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All American
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Just spent 1.5 hours on a call to find out that we have something like a 1% failure rate per year on these appliance/servers out in the field that we are just now spinning up.

There are 1000 of them, and we have no "hot spares" we can keep hot and ready to go. Nobody checked to see the impact here, or look at failure rates.

Getting one ready to go shipped and replaced takes like 10 people to coordinate and perform the work and 2 about 2 days.

The networking/incident guys did an RMA on one of them a week ago without notifying us, we only notice when we start asking them urr "Hey our server is missing"

Also 1 hour spent figuring out how to get connectivity between our warehouse and datacenter... I finally ask how far the warehouse is from the datacenter..... Turns out they are on the same campus, you can walk between buildings in 5 minutes.

(I have never been there, and if i hadn't asked we would have been putting emergency firewall change requests during a change freeze and trying to move 150gb over a T1 , in addition to emergency technical review board meetings to get signoff by an ACIO for the rest of the day)

12/30/2014 6:47:26 PM

15294 Posts
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CMDBs are scary. That's all I have to say

I'm Krallum and I approved this message.

[Edited on December 30, 2014 at 6:52 PM. Reason : That will probably change to "I hate cmdbs" in a years time...]

12/30/2014 6:51:50 PM

All American
9257 Posts
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Stupid me to think that HR would actually give a shit about my side of the "grievance" They're job is to protect the PI/employer first.

1/7/2015 12:40:26 PM

Zinc Saucier
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I hate people who don't mute themselves when they're not talking on conference calls. We can hear them pecking away on the keyboards and everything. The worst is when there are multiple people in same room and all of them have their mics on.

1/12/2015 10:59:35 AM

26632 Posts
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the worst is when you hear their breathing

1/12/2015 11:06:58 AM

All American
15539 Posts
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Having 4 weeks of vacation to schedule, but new rules only give me 5 weeks to pick from since everyone else has more than my 10 years of service

1/14/2015 8:46:30 PM

All American
51889 Posts
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We still submit paper timesheets that get scanned en masse and transmitted to the payroll people. I was out for a recent period and had to submit my sheet...

...which involves scanning and emailing it...

...except the scanner is down... I took a photo of it with my smartphone and emailed that instead.

It is 2015.

1/16/2015 3:42:27 PM

All American
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Applying for a position at a Jesuit institution...never thought I'd be asked this.

Quote :
"What is your understanding of our Jesuit identity and values? Can you tell us about situations where you have approached your work in ways that suggest a good fit between University and yourself?"

Nope. I'm out. I can't even....

1/16/2015 3:52:59 PM

26632 Posts
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jesuits have a pretty long history of scientific research (and philosophy, etc...), that's one of the things they are known for. that seems like an incredibly easy question to answer

actually... nevermind, you're not qualified. give up.

1/16/2015 5:42:26 PM

All American
9257 Posts
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I believe in experimentation in the womb.

1/16/2015 6:03:40 PM

26632 Posts
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that seems pretty cramped, i prefer a nice lab

[Edited on January 16, 2015 at 6:05 PM. Reason : there are a lot of jesuits okay with stem cell research]

1/16/2015 6:04:30 PM

All American
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I can't fucking stand when one coworker decides he can't be bothered to come in to work on time and my boss doesn't do a damn thing about it. There are four of us in an Operations Center with staggered schedules. New guy was originally hired to work 6-3. He can't make that work so it keeps getting pushed back. Now he's on 8-5, but even then is constantly late because he overslept. His old job he was a contract employee that could come in when he wanted and work as long as he wanted, but he was never hired with that expectation. He doesn't even apologize anymore, he just emails us 20 minutes to an hour after he is supposed to be in with an ETA.

Since the Christmas break we have worked 14 days. Of those he has been late (meaning at least 30+ minutes) 6 days, been out for 5.5 days (went home sick one day at lunch) and had only two days where his ass has been to work on time (although in reality both times he was still 10-15 minutes late) and made a full day. I am the NOC Supervisor so I have to make sure all times are covered and staffed appropriately, but I do not have any hiring/firing ability, otherwise I would already be processing the paperwork to fire his ass. I wish my boss would at least have a "Come to Jesus" moment with him and explain that he needs to get his shit in line or find something else.

[Edited on January 23, 2015 at 9:15 AM. Reason : ]

1/23/2015 9:15:07 AM

Sup, B
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I've explained the testing scenarios for a requirement to three different members of our QA staff, including the QA manager for our app. Thursday, I got an email, addressed to my entire team, the project manager, and my manager, from a fourth QA, saying that he can't document the test cases because he hasn't received any information about the requirement from me. Ten minutes later, he +1's that group to his next level manager. While working my ass off on this requirement, I take a gander at my email and see both of these, and damned near flipped my shit. I had the email all ready to send, to his manager, his manager's manager, and his manager's manager's manager, that said effectively "please explain to me and your managers why no one in your team will communicate the information to anyone else that I have already communicated three fucking times." Instead, I walked up to my manager, in clear view of the entire QA team, and said "handle this, before I blow up and get myself fired," and then walked out of the room

1/24/2015 11:31:02 PM

All American
4080 Posts
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It's 64* in my office. Has been since I came in at 8:30. And apparently, "that's totally normal, it takes a while for the heat to warm up in the winter."

Except it's 54* outside, not that cold, and my office is a 12 x 12, and everywhere else is warmer.

2/2/2015 11:35:14 AM

All American
51889 Posts
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A former salesperson is now on a product implementation team, and she sits near me. She is a nice person and all that, but she has that really fake-sounding salesperson laugh, and it can cut through just about anything other sound I might be hearing.

2/2/2015 11:41:53 AM

45908 Posts
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people who lack the following skills:

directory management
file naming
model management/naming
version control
answering the question I asked; not telling me how to do every little step - if I don't know, I'll ask.

2/12/2015 1:15:59 PM

All American
11892 Posts
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There is a guy who always says I am in his way and I kind of am, but he is always in my way too. The only difference isn't I don't get pissed off at people because I realize they have a job to do too.

2/12/2015 9:54:16 PM

26632 Posts
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if you don't know the answer to a direct question just say that you don't know or that you will need to check, don't start answering with things that you do know that aren't what was asked.

2/13/2015 9:01:02 AM

hello Mr. NSA!
35376 Posts
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2/13/2015 11:34:36 AM

26632 Posts
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free boxes of girl scout cookies in the break room

fuck you, i don't need that kind of temptation in my life

2/13/2015 2:52:28 PM

All American
22931 Posts
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I've been on a diet, and I've found that the temptation for food that is bad for me is one of the hardest things to overcome.

2/13/2015 3:31:32 PM

All American
93277 Posts
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fucking work provided us with chic-fil-a and cake. damn them.

2/14/2015 10:42:14 AM

All American
27048 Posts
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^^ I can only speak for myself, but when I've done that in the past the temptation eventually went away and it became extremely easy to eat "properly".

I need to get back to that

2/14/2015 10:59:52 AM

All American
27048 Posts
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I hate that there is zero incentive to work hard in my shit job. (Hell, there's almost no reason to do the slightest bit of work at all) Of course, most people will say something to the effect of, "the only incentive you should need is the pride you get from working hard in the first place." Sure, that's fair to a point. But it wears down on you. I've had coworkers say the same, but they all eventually wear down. Management treats everyone like shit regardless of their performance. If you do go above and beyond you'll never receive the slightest bit of gratitude or acknowledgement. Those that do as little as possible, and still manage to fuck that up, are treated the same. (Some of us are constantly expected to go out of our way to cover for those slack fucks. That's fine every once in a while, but constantly? A flat out demand without a thanks? No, I'm not fucking coming in on Saturday to do someone else's job because you don't want to do your god damn job and fire someone or, at the very least, get them to do what they're supposed to.) So, what's the point? God forbid you find a way to make the company a small fortune or make things more efficient. You're scoffed at and it's taken as an insult to that's bitched about the problem for which you've just provided a solution.

tl;dr - /whine - My job sucks shit and management makes it worse. I don't think a single employee is remotely happy, but we're all stuck here for the time being for one reason or another.

[Edited on February 14, 2015 at 11:47 AM. Reason : ]

2/14/2015 11:36:54 AM

All American
10504 Posts
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2/14/2015 11:38:30 AM

All American
12762 Posts
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Why are you stuck there?

2/14/2015 2:07:51 PM

All American
27048 Posts
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I'm sure there are multiple reasons

I'll refrain from mentioning one thing because it'll make me come across as even more of an entitled whiny shit My last few job offers would have required me to take a 30% paycut, to boot. I'm not exactly impressing the bank teller (well, ATM. Thank you technology that doesn't require me to sit in line at the bank for 30 minutes) as is. They both would have been much more rewarding and friendly places to work, but the money wasn't there.

At the moment I'm not even looking. IF, and that's a big if, things work out for me I'll be moving in 6-7 months. It'd be pretty shitty, imo, if I did manage to land something worthwhile knowing I'm going to leave so soon. *shrug*

2/14/2015 3:38:50 PM

hello Mr. NSA!
35376 Posts
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the company gives my plant enough money to give everyone a 3% annual raise every year. if management wants to give someone >3%, then someone is going to get <3%. last year, they gave 6% to at least one worthless fuck who doesn't do shit. he had the wool pulled over their eyes and they've since wised up. well, some folks found out about his double raise and it pissed everyone off. so, instead of sacking up and rewarding folks who work hard and punishing folks who don't do shit, they bitched out and just gave everyone the measly 3% across the board.

2/14/2015 4:06:58 PM

play so hard
60908 Posts
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I love it when on conference calls, someone is asked "bob, do you have any updates" and they're like "noooo..." and then run on for like 20 minutes

and then they're like "that's about it" and then go on for another 10 minutes

[Edited on February 18, 2015 at 2:23 PM. Reason : grr]

2/18/2015 2:21:45 PM

now with sarcasm
9841 Posts
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VP I'm supporting (in email): I'm not sure I want to allocate my headcount this way after all. Lemme go chat with my boss and figure out what we're actually going to do. Don't do anything until I circle back around with you.

*one week later*

My Manager: I got a call from the VP you're supporting asking why he hasn't seen any work from you. What are you doing??!

~forwards last email~

My manager: well, you need to learn to communicate better.

.. sigh

[Edited on February 18, 2015 at 2:42 PM. Reason : .]

2/18/2015 2:41:55 PM

41738 Posts
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Triple dog dare you to send back the previous email with the line highlighted in yellow "don't do anything until i circle back with you"

2/18/2015 3:01:33 PM

41738 Posts
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Triple dog dare you to send back the previous email with the line highlighted in yellow "don't do anything until i circle back with you"

2/18/2015 3:01:33 PM

41738 Posts
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Triple dog dare you to send back the previous email with the line highlighted in yellow "don't do anything until i circle back with you"

2/18/2015 3:01:33 PM

All American
22931 Posts
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People who can't type, or people who spell in the office communicator they they're texting. If you don't know how to type like a normal person, stop using a keyboard until you learn. I don't have time for you to peck out a paragragh with two fingers.

And Lync is recorded. Do you really want to have "r u there" as official office correspondence?

2/20/2015 12:33:41 PM

I'm Eggscellent
12760 Posts
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Just found out a coworker doesn't understand the meaning of the word "preceding".

Would be hilarious if this man wasn't making my life extremely difficult now.

2/23/2015 11:16:25 AM

Thots and Prayers
41777 Posts
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Quote :
"people who spell in the office communicator they they're texting."

[Edited on February 23, 2015 at 11:22 AM. Reason : .]

2/23/2015 11:22:00 AM

45908 Posts
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2/23/2015 12:38:55 PM

45908 Posts
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2/23/2015 12:38:55 PM

45908 Posts
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2/23/2015 12:38:55 PM

45908 Posts
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2/23/2015 12:38:55 PM

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2/23/2015 12:38:55 PM

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2/23/2015 12:38:55 PM

Byrn Stuff
19058 Posts
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handwritten recommendation forms. I have terrible penmanship.

2/23/2015 12:51:40 PM

11725 Posts
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2/23/2015 1:02:36 PM

Eyes up here ^^
5918 Posts
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Having lunch at my desk, door closed. Do people even fucking knock to see if I'm busy? Nope, just saunter on in and start blabbing when I have food in my mouth.

2/23/2015 1:08:24 PM

I'm Eggscellent
12760 Posts
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I hate walking in lunch in hand and having someone basically follow me to my office and start to ask me something just as I sit down to have it.

2/23/2015 1:11:30 PM

All American
9382 Posts
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^ had the same thing happen to me today. i eat lunch at my desk to get work done, stop talking to me for 20 minutes while i eat my lunch in front of you

2/23/2015 1:28:54 PM

Agent 0
All American
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2/25/2015 11:12:49 AM

Agent 0
All American
5677 Posts
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I'm leaving my current job for essentially a dream position next Friday. I will probably never be in a position of such Peter Gibbons-esque power/leverage at a place of employment again. It's amazing. I landed the IDEAL job for what I'm trying to do, which also puts me in a position of power over my entire current organization in my new role. As I told BobbyDigital, I can now more fully understand why Kanye West is Kanye West. I don't mean that I identify with him, but it's clear to me how easily you can spiral into a manic ego takeover with just a taste of power.

Taking the high road on the way out is something I'll never regret, but it's SO hard to be humble when you're metaphorically stunting on a Jumbotron.

[Edited on February 26, 2015 at 11:27 AM. Reason : .]

2/26/2015 11:25:36 AM

All American
9257 Posts
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what do you do

2/26/2015 11:32:12 AM

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