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All American
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10/28/2018 7:45:47 AM

All American
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Quote :
"this is a scenario where concealed carry could have helped"

10/28/2018 8:27:49 AM

play so hard
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Or said concealed carrier could have shot some dude in a parking space dispute out in the parking lot before the service

10/28/2018 10:49:32 AM

All American
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10/28/2018 1:48:31 PM

Save TWW
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Dude shot 4 cops I'm sure some fat guy with a pistol would have taken him out though

10/28/2018 3:00:44 PM

148814 Posts
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cops are all geniuses, and all CC holders are fat idiots

10/28/2018 3:08:49 PM

Save TWW
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That's a weird opinion for you to have but ok

10/28/2018 3:17:47 PM

148814 Posts
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shooters can target uniformed officers pretty easily, because they stand out because they're in uniform. but please, continue to have ignorant stereotypes of all concealed carry holders. makes you (and synapse) look smart.

[Edited on October 28, 2018 at 3:20 PM. Reason : .]

10/28/2018 3:20:01 PM

All American
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Not having a white nationalist president constantly enabling or promoting conspiracy theories and hate would have helped.

10/28/2018 3:35:28 PM

All American
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heard an expert make the point this morning that even the cops who responded to the scene had very little experience and/or training for dealing with that much gunfire

someone with a CC permit would’ve been even less prepared

10/28/2018 3:42:26 PM

Burn it all down.
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I highly doubt a CCW holder would have a made a difference. The timeline right now is that he opened up fire in a group of people and then almost immediately went to a higher floor to barricade himself. So unless a CCW was EXTREMELY lucky with placement and timing and also wasn't obviously carrying (most people are super obvious), there was nothing to be done.

I'd much rather have stronger gun control laws than hope a CCW holder is in the right spot and the right time in a church.

And this is coming from someone who shoots semiregularly.

10/28/2018 3:50:03 PM

26632 Posts
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No way dude, an octogenarian with an IWB handgun can definitely take down a shooter with a rifle!

10/28/2018 3:53:18 PM

Burn it all down.
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Considering the CCW test (at least in NC) is a multiple choice test that a moron could pass and then shooting 21 out of 30 at 3,5 and 7 yards...I really don't have much faith at all in them.

10/28/2018 3:56:10 PM

Burn it all down.
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Apparently PA doesn't even require a test for yeah, zero faith.

10/28/2018 4:01:43 PM

Save TWW
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Quote :
"continue to have ignorant stereotypes of all concealed carry holders"

Ah yes the horrible ignorant stereotype that they have less active shooter training than a police officer

The fat part just an assumption. Most Americans are fat. All ccw are Americans, therefore....

10/28/2018 4:09:43 PM

?? ????? ??
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I work full time at a Jewish religious institution. I should not have to carry a gun to feel safe going to work or going to pray. Saying the presence of another gun would have helped is only a deflection of the actual problem.

10/28/2018 6:19:14 PM

All American
10767 Posts
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Quote :
"I'd much rather have stronger gun control laws than hope a CCW holder is in the right spot and the right time in a church. "

you think that fucker cared about gun laws? evil people are going to evil

10/28/2018 8:25:23 PM

26632 Posts
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you think murderers care that murder is illegal? no! murder should be legal!

10/28/2018 8:48:17 PM

All American
34430 Posts
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He did care about laws probably, until trump radicalized him.

10/28/2018 9:19:28 PM

A Tanzarian
drip drip boom
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Here we go. Again.

10/28/2018 9:45:54 PM

148814 Posts
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Quote :
"also wasn't obviously carrying (most people are super obvious)"


10/28/2018 11:13:16 PM

All American
9974 Posts
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Nice thread ya got here.

10/29/2018 12:04:05 AM

Burn it all down.
18410 Posts
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^^ Most people who concealed carry are extremely obvious when they carry.

10/29/2018 7:20:44 AM

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10/29/2018 10:54:04 AM

Burn it all down.
18410 Posts
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Link to what? There are load of signs that someone is carrying.

10/29/2018 10:58:38 AM

play so hard
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If this lady had been there I'm sure she would have saved the day:

Quote :
"Do I need to bring out my concealed weapon, too? This is North Carolina by the way"

10/29/2018 11:03:43 AM

All American
19639 Posts
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Love that since one of the main things they teach in CC class is you lose the right to CC when you have even one drop of alcohol. I prefer the Nevada rule that you can CC up to the legal limit, but if you blow high enough to get a DUI for driving you are also illegal for concealed carry. Either way I don't carry often, but when I do if I'm going to the restaurant and have a beer, I lock it in the glove box of the car beforehand. This dumb drunk bitch deserved to lose her job and deserves to have her fucking permit revoked too.

10/29/2018 11:33:54 AM

148814 Posts
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Quote :
"There are load of signs that someone is carrying."

You claimed that most people who are carrying concealed are "super obvious." I'm just asking for any kind of evidence to this claim.

10/29/2018 11:54:16 AM

Burn it all down.
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If you don't think that's the case, then I don't know what to tell you. In my experience anyone who is carrying is usually pretty obvious in it either in gait, obvious holster bulges, etc

Even if that wasn't the case, I don't want to be dependent on a skilled ccw holder being in the right place at the right time in a fucking church. Given PA requires zero range time, to think that it's remotely likely that the avg ccw holder could have made a difference is laughable

10/29/2018 12:05:51 PM

148814 Posts
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I just don't understand why some of you have the perception that most of the millions of CCW holders are incompetent buffoons. What is that based on? Not going through the police training that some racist with a high school diploma has gone through?

10/29/2018 1:41:44 PM

Save TWW
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Yea the only one on this page that has called CCs dumb is you so....

You don't seem to have a high opinion of the police either so I guess it makes more sense that you take so much offense.

But I guess next hostage situation or school shooter we should call in a group of CCs instead of the cops.

10/29/2018 1:50:55 PM

148814 Posts
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synapse implied that the average CC holder would shoot someone in the parking lot over a parking space. Then you chimed in that your average CC holder is "some fat guy with a pistol." Then bbehe asserted that over half of all CC holders are "super obvious" based on some anecdotal evidence.

But I'm the one who is against CC holders? ok

10/29/2018 1:52:48 PM

26632 Posts
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bald head, goatee, polo shirt, 5.11 pants, husky build, hat/jacket with velcro for patches... definitely not carrying a gun

[Edited on October 29, 2018 at 2:06 PM. Reason : molon labe and thin blue line bumper stickers]

10/29/2018 2:04:26 PM

Save TWW
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^^sure I'm "against" cc being used as active shooter patrol instead of the people who are paid and trained to do that.

Synapses point is that the parking space shooter clearly felt a right to use his gun upon even the tiniest perception of the threat which shows, at a minimum, either inadequate training or poor knowledge.

Bbehe, I plead ignorance for his point, but he claims to shoot so he's not some antigun activist

But yea you're the only one who has used "idiot", "incompetent" and "buffoon" today describe them.

10/29/2018 2:14:02 PM

148814 Posts
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^^that's what they'd be wearing to Sunday service at their synagogue?

[Edited on October 29, 2018 at 2:14 PM. Reason : .]

10/29/2018 2:14:20 PM

26632 Posts
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i'm not sure what the octagenarians would be wearing when they got shot with a rifle trying to get their arthritic hands on the glock 26 in their waistbands

10/29/2018 2:16:32 PM

Burn it all down.
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The average person is not ready to take down an active shooter in a high stress situation, it doesn't make them an incompetent moron.

10/29/2018 2:18:24 PM

Burn it all down.
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And yes, I'm not an antigun activist, probably wouldn't have joined the military or go shooting if I was, do i need to show you my TSA range card lol

10/29/2018 2:20:36 PM

148814 Posts
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but why are you so certain that if someone at the church happened to have a gun on them, that they couldn't have saved some lives?

did the shooter have some huge amount of military training? or was he just some 'average person'

[Edited on October 29, 2018 at 2:21 PM. Reason : .]

10/29/2018 2:21:02 PM

Burn it all down.
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Yes, let's compare how hard it is for one person to fire indiscriminately into a crowd with a rifle vs one person trying hit a single target while unprepared and surrounded by panicky masses while not hitting anyone else.


10/29/2018 2:28:24 PM

148814 Posts
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Still waiting for evidence that most CC holders are "super obvious" since that's your starting point

10/29/2018 2:30:16 PM

Save TWW
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^^^why? Maybe bc we have an 11 page thread asking for examples and they've come up with like 2 good examples and 200 bad ones.

[Edited on October 29, 2018 at 2:30 PM. Reason : E]

10/29/2018 2:30:22 PM

All American
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10/29/2018 2:30:51 PM

Burn it all down.
18410 Posts
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Nah man, you seem to think unprepared defensive shooting and firing indiscriminately into a crowd have the exact same skill level required, so your opinion is fucking laughable

10/29/2018 2:35:13 PM

148814 Posts
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I never said that. I'm not the one spewing out anecdotal opinions as facts like you are.

10/29/2018 2:49:42 PM

26632 Posts
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so edgy

10/29/2018 2:53:54 PM

148814 Posts
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I'm just curious as to why so many people ITT have a negative bias towards CC holders in general.

10/29/2018 3:06:03 PM

Burn it all down.
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Thinking a cc holder is more likely to do something stupid rather than be helpful in an active shooter situation is pretty much based in fact.

Thinking that your safety shouldn't depend on a cc holder being in the right place at the right time is also a no brainer

[Edited on October 29, 2018 at 3:13 PM. Reason : A]

10/29/2018 3:13:00 PM

Save TWW
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Quote :
"Maybe bc we have an 11 page thread asking for examples and they've come up with like 2 good examples and 200 bad ones."

10/29/2018 3:19:45 PM

All American
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Saying there needs to be more CCWs is like saying there needs to be more people wearing cargo pants.

Carrying a weapon is a personal choice, it's not an arm of public safety policy. The President or any politician saying we need more CCWs to have a safe society creates an atmosphere of fear, and makes it seem like mass shootings are inevitable like a hurricane.

This is obviously wrong. Whether or not people want a weapon on them should have no bearing on what societal/systemic/political issues are causing the problem of gun violence.

10/29/2018 3:47:37 PM

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