I didn’t kill anybody.”"

He would probably only get put into a minimum security prison, might even serve a year or 2, he's just making things worse for himself.

2/11/2016 2:20:50 PM

All American
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Quote :
"Fry was the last to surrender, finally emerging after an extended phone dialogue with supporters who tried for over an hour after the others left to get him to walk out.

By contrast, the surrender of the others appeared to go off as planned."

Malheur belongs to the people again

2/11/2016 3:18:48 PM

play so hard
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3/17/2016 11:34:09 AM

All American
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lol... this is worth a listen

3/17/2016 11:45:52 AM

play so hard
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Quote :
"In the documents, which shed light on why the reclusive suspect allegedly opened fire on the Colorado Springs facility, Dear told a detective that "his dream" was that, when he died, he would be met "by all the aborted fetuses at the gates of heaven and they would thank him what for what he did because his actions saved lives of other unborn fetuses," the document says.

He was "happy because his actions ... ensured that no more abortions would be conducted at the Planned Parenthood facility in Colorado Springs," the document adds."

Just read through this thread again. MaximaDrvr really brought the lols:

Quote :
"Well, the current issue in CO looks like a criminal running from police, and went into an occupied building, that just happened to be PP.
Are all criminals now terrorists? Baltimore, DC, LA, and Chicago are full of damn terrorists."

Quote :
"So, they took over an unoccupied, unlocked, and open to the public building.
The news saying it was an armed takeover are just being sensational.
At this point it is pretty much just a sit it."

4/12/2016 11:41:25 AM

All American
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Friend of Charleston church shooting suspect pleads guilty to lying - Reuters

Cmon white people, see something say something.

4/29/2016 10:47:16 PM

balls deep
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if muslim white people aren't all bad, why don't they disavow the terrorist amongst them!

[Edited on April 29, 2016 at 11:27 PM. Reason : E]

4/29/2016 11:03:19 PM

5608 Posts
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Such White-Phobia, I wish you would be more sensitive.

4/29/2016 11:19:01 PM

All American
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These guys have a comic sense of entitlement and comically ignorant of how laws and the constitution works... They are asking to have a gun in jail lol.

6/7/2016 11:31:00 PM

50085 Posts
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Some neck beard but a bag of bacon outside a mosque in Raeford and threatened the chaplain with a gun saying he wanted toblow it up.

Good job rural NC.

[Edited on June 10, 2016 at 7:56 AM. Reason : Have no clue of this guy was white FYI.. Didn't want to start new thread]

6/10/2016 7:55:17 AM

All American
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nah it was a white dude. WRAL was showing the arrest video this am.

6/10/2016 10:14:32 AM

All American
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He was a major in the US Army Reserves:

6/10/2016 10:23:00 AM

play so hard
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Quote :
"RAEFORD, N.C. — A man facing a hate crime charge after a series of incidents at a Raeford mosque Thursday is a major in the Army Reserve, authorities said Friday.

Hoke County authorities said the man, identified as Russell Thomas Langford, 36, of 1733 Sykes Pond Road in Fayetteville, had three loaded handguns, hundreds of rounds of ammunition and knives in his Chevrolet Tahoe when he was arrested late Thursday.

Langford is charged with ethnic intimidation, assault with a deadly weapon, going armed to the terror of the public, communicating threats, stalking and disorderly conduct, officials said. He was released from the Hoke County jail after posting a $60,000 bond but was placed in the custody of the Army's Criminal Investigation Command at Fort Bragg.

It was unclear whether he was being detained by the Army or simply confined to post.

"It was very sad," Baser Abbasi, imam of Masjid al Madina mosque, said Friday. "That guy was very determined to do whatever he had in his mind."

The incidents began around 4:30 p.m. when two employees of the mosque, at 196 Pittman Grove Church Road, found packages of bacon that had been thrown at the back entrance, authorities said. Muslims consider pork to be impure and have a religious prohibition against eating it.

Following afternoon prayers, a man leaving the mosque said someone in a Chevy Tahoe followed him to his home, according to an application for a warrant to search the SUV. When the worshiper returned around 5:30 p.m., he said the person who followed him was at the mosque again.

Langford approached a retired soldier outside the mosque and told him he didn't belong in the country before displaying a revolver and telling the man, "I will kill you with this and bury you at the back of the mosque," the search warrant application states.

Authorities told WRAL News that the man is a retired Army captain who serves as a Muslim chaplain at Fort Bragg. They said the chaplain invited Langford inside the mosque to talk, but he declined and left the area.

Other members of the mosque, as well as an employee, identified Langford as the man who cursed at them and called them "piglets," according to the search warrant application.

When deputies were called to the mosque at about 9 p.m., Langford "attempted to drive away aggressively" as a mosque member stood in front of the Tahoe to prevent it from leaving, the warrant application states.

"He came back, tried to run somebody over, threatening others," Abbasi said. "He stood right there with kids and all that stuff and said, 'I'm going to come back and shoot everybody in the mosque.' Just like that."

"The kids were really terrified," Farida Yasman said. "They kept running here and there – 'Somebody is attacking us. We're going to die.' – so we were just trying to calm the kids down."

Yasman and other mosque members said the incident is especially hurtful because it occurred as she and other Muslims observe the holy month of Ramadan.

"This month brings more peace and more harmony," she said. "This month teaches us about sharing and caring about other people, other religions, but things like this are happening."

A Raeford native, Langford earned a bachelor's degree in criminal justice from Appalachian State University in 2002 before enlisting in the Army. He was deployed to Iraq in 2004 and 2008 and earned a Bronze Star among his other commendations. He has worked full-time for the Army Reserve since 2008.

His Facebook page depicts him as a loving husband and a doting father of a young daughter. A neighbor of Langford's said the allegations against him are out of character.

"You would never think that something like that would occur," Jenson McFadden said. "They seem to be well-mannered people in the neighborhood, well respected, and never had any issue."

Langford had no disciplinary issues in the Army, officials said, and his only criminal record has been three speeding tickets.

Abbasi said Masjid al Madina is a welcoming and forgiving place, and the congregation would accept Langford if he accepts them.

"Absolutely, we'll take him back and embrace him and do anything for him, but he has to change his mentality," the imam said."

6/10/2016 7:26:16 PM

148900 Posts
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typical former serviceman

6/10/2016 7:32:33 PM

The E Man
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someone shot up a gay club in orlando. dont know who yet but im just gonna leave it here

6/12/2016 5:42:18 AM

All American
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Pretty good odds of it being evangelical nutters, but are they Baptist or Muslim? I look forward to all the same predictable shouting and hand waving to come.

I hate this whole stupid world sometimes.

6/12/2016 7:08:25 AM

All American
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Thoughts and prayers oughta do the trick here

6/12/2016 7:16:44 AM

50085 Posts
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Strangely aside from Fox News Twitter replies it seems not many people are jumping to conclusions on the one..

[Edited on June 12, 2016 at 7:25 AM. Reason : FBI guy did say they had reason to believe he has leanings to Islamic ideology]

6/12/2016 7:22:16 AM

All American
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BBC breaking news twitter is... Interesting. A mixed bag of people hating America's gun culture and people assuming Muslims.

6/12/2016 7:26:07 AM

All American
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All the usual Facebook lefty groups have blamed Trump and conservatives in general for ginning up anti LGBT hate. Addictinginfo and such had their hot take out way early. Doesn't matter if it was an islamist or a klansman it's this atmosphere of hate that is the real culprit!

Fucking dunderheads.

[Edited on June 12, 2016 at 7:57 AM. Reason : Can't type for shit on this phone! ]

6/12/2016 7:49:53 AM

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I will say it's a bizarre, non-pattern attack if it is Islamic in nature. That late and in a random gay club in Orlando with a three hour standoff and hostages? Odd but it seems it may be that.

Police from what I can tell did a great job in a hard situation.

^ yeah I've seen similar and the same halfwit "ban all guns" and "arm everyone" hot takes

[Edited on June 12, 2016 at 8:26 AM. Reason : X]

6/12/2016 8:25:22 AM

All American
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The reporting has been weird. CNN has up until just a few minutes ago tried not to mention what the FBI has said. A couple newspapers were inexplicably not mentioning that this was a gay club.

I've seen a couple super wing nut sites (linked in some comment sections) that had articles from a couple days ago claiming that there had been Islamic terror threats in Tampa and generally in Florida by some jihadist group.

As vague as they're trying to be it makes me wonder if this might actually be ISIS directed as opposed to just inspired or a lone wolf attack.

Still way too early to tell, but the lack of information this far out from the event is a bit weird.

[Edited on June 12, 2016 at 9:01 AM. Reason : Dkdmfkd]

6/12/2016 8:56:52 AM

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Shooter ID'd as Omar Mateen. American citizen from Port St Lucie.

Obvious implications based on name...

[Edited on June 12, 2016 at 9:30 AM. Reason : Saying likely a lone wolf so IsIS inspired will be the reason I'm sure ]

6/12/2016 9:28:13 AM

All American
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How is it that BBC is ahead of us networks on this one? Only place I've seen name so far.

6/12/2016 9:46:58 AM

All American
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Ok, so member of homeland security committee, Rep. Peter King just said this dude moved here from a Muslim country.

6/12/2016 10:01:03 AM

All American
3494 Posts
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This thread is not applicable.

ISIS threatened something in FL three days ago.

Non-white person did it.

6/12/2016 10:01:26 AM

50085 Posts
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^^ I think he's mistaken. Parents possibly did but everything I see is this an American citizen.

[Edited on June 12, 2016 at 10:19 AM. Reason : A Muslim american]

6/12/2016 10:19:29 AM

All American
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Not sure how this is out of character for ISIS after the Bataclan attack which was a late night attack on a soft target that had lots of people. Add in the dislike for homosexuals for bonus points.

6/12/2016 10:30:55 AM

All American
25825 Posts
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50 dead...

6/12/2016 10:51:01 AM

play so hard
60941 Posts
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Fucking Earl

6/12/2016 11:06:44 AM

The E Man
15268 Posts
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it doesn't seem like isis because they hit a minority group that most people in florida won't sympathize with

6/12/2016 11:13:55 AM

5608 Posts
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Omar Mir Seddique Mateen,from Afganistan. Sounds like some white, right winger Trump supporter to me.

6/12/2016 11:34:50 AM

Jimmies: Unrustled
8198 Posts
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Alright boys, time to blame this on something other than Islamic extremism.

Gun laws? Check.
Islamophobia? Check.
Inflammatory rhetoric from conservatives? Check.

There's no reason to believe this had anything to do with anything other than white, bigoted conservatives.

6/12/2016 11:43:12 AM

All American
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^^i see that you didn't comment on the guy terrorizing the mosque, guess your program doesn't have a canned cliche for that type of situation.

[Edited on June 12, 2016 at 11:43 AM. Reason : ]

6/12/2016 11:43:32 AM

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